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Everything posted by franticloser

  1. Small QoL request, can you adjust the details of the database to auto select a 2004 or 04 for the pic pack? That way when you update, if someone has your pic pack it will auto go to the right pic pack.
  2. I book the card bottom to the top in order as well, but I also get why those who don't have issues with the arrows, it can be a pain to try and follow them around the card.
  3. Mansoor is listed as one half of Imperium instead of Marcel Barthel
  4. Figurehead has scrolling for me, but I also don't have the new color lists activated, as it doesn't add much for me to have them that way. Again to each their own we can like different things.
  5. So I'm at working waiting for the night to start, figured I'd test this. Going through the office screen menus the only ones you can't scroll through each individual option are; Brand Split, Events & TV, and House Shows. Three out of forty is 7.5% of the office menus. Which is where the majority of players I believe will be. The other worker screen is scrollable through each individual worker which is the main one people need along with their own roster. The assign picture list again is the only one I think is one that is majorly needed to scroll through instead of just a search for when you are looking for a picture and don't know which one you want. TLDR; Using the office screen as a sample size three out of 40 options or 7.5% are not scroll supported. A far cry from 90%. So no me and you do not know for a fact it is a vast majority, in fact I would say it is in the minority and far better then launch of the beta. And messing with the attribute screen isn't a huge deal, it is very intuitive and flows well to add and remove, but again that is just my preference and we can agree to disagree on that one. If you are this unsatisfied with things are you still going to do the RWC updates? If not who are you going to pass it on to?
  6. 90% is a bit overblown, the only screen I really notice the lack of scroll is the picture screen, which has a search function. You have to take into account the time crunch to put together what we did get. Give them time and to further change things and we will probably get most of these functions as we go. I for one was happy with the old UI once I got used to it, and having everything on the office the way it is now is great. I don't see the same problems you do, but to each their own we are looking for different things in the game. I feel the UI has been majorly improved since the beta release, you don't think so. We both are right and wrong because we are looking at it differently.
  7. Steenerico vs. Calgary Bulldogs Volador Jr. vs. TAKA (©) for the World Cruiserweight Championship Christopher Daniels vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (©) for the World Television Championship The Destroyer vs. Bryan Danielson (©) for the United States Heavyweight Championship Mortis vs. CM Punk (©) for the World Heavyweight Championship The 30 Man Mayhem match, with the winner challenging for the World championship at the Great American Bash: -Longest stay in match: Chris Jericho -Most eliminations: Bobby Roode -Runner up: Chris Jericho -Winner: The Unnatural What will be match of the night? Mortis vs Punk How many championships will change hands? 0 General diary comments/questions/critiques: I don't see Punk loosing in his first major defense, even more so after just resigning. I see Unnatural gaining a shot to get the title back though, and maybe descent between Mortis and Unnatural. Would be interesting to have everything fall apart just in time for Enigma to come back from rehab and be the sole focus for James Mitchell.
  8. Yeah I agree on Alaska it would be a NW state it is the only place it fits, unless you include it with BC in Canada but that is a whole mess of issues.
  9. Just woke up, after working all night, purchased right away. The new UI is great, and to those wondering about small things they requested being added, it may still be added, but the past three weeks have been mainly dealing with errors and glitches, adding a few small things here and there that could easily be done, and getting the new UI done. Now that, that is all done aside from any new errors popping up Adam can start adding other things as he is able to.
  10. Chelsea Green is set to manage Robert Stone should be the other way around.
  11. The faces look good, the guys arm on the left is off seems like it goes through his body.
  12. I wasn't saying you where, I was just breaking it down based on your hypothetical.
  13. I think Derek B. used to have a thread where he broke down stats and a loose structure of where people should fall in based on their ability/popularity. I don't think you have to sacrifice and try and force yourself to fall in line with the Cverse, but trying to make sure things aren't either over or under inflated I feel should be something mods should strive for. But that is just me, and if the stats make sense in the mod itself then they work for that mod.
  14. If we look at stats subjectively and compare them to what the handbook has listed. there has only ever been three maybe four guys who have hit 90 pop. Austin, Hogan, Rock, and maybe Andre. They transcended the business, Cena would be right below them and can be argued at a 90 but more likely in the mid 80s. Guys like Flair and Undertaker would be there as well maybe Lesnar even. The roster that Bischoff had was Hogan at 90, then Savage, Sting, Goldberg, Flair, and Nash who where in their 80s. Then you had a few guys who would be in the low 80s like say Giant, Luger, DDP and the like. Below that where guys who where better in ring talents but had pop in the 60s and 70s. Booker T, Benoit, Eddie, Raven and the like. Again you have to look at what the game was designed to run with, and truly be critical of who really is 90-100 and who would be 80s with high momentum, same with skills you can't have Rock and Austin at 100 and then put John Cena at the same, because (love or hate him) Cena is great on the mic but isn't Rock and Austin, you have to think about the skill balance and rate people based on that. With all that said we all play different ways. So different mods work for different people. Some people want those high stats or think that is the right way to do it. Others prefer to have it balance and make it more of a challenge where everyone is rated in a way that comes of realistically without it being to hard or to easy. So we can agree to disagree as both of us are right, and wrong lol!
  15. I think what they mean by that, is that the CVerse model of stats is what people try and strive for. It is how the game is designed to run based on the wrestlers in it. So when you have 20 guys at say 90-100 pop then it throws off the balance. Yes modders should try and strive for the real world or time period, but also keep in mind the balance of the workers so as to still make it a challenge and not unbalance the mod.
  16. I want to echo the thanks and kind words to Adam to working so hard over the last three weeks, getting patches out everyday, making changes as he could, and his art team getting the new UI to him. All so we can enjoy the game without a second delay. Thank you!
  17. It does have an overflow error when advancing the day, but seems if you reopen and re run the day it shouldn't happen.
  18. I'm curious if this might play into it, is Naito broken down a bit physically in your mod? I know in real life he has pretty big shoulder issues and has had them for awhile, and was curious if that could play into the lower match rating? Due to the physical nature of the product setting and his body not being 100% able to go that hard any longer.
  19. So to restate some things and also maybe add some new stuff to as to why your ratings may be low, and how to learn to improve them. The mod you are using may have your wrestlers rated differently then how you perceive them. We have to released and one beta real world mod here so far (Landxx, Real World Chronicles, and Killing the Business) play each one and see what one suites what you are looking for stat wise. Run shows in Japan and try to get show coverage in the USA to help build pop for your workers there. Tour shows that aren't the big final show will get lower ratings, which follows real life as well, you won't find the same quality of match on a random Road to show that you will see at Wrestle Kingdom. Use the dirt sheet to see the positive and negatives you are getting per match and learn how to maximize the results. Use the match analysis button on the main show screen while booking. It will go red if you are missing something needed for the show (like match types required by your product) or if someone is being used to much. Finally read your product information, it will break down things like times needed for maximum results (note that you can still pull great ratings with penalties so don't feel like you have to follow it 100% but it should be a somewhat tight guideline.) At the end of the day it takes awhile to learn what does and doesn't work and with the new product system it is even more of a process. It isn't so much the ratings don't make sense because of a game issues, but because of the learning curve. Take your time don't expect perfect ratings out the gate (unless you play Landxx's mod) browse the small questions/general gameplay questions threads that are stickied at the top of this forum, and above all be cool and respect others when they try and help. We are all here to help each other out!
  20. I've noticed that issue as well. I think it is a conversion issue, as the Cornellverse doesn't have that issue, not sure if it is business skills or an attributes thing though.
  21. TNA did not have exclusive rights at the time. The reason the NWA pulled out and took the titles was because TNA was not consulting them on title changes to get approval.
  22. On Booker skills, Adam had a entry late in the diary going over the thresholds for booking skills and how they relate to how well the Booker does. I'm on my phone right now but I'll go check it later if you want to get the break down.
  23. I use a high def monitor at 1920 x 1080 and have not had any issues reading anything.
  24. Holy crap Soxfan long time no see around here! Yes for Bronson, no on the others, I have never been a fan off adding people like that where there are so many other wrestlers you could add instead.
  25. You said iMPACT, are you booking them in a block schedule? If so how many shows where you in by that point? Crowds can now get bored and restless if they sit through to much at one time.
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