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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Hmm seems matt hardy is in a spot of trouble: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/50806/matt-hardy-update.html?p=1 Maybe this time he has crossed the line?
  2. Well the trips of the Diva's and with a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot lot less talent.
  3. Still isn't this their supposed top show? Or joint top show with DBD? Then if this was a poor outing it could hamper growth or in the worst case hurt business.
  4. I assume you are joking. Yes she is the most pushed but she is awful! McTaker takes no1.
  5. Cool to see. I hope to be going to their Paris France show this year as last year didn't work out once they changed the date.
  6. Plus on Micky Dixie approached her and even talked to her directly. So that can't be the reference. Yeah lito it is congrats saba. Don't care about lito either way so meh.
  7. Looking back I reread some of the arguments about RVD and Hardy not coming in or in Hardy's case more then a one show as well. That was fun. Although I give Jericho coming in less chance then I did them at that time.
  8. Good one and could be. Looking back let's do the ods game again lol. Yeah I wanna keep ahead of the E thread in posts lol. Carlito: 45 Shelton: 40 James : 10 Jericho: 2.5 Other: 2.5 Not that it really matters as TNA where only contacted and where not extremely interested.
  9. Don't think so because why get a new talent relations and manager guy or sign guys like Waltman and Vader.
  10. Yeah just re-watched it a couple of times and My mind has changed more towards Benjamin then Jericho. Still not wholly ruling out that that is who she meant or intended to mean (eg spinning) but Benjamin seems a lot more likely. I just connected: wanted desperately, recently contacted, big star. And thought Jericho! Kinda blocked the no thanks comment or heard it wrong. As Jericho would be a no brainer YES! Still IF and that is a big if he ever signs with TNA within 3 years I will remember this Peter hehe.
  11. Quote from me looked it up with the search function. We actually agree on Goldberg Peter just I added that it depended on the cost and the booking.
  12. Depends on his price. I for one feel he is not worth the risk as Goldberg only works if you book him as Goldberg. Didn't we have this discussion a while back when he had that interview with a journalist who falsely claimed Hogan said he had been in talks with him which Goldberg then denied.
  13. Well that recap is actually not 100 percent accurate. I recommend to watch.
  14. No they where not. Not as big names they where hyped for what they where and Dreamer was a small surprise for slammiversary.
  15. To watch: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/50743/video-tna-bound-for-glory-kickoff-show.html?p=1 Recap of that part: Dixie says that there was a talent who they were pursuing a few years ago who they pursued hard. There was a call from that person recently that they might be interested in coming to TNA, but she says that they appreciate that person thinking about them, but she doesn’t think they need him at this time. It is interesting to go from it being important to have ‘bigger’ stars, but now she wouldn’t trade anyone on the roster. full recap: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/50751/tna-bound-for-glory-kickoff-special-report-dixie-carter-and-jeremy-borash-talk-about-tna-and-bound-for-glory-socal-val-in-a-bikini-spin-cycle-and-don-west-has-two-huge-deals-for-bound-for-glory.html?p=1
  16. Haas does not qualify for the big name status. Give me a sec and Ill get a transcript of that part of the Q and A and you can figure out for yourself. Or better yet watch it.
  17. Their situation is probably not as dire as some parts of the IWC point out but how well they are actually operating I do not know.
  18. Don't forget that the E has a tendency to want to control everything their talent does. Plus they are very very reluctant to give people a lighter schedule. Edit: On the burning bridge I don't think that would be the case as other name stars like Hardy and Christian went to TNA and came back no problem. I do get all your points though but please remember TNA was contacted to see what the options where. It's not like they are already in negotiations etc. Maybe Jericho just wants to find out what TNA could offer. If it's not Jericho it is probably Benjamin imho.
  19. To get people to tune in? But I get your point either hype what is going to happen exactly or keep it a total surprise. Still Dixie said it would be a change not a surprise so not a signing. My bet is touring (partly) and or live (partly). On the talent that contacted them I still think Jericho as TNA would let him do his television and music stuff but would make it possible for him to still wrestle.
  20. Oh and yeah Nash drew like a mofo. Hardy might claim to drawing similar numbers but not for the same longevity and is more a merch seller then ticket buy draw. RVD is a draw but also not on the same level as Nash. Thing is I don't think RVD meant any disrespect by his comments just that he and Hardy where stars and maybe some of the TNA originals where not or where past their prime. It really depends on the way you interpret his statement. Again thanks big kev for all the memories and work but your time has passed.
  21. Nah as I don't think they would have pursued her to such a level before and it sounded like it was someone who had not been in TNA before and would ad a big name. James is neither a big name and she is a TNA original. Benjamin is a safer bet if it's not Jericho imho. Remember the period she is talking about is probably the one before or around Angle's début. With the loss of Kong and Kim you would think they would be more interested bringing in James now then they where before.
  22. Alcohol + Not getting your contract renewed + twitter = bad combo.
  23. http://www.pwinsider.com/article/50755/tna-star-lashes-out-via-twitter-says-he-is-moving-on.html?p=1 Seems Nash is moving on. Thanks for all the memories Big Sexy but your time in the spotlight has passed.
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