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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. They finished the tape before Spike made the decision apparently they didn't think to edit it.
  2. Also what was with all the stuff from previous and this weeks reaction? One of the reason's I hate the E is all their repeats from other content. If I wan't to see ReAction I will watch that plus they should have made it clearer it was from ReAction if the intent was to promote that show. Still Neal sounded real in that interview, too bad I don't care about him.
  3. BTW is it me or did they lower the volume of entrances etc and up the volume from the crowd?
  4. No he had the talks but its just rumour that him coming in is the change she was talking about. Plus I do not think Spike would have to be on board with that. And given heyman's self stated demands 10 percent of the company and full creative, roster and marketing control I would not see her not signing him a failure on her part. If TNA has run out of other options and is in deep red ink then yeah otherwise too steep a price imo.
  5. Ehm maybe the change was not Heyman? Maybe they just wanted him for the ECW stuff and as a part of creative? You are stating rumours as solid facts here. And yeah I liked TNA pre Bisch and Hogan. Disliked big parts but liked other changes till they moved back to Thursday. After that loved it till EV2. Now its decent/good but not great.
  6. BTW being a non American native what is the difference between network and cable? Or are they interchangeable? Also when I see prime time averages they are quite low when top shows are actually tend to get much higher ratings how come? Also is stuff like HBO etc counted in? I get kinda confused, maybe me reading too much into it or the sites reporting on stuff like that confusing me.
  7. Isn't Smackdown moving to Tuesday's now when they move to Syfy?
  8. That was Heyman I think. Pointing out it was more Spike vs USA then TNA vs WWE. According to him. I think it was both. Who was the main force pushing for it? Spike or TNA? Don't know and we never will in all likelyhood.
  9. yeah live tends to get better ratings, not by much but some. Due to spoiler avoidance and the intangible better feel to being live. And yeah TNA has talked about 3 changes this year. First the Hogan and Bisch ones which changed the ring, the show format, bullet point promo's and matches, ReAction and changes to Xplosion. Then the Monday Night debacle and return. And now the ones Dixie has been teasing since before Slamiversarry.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Comradebot" data-cite="Comradebot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I say they replace him with Abraham Washington! Who's with me?!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Actually replace Lawler with JBL for some reason him and Cole did work well imho. As JBL would just cut him off if he went overboard again. Still so many annoying and boring things other then Cole in the E they need to change before I watch again imo.</p>
  11. Yeah but Wednesday and Saturday are still wrestling free aren't they? Or Tuesday post NXT. Ah well too bad no Impact one week.
  12. That I do agree on but it popped nice ratings when it was a more serious division as well. But I am repeating myself. I want my serious division back! Ever since Deaner it has gone down down down. At least it still gets time unlike the X guys currently.
  13. Also note that that quarter hour was the beginning of the Guns match and that it was quarter hour 5 which recently has trended high for TNA and tends to be high/important for all shows seeing as others will have just ended. So I do not see this as a victory for BP yet. If the same segment was put in q2 it would have probably been low again. It is the direction that matters and compared to other quarter hours relative to total rating. The BP just scored an average or maybe little higher rating for that quarter. Could be that the rating started high and went down during the whole segment though. Quarter hour's really mean very little imho. Too bad minute by minutes don't get published/made public.
  14. Yeah but what I do not get why not air it on another day or timeslot? It is still on of Spike's highest rated shows. So why not?
  15. It was never really spot monkeyish as a rule though. Yeah they had it occasionally with the multi-man matches or now with Red. But doing (lots) off highspots is not the same as being a spot-monkey. And they generally showcased some good technical wrestling as well.
  16. I have that more with the Bucks as singles and Red then Dutt. I really feel it was more the booking. While the angles he was in where stupid he did do them reasonably well.
  17. Depends in what way he irritated you hehe. Go away XPac/Bubba Sponge way or Heel heat? Plus India is an important market.
  18. Lol accept for Creed agree with that list lolz. Was working on another potential roster with a high TNA original perception level, and added all the others. Yep on Petey and why they did not put him over Steiner in the end of that feud is beyond me. Williams also helps with the canuck audience and Dutt with the Indians. Plus Petey is more then just his finisher. Good all round wrestler and decent enough promo.
  19. Yep and if we where talking 2005/06 he might get a high push ala Christian. With the current roster he is an uppermidcarder at the very very best.
  20. Yeah that was my impression as well. If they do bring him in they should get Aries as well as they had a tag team right and have Aries do the talking. He got fired over a misunderstanding so the bad blood shouldn't be too big.
  21. Lol too fast Pope tweeted again: Whoa! Just got the "News" of Pope's earlier news. That was purely coincidental. For The Record, Pope has NO CLUE as to who was signed
  22. Pope tweeted this: Just heard the news. Now THAT....That's Cool!~ PHS Damn if that is correct. Not like lito sucks but he doesn't ad anything to the product imho.
  23. BTW in one hour Eric Bischoff will be taking questions from his facebook again on mondaynightmayhem. I got in 13 questions posted without interruption so if you have a q for him now is the time. On Strong, well most uppermid/ME ROH wrestlers seem to have some cult following. Doesn't mean they are good enough for a mainstream promotion. Doesn't mean they aren't either. I think almost every wrestler has his fans. Hell I have seen people clamouring for Luger and Bagwell or a return of the Nasties.
  24. Has Roderick gotten less bland btw? Haven't seen a lot of him lately as I follow ROH sporadically.
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