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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Lolz read too much dirstsheets have you? Or where you in that locker room at that time? Also if Goldberg had not busted his own arms he would have been the big star. Never mind this has no place in the ROH thread. As I have said in both the E and A threads make a WCW thread or a dead fed thread or something.
  2. If I do that I will never tune in again!!! Lolz. Nah I check their ppv's from time to time and this one did not entertain me much. And I try to get into it with an open mind so I avoid spoilers etc but in order to minimize those risks and go in as open as possible I also do not check out the card. And if we are talking Lockdown. MOTY in Angle vs Anderson, good Styles vs Burke and a good Lethal Lockdown till the Hogan Flair bs. Lockdown wins hands down. Also did anyone notice that the specials set for Summerslam did not feel special at all?
  3. Ya kinda get that when it is 7 against 7 and with all the stalling etc there was not that much action.
  4. Hasn't the tornado retired? Or am I confused. Still there is only one real POOOOOUUUUNCEEEE!!!!! lolz.
  5. Yep a lot of his body language is very reminiscent of Monty, Brown was a better worker in all respects though. Too bad about those family problems.
  6. Ok gave the E a chance again and severely disappointed. This is their no2 ppv and they give me this? 2 decent matches and 1 mediocre and that is it? Puleeaze.
  7. No but if it has I do know that the PPV buys are down again as the novelty of the gimmick ppv's is possibly starting to wear off and the E has done all they can as far as improving the margins.
  8. Lol you are joking right? He was legit fired and he was legit rehired.
  9. Pretty darn accurate, but just look at the wording of the article which indicates it is not 100 percent confirmed yet. And yes Daniels and maybe even Strong and Aries could be returning to TNA. ROH seems to be smart enough to not tie their big names to big contracts like ECW did, until they have the revenue to keep them that is. On the booking change, why? Where they having less success under Pearce? Where guys complaining? I dunno.
  10. I wouldn't go with weight limits but more with style "limits" so to speak. X Division is more modern with cruisers, super juniors, puro's, luchadores. Television more entertainers, brawlers, technicians and regular wrestlers. Off course there is some crossover but you get my point. Both being midcard belts at around the same level and then the same world title type like you said.
  11. More weird/goofy. Yeah it's a fine line lolz. I thought the mannequin stuff was funny but I loathed the Super Eric stuff.
  12. As long as they don't take it as far as super eric again. He needs to be goofy and weird but not ridiculous in the comedic role.
  13. EY is better comic relief and not so much a sympathy jobber. If they need a sympathy jobber sure use him otherwise nope.
  14. This goes back to the whole title prestige vs prestige of the holder. If they want to re increase the titles prestige they need to have someone with a higher prestige fight over it. Lethal as you said has a higher prestige then the title's prestige atm. Once that has happened you can have the 'fresh' faces feud with the eventual winner Eckos and or Strong are good candidates.
  15. Does not really need re inventing so to speak but needs to be put more on the forefront again. Still kind of hard to do with all that talent and all those titles compared to their television time. Hope Williams and Lethal feud for it, which then transitions into a Lethal Kaz feud and then a Daniels Kaz/Lethal one hehe.
  16. Thing is those names are not just for us the viewers but for their other partners. I remember quite clearly it being mentioned that the signing of Sting got them the Spike tv deal in the first place, it also goes towards the international market, which is where TNA makes most of its pure profit, those big names help heaps. Yes the upward growth within the US ratings wise and possibly ppv buyrates has not been as high as one would hope with all those names brought in. But TNA's lateral expansion has been big and the total size of their business has increased a lot. Problem is ratings are a tangible thing and the US is their home market and still the biggest market, so it is hard to say what influence those names have had in signing better or more deals with other television networks. And this is not even bringing in sponsorship and other licensing deals.
  17. From the good old Hamilton Avenue on 411 mania: "TNA's ratings have not been stagnant. When the show premiered in 2005, the ratings were a 0.80 average. After that, the ratings have gone: 2006: +12.2% to 0.90 2007: +16.6% to 1.05 2008: +0.8% to 1.05 2009: +8.0% to 1.14 2010 (YTD): -9.7% to 1.03 If it wasn't for the move to Monday's, TNA would be showing a continued trend upwards over five years. These are significant jumps in ratings for Spike, and that is what matters." And they do have drug testing and the lighter schedule TNA has allows for healing time. I think I read somewhere that they signed Hemme's to a new contract which was lower, still we do not know any of this for sure. I do agree with your point of trying to see where cuts can be made and where that can be reinvested into advertising but you are taking a kind of bleak view on everything Stennick and relying on sheet information.
  18. Don't forget that those same names also generate income in other ways then just pure increase in ratings merch sales overseas deals licensing etc etc, which on average have gone up since all those signings. And yes advertising costs a lot and I mean a lot of money. Brand awareness still remains TNA's biggest problem. At least the quality of the product has gone up since the move back to Thursday's. Now they really need to see where money can be saved without hurting quality and income etc and putting all of that into marketing. And Stennick you are exaggerating with the zero Impact. Record ppv buys, record house show attendance, merch sales, record television rating. I keep wondering if the quality had been the same as it is now and they had not done the Monday move which lost them momentum where they would be now.
  19. Well it drew the normal number exactly because of the reason's you outlined above. Seems to be that people have different definition of what heavily promoted entails. Promoting it on the show itself one month or so in advance with a real ppv to promote at the same time is not heavy promoting. What is more interesting is the long term effects of this show as it comes to ppv buys and television ratings and the international ratings this show will garner.
  20. Hmm would have hoped they would do better on the whole show but that is a very good number for Reaction. Possibly means the ppv system is here to stay for a while at least. Also gives further evidence it is not the show itself that garners ratings (unless heavily promoted) but putting a string of good shows together does.
  21. Wouldn't that fit Epics better? Lolz. Anyway hope to see TNA get more programming on Spike as it is good for the bottom line. Weirdly enough pre Reaction Spike was one of the few countries with only Impact on tv and no xplosion/epics etc. And I would rather see another two hour block on tuesday consisting of Reaction and Xplosion then such a big Thursday block.
  22. Lolz I only reported what she said and said why I am more inclined to believe her then the dirtsheets. I am not gobbling it all up. Again we only have that many sources and I am very critical. It sounds you need to become more critical of the sheets Stennick. But let's not argue that. Anyways as long as TNA is still making more money off of ppv then they would from a tv special type system and they are still bound to the ppv contracts they have signed it is all speculative.
  23. Lol proving my point. They keep the numbers to themselves but do disclose them to relevant partners like sponsors. As far as public perception goes I already made my case that ppv numbers are a negligible factor in that. Even ratings are not as strong as is believed, as far as a marketing tool. And even if they did release said numbers what do they have to gain other then proving the sheets wrong? If one of their ppv´s ever outsells their major competitor in the same month. Sure that could be useful as a marketing tool. Otherwise nope.
  24. I am critical, I dismissed other parts of the shoot out of hand and said you could see the media training. Look the only sources we as the interested public have are dirtsheets and official statements/interviews of those involved right now and in the past. I am critical off all these sources and the truth is in the middle imho. Am I inclined to believe her when she said that she maid millions off of ppv. Sure np as that is easily reached given they have 12 ppv's now is this revenue after all costs? That is a different question. And apart from her confusing booking with promoting as it refers to her organising wrestling events in college I have not seen her make any truly false statements. Maybe exaggerations etc but nothing too bad. And as to why not releasing the ppv data. Hmm giving your competitors free info you do not need to give them is the first reason that comes to mind. TNA is not a public company and they should take maximum advantage of that. If I was TNA I might be more proactive in disclosing all my figures but I can certainly understand that TNA does not do so.
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