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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Never said that Heyman coming in from that standpoint would be bad, I was more arguing the point that I do not hope he totally changes everything all of a sudden etc and I think that is what Sheepy was agreeing with as well.
  2. Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money- Guns finally please please please please. Matt Morgan vs Hernandez- Hernandez finally gets revenge but Morgan has a good showing. Ric Flair vs Jay Lethal- Lethal!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing else would make sense. Madison Rayne vs Angelina Love- Love, hope for a rematch where if Rayne loses the ones she retired get reinstated, man the KO's need bodies, come on Micky get over here. Douglas Williams vs Brian Kendrick- Time for Kendrick to win it imho, although maybe Williams bad acting was on purpose eg he is not afaid of hights and Kendrick assuming he is costs him the match. Kurt Angle vs Pope- Angle wins and makes Pope look great Brother Ray vs Brother Devon vs Jesse- Don't care, seriously. AJ&Kaz vs TBA- If TBA are in TNA atm or legends then AJ and Kaz if it is TWGTT they win. Plus I think they would be better in fourtune as they need a mouthpiece more then Beer Money. RVD vs Abyss vs Jeff Hardy vs Mr Anderson- RVD as TNA goes with long term champions, Anderson turns on Hardy making RVD vs Abyss one on one for the next ppv.
  3. Yeah it seems odd that if it does happen and Heyman takes it into another direction completely this will be the second time in a row that it was actually getting good BFG till Final Res last year and now move back to Thursday till now that they change it up again. I know Bisch has a lot of haters but I am mainly seeing his hand in all this stuff. He had TNA do the survey, got the info out of that and distilled what did and did not work from the Jan 4th till last Monday period and has made great adjustments.
  4. Matt Conway is new isn't he? Hulk Hogan is new as a booker isn't he? In general it is not good business practice when you are a relatively top dog in your field to hire a complete nobody to be one of your key players in the organization. Just look at basketball, Am Football, football. It happens from time to time with great players (Hogan/Gullit) but also because there are more "top" organizations. Right now there are 2 in wrestling. I would always want someone with a proven track record as my head of creative and one ore more with potential as his assistants. Also Peter remember that some of his great booking possibly was because his top stars where always poached. Forcing him to make new ones and having guys go out on their back. Just a thought. Still think Heyman is the best around with a proven record imho.
  5. Look up and click on the underscored part of LoganRodzen's post.
  6. Lol little late noticing that, but yeah black Cena head wise he is.
  7. The quality of the comedy does not come into play when talking about product. The amount does. On the modern debate, yes they have short angles and matches but their angles and matches and stories are slow. Also given the type of wrestling and wrestlers employed they have Modern at max Low and closer to Very Low. Key: Mainstream, Heavy: Traditional, Medium: Comedy. My two cents.
  8. That is a false out take from that interview. If you listen carefully, which is hard given all the background noise, man learn to do an interview Meltz/Brian, he is talking about taking TNA public after they get big enough and that he would then want a 10 percent take of the shares, figuring TNA then being worth 300 to 350 mill shares wise it would make him 35 mill. Still I would take this all with a large pile of salt given to whom he is talking too as both are very pro MMA and against TNA and scoop seekers so he would always remain on the fence like and the location which is just post a UFC event. From what I have been reeding and hearing from places I trust, a deal is pretty close to be reached. But we shall see, Quality wise TNA does not really need him atm imho, perception wise it would help though.
  9. Kaz vs Christian ladder match was really really good. That run was his best. And although bland atm he is showing more character which was always his weak point.
  10. I also feel they should look into doing more cross promotion like they did this time with that lower league baseball team. Still good news to see when they put more effort into marketing an event combined with a good area they can draw. Hope Death Ray had a good try out.
  11. Ok must have missed that. I only knew about his just post AMW break up singles run.
  12. Lol was planning to write that in my ill fated TNA diary did it in the game and called them Beer Money Wanted! Working under freebird rules. Opens up the possibility of rotating one having a solo run and another a team run. Still with Fourtune around don't see this happening at this time. And yeah Harris got a singles run but kind of petered out once his feud with Storm was over and Harris decided to go for the E.
  13. Oh and for those that didn't know Chris Harris played the fake Sting. Storm was quite surprised when he saw him backstage.
  14. Jarrett on twitter: "Just received some huge news!" make of it what you will.
  15. Could be but Magnus and Williams as a tag had a pretty decent and strong run imho. Beer Money are still together as well, same goes for the Guns despite fighting each other etc. As far as Heyman goes I hope he does join eventually but I will see it when I see it.
  16. According to reports he is going to be featured on Xplosion and possibly reform the Invasion with Burchill as his partner. Rumours off course. And another good Impact, remains sad thing that they did not have this show quality in the JAn 4th to end of wars period. A well back to slowly building 1 fan at a time or hoping for Heyman lolz. And Amp how got TNA abuse Heyman if he is brought in as head of creative??? And Cornette is a good mind and very entertaining to read and listen too but too much of a traditionalist to work in the mainstream market TNA is looking for. If Bisch and Heyman can work together that would be golden and perfect balance imho.
  17. He also works as an occasional ref and jobber on house shows. Shark Boy is like Funaki etc a good sympathy jobber.
  18. Yep wrestlemania that would end the whole feud as to who/what was better. Last match or second to last match. With an equal in terms of strength storyline going in making Funk look like a real threat. Yes he would lose at mania but it would not be straight jobbing ala DDP.
  19. I like his mouthing off and the ideas behind the booking ideas better then the actual implementation of said ideas. Terry Funk as a Main Eventer in 2001? Seriously?
  20. Well maybe he watches both. Nothing wrong with that, neither just watching the E or TNA or whatever. But liking Swagger because he is Angelish when you can still get Angle is kinda weird.
  21. If you don't have Cornette's either the shoot or the invasion rebook those are quite good. Also Raven's booking shoot is quite good.
  22. Note the lolz. And yes the E knows who EY is, anyone who does not think the E as an organization does not watch TNA is deluding themselves, and yes he has not used the moniker in a while now. But if it is trademarked as far as it pertains to a wrestling prefix then the E could have a problem. Other athletes having the same prefix is a different ball game.
  23. Can not wait for that one. I liked the Cornette one and although Dixie is quite good at spin etc it will still be very interesting. Won't ever see Dunn, Johnny Ace or anyone corporate from the E doing something like this. Except if Shane had a true falling out which does not seem to be the case.
  24. Another good/decent show. And yeah the ECW fraction could work and be very entertaining. If it will bring ratings etc is another question but the ECW relaunch did do a 2+ if I remember correctly. Not that it really matters much at the moment business wise. Still more interested in They and Them then the Nexus hehe.
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