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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Actually no, most people do not know about TNA wrestling now. Most people that are current wrestling fans do but casual fans definitely do not. Also it is not the rest of the world but the US as there are some countries where for whatever reason Impact out draws or draws close to the WWE.
  2. You guys are kinda taking the analogy too literally. All three shows had long and mainstream runs but the writing of all three shows was of a different level. Power Rangers mediocre, friends decent, x files good. What I meant with it is that one can be "mainstream" and successful at the same time and deliver better "quality" and not necessarily go for a niche product. I can substitute those three shows for a lot of different ones and it is the same point. It was meant as a general analogy not specifically friends or x files or power rangers.
  3. I hope you set them straight there. I know you don't/didn't find TNA recomandable but I so hate MichTaker McRippingoffTNAiscool for stuff like that. And eventhough AJ does not mind her doing it, badly, it still pisses me off. Her response of it is just a move is also bs. Lets have her do the Tombstone Piledriver next time and let her see if Mark is happy.
  4. Nah was my first thought as well, then thought some more and came up with what me and Stennick said.
  5. Yeah kinda thought the same, but who cares if it's quality it's quality and if that match outshines the matches from the competition, which it could, it would be a nice reference point. Plus TNA have had the yearly 4 ways to glory match longer then the E has had this ppv. Although that 4 way to glory match has floated around ppv wise. Hmm lately not a lot of 4 ways or 3 ways imho. Since more then a year now they seem to have moved away from the excessive multi man matches on Impact or ppv.
  6. If I have to guess seeing as WWECW was a semi dev type thing, they where under less scrutiny and direct communication from the outside (EG Vince yelling in your ear). If they are not brining back JR then they should get rid of Lawler and bring back JBL as he worked well with Cole.
  7. Try the Bound For Glory one. The Des X was the least good imho. And yes it is not exactly what you where talking about but it is pretty near.
  8. Not if TNA snaps him up first hehe. Storyline writes itself. Still means TNA could screw it up though.
  9. Heel Don West wasn't terrible, good? No but more tolerable. Ouch Foley I did not like as CC and Taz and Tenay bring a nice fun laidback atmosphere I like it. Their duo is the best of the on tv duo's though. Now that Stiker and Grisham have gotten less good.
  10. Never!!!!!!!! And those where some time ago and where the non kayfabe pieces called I think "insert name here" uncut just type in before the bell and TNA on youtube. Seriously since their move back to Thursdays things have gotten better.
  11. If you like that stuff watch the before the bell packages TNA does they are somewhat similar and pretty good.
  12. Nah not definitely over. They could not agree on a contract extension but they left the door open for a return. Also some people may forget that in the early KO days you also had a lot of mediocre in ring workers wrestling and a lot of multi women wrestlers. Khan, Salinas, Hemme, Brooks. After that the quality of the roster picked up but when D'Amore left the booking declined. Now the roster and the booking are in decline.
  13. Victory Road is shaping up nicely so far if the spoilers are correct.
  14. Both as with what I meant with Cyclical. X - Files 9 seasons. Friends 10 seasons. Both very long for a mainstream prime time show. And yeah the Rangers have 17 but not nearly the ratings etc.
  15. 8.1 ratings? lol, at least that is what they got at their height, although agreed that was not with predominately wrestling but at least better characters and storylines. Edit: And of course it is on opinion and you are right that their main objective is the bottom line but atm due to their near monopoly position and the lack of a viable threat at this time, sorry TNA not yet, they are choosing the bottom line over quality and thinking short to medium term instead of very long term. A current example would be the theme ppv's yes it has increased buys in comparison to the non themed ones, but look a couple of years down the road and the novelty has worn off and you are forced to book in order to accommodate the ppv instead of the story itself and I expect buys to be even lower.
  16. Well Peter you are ignoring the kind of cyclical effect that the WWE/F's dominance has had over the long amount of years as to what "wrestling" fans want as what the E gives is perceived as to be what wrestling is and vice versa. The only time they did a true change in formula and product was when they where realistically challenged. That same problem would also be one of the things that would have them win the ratings etc for quite a while if Linsolv's plan would be implemented. WWE/F = wrestling = WWE/F = wrestling ad nauseam. I also do not think that the most on these boards want or expect the WWE to become a niche entertainment product like let's say Firefly, but would like it to be more like say X-Files or at least Friends and not the Power Rangers Power Hour.
  17. There is a difference between the IWC and here though hehe. Also if done over time would it cost that much more money to optimize their product? As they are paying mediocre writers and talent etc as is. And they have a structure which looks for better talent in all departments as is.
  18. Seems the whole NXT/Bryan thing might have helped in the ratings department as they got a 3.4
  19. I would try it. BTW what was the site that e mail was on? Gives you an immediate target.
  20. Don't even think it is much about cost but more effort and skill. Damn I wish Kreski hadn't died.
  21. Ad to that, that past makes you grow fonder. When people think attitude or 80's etc they will remember largely the good stuff and not all the bad that came with it. Combine that with the lifting of the veil aspect and you get critical and cynical people. Ad into the now almost 10 year monopoly of the E, sorry TNA lolz, and their less then stellar performance during that time. Not that around here it is that bad as it is more critical analysis with the occasional overboard venting of frustration. In the end there is only two ways to influence stuff short of getting a job in the industry. Your attention and your money.
  22. He has a pin on Jeff Hardy not long ago. And yeah unfortunately negativism abounds on the boards and IWC. Not too bad here though more critical analysis then slagging everything. TNA's shows have been good but the E still does not interest me. If they would lessen on the incessant reruns and what happened on RAW and all the other bs I would probably have watched Smackdown before the draft. I give them a chance every now and then but nope TNA entertains me way more, they also frustrate me more with stupid stuff but I get more good in return to equal that out.
  23. Meh spoilers can't reveal everything as they do not tape in succession and a lot of backstage promo's are hidden so this turn could make sense. And I thought it would be a good idea to turn him anyway.
  24. Yep just wanted to point that out that todays's PG is not yesteryears PG. Hogan bled in quite a few of his matches for instance and now that is an automatic stoppage. Also it seems that in some cases WWE goes above and beyond the necessities of PG while being hypocritical about it at the same time. No blatant chokes or Benoit references right? Hmm crippler crossfaces by Michaels and HHH, ring rope choke by Christian any sleeper hold etc. Not too violent outside the ring? Car! Door! Pipe! Hammer! It's like they are on this weird type of split and just can't decide what to do. BTW fully on Bot with the incessant replay's which is one of the main things that drove me away and all the legit/realistic characters in a pg environment. Ad to that the slow, overscripted same moves all the time matches. That is not psychology that is spotmonkey's who do not use highspots.
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