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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the straw that broke the back for ODB.
  2. Trainer in FCW hehe so he is under a WWE contract. Thinking far out of left field how about Taker? Not as a leader but a supporter. Heel turn would freshen up his character and would alleviate ring work.
  3. I like a good balance ROH goes too far the other way for me. TNA lately have had a good balance. And let's not get into a debate about it plz I was just semi kidding around.
  4. Same here just peddling for converts hehe lolz. Seems I was preaching to the choir in your case lolz.
  5. See the last couple of TNA episodes they are averaging around or above Smackdown in match time and have gotten less silly and nostalgia heavy. Come on make the change! lolz.
  6. Lol so it was just to promote the next season in the hope it would get good enough ratings to get picked up somewhere else lolz.
  7. Reportedly eg rumour Magnus is pushing for Burchill to come and have them be the new British Invasion leaving Doug in the X.
  8. On the spoiler: Hmm would rather have the Guns easily defeat the band but this works as well. Maybe an LAX or British Invasion reunion or the long awaited long term Beer Money vs Guns feud. Well its not just about the number of KO's but the way they have been treated and the time they have gotten, although some of that has been Spike who chose to leave out the tag match between Rayne and Skye vs Roxxi and Lotta Love. It's on the tube though. Also ODB or Roxxyi > Lottalove. And don't get me started on Flash, Kong, Tara and the better indie workers around. Still need to make room for James and possibly Katie Lee. On Xplosion since I am not in the US it could be available for download now which would be nice.
  9. In other news ODB has quit and Roxxi was apparently legit fired. WTF is happening to the KO's ???
  10. Nah same here, nice entrance music although the entrance itself it's too slow and Otonesque and then a slow and mediocre wrestler and promo to follow it up. Pass. Way I feel about a lot of the E talent.
  11. She has actually been talking about it for a couple of years now. That is why it is one of the stronger rumours. I think if you have the patience to look back in this thread it has been discussed a couple of time or at least once thoroughly.
  12. Wait they where a bit early or over exuberant with it once or twice. Don't go into hyperbole like them please.
  13. Even before the Anderson pairing Hardy was better on the mic it seemed even though I find the whole creatures of the night stuff cheesy etc he seemed a lot more conformable and come across more natural. Now with Anderson it is even better.
  14. Was way ahead of you on that idea hehe. And yeah it could be a smart move. Also remember they won't lose that much in terms of profit as it will be substituted with television rights fees which is their main source of income.
  15. I dunno but kinda getting ahead of yourself here aren't ya? As this is just one of many rumours floating around.
  16. Nah rather have him in TNA or ROH where he can truly work his style.
  17. Yep and they won't lose that much money as Spike would have to pay for the tv rights of the specials and they can sell them abroad. It's all about creating awareness and if that is the move combined with the recent quality of Impact and an excellent Slammiversary then they will grow. As I think one of the main reasons their UK audience is bigger ,apart from the different culture, is because they get to see all the ppv's which while hit and miss are generally good. Just a shame they had to lose all that momentum before they got better. 4 very good matches 2 Good ones 3 decent ones I am a very happy camper.
  18. Or the director was not aware of the rule/ thought Linda or a sponsor would get pissy and thought it was a good visual witch it was. Still stop over thinking this people we will know in 90 days or sooner.
  19. Hmm I don't get that candy with the ads. Some links are ads but you need to hover over them to see which ones. and towards the spoiler: I so called it lol, still will be interesting to see how they will use him.Don't see the need to bring him in though when you have Raven and Rhino and Richards and 3D and RVD as he does not have many or any unique fans that those could not draw given the same exposure.
  20. Side Show was a bit harsh and I agree Madison is the best in ring worker of the BP past and present. But they where the Knockout's natural foil and got their heat via angles, being hot and a lot of cheating, they should not dominate the division if you want to present it as an alternative.
  21. RVD - Given more time for Sting to go more loco and remove the veil. Plus TNA uses long main title runs. Kendrick - Recent interview Bisch said he was impressed with Kendrick and he seems to be leading now not Hogan or Russo Draw between Morgan and Hernandez getting thrown out due to violence and the Band interference. Beer Money - Anderson screws Hardy as he is better as a heel Angle - Duh probable MOTN Styles - Can't seem to weak so shortly after the title loss will make Lethal look strong though. Possible motn. Roxxi - Please the BP should be anti knockout side show not the centre of the KO's. Wolf - He needs one back more and Chelsea will triple cross him or something. Neal over Ray. Why else have this match? Possible impromptu match Guns over The Band plz plz plz plz plz.
  22. Helms has an indie date tonight so my money is on Dreamer for the slam surprise and live tv for the see for yourself change or Heyman oh god please Heyman hehe.
  23. Yep they could have Kiyoshi or someone else play it for a while, or bring back Suicide and have him unmask as Danielson lolz. I was with TNA all along!!!!!
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