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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BurningHamster" data-cite="BurningHamster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>People are liking Bray Wyatt now he has a gimmick besides Husky Harris. Another NXT guy I was all about (like Heath Slater) that everyone else wasn't sold on. Seriously guys, the dude was good from the start but you guys need some kind of "blowing up my dad's shrimp boat" promo to believe in a guy? <p> </p><p> You guys disappoint me.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nope both still suck, one is doing an nice out of the box gimmick and an ok job at it and the other is a decent seller no more.</p>
  2. I think they where referring to the second branding effort of instead of becoming World Wrestling Entertainment aka the WWE to becoming just WWE. Which I am pretty sure they have reversed again.
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't even think that counts as a spoiler considering the show was two days ago <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Maybe for international viewers? But yeah doesn't count as spoiler.</p>
  4. Yeah Bray Wyat is an interesting character so far and I am interested how it will translate on a larger stage. As for Ziggler he still doesn't have me convinced but I am also curious how he would do now without Vicky and how a heavy mark crowd would react to him both in and out of ring. He has gotten better I will give him that.
  5. So anyone effected by the Directv and Viacom tiff? Glad I am not but kinda a bummer with TNA being on a roll lately. Having read both sides I blame both sides with Directv doing a lot of spin and both playing hardball. It just sucks for TNA and TNA fans that have directv especially on the roll they have been.
  6. Very bad promo. Its nice because its kinda worked shoot but what crap delivery.
  7. Wasn't contending that but its about finding a good balance and doing it in a good way.
  8. That is the basic gist of it most times but you have to do it in a compelling way.
  9. Yeah Lockdown with the crowd and GB and the bad crowd miking and Storm loosing and some lackluster performances alround was a real disappointment since then its been really good one crack whore actress aside imho. I was only listing "high flyers" there there is also Angle, Roode, Storm still around. Sorry for the Joey pic but i have become kind of attached to it and I had it before he became an A hole in game. I tend to call them the TNA Twelve: Roode, Storm, AJ, Aries, Joe, Ray, Daniels, Kaz, Angle, Hardy, RVD and Anderson. Almost always on the show and almost always deliver (if you like them) and the core of the show so to speak with good support cast in guys like Pope, Magnus, Parks etc and the KO's and X guys.
  10. AJ Styles, Daniels, Joe, Kaz, Aries and to different extent Hardy, RVD?
  11. And there is where you prove why I wouldn't argue with you.
  12. Also spread the word etc. As it hasn't been enough people yet. WWE has sick brand loyalty and because they are the by far Biggest fish people tend to stick with them as well. Gotta make it actively clear that bigger is not better and that watching others isn't disloyal. One other but that is more a personal grip and hard to explain is that the problems are structural not incidental you can replace whole creative and nothing will change, make Ziggler and Punk (summer of Punk 2 version) world champs and the product will stay the same. Better yes but the same. Structure will only change if they have to, only way to do that is to build up competition if the competition deserves it and/or to turn away your eyes and pocket book. Edit: Btw I get it if you don't won't take my word for it as I am a known TNA fan, although those that have followed me longer know me not to be a blind one, but I don't think that I am the only one that thinks this.
  13. It was way before the name change during Rock and Wrestling and the New Generation that it started. Watch some shoots of people around during those times and they confirm it. Corney being the one that stands out most. While I don't agree with a lot of his booking etc and he tends to exaggerate things he doesn't tend to lie.
  14. It went up lolz. Seriously guys if you don't like the direction they are giving you right now stop watching/spending money on them and/or also start supporting the competition be it ROH, CHIKARA, PWG, CZW your local indy, extreme rising, DGUSA/Evolve, international companies or current TNA.
  15. I just dislike the term because it's like they are ashamed to call themselves wrestling. Sports Entertainment is just a bad euphemism that Vince used to con advertisers that they started to believe themselves. Its being ashamed of being a wrestling company when making wrestling shows. While WWWF/WWF/WWE has always focused a bit more on the entertainment aspect of wrestling it wasn't like the others didn't do the same or even worse (Memphis).
  16. Apart from the opener not one was a spot fest and even in the opener it wasn't flip for flips sake. There is a big difference between spot monkey and cruiser style etc. King vs Williams was more a technical affair if anything, Angle vs Joe was all round and AJ vs Daniels an intense brawl with some great spots and then the main event.
  17. I don't think he dislikes sports entertainment, he dislikes BAD sports entertainment.
  18. Ok you simply don't like the X division fine. Could have been a lot shorter with that. As for your "arguments" not going to bother as from what I have read from you previously.
  19. Anyone a PWI Elite member? Cauz there is an article up there I am really interested in concerning WWE.
  20. Yup and just for 77 days so not sure what Blackman was talking about. Maybe lost in translation or something. While Kash is a decent talent I'd move him to tags and used occasionally in X to put people over or let him go in order to freshen up the division. As the great Kevin Sullivan says: "Some must die so that others may live!"
  21. Speaking of wit funny stuff for a while now on youtube if you haven't checked it out yet: WWE in 5 minutes
  22. Think he will either have a good 2 month run with it before Roode gets it back setting up Storm vs Roode for the title or Roode vs Storm will be a grudge match and we get Aries vs Angle/AJ/Joe/Hardy at BFG where he gets put over. Either way will be fine and Roode did get a couple of clean and light cheat aka for a heel clean wins in his reign. I am confident the current writing team will do good whatever they do.
  23. The type of character that she is and was playing and how well she executes it is hotter then she objectively is. First nerd girl and now crazy chick pretty much two staple smark favs. But just looking at pictures etc of her she is not that hot, not saying ugly but not as hot as a lot of other current and former women characters. Which is also in her favor as that makes her less generic. Hope that came across well.
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