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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Facebook page dedicated to stopping the bubba army plant: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=343462747461&ref=ts That guy has done more to distract and detract from the product since he has been there then all the other fans before that ever imho.
  2. Or they could have hired a lot of new people or even repackaged some by then. Kinda early to be speculating imho. Diva or tag version could be cool as it would raise the profile of those divisions hopefully. Problem is I think that a lot of the WWE audience has been made to believe that those divisions don't matter.
  3. Yep but was he higher then a high midcarder / close uppermidcard? His situation at that time kinda reminds me of Shelton.
  4. Agree with Lazor for a simple reference just look at TEW. See how many different skills are involved? See in how many different ways a worker can get over? See all the different product preferences etc? Skipper was always a midcarder at best and a good undercard worker normally. I liked the guy but that's personal.
  5. You gave a very good base just added on it a tad for a fuller picture this is based of what I know and slight interpretations and is mostly apparently as that was what was reported. I see many on this list possibly making a return but not in the near future and some like Runt only for cameos. Also EB has posted on his Facebook he will not sign DDP is that a work or shoot? You never know but I am leaning towards Shoot.
  6. Yep and wrestling and wrestling well for that matter so that wasn't it.
  7. Yep the most have involved 8 he just helped to remind you that the original one was 6 what you where not sure on.
  8. Lol agreed B Phenom. It will also definitely be a cluster.... Still it will probably be an entertaining one. So Kofi ftw it seems. Glad.
  9. Spike helps with the big contracts but yes TNA foots the main part of the bill as far as is "known".
  10. Yeah I know it was a simplification but credible sources have stated that part to be true. But that part was the main thing pertaining to ratings and subsequent loss of income. It needs to go down pretty drastic before it will hurt much if at all. Also their ppv buys have not been an important part of TNA's income. While not so low as some sites "report" they are still not that crucial. Although Bischoff has commented that ppv buys are up since them coming in. Wonder who asked that question? me if ya didn't know hehe. Right now TNA is focusing on increasing their fanbase and overall visibility and brand awareness and that is exactly what they should be doing. And yes ratings are down and yes that is unfortunate. The end of the world or TNA? Not by a long shot. PS I am a bit more marky on EB's Facebook so please forgive me and take everything I say there with some more salt. More blind marks, haters etc to fight there.
  11. Preview of a London and Kendrick shoot interview. Warning viewer discretion is advised. http://highspots.tv/london-kendrick-shoot-interview-preview/ very funny imho.
  12. It won't as that is not how TNA makes its money per se. In the US market they have a deal with Spike where Spike pays TNA a base amount for the television right fee no matter what the rating. Then Spike tries to make a profit selling the ads. If TNA delivers better then expected ratings TNA gets a bonus. If worse they still get the base amount. They extended the deal for 3 years late last year. Also the US market is just one of the markets. Is it the most important market? Yes. Is TNA solely dependent on that market? Nope. So don't worry, unless Dixie or Bob throw their hands in the air TNA isn't going anywhere. And even if they do who is to say they sell to VKM? Edit: on the big contracts: Yes some of those contracts will hurt financially, but they also pay themselves back via merchandise etc, also remember that a lot of the TNA roster work on a ppv type deal or with a very low downside where they can work outside of TNA as long as its not the E hehe. Kind of a weird written ppa contract in TEW terms. Edit: On the second show, maybe a one hour non split B show. But for now if I was TNA I would rather have a stacked roster and 100 percent focus on the main show to increase fan-base. Is the roster overstacked atm? Yep but that is another discussion.
  13. Destroyed is losing a lot of your fanbase by the move. They lost some as the last three ratings before it where in the 1.2-1.1 range.
  14. Wasn't sure if you had seen it. And yes I was unhappy with it on more points then just the squash. It could get a blow off but we shall see.
  15. Also factor in that Jan 4th had an unopposed hour and was way way more hyped then this one. RAW seems stacked next week so two weeks from now will be a good test. Plus don't forget the DVR's and people not knowing about the move although like bigpapa said not sure if anything can be gleamed from the DVR numbers. Would still like to see them published though. Edit: Yip they changed the name from stars to roster on their TNA page. Ok so its not wrestlers but still an improvement.
  16. We shall see in the future. And yes Bigpapa your memory isn't cheating you they said stuff like that on the Jan 4th show. Gave it lip service the shows after and finally almost did it tonight. BTW something that hasn't been mentioned and has been one of the big positives. That you can see and feel that the TNA promo's aren't over scripted anymore. Good old bullet points and go get em feel. SO much better even if it does result in an occasional snafu.
  17. Looks like the Hogan talky and match also hurt. The over run could be guys switching off from RAW. Also it wasn't so much expecting a "big" rating more hoping.
  18. Yep they should be added to both or at least get reported on. What is important is not so much the amount though as the ratio. And yeah after the initial disappointment its not hugely bad just hoped for better. As usual the next weeks will be the real test. Which they failed after the Jan 4th show btw.
  19. Excellent podcast by Bill Behrens on first the Impact show but mainly on the IWC. While he sometimes gets his math confused he does have very valid insights. http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/entry/2010-03-09T12_55_25-08_00 If you don't know who Bill Behrens is he used to operate NWA-Wildside WCW's former dev territory and semi successful independent, which is now NWA Anarchy which he is involved in. He has worked for TNA and is the agent for many of the TNA talents.
  20. http://www.tnawrestlingnews.com/headlines/270185472.shtml If this is correct, and its a big if, it seems at least the key demo's where up compared to last Thursday (,which was a mediocre/bad rating anyways,) and it seems a lot of people DVR/Tivo TNA which never gets reported on. Bischoff mentioned that in his facebook that if you calculate the DVR/Tivo people in they have around 2 mil viewers. Can't wait for the segment to segment ratings. Not that that tells you much.
  21. Plus no Fiesta bowl this time. Still lets hope the total ratings go up due to "war" buzz. Anyone have the data on their head to head rating so excluding the first hour of the Jan 4th show? If the total ratings keep around this for a couple of weeks TNA needs to go 8-10 asap.
  22. Damn the reported ratings so far for Monday are bad for both companies and wrestling in general. TNA 1.0 RAW 3.4 Either a lot of people tivod etc both or the wrestling audience has shrunk plus no Fiesta bowl this time around.
  23. Ehm happened on last weeks Impact non title match-up Terry basically squashed him in what I thought was bad booking. Not the idea of the match itself but the Squash part.
  24. Well that is the best way the white front and don't quote system. Is it flawed? Yep. Can I think of something better? Nope. On that note spoilers in white highlight to read: Kenny Dykstra/Doane and Spike Dudley are backstage at Impact and are reportedly going to be used. Kenny has some long term potential, Spike not so much maybe a squash by Moore to build him up some? Still at this time I hope they are both one shot deals as the roster is over stacked as is.
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