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Everything posted by Hive

  1. You are right, it's just that it takes a long long time trying to find a character similar to the ones I'm adding due to lack of power/attribute filters in the search. All I have to go from is reading their bios. But maybe I should try to look at it more generalistic, eg. "iconic characters have these power levels, major league have these", etc. Splendid idea.
  2. Yeah I noticed that, good idea. But it's not so much a problem with stats as it is a problem with the powers... I simply have no idea how to evaluate them properly, and it's my biggest problem currently.
  3. I'm finding it extremely hard to do power levels, anyone have a good grip on that?
  4. Very much so. Also, I'll just pretend I know the character in question.
  5. I'm thinking "rare" for only characters that very rarely appear... like, say, Galactus.
  6. I think they should be seperate areas, personally. That way we can properly restrict travel to them.
  7. I haven't followed Marvel a lot in recent years, bar a few arcs here and there... so don't really know anything about Utopia. But I'd assume after events such as M-Day that mutants got a bit more on the map... but in 1991, the original X-Factor (being the original X-Men) had only just been outed as mutants. Mutants were still pretty much a mystery in those days...
  8. That's pretty much what I reasoned as well. I just expect lots of characters giving me grey hair over this popularity issue... This pretty much goes for all the mutants except Magneto and those who have been a member of The Avengers, I'd argue. Noone really knows them in the general populace.
  9. I updated the second post with current editing guidelines. They are all, of course, open for discussion (except the insistance on Jim Lee pics whenever possible ). I just wanted something temporary to go with.
  10. I agree, but even that causes trouble for me. Because how many civilians know Professor X? Pretty much none. But like I said, he's highly respected/feared by the other superpowered beings. So what to do?
  11. Thor did WHAT? Well I should probably mention that we didn't get a lot of Marvel here at the time, so I pretty much just read everything they published... which was, at the time, limited to 1 X-Men book, 2 Spidey books and 1 Hulk book with some Wolverine, Daredevil and Punisher stories in the back (the editors here choose "the best" stories from the various American books for us). I liked Web of Spider-Man but pretty much hated Spectacular. Loved Amazing. Can you imagine that I got X-Men #1 and the issue where Carnage first popped up in Spider-Man the same month? That's when I was sucked into Marvel... oh the memories. Anyway, got side-tracked there. Any thoughts on popularity? Right now, I have Professor X as "major league" but am in no way sure that's the way to go...
  12. We are Hive. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. ...sorry for geeking out there, couldn't resist.
  13. I know near to nothing about pretty much everything except Spider-Man from this particular period (I was sooooo high on X-Men and Spidey back then and followed both with passion), so feel free to take a go at those. I'll do Spidey myself then when done with X-Men. Yeah I can get lost for hours reading about old Marvel stuff, if time permits. I'm shocked, as it's my favourite of them all... but then again, that's the beauty of a collaboration. Locations would be sweet as well, all I have right now is New York and the Crystal Palace (for the Exiles). Definately. I'm using this site for stats: http://www.classicmarvelforever.com/cast_list/all.htm with their benchmark explanations here: http://www.classicmarvelforever.com/house_rules/benchmarks.htm I'm basically just multiplying their stats with 10 to fit with the CBH standards. There are, of course, some stats present in CHB that are not on this site... but in those cases, I just pretty much (with small variations) based two CBH stats on one stats from this site - like endurance and toughness both being based on endurance. In most cases, when reading the descriptions of the stats on this site, they actually do include the CHB counterparts (or close enough). Tweaks can of course be made here and there from this site, if necessary - but I'm mostly following this to the letter. One thing I'm a bit confused about, however, is how to handle popularity... how is it defined? Popularity for readers? Popularity in the ingame world? Popularity between ingame characters? For instance, Professor X isn't one of the most recognizable and popular characters... yet he's so powerfull and respected in the Marvel universe that he needs somewhat of a high pop... right?
  14. Any help would be appreciated. What would you like to do?
  15. Thanks but I'm using another source for stats. Interesting stuff though. You know what, that's actually not a bad idea. I think I'll go with that. Thanks.
  16. The very first character, symbolically Professor X, has now been created - phew it took a lot longer than I had imagined! And finding an okay-ish picture was the hardest of all, I think I'll hold off on the pic pack for now...
  17. Thanks for sharing this incredible site, it will be an enourmous asset to any Marvel mod maker.
  18. That would be awesome, as I don't really know much about cosmic marvel at all. Heck, I had to just wiki this Infinity Gauntlet saga just to get a feeling of what you were talking about. Don't mind pictures, as I for the most part will try to find pictures by only my favourite artists (it will be heavy on Jim Lee who, thankfully, did a bunch of different Marvel series at one point or the other).
  19. Actually, I don't think I'll split up The X-Men in two teams - as there's currently no way to connect two teams in any way. So it will one huge X-Men team instead, sadly.
  20. I completely agree. I read your post and curiously went to check out the list, and was outright shocked. How can they call characters like Disco Inferno, Berlyn, nWo Sting, Zodiac et all "forgetable"? Hell, Jericho's bodyguard Ralphus was more interesting than half of WWE's current roster. But once again, they find a need to take a misdirected cheap shot at WCW... how about letting the hatred go already, WWE?
  21. Current editing guidelines (subject to both change and discussion): Stats I'm using this site for stats: http://www.classicmarvelforever.com/cast_list/all.htm with their benchmark explanations here: http://www.classicmarvelforever.com/...benchmarks.htm Marvel RPG --> Comic Book Hero (All MRPG stats multiplied by 10 for CBH conversion) Agility --> Agility Strength --> Strength Endurance --> Endurance Reason --> Reasoning Intuition --> Cunning Psyche --> Willpower Agility +/- 50-150, depending on whether he's a melee og long range fighter --> Reactions (Strength+Endurance)/2 --> Tougness (Endurance+Fighting)/2 --> Stamina Stamina +/- 1-200 --> Recovery ??? (case by case measurement) --> Technological Tweaks can of course be made here and there from this site, if necessary - but I'm mostly following this to the letter. Another interesting source is Marvel's very own (but limited in scope) classification system: http://marvel.com/universe/OHOTMU:Power_Grids And here, a handy list of everyone falling into every level in each cathegory: http://marvel.wikia.com/Power_Grid Popularity One thing I'm a bit confused about, however, is how to handle popularity... how is it defined? Popularity for readers? Popularity in the ingame world? Popularity between ingame characters? For instance, Professor X isn't one of the most recognizable and popular characters... yet he's so powerfull and respected in the Marvel universe that he needs somewhat of a high pop... right? Ideas....? Pictures Rule #1: every character that can be represented by a Jim Lee drawing shall be represented by a Jim Lee drawing. For Spider-Man specifically, Mark Bagley is prefered. For Age of Apocalypse specifically, the specific AoA manga-style drawings. ATD and locations (perhaps subject to change) Areas: Earth, The Moon, Kree Homeworld, Asteroid M, Asgaard, etc, etc. Timezones: Present day, Days of Future Past, WWII, etc, etc. Dimension: Earth-616, Earth-295, etc, etc. Locations: New York, Toyko, Crystal Palace, Savage Land, San Francisco, Atlantis, etc, etc.
  22. What the title says. Don't have a fancy name for it yet, but will likely come up with something explosive later. Having fiddled a lot more with the editor than actually playing the game so far, I'm impressed with the vast options available. The complexity convinced me however that making an extensive mod (such as this) would be quite a task, so if anyone would like to participate in this that would be cool. If not, that's cool as well - I'll work on it as time and mental energy permits. I'll be starting with the X-Men universe and build it from there (I choose 1991 because that's when X-Men #1 came out). I may take some artistic liberties here and there if necessary (mainly thinking that minor continuity tweaks could be necessary). I will try to do the rest of the Marvel universe justice as well, but as mentioned it will be X-Men heavy - meaning that I will attempt to include alternate timelines such as Days of Future Past and Age of Apocalypse. And, if it turns out feasible, I will throw in The Exiles and some of their most interesting alternate dimensions. I'd like to emphasize however that the mod will be Marvel only. Unless I change my mind. Which I doubt. But cannot rule out. Though most likely not.
  23. What happened with Elijah Burke/The Pope and the pretty decent push he was given a while back? Why did they drop the ball on that? He seemed like a guy for whom the skies were the limit.
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