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Everything posted by Hive

  1. Very much so. I wish I could press a button and become a mark again myself. So much more enjoyable, by far. And now to something different: does anyone here actually think Booker T is a good color commentator? It baffles me how poor the guy is at it. Maybe it would help if he tried speaking words clearly for a change.
  2. I like Orton but he doesn't really need to be involved with either belt right now. He should feud with someone like Ziggler, get someone elevated.
  3. Like when Cena won against The Rock at WrestleMania? Or recently when he won against midcarder Lord Tensai on RAW?
  4. "I'm not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a drunk, we go to parties."
  5. That may very well have been, but can we at least agree that 28-year old Art Barr would likely not have had a heart attack at such a young age if not for excessive drug use?
  6. Oh you mean like Eddie himself did when his best friend, Art Barr, died from a drug overdose in 1994?
  7. The difference is that Brodus Clay's gimmick is *meant* to be a dumb little comedy gimmick. Tensai's, they expect people to take seriously.
  8. Agreed. They have far better talent already that just needs a creative gimmick so they can get over. I personally see Ziggler as someone who could thrive under a modern Mr. Perfect gimmick. Have him run with that for a while, then at some point have a (hopefully more mature) Joe Hennig feud with him over the name. BANG! Gold, right there. On Bloom/Tensai... it's not that I have anything against a Japanese guy coming in to do the classic Great Muta stuff with green mist and stuff... it's just that I would rather see a smaller, talented Japanese guy do it. The mist thing, to me, is something that should be used by the sneaky and/or cowardly heels who can't get by on brute force... but given that they are booking Tensai as a big and powerful brute, I think it's a weird mix.
  9. Sting has heaps of charisma and a much better gimmick, though. Both of Sting's big gimmicks blast this one away. And when in his hayday, he hed a pretty good athleticism. But yeah, I know he wasn't exactly ever a Bret Hart or Kurt Angle. Well of course, that's the beauty of wrestling. Everyone is allowed their own opinions, and it would be boring if we all liked and hated the same guys. I didn't mean to offend people who like him, I just explained why he isn't for me. I personally always had a fondness for Batista, another big guy who didn't exactly have the technnical wrestling knowledge of Dean Malenko. I can appreciate a big guy with a limited skill set, given the right gimmick and storyline(s) - and a wee bit of charisma. It's just that WWE's presentation of Bloom currently does nothing for me. (And yes, I am aware that most people here would probably rate Bloom/Tensai far higher on their list than Batista )
  10. I had to see what all the fuzz was all about, so youtubed Tensai's matches... and again, I'm so very sad to have to agree with bigplaystew... but the guy really does not appear to be anything special; his gimmick is dumber than Brodus Clay's, his matches consist of the 3-4 same moves every time and he most certainly did not deserve a win against Cena so soon. Sure, he may show more of himself as he gets more ringtime, but as long as his dumb gimmick and stupid manneurisms stay the same, I'll never get behind him. He's slightly more interesting than Khali though, I guess that's at least something.
  11. They messed up the build by making it too long and allowing it to run out of steam and get too repetitive. Had the built been 3-6 months instead, I think people would have been much more fired up about the feud. I personally was a lot more entertained by The Rock vs. Cena than by CM Punk vs. Jericho. Which surprised myself, to be honest.
  12. As much as I hate agreeing with bigplaystew, I too think Rock vs. Cena was a great match due to storytelling and prestige. Not quite as good as CM Punk vs. Cena at MiTB last year, but still really good. Good wrestling to me is more than just athleticism and impressive moves, it's about storytelling.
  13. Why on earth are they pushing Khali? And I know they want to push Brodus Clay, but having Ziggler and Swagger lose to a comedy team like that... meh. I thought they were aiming to get Ziggler a main event push.
  14. Considering that WWE recently had both Bryan Danielson and CM Punk as world champions at the same time, is it really that far-fetched to imagine them getting good use out of AJ Styles as well? It's not really because TNA has done wonders with him in recent years...
  15. Japanese crowds are the best, they can really make a match come alive.
  16. DiBiase and Bourne could become a kick ass tag team. What WWE doesn't seem to get with tag teams these days however is that you need a tag team GIMMICK for them. It's not just enough to randomly pair midcarders and then do nothing further. Give them a common gimmick with matching attires and a wicked tag team finisher. If done right, tag teams can become just as over as main eventers in singles competition.
  17. I'd argue that it doesn't matter whether it's face/heel, face/face, heel/heel with those two, as they're both the kind of workers that will get cheered no matter what.
  18. Next year's WrestleMania: The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar Steve Austin vs. CM Punk John Cena vs. The Undertaker
  19. Insanity. I keep getting suprised at just how much over he is. Have Cena lead a heel stable with him and Punk and they won't experience any merc sale decrease from Cena's turn.
  20. Cool. To me, it would just have made more sense if Orton won this match and then Kane won the rematch at Extreme Rules. But oh well.
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