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Everything posted by Hive

  1. Now this is the kind of great storytelling that both TNA and WWE seems incapable of constructing these days. I like it a lot.
  2. That would be pretty awesome actually, given that all of them can work in the ring and just needed proper gimmicks. And the WWE tag team division could use something fun like a couple of mounties.
  3. That was dumb as pure hell. A heel is supposed to be a mean-spirited jerk and noone should apologize for it. I mean, what? WWE are telling me that it's okay for someone to physically beat an opponent up with kicks, punches, chairs and the like - but that the world crumbles if he calls him gay? Please.
  4. <p>I actually agree that in these days, when all results are viewable on the internet, dark matches matters <em>some</em>.</p><p> </p><p> Not all fans will be aware of them, but many will - including everyone in the arena, everyone on these boards and most of the rest of the IWC. And those people might tell wrestling-interested friends as well.</p><p> </p><p> Not saying that it's a huge issue, but I think they should be a bit more considerate with dark matches still.</p><p> </p><p> Personally, my interest in watching Cena vs. Big Show dropped from <em>very little</em> to <em>zero</em> due to this dark match. Cena's victory was pretty much given beforehand, but now it's just ridiculous.</p>
  5. So maybe it's bigger than just Sting... maybe it's... an invasion storyline! :eek: Well, one can always dream.
  6. So first they put Sting at their alumni section, then they put him #1 in this list... I'm a huge Sting mark, so I'm not complaining, but is it just wishful thinking or might they have struck some sort of deal with TNA for one or more appearances by him down the line...? They did talk when doing the "Flair at Hall of Fame" arrangement, and Dixie Carter mentioned that more came out of it...
  7. Thin line between the two types often enough. Is Morgan so different in that aspect?
  8. They are already pushing 3 big men heavily atm: Lord Tensai, Brodus Clay and Ryback; how many more can they do at a time, when also keeping Big Show and Kane as main eventers?
  9. Hogan is too proud and too in love with his own image to willingly let anyone smear him like that as part of a work.
  10. Of course, that's a great promo. I was not referring to his speech as much as to his writings, which I feel I need some sort of Rosetta stone to decipher.
  11. Yeah, if only he could learn to speak in comprehensable sentences with attempts at proper grammar - so we mere mortals could understand his rants as well.
  12. I'm not getting why going live would mean that huge a difference. In fact, I've often read about TNA having to re-tape stuff because someone botched a promo or finish... without this option, won't their product just become worse? I'd rather see them go out of that horrible studio instead and on the road, I think that would do much more for them.
  13. It's obviously a cross-promotion with TNA that features their X Division.
  14. Throwing two random singles guys together does not a real tag team make.
  15. I agree, though I think the point is that tag teams should be made with people that are either not marketable as top singles stars or just isn't there yet - so it's not like they'll be sacrificing two main eventers worth of merchandise in exchange for one tag team's worth of merchandise; they'll be trading in two midcarders for a main event tag team, in most cases. Which, in my book, would definately be worth it. Many tag teams consists of individuals who would simply not be worth much if not for the tag team (such as The Road Warriors) - while others have one worker with huge potential who just isn't ready for the singles push yet (Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc). Why not strap them with matching gimmicks and attires and see where that takes them?
  16. Oh yeah that's right, she said something big was coming soon...
  17. Maybe Dixie didn't learn from letting Nash go. One can always hope. I'd love to see Sting on the biggest wrestling stage of them all, finally. And more importantly, he deserves it.
  18. What the... What is this??? If they actually sign Sting, I will instantly turn into a SUPERMARK.
  19. If you think it's strictly a matter of knowing whether it's fake or not, you simply don't get it. I've always known that wrestling was not a real sport, knowing whether it's fake or not is really not what seperates 'marks' from 'smarks'.
  20. Eh... no. It really isn't. Perhaps for you, but not for me. And not for many others as well, I bet. Why? Because you cannot control your brain; you cannot unlearn what you have learned. Sure, being a child automatically makes it easier to love wrestling without thinking too much about it. But back in ~2004 when I began watching wrestling again for the first time since my childhood (I was 22 in 2004), I was perfectly able to enjoy it as a 'mark' - almost as much as in the "good old days". I didn't know anything about "dirt sheets", I didn't go online for information, I didn't know terms like 'push' or 'book' or 'job' or what not. And it made the experience so much better for me. I rooted for the faces and hated on the heels (though I did not know those terms), more or less in spite of actual wrestling ability or background. Without this blissfull unenlightenment, I surely wouldn't have the absurd love for Randy Orton and Batista that I have today. Hell, I even somewhat liked Maven. I didn't care so much whether the in-ring performers ever heard of the term 'chain-wrestling' before or not, all I cared about was the story told in matches and angles. I knew, of course, that it was all 'fake' - but I truly felt that the guys in the main event were actually there because they were the best, because they deserved to be there. But after reading as much about what happens behind the scenes, I cannot enjoy wrestling like that anymore. I cannot help but analyze moves, promos, booking decisions, allignments, pushes, etc. when watching. Why? Because I cannnot get these inner workings out of my head again. Just like you won't enjoy a magic trick the same way once you learn how it's performed.
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