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Everything posted by Hive

  1. It's a good and entertaining game. But like all Telltale games, one have to understand that it's more of an interactive movie than a 'game' in the classic sense. Also, the ending is... less than than fullfilling, and does more to set up a season 2 than wrap up season 1. But overall, it's a very entertaining game. If you like Telltale and Game of Thrones, you need to play it.
  2. Thanks, I'll fix this. Thanks for the kind words. Always nice to hear what people do when playing my mods. Yes, I will most likely convert my mods for TEW2016. Though I cannot of course promise anything untill I have the game in hand. I also plan on doing a final release for TEW2013. Thanks! In my last game, I myself built towards making Austin WCW world champ (1 PPV away from making it happen, after a long way coming).
  3. There are only two types of people that grind my gears: 1. People who look down on other cultures. 2. The Dutch.
  4. I know at least some of them are already in, but great work nonetheless! Some great pictures among them.
  5. I'd like to see AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe at a WWE PPV. That would be awesome.
  6. New Vegas is far better than Fallout 3, in my opinion. Feels much more like F1+2 than F3 does.
  7. Oh don't get me wrong, so have I - but restraint maketh man.
  8. You guys have anger management issues if you, as grown men, cannot refrain from smashing stuff in anger when losing a videogame.
  9. You're the perfect consumer, loved by all major companies.
  10. The NWA/WCW did good business relying on a top heel as champ. WWE should be able to do so as well, if done right.
  11. Yeah, it was dissapointing and extremely unfulfilling. Too much focus on setting up a season 2 and no closure at all.
  12. Oh right, it's out now! Neat! Is it as good as Daredevil?
  13. Is Fallout 4 more like F3 or NV? I was much more a fan of the latter, personally. Felt more like the original games.
  14. Of course they will, there's no viable alternative to WWE. Sadly.
  15. Putting the belt on veteran wrestlers had nothing to do with the demise of either. AWA went under because primarily WWF kept stealing their talent along with Verne Gagne doing some good old fashioned embezzlement with their funds. WCW went under due to a mix of shoddy Russo-esque booking decisions and a poisionous backstage environment.
  16. Yeah, a shame about that concussion ruining what should have been a great and defining match for both. I was unsure if it was '92 or '91, didn't think it was as far back as '90. How time flies... but those sure were the days, back when he was purple/grey. Apart from The Undertaker and The Rock, has WWF/E debuted any other big players at SS?
  17. He debuted in a SS match back in... hmmm... 1992, was it? The first Cena vs. The Rock was great, but the Lesnar vs. Undertaker WrestleMania match was horrible. Really, really poor. I'm shocked to see you list it as something special. A shocking finish alone does not make a match.
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