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Everything posted by dpoolez

  1. TNAs made some dumb choices but WWE's mistakes are more stupid because a lot of times they seem like the elementary ones that a promotion their age/experience shouldnt be making. TNA's bad decision making is due more to Dixie's inexperience id say (she really didnt throw her weight around power wise until Jarrett got ousted around 08-09 iirc). WWE's seem to be more due to stubborness by management to do most things that'll make the fans happy.
  2. I guess they are only counting their WWE Tag/World Tag title runs to not make them look so OP as a tag team. But then again if the acknowledged and put over the fact that the Dudleyz are 23 time World Tag Champs and New Day beat them it would put them over hugely.
  3. I used to watch Gotham. I liked it but not enough to keep following it week after week. Daredevil was pretty good. I only saw the pilot episode though. The action is pretty well done for a Netflix series.
  4. Which ones in particular? I've heard good things about Summerslam 13.
  5. I really liked this trio as well. They didnt really get a chance to show what they had to offer before breaking them up.
  6. Honestly I dont think anybody would have a problem with Triple H going over Sting if it wasnt for WWE's constant burial of WCW and them making the feud more about WCW vs WWE than Sting vs Triple H. Stephanie had that "You're a minnow in the ocean" and "you made it to the big time" comments, and JBL's constant burial of Sting and WCW throughout their match was overkill, despite the fact that Sting said in a promo that hes not fighting Triple H for WCW. Overall the match was pretty good. It was probably the best that you could get out of a nearly 60 year old Sting at this rate. Triple H did make Sting look good and it took a lot to beat him. If they made the feud more about Sting trying to stop The Authority then I think the loss would've been better received.
  7. Its true that the fans shouldnt give a crap about terribly written feuds. That being said, the crowd was terrible for the entire night. They responded well to the main events but even they werent as loud as they wouldve been in a more energetic crowd in another city imo.
  8. Sting vs Triple H is a dream match in the way that they are two icons/legends of their respective companies in the same era finally fighting each other for the first time, but not necessarily something everybody have been asking for. That being said, I would've loved to see Sting destroy the McMahon-Helmsley Faction back in 2000.
  9. I have to agree. There are more than enough wrestling promotions around to watch besides WWE. I dont get why smarks or adult fans like to hijack the show. They gave the WWE money so they lost whether they cheer or boo Cena or Reigns or anybody else. If WWE stopped getting money from the vocal fanbase then maybe they would make some changes to who they push. That being said, with all due respect Vince is clueless as a promoter. Zigglers been over for years, Ambrose remains over, Bryan is one of the most over people on the roster but you let Roman Reigns win when he hasnt really even had a proper midcard feud or paid his dues enough. Hes screwing Reigns over by pushing him too far too fast. I can see Vince force pushing Cena again after the Reigns push doesnt work out the way he imagined. But, the fans wont be smart enough to not give him money and not to watch his shows. We have to hit him where it hurts if we are ever going to see a change in the WWE. I dont think theres a better reality check than having half filled arenas and plummeting ratings/stocks
  10. Maybe Rey leaving WWE means he will lose weight so he can possibly pull off some more high flying moves (his knees are ****ed so thats why I say possibly but if nothing else losing weight will reduce stress on them)
  11. I agree. I dont think Del Rio ever cut a great promo from what I've seen of his WWE work.
  12. IDK I think the reason that Reigns got so much backlash is because Bryan didnt really get a fair run with the belt before he lost it. I think if Bryan wins the title and gets a good 4-6 month run with the belt that people wont be so upset at whoever wins next year and if they do then they can f off tbh because Bryan cant win all of the time. That being said, Bryan shouldve won the RR for the past 2 years.
  13. It will likely be Roman Reigns who ends up taking the belt from Brock. As of right now there is still no timetable for Daniel Bryan's return so I doubt the WWE are making any long term plans for him right now. If WWE plans on letting Brock run with the ball then I think that Rock/Brock II would be a perfect Royal Rumble ME. That would give Brock one last big win (to add on to his Taker and Cena wins) and would give Reigns even more credibility when he beats him for the title.
  14. But with that being said, what did ADR really do to make people hate him? He beat on the same guys multiple times, maybe leave the Cross Armbreaker on for a little bit too long, but he never did anything that would make people really hate him in the way that people hated Edge or CM Punk in 2009, even Bray Wyatt now to a lesser extent, etc. I think in this era, if you want to truly be hated then you have to really go the distance with it. People wont really boo basic heel tactics unless its done to someone they really like. Part of that is the writing/creative and part of that is that Im not familiar to his non WWE work where he may have had those qualities. But I really never saw where ADR was working enough to be worth keeping in the WWE. I'd rather him thrive in Mexico than be in limbo in the WWE anyway.
  15. ADR and WWE are better off apart anyway. ADR is a great worker but hes not good on the mic IMO and he couldn't keep any heat on him. He took the WWE Title from a red hot CM Punk and still couldnt maintain any heat. WWE were just wasting their time and his IMO. He should've been given a slow push to the top and let the fans organically take to him instead of give him all of these accolades a year into his run to force him down our throats and make us like him if they wanted to make money off of him.
  16. Yeah I think that the problen is that they dont have a legit wrestling booker in between all of those hollywood writers and Triple H. If they had a legit booker who could reel in all of those hollywood ideas and make it suitable for wrestling before going to Triple H, then maybe storylines and charactets would come across better. But even with that its Vince wgo finalizes and oks everything, so it may be that he shoots down good ideas and is too out of touch to know what is good creatively anymore.
  17. True but they barely make anything in terms of profit. They tried touring and it didnt help. PPV buys are so low that they had to turn them into TV specials. Their merchandice sales probably arent high enough outside of the big stars (Hardy, Angle, drawing blanks in anyone else). No amount of cutbacks and firings help if they cant turn a profit. TNA shouldve focused on building an audience in the southeast first before expanding to other areas. Because they havent they cant really draw good numbers show for show outside of the Impact Zone and even then most of that audience didnt even pay for seats. Honestly I dont think that its out of the question for TNA to scale back greatly and start from square one. Do a bunch of Florida shows first, then expand to Georgia and Alabama, then Louisiana and SC, then NC, Virginia, WV,etc. It sounds crazy but if they dont and Spike drops them then I doubt they will be able to sustain themselves for too much longer.
  18. Ehh I blame Wyatt's momentum falling on a couple of things. Coming off of a feud with somebody at Cena's level is going to result in some momentum loss naturally. That'd be like going from a feud with Austin or Rock in the AE to a second tier guy like Jericho or Benoit. Another thing is that WWE aren't really trying to do anything new with Wyatt's feuds. It's all the same song and dance. To keep a character like Bray's interesting you have to constantly try new things in most of his feuds or else it all gets old quick like it is right now.
  19. If they go on MTV then I dont expect them to last more than a couple of seasons at the most. They'd probably be better off just airing their shows online while they plan their next move or even better yet for their money problems, book 1-2 big shows a month online if Impact ends its run on Spike.
  20. Im not gonna lie i also saw a lot of 90s Taker in Reigns, from the look down to his demeanor of just being less of a loudmouth and more of a bad ass ass kicker. However, since he is Rocks cousin I could see Rocky giving him a lot of pointers in his free time should Reigns work as a main eventer, as mic work is all he really needs to work on outside of his conditioning, but conditioning should come with time IMO since he has to work long matches 300 days a year if he becomes a draw so he will have to get better to keep up. And a huge LOL at Cesaro/Swagger. Cesaro shouldve just stayed with Coulter as his manager, imagine how over hed be right now in Swaggers place.
  21. WWE went with Reigns because he was and still is the most over of the three. Not to say that he wasnt carried but thats just the way that things went i guess. Rollins and Ambrose still have bright futures ahead of them even if they dont get the big push that Reigns is getting right now. The way i see it, at best Reigns becomes a huge star which is what the WWE needs, and at worst the fans crap on him like they did Cena and theres somevody else to take his spot.
  22. Honestly I dont think that most fans would care for long if Cena broke the streak just as long as he turned heel or freshened up his character first. Other than that I agree with WWE not wanting to risk him getting more heat. Another reason why Brock is a good choice is because he's already a heel and he most likely doesnt give a crap about what the fans have to say as long as he gets his money. He wouldnt let the heat he gets get under his skin like Cena or a young rookie would. Another thing. Building Bray Wyatt or another rookie to be good enough to beat Taker would at least take two years, and let's face it, Taker's not getting any younger. I would've loved to see Taker go for another three years after this year to face Jericho, Sting, Cena, and maybe even Rock for a fourth year, but when your body says that you're done then you're done. I wouldn't want Taker to further put his health on the line to put over somebody that may not be a sure thing. At least with Brock, you know that he doesnt have anywhere else to really go outside of WWE that'd hurt the company in any way, TNA certainly doesnt have Brock Lesnar money, so unless he retires soon, which most likely wont happen considering the money he makes, he'll be around for a long time to essentially be the WWE's new final boss.
  23. I have no problem with Brock ending the streak. IMO it wouldnt be right for a less established talent to be able to do what the GOATs couldnt in beating Taker. You also have the possibility of that young guy not being able to live up to the hype and bombing.You also have the possibility of that person getting legit heat with the fans to where they wont accept the guy. The only people who have any business endig the streak today are Brock, Cena, and Rock. Anybody else wouldnt be right in my opinion. I know people will say that they dont need it but the streak grew into a phenomenon of its own that i dont think itd sit right with most people if a Bray Wyatt or even a Roman Reigns were to do it without building a superstar resume for it first.
  24. Thats why i hope they can add in AI generated wrestlers in every year, so at least Universe/Career will always have a slew of new upcoming talebt that can be stars in a few years and everything wont get old quick. Not jinxing it but depending on how involved 2k actually is we may just get the same game, but I have enough faith that we may actually have a new experience this time around.
  25. <p>To bring the discussion towards Raw, I dont know what it is and it might just be me, but for some reason I really enjoy Cena's promos when hes being serious. He's easily one of the best mic workers of his generation when he's firing on all cylinders, although in the post AE that's not saying much when you can probably name all of the truly great talkers with maybe both hands. That being said, I dont have a doubt in my mind that Cena would've done extremely well in the 80's and very well for himself in the 90's as well just going by his mic skills.</p><p> </p><p> Cena still has a stale character but if he cut promos like he did with Paul last night more often then I'd still be a Cena fan through it all.</p><p> </p><p> As for 2K15, I would like to buy it right out of the gate or maybe even pre-order but why pay full price when you dont know how good the game is going to be? I'd rather wait until the price drops at least halfway and reviews come in before I get it. I'll admit I jumped the gun when I bought WWE '13 (but ended up enjoying it, although it gets old fast with nothing but Universe) but I did skip 2K14.</p><p> </p><p> As for game modes, I hope that we really get a WWE version of what 2K has done in the NBA 2K games, with an always evolving, WWE centered pro wrestling world with CPU generated wrestlers debuting, wrestlers retiring, wrestlers even dying randomly, etc so you really feel like you're in the wrestling business. I'd also like to see a return of GM Mode with the same evolving aspect of what the other 2K games offer.</p>
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