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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. Jesus Christ, don't interpretate all so damn literally. The rest of the post was the most important and no one talked about that! XD Of course i know they won't be closing the doors tomorrow or next year,etc etc...that was an ironic matter of speaking...but the rest of the post is correct! Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!
  2. I think the most important here is that when TNA is out of business (that will not take long) certain "former WCW personalities" (we all know who i'm talking about) won't be able to blame that on a AOL/Time Warner merger like last time. yes, we all know that if the merger didn't happened at all, WCW would have been in a business for an adicional time period, because Turner woanted that and would have financed that. But the fact is that even if the merger didn't happened they would still be out of business nowadays, because Turner would not be able to keep losing money in such a "flamboyant way" (and i'm beeing polite9 for much longer. So...finally some people will be able to stop using the merger as an excuse for their own (now more then proven)tremendous incompetence!
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