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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. I'm fine with E and C not returning. It's not like it's necessary. I do think it's a shame they turned Edge in such a way, but what's been done is done.


    What my concern is that RAW is way too stack in terms of stars. Guys like Miz and Morrison have no room to breathe. On the other hand, SD doesn't have enough to draw fans in.


    For those who doubted they were eventually getting rid of the brand split, there is stronger evidence now.


    I seriously doubt they are getting rid of the brand split. They haven't even debuted SD on ScyFi and you are already killing it? Vince would never do something like that, cause he need Sd. He loves money and droping Sd would hurt his pocket. Edge's turn was...how can i put this? Preposterous!

  2. There would be much more potential in bringing back Edge and Christian than they did with DX anyway. With E&C there's a multitude of ways you can go with them, they could both be super heels or super faces. Considering their position in the card, there's so many places to go, even beyond the tag team titles.


    I'm all against nostalgic acts that are needless, which is probably what you meant. I mean, suggestions like bringing back Brothers of Destruction(rather prefer this once-in-a-blue-moon deal they have with Taker and Kane now) or a bWo rehash or a comedy Goldust push I can understand, but Edge and Christian can still go, and they're a major angle away from making it happen. Well not now that is. But either way, it will happen soon enough, sure of it.


    Say what? I kind of got lost there. Slang such as blue moon deals is not part of my english vocabulary yet. :D

    And yes, i was talking about needless nostalgic acts. but i can agree on the E&C potential.

  3. Normally I'd agree with you. For example, I'm not a fan of TNA reuniting The World's Greatest Tag Team because it's looking to the past instead of the future. Where I think Edge & Christian are different is that they've been apart for a good 8 years, and in that time their characters have developed and evolved in major ways. Edge became the ultimate opportunist and married Vickie Guerrero, and is an altogether more volatile and unpredictable character than in the happy-go-lucky E&C days. Christian... well they can't mention his TNA thing, but he changed too. More confident. Less creepy. Bottom line, they're different people now, and the relationship wouldn't be a re-hash, a nostalgia act, a kazoo-infested montage of 5-second-poses. It would be weirdly different, like talking to your old high school friends at a reunion. There's drama there that excites me.


    ... but I will concede that I'm biased. I love Edge & Christian, and I love the idea of main event tag teams. My desire for a reunion isn't a rational one, it's not about 'good for business' or even 'good drama'. It comes from the irrational heart. I loved their team. I want to see it again. Nothing more. Nothing less.


    P.S. I'd also enjoy Brothers of Destruction. Again, Main Event tag team, and the only time I've enjoyed Kane is when he was around his brother.


    Actually you made an excellent point. I spent the last 3 day talking to my high school friends whom i hadn't heard of in 11 years and i can understand what you mean. Also agree on what you say about kane. And Edge is my #1 now that HBK is gone, and i also dig Christian a lot, so maybe it could actually be both: good for us and for the business.

  4. I completely disagree with the IWC about this one. Bring Christian and Edge back? No sir. They're main eventers now, their tag team was long time ago, you should never return to where you were once happy. Life moves on and i want to see new things. But that's just me, cause i'm sure the WWE would find a way to make it suck. anyway but seriously,i think people need to stop with the nostalgia. Today some people ask for E&C, tomorrow maybe the Brothers of Destruction (just an example)...i mean...seriously? We play TEW for crying out loud, we're supposed to hope for bether things then little nostalgia acts.
  5. Man Smackdown got butchered




    -- Kelly Kelly To SmackDown!

    -- The Big Show To SmackDown!

    -- Kofi Kingston To SmackDown!

    -- Christian To SmackDown!




    -- John Morrison To RAW

    -- R-Truth To RAW

    -- Edge To RAW

    -- Chris Jericho To RAW



    There's only one thing worse then having a B show moving into a B network. And that thing is a B show moving into a B network with a B roster! Ai Ai Ai!

  6. It looks like JR is can really head to TNA. he denied it several times in a tone that implied something like "I will not leave the WWE" and now he clearly changed that tone. here are some things he said on his blog: (source: Wrestling Exposed)


    "Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section of his website JRsBarBQ.com with some commentary on a variety of topics. Ross' WWE contract expires at the end of this month and its been widely reported that there is strong interest from TNA Wrestling if Ross and WWE are unable to come to terms. Here are some Q&A highlights of what he said about:


    Possibly Going To TNA: "I am a fan of TNA and hope that they become successful and earn better TV ratings. Where I may or may not fit into their plans is TBD. I do have several outside of wrestling options that interest me but I haven't lost my passion for pro wrestling either. I think it is good to have options. If TNA and us begin negotiations in earnest then both parties will actually know what the other wants or needs to make a potential deal work. That time hasn't come."


    TNA Hiring A Firm To Analyze Their Audience: "I'm not sure about the consulting matter as I have seen some research projects work well and some waste time and money. I'm not in that loop nor am I informed of the research in which they are doing. If the research was done in Philly then having the ECW brand still have equity doesn't surprise me."


    Paul Heyman Going To TNA?: "Paul Heyman doesn't seem interested in getting back into wrestling or so I hear. I guess time will tell. Bottom line is that for the pat 36 years I have been a total team player and don't plan on changing my philosophy any time soon. If I commit to any entity they will get all that I have to offer, in or out of pro wrestling.""

  7. I'll drag up the orton youtube clip when i get home, but it was really that simple. Kofi had a solid month where his ring work went to ****.


    Who knows why, but he just looked lost in those last few matches with orton, culminating in the "stupid" incident. a quick run down of it is that randy clearly was going to do the stalk for the punt move, but kofi bounced right up off the interference bump that put him down by dibiase? i think it was ted anyway, could have been cody...


    Randy then kinda shoved him down (it was clear kofi wanted to trade punches at the time, and randy was trying to do the finsh) and went for the "stalking" taunt before the RKO. Kofi again bounced right up to trade punches. orton gave him a "are you serious?" look, then gut kicked him and rko'd him.


    Rather than pin him, orton jumped up and yelled "STUPID" twice then pinned him. after the three count camera's cought him mouthing "what the blank was that" and shaking his head.


    Rumor sites picked up that kofi completely forgot the finish, which was supposed to be, according to the dirt sheets anyway, a punt off the interference to do the always popular "randy kicked me i'm out 2 shows then im back like a house of fire on randy's behind" approved storyline extender :D


    Since then, seems like they put him on hold. dunno if wwe was just tired of his ring work for that month and that was the straw that broke the camels back or what, but that pretty much killed that fued dead.


    OMG. Orton really needs to do anger management therapy...or leave drugs. :D

    As for Kofi...i don't know why some people dig him...i can live pretty well without him.

    Thanks for the explanation.

  8. I wouldn't exactly call that clean but I get what you're going for. The Knockout title has become pretty meaningless to me with all its changes as of late, but man, Velvet sure looks good.


    BTW, what is with Moore being the Prince of Punk and having his Glam Rock catch phrase? Are we supposed to think Glam Rock is cool and not totally 80's and gay?


    On the other hand, i always thought Glam Rock has everything to do with Hogan...So in Hogan's TNA it is but normal to see such gayness. :D

  9. Well, i don't think it's a glass ceiling so much as he needs a fresh start.


    The E clearly wants to push him, and i love kofi, but man, it's been awhile since i've seen a guy get handed the ball and fumble it as badly as kofi did at the end of the orton fued.


    It was, granted, extremely unprofessional of orton to scream "STUPID! STUPID!" at him on that raw where kofi botched the finsh for the second week in a row, but when you add those two raw M/E matches to the disappointing botchy PPV performance the month before, i can see why they put him on hold after orton.


    I mean, as much as I criticize WWE's Booking, i really can't argue with them putting a hold on his push when his works was as botchtacular as that last month was.


    Dunno if the pressure got to him or what, but he really turned in some spotty performances as that fued was winding down. He needs to go to smackdown not to get out from under some glass ceiling but to get a new fued for himself and recapture what he had during the hieght of the orton fued before his ring work went to crap.


    Smackdown's taped nature may also help him assimilate into a higher role on the card. If it was nerves that led to his sloppy ring work on raw, being taped instead of live can only help him overcome that and get comfortable with the spotlight on him. and, if he makes one of the glaring botches he made during finshes on the raw matches, they can edit it out.


    Heck, even punk, a much, much better and more consistent worker in ring than kofi, used that perk about what, a month ago according to the rumor sites when he botched the GTS live? yea for tape delay and editing:D!


    I remember missing out most of that month. I wasn't exactly a regular viewer of the wwe anymore then. (Still haven't returned to regular viewer status yet) But i always wondererd why they cancelled his push. Can someone give me a detailed explanation on that whole Kofi situation and to what happened back then?

  10. It's "commas", by the way. ;)


    Unless they drop the second 'm' in other countries and I just don't know about it...


    Yeah! Blame the portuguese guy because he forgot an M! You do know that english is not Portugal's native language, don't you? :D

  11. Fin the problem isn't whether or not there is a God or not. The problem isn't even what the percentage is. The problem is you said that people that believe in a God have a mental illness. Do you know how disrespecful and rude that is? There are billions of people all over the world that believe in a God and I'm guessing most have never said two insulting words to you. For you to boastfully and arrogantly come in here and generalize anyone who belives in a God as having a mental illness that means you're calling my grandmother, my little sister lots of people I care about mentally ill.


    If you want to believe the chances of a God are less than a billionth of a percent thats fine. If you want to believe that anyone who believes in God is a sheep thats fine. Nobody insulting you and you're beliefs there are people that believe just as strong IN as god as you believe in NO God. I don't recall them coming on here and telling you that you have a mental illness because you can't that there is a God.


    I've said it before I don't even know if I believe in a God but to start throwing around hurtful insults to people because of a personal belief in my opinion is way out of line. I've said it before I think you're a decent fella even if I don't agree with a lot of your in my opinion radical thoughts not just on religion I'm not going to come in here and insult you and tell you that you have some sort of problem because of the way you believe.


    I'm all for debates such as this the chicken and the egg or what not but there is no reason to make rude, disrespectful comments to people for their personal beliefs or UNbeliefs. I don't know where you come from but in my neighborhood telling someone they have a mental illness because they think something different than you is pretty disrespectful.



    Stennick, i generally agree with you, because you know how to make your point in a civilized way, as you did now. And from what i've read in this post, you are totally right about what Fin did...but...could you use comas please? Could you all?? Cause sometimes i'm writing all the posts you guys write and i have to start reading them again! :D Maybe it's just because i am a writer and i notice those things...but do use comas, please! :D

  12. I'm like that. I love watching Rey Mysterio, but not when he's picking up wins against guys like Batista, Kane, Big Show, etc consistently. He's a great cruiserweight, and he should fight similar people. Wrestling is fake, sure, but I still prefer when they try to make it just a bit believeable.


    Wrestling is fake???Really???You mean...Ric Flair didn't really pick up those 20ish women when he was in Evolution? Lilian Garcia didn't actually wanted that the big pile of **** aka Viscera married her? Rey Mysterio only wins big guys because the matches are set up? Worst...the matches are set up!? You mean...that the boogeyman didn't really eat worms all the time? Hulk Hogan is not the best of all time??? I'm shocked!!! My world will never be the same again!!! :D:D:D

  13. In TEW terms what you're describing is charisma. If a casual fan sees Regal in the ring their immediate reaction is "that guy is old and fat," and that directly opposes any desire to watch the show or pay to see him at a later time. I agree Regal has great charisma but between his age and his personal demons he's never going to be a top guy.


    Also I don't know what you mean by Sheamus lacking size compared to other main eventers: he's bigger than everyone on the roster that isn't a "monster" and he has the kind of athleticism that anybody over 6'6 is going to struggle with.


    And yeah, having a unique look that is both unusual and marketable does work. When he turns babyface the Celtic Cross is already in his iconography so it'll easily sell t-shirts to the 90% of the population in the US that thinks they're Irish.




    Star quality has absolutely zero to do with how exciting your moves or your finisher are. Again, Swagger is physically bigger and in better shape than every single guy in the IC/US leagues that isn't the current IC champion. He was groomed as a superstar in waiting from the moment he appeared: could you give the same gimmick/push to a guy like Zach Ryder or even Dolph Ziggler?


    But yeah, "star quality" isn't a thing that tends to increase with age, barring rampant steroid use.



    I think the fact that Reagal never made it big time had nothing to do with his personal deamons. But can you remember what he said when he was pushed in EWR? I lmao the first time i pushed the guy to the main event.

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