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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. lol, I guess you're right. I think I was just skewed against the Backstreet Boys. They're no N*Sync, after all. :D


    I'd disagree with you right there. Justin Timberlake is like the John Cena of Pop music for me. I strongly dislike him. Besides the BSB might be...well...the BSB, but all of them actually have vocal abilities. Especially the can't-remember-his-name-that-went-to-Oprah-because-he-has-demons dude. N'Sync by the other hand...is another story. And they sold only 56 million records worldwide.

  2. While this is true, I don't think it really applies to wrestling. Why? The people that go down in the history as the biggest of all time are essentially the BSB. Guys like Hogan, Cena, and Rocky are going down in the history books as the biggest wrestlers of all time.


    Not to say that they're BSB bad, though. They had the skills to go along with their looks that made sure they stayed on top. Be it in ring, on the microphone, whatever, they're able to stay on top. Guys like Great Khali, however, may have the look, but they're unable to pull it together into a total package, which is why they won't be remembered. I think that's what makes wrestling really special. If you want to truly be remembered for decades, you have to have the total package. You can't be great at just one aspect of your craft. There's a reason people will always remember Ric Flair over Arn Anderson. While they were both (I'd say) equally as good in the ring, Flair could combine that with charisma and became the undeniable star we all know today, whereas Arn couldn't.


    That actually proves my point. The BSB themselves sold 130 million recods so far because they have the total package. They had the looks, they had (still do, i guess) the vocals, and they had the catchy tunes. Much like Cena: Looks, voice, and the catchy tunes. (that last part meaning a decent ring work, but not a great one, or close to best of all times)


    Ps: Comparing Hogan/Cena to the BSB is actually the "coup des gras", as the BSB are actually the biggest selling boy band ever, so it fits perfectly.

  3. I agreed with your post up until the SD part. Maybe a month or 2 ago I would have bought it, but currently, Smackdown is great and it is the best it has been since Mid-Late 2009 (imo). It's not lazy so much as it is just classic wrestling logic. It's amazing that the simple things that made wrestling famous can sometimes actually sell a product :rolleyes:.


    You can agree with the full post than, because i brought up the sd deal after watching a replay. The one after the Christian heel turn. Where Sheamus beats orton...and before that?? A tag team match...made by...Teddy Long...after a 4.way.brawl. Btw i edited the post, to better complete some thoughts on the other subjects. :D

  4. Ahhmm...to the guys above me posting aboout the IWC...you know you're part of it, right?? All of us in this discussion are. And you say they're wrong, right? Okay, than ask yourselves this: Do you guys think you're wrong when you voice your opinions?


    Let me put it this way: I can bet that a lot of the IWC "members" (let's call them that way) were complete marks before they decided to go to the internet and talk about wrestling. They watched the shows, they loved it. But then they discovered some forum with a nice e-fed that made them meet new people, people that made them see wrestling in a new diferent way. And so they became marks, or markISH. And after that transformation, they never saw Pro Wrestling with the same eyes again... Why?


    Simple! I won't even start writing dozens of lines about how looking into something 100 times makes it look predictable. It does. (I'll leave the dozens of lines for the rest of the post.) And we will understand that thing even beter, from inside out, if we talk with other 100 times viewers as us. So the IWC "members" usually become experts when they watch a wrestling show, whether they want it or not. Sure, that doesn't mean that all the IWC members became experts online. Yes, i know, that's not the point. The point is that we put pro wrestling under the magnifying glass so many times that we end up knowing how to tell the difference between the simple and the complicated.

    The simple is always the pop mainstream product, built for the casual unexperienced fans. it sells, cause it's easy to understand, and makes people who know squat about wrestling buy ppvs. The complicated is art, made for those who understand what they're watching to some extent, and that actually know how to evaluate what they're watching.


    Don't get me wrong, i'm not criticizing those who buy the easy stuff. Everyone likes things their own way. But the fact that the casual audience settles (or evens asks for) something we don't like doesn't make us wrong, doesn't make our standards wrong. It just proves that those guys specifically are buying the "easy" stuff, wich means that the "easy" stuff is working.


    Bottom line, the IWC guys are experts, (some more than others, and all of them with diferent tastes) and that's why a main stream wrestling promotion like wwe wouldn't give a crap for them. It's like pitting The Backstreet Boys vs Mozart. Sure, some people may like BSB better, and they have the right to do so. But at the end of the day, who do we read about in books and study in schools? Mozart or BSB? Obvious answer. And who would sell the biggest? Well...surprise...the backstreet boys. More than 130 million records sold in over a decade prove my point...for those who love facts. The BSB-Mozart is just an example, but people have to understand the diference. One represents something that is easy to replicate and easier to pitch to the consumers. Boy/girl bands (as well as pop music in general) are catchy, easy going, with musics and lyrics combinations that just get stuck in our heads no matter how much we hate them, so we end up buying them so we can hear them, forget them and move along.Mozart is pretty much the exact way around. So...who's really right more times? The IWC or the guys that think that it's ALL coreographed and pain free, as one of you said it?


    Sorry about the long post. :D


    Btw, look at smackdown! What is that??? Virtually every week (or almost) there are 4 guys that end up brawling on the ring, and then Teddy Long comes out and books a tag team match. Every single week! (Or almost) What is the deal with that? Talk about lazy writers! This even ads up to the rest of my post, though it was supposed to be a side note. Oh well... Thanks for your time reading this "very small" post. :D

  5. Last I heard, Vince isn't into tag team wrestling because of profits. Singles wrestling is where it is. It's not about in ring, or production, or hiring more people, or anything like that. It's the fact he can make twice more with singles wrestlers then tag team's.... merchandise wise. An example could be, throwing Big Show and Kane together as a tag team, yet they are singles wrestlers selling merchandise. IF they were only known as tag team wrestlers "The Giants" or something, then they would only sell "The Giants" merchandise, and not Big Show merchandise, and Kane merchandise.


    That's jus a rough example, it's more complex then just that, if you really think about it... and it's actually an optimistic outlook in my opinion. Your bassically saying that all wrestler's have it in them to sell merchandise on their own. I personally think some won't, but possibly could if partnered with the right individual, that also couldn't. To me, it's twice the chance to do so, and later could end up profitable as a singles if the tag team becomes big enough "The Brian Kendrick" I really think could have worked alot better if not for putting a gimmick on someone that can't really pull off that gimmick.


    Yes, this is part of what i was trying to say. The most important part. The bottom line is that it would be possible, probably cheap, but he just likes to milk the singles wrestling cow.

  6. It's just like cruiserweights or any other division in the company (Even the Divas Divison,cause now it's no more than the top models wannabe division). They all died. Singles competitors and top models wannabe are all what's left... I wonder why? Simple. He chose to keep what sells more easily. (i assume) And he sees no point in changing things. That would require work/money that he's not willing to do/spend. Even if he didn't spend that much or nothing, he would still probably find it not worthy of doing. The man is practical. Can't take that away from him. Most of us may dislike his actions, but he made WWE the undisputed #1 promotion in the world...and although we're amid a financial crisis he's still turning profits. Or was, last time i heard. So...i might disagree with him, but i don't see him changing his ways...soon, if ever. Unless the audience demands it. He only complies to things when the audience really demands it (when his paying clients demand, the ones on tha go to the shows and buy products, not those online), when it's something hot (Edge/Matt, for example) when it's a easy money maker or when he thinks he's doing something never seen before in that little twisted mind of his. :D
  7. I completely disagree with you on this. Just because WWE hasn't showcased any proper tag team wrestling for many years doesn't necessarily mean that their audiences won't appreciate it. How do they know untill they try? And I don't quite get your logic here at all: you say that the fans just accept anything the WWE throws at them. Well... if WWE then began throwing proper tag team wrestling at them, why would they not accept that as well?


    I'd also argue that tag team wrestling is GREAT for kids. When I started watching wrestling, I really really digged tag team wrestling. Seeing two guys with matching gimmicks throw double team moves all over the place was really awesome to me. But I don't blame kids of today for not digging WWE tag team wrestling, as it's just two random guys in ordinary wrestling trunks doing their singles stuff in the same ring. There's nothing special or exciting about it.


    I honestly don't think it would be hard at all to get a proper tag division in WWE again. They easily have the manpower to do 10 tag teams if they want to, they have tons of guys never shown on tv and lots of promising talent sitting in FCW. And since there hasn't really been much tag team wrestling on tv for a very long time, they could easily just re-do succesful tag gimmicks from the 80's and 90's. Not all of them would work today, of course, but I'm sure that lots of the big ones would.


    Oh sure, the audiences would aprecciate if the E decided to throw it at them. The point is that i don't see Vince doing it right now. The guy seems to prefer focusing on singles wrestling. At least so it seems, if we look at these last years. And building a decent tag division would always imply some changes in the company, wich would always imply investment. WHy would he invest if he already has a safe product that people buy?

    So, sure...people would buy Tag team wrestling if vince promoted it...but (and i'm just assuming his lines of thought) i guess he thinks: "Why botter putting something out there that would imply roster changes, investment, and so on, when i alredy have a safe profitable product?

  8. I completely agree.


    These days, tag teams in WWE are basically used as an excuse for setting up a fed between two former partners later on - and most often, it's sooner rather than later.


    Back in the old days we saw people get extremely over as a teag team with chemistry, matching attires and gimmicks and double team moves. Look at how huge The Road Warriors got, for example. Individually, they weren't really main eventers (though did occationally dabble into the main event for singles matches)... but together, they were at the very top of things.


    I don't think a proper tag division would be that hard to get in WWE. Let's say they're able to sign The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money Inc from TNA and re-form The Hart Dynasty as well as keep The Usos around, the foundations would be there. They could throw Swagger and Danielson together in matching patriotic attire, having them work under a patriotic gimmick as hard-working American wrestlers who use skills to get ahead in life and live the American dream. Corny, I know, but USA never seems to get tired of patriotism. They could also try to put together a couple of big guys lacking charisma to make it on their own and throw some paint and funny costumes on them in a Road Warriors/Demolition/Ultimate Warrior gimmick amalgram. It worked before, it might work again. I would personally tune in to see this tag division on WWE television each week.


    You would, i would, people in here would...but not the WWE fanbase? Why? Because most of their target audience is kids and those will hardly know what a good tag team mach is. They will just be accepting whatever the E throws at them. That's why some superstars make so much success, (and i don't mean just Cena) because people will accept what the E throws at them. And it makes sense. If everyone understood wrestling like most of the IWC, no one would be in the Arenas anymore. Most of us look at a show in a already mechanical way, where we already know what will happen and the whole purpose of what's happening. Not only because it's predictable, but because some things need to be done.

    Example: If i see john Cena wrestling a heel midcarder, i know he's going to win. Because he's the main eventer, and the midcarder is just there to keep Cena looking strong. The possibilities of the midcarder winning are slim to none, and would only become a reality if they had some sort of storyline prepared for them. But the kids or the marks don't really know what's happening, they jsut cheer for theire favourite worker (the main eventer) to win. If they saw at as we did...they wouldn't even bother thinking on wrestling again. Most people don't want to know that much about something tey like to watch just for fun.


    The point is: People like what they get, Vince keeps giving them the same until the ratings hit some low point one day, so that means building a tag division is not on his plans! Why would he bother? That would probably cost him some money, as he would have to increase his roster. He can easily make more money by continuing to focus on singles feuds. Too bad...i'd love to see a proper tag division.


    Wasn't the MnM the last WWE tag team really portrayed as such? It's been a long time since then. Now they just throw two single workers with no simialr attires, no chemistry...no nothing.

  9. Again, I understand this. At first I was p***ed when Orton took the title off Christian. But it cemented Orton as top dog on SD, gave Christian a heel turn with an interesting storyline where he's actually being hard done by, providing him with motive. Plus, they've had some good matches.


    But they have to make it a triple threat match with Sheamus at MITB because another Christian v Orton 1-on1 would be overkill. I hope they slap the belt on Sheamus and then have Christian beat Sheamus down the track.


    As for Orton beating Barrett repeatedly. Well, I heard Vince wasn't happy with the Nexus storyline after the Cena feud ended so they de-pushed Barrett.


    Yeah, i read that somewhere too. Wich makes me think that the main purpose ot creating them in the first place was getting Cena (even more) over. No Cena in the storyline, no use for the nexus. Classic Vinnie Mac booking in the last years.

  10. A champion that would mean nothing having been beaten on three or four consecutive main event-level PPV matches and treated in a comically bad fashion by the GM of his brand.


    I love the "wait and see where it goes" line because it gets trotted out every time WWE book a feud like this. Which is a lot, which is exactly why people are complaining, because they know how it usually goes and they're not happy with that.



  11. Because this storyline has not fully played out yet and for all we know Christian will be champion again by Summerslam.


    Just assuming he is going to end up the same way as Punk/Barrett etc is a bit foolish. Just wait and see what happens first, and if it ends with Christian having been completely dominated like Punk etc then by all means berate the way the way it has played out.


    No one's berating. :D I'm assuming. I'd certainly love to be wrong. But i'm just talking about my impressions, doesn't mean it's a done deal. I sure as hell hope not. I too have the hopes of seeing him reign by summerslam. Let's wait and see. But nothing prevents us from discussing it.

  12. Really not sure how you can say they've dropped the ball on the whole Christian thing. Sure, I was pissed when he lost the title 5 days after winning it but I'm happy enough with how things have gone since then. He is still in the main event a few months later on his own merits rather than off the whole Edge retirement angle and I believe that he is getting the title again soon enough. Even if he doesn't he is in a much better position now than say 6 months ago. I like the way the whole story has developed so far and am looking forward to where it is heading.



    I always get suspicious of the E nowadays. Besides they're doing him the same thing they did to punk and Barrett. Feeding him to Orton. How good can that be in the long run?

  13. They didn't do it just to Punk though, they're doing it to Christian as well.


    So true! And i hate them for that. Christian is on my list of favourites, so i really dislike that. Especially since some WWE guys, like Jim Ross, implied that his 5 day title reign was not part of burying him, or miss treating him as always, but instead part of something bigger. Really?? After 3 losses with orton...is anyone still taking him that seriously as a title contender?? That turn could have been great! When i saw him losing the title after 5 days, i actually thought they were going to make something right, for a change... I mean...the heel turn coming out of it had a lot of potential.... and now it's gone. Oh well...

  14. What makes no sense to me about Orton face feuds is, he beats the heels cleanly time and time again and the heels don't ever get anywhere in the feud besides beating him down randomly.


    Isn't it supposed to be the heel cheats to beat the face for the duration of the feud and the blow off is the face finally gets the win in the last match?


    That really irritates me. Plus, there's the whole thing of Orton being a face in the first place. He injured Punk to take him out of the Scramble match at Unforgiven, yet he's the good guy when Punk wants retribution?


    Actually no. That's just a way to book it. Of course it would make much more sense to book it as they book it, if Punk came out victorious in the last match, like orton did to hbk when shawn superkicked him for almost two months on a row. And sure, the heel cheating and making the face endure hell to lose the retribution final match is classic booking, but it's not the only way to go. That was actually one of the early things that EWR thought to the beginners:The principles of booking a feud are doing it even or letting the advantadge go largely to one of the sides, regardless of dispositions. This opens up a bunch of secondary options, but that's another story, for another post.)

    So if they want to build up Orton at a Cena Level, or close to him in the hierarchy, than it makes sense that they book it this way. I do it with some starts i want to push, at the expense of guys i want to "depush".


    Sure, doesn't mean i like what they do to Punk, but i understand where they go with it. The fact is that if they wanted to feed orton with someone, they could at least chose another worker...oh well. Maybe now, with all the buzz, we'll see Punk at a higher level...if he comes back while there's still a buzz...of if he doesn't leave period. I'd truly like the E to surprise me with this whole punk deal, but they will probably find a way to screw it up.

  15. I don't like Cena as a performer. I think he's extremely bland in the ring and I hate his gimmick with a passion. And don't get me started on his wrestling attire... I'm really not into rap or hip hop or whatever.


    But... I achnowledge his insane value to the company. Could someone else in the wrestling world today become as over with the fans given the same push? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But what I am 100 % sure of is that noone else could be as important to the company as Cena is. That many is a true company man who breathes WWE. He's hard-working, devoted, loyal, easy-going, stays out of trouble with the law, does no drugs (that we've heard of), does tons of charity and other great PR for WWE... I imagine that he's any promoter's dream.


    If I were Vince, and had to choose between pushing Cena and someone who is perhaps more talented as a wrestler but has more risque attached (like Orton, whom I actually like a great deal), I too would choose Cena. It makes the most financial sense.


    With this can totally agree. Except the drugs part. Because, and i can be wrong, a friend of mine, who really marks for cena, told me we once admited (not directly, but underlying) in some way to have done steroids before (i believe it were steroids he said) on a monday night raw. So, this was told to me by a guy who really likes cena, i didn't hear it. As isaid, i may be wrong. Is english isn't thag godd, so he might have missunderstood something that Cena said. Still, i can agree with what was said. Not with Stennicks claim of him beeing irreplaceable and i'll explain why.


    Let's get out of the Cena realm and look at things from a different point of view. Leonel Messi is the world's greatest football player. (Soccer) Would Barcelona replace him easily if he decided to leave? Nope. Is there someone ready to take his place if he left now? Sure, Barcelona has some fine thecnician players, such as Iniesta, for example. Of course they are no messi, granted that much. Could there be someone in this world to be equal or better then Messi? Sure, but they may not have been discovered yet, or may not have grown as players, or may not have enough playing time to be noticed. (The same as not beeing pushed.) So...could John Cena be replaced just like that if he left now? Sure, maybe not, i'll agree on that one, (we can't be sure, as we don't know the capabilities and personalitiesof all the wwe workers, including developlent) it would be very hard or amlost impossible to replace him instantly. But not impossible. And i'm sure that there are more guys with his type of attitude in this world. Maybe they remain undiscovered, or never signed with the E for some reason. One thing is for sure, the bigger you get, the harder it remains to stay clean and have a good attitude.Maybe that's why it will be harder to find a replacement for Cena. Because Vince tends to chose the "big guys" (not literally giants, but i already explained what i mean by big) and those are rarely clean in wrestling. At least so it seams. Sure, none big guys aren't that clean either. But you get my point. No one is irreplaceable. There's always someone who can do as much or more than us. But sure, i admit it would be hard to replace him in a short time, but in a long term it could be done. Besides, you only get big if you get pushed to be big, no matter how good you are.


    Daniel's release was because he choked Justin Roberts with his tie. As I recall, someone connected to Mattel or one of the sponsors complained about it, considering it too graphic for the product they were associated with. Daniel really was fired, but it was the similar deal to when they released Jamie Noble over the steroid problem; as long as he stayed out of TNA, he'd be brought back when the heat died down.


    Cena can be replaced in that they can always find someone else they can get behind and find a way, and have the patience, to make into a super over babyface who is the face of the company. But there is a lot that Cena does, Make a Wish, etc, that requires more than just the company getting behind them, that adds to the package that a lot of guys would crack under the pressure of doing.


    True, but we can't assume he's the only guy in the wold that can do it. But sure, replacing him wouldn't be made in days.


    As for Punk...i sure hope he's not going the same way as Danielson. I'd rather see him staying now, while the angle is hot, so he can get more over and have his chance to "shine."

  16. If I don't miss my guess, IF he leaves then it will be the same concept as when Danielson left; he leaves, does some indie stuff, with the understanding that when he's ready he'll return. Plus, it adds a sort of legit confusion about the whole thing to have him actually doing one-night-only type shows in NJPW and ROH.


    It worked with Danielson, at least in the sense that they convinced everyone his firing was legit, and when he came back it could've been big.


    True, but wasn't Daniel's release because of some choking he did with a cable or something? I don't even remember that well. Still, i see your point. THough i don't like the fact that punk will leave now that the storyline just got interesting.


    Punk will be back. There's no rush, the WWE can let him leave.. Punk's probably let them know he has no intention of going to TNA, of course ROH is doubtful but even there he must be making/promised good money in the WWE, and upon his return. I think Punker mostly has the intention of taking a well-deserved break.



    As for Cena, I agree on certain points. Yes, he doesn't have as much natural talent as the cream of the crop, and I'd dare say for a while he was a tad overrated in the ring, half of his "great matches" I didn't really perceive as(except Cena/Umaga and Cena/HBK(at Mania... not the 1-hour fest). His psychology was still dreadful most of the time. However, what he took to get to where he is.. mostly Cena's doing. Not just the workrate but he's overwhemingly confident on the mic, enough to make ad-libbed promos on a consistent basis, according to Orton. Indeed, the merch selling isn't entirely Cena's doing either, what with WWE treating him like a walking billboard after all, milking it for all it's worth right now. All that said though, I still don't think a lot of people could fill Cena's shoes. You have to at least give him that.



    As for my personal fantasy booking, my simple idea was to get The Rock involved rather than Vince(though of course Vince could pass around for a sec). Rock overhearing the comments, gets in between the two, possibly takes Cena's side reluctantly while Punk fires back about Rock himself leaving the business seven years ago, and getting in his face as to why. :D


    I know! What's the deal with that??? It was even considered PWI's match of the year!!! Not saying it was a bad match, but i really like the mania one better. Oh well. As for Cena, sure i can give him that much, but only if you give me as much as saying he's far from beeing irreplaceable. Nobody is, lets face it.

  17. Wow. Maybe it's just me, but... is that really considered to be a *good* match? Half of it is armbar variations and the other half, while certainly not being bad (but not spectacular in any way), is pretty much Danielson's work. I did enjoy Cena as a heel though, first time I ever saw him in such a capacity. And much more awesome wrestling gear he had back then... I mean, yellow pants? Pure gold. :D


    I agree, because the positive thing i saw in there was a better selling than than now a days. But still it was the first time in a looong time i enjoyed a Cena match. And yes, Danielson makes most of the good work. So i don't see that as "changing my mind" material, but i also said that before. Still, the guy clearly sucks much more as super Cena. That's a fact.

  18. Going by the Colt Cabana interview I posted who is punk's best friend. It genuinely looks like he might leave. Even after that superb promo. This would be a huge blow as Punk is arguably WWE's most talented superstar right now and WWE's roster is short on guys who are over as it is.


    Wich makes confusion grow on my hand...why would vince let him shoot knowing that we will leave? That will only bring heat on vince as many will say and think: Vince...once again screwing up with a talented guy.


    Besides, what's the point on creating controversy if CM Punk won't be there so the WWE can cash on the buzz genereated? I don't know...i don't buy it! I don't buy Punk leaving... Maybe i'm wrong...but i hope i'm not...:eek:

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKWA4kvq2Bc- John Cena vs Bryan Danielson from Velocity years ago. Good little match. I wish Cena still wrestled this style personally.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kyqvP5nCsY&NR=1- John Cena vs Paul London from Velocity years ago. Seriously, I'm not a fan of Cena, but the guy is talented.


    I did like him back in the day though. The face Cena just bores me and I wish he'd wrestle his older style




    Also, I miss the hell out of Ernest Miller


    I also miss Ernest Miller. :D


    About the matches...that was the first time i enjoyed a match by Cena in a loooong time. Especially the Danielson one. I enjoyed his selling better then his offense, but he's still not my cup of tea. But of course you didn't expect me to start liking the guy because of those mathces, i know. Part of my dislike towards him is the way he was shoved down my throat when i really enjoyed watching the E back in the day. And sadly i think that will never change. It's like a phobia, (not saying it is one, just giving an example) once it grows on you, you may never get rid of it. Besides, he's really not that good in the ring. Not to the extent to be called a great one. But i won't go there again, so the discussion doesn't start again. :D


    Edit: Glad to announce that me and lazorbeak have reached good terms. :D


    Edit: It's B squared...SQUAREEEEDDDD!!!! Don't know why...but i lmao with that. Was i the only one laughing with it?

  20. Okay, do you not see a certain paradox here? Because my tone is "arrogant," I am "beeing" incorrect, even though you seem to acknowledge it's an opinion. But you're the one that said you had a right to an opinion.


    Again, I believe your statements about being picked on were ridiculous, so I called it ridiculous. Not you, not your actions. You're the one that have apparently said it's "unfair" for people to pick apart the things you say. I have not disrespected you or insulted you in any way, nor have I flat out dismissed the things you say (the way you have).


    Also I love the "this is the last thing I will say" line. It never gets old.


    I try to make it the last thing, but you always have to start answering in that tone. Don0t justify your actions with "it's my opinion", cause you do have the right to have one, but you don't need to say that you disagree with me in that tone. I've been doing a whole lot of an effort not to disrespect you. And with that tone...it hasn't been easy. :D So...when in comes to the whole Cena thing...and the rest of the debate...let's agree in disagee. Ok? Cause seriously, i have nothing against you, and the only thing getting ridiculous here will be us if we keep this up. So yeah...i'd really like this to be the last line in this discussion, the last thing i say about it. So...let's virtually shake hands and call it a day. ;)

  21. Yes because I'm the one making outrageous statements about how I'm the victim after saying knee-jerk, hilariously incorrect things about the business, then complaining that it's "unfair" that people tell me how ridiculous that makes me sound or proved me wrong with facts and reasoning while I called them marks. Waitaminute... that's not me!


    And if I had made completely ludicrous assertions the way you did, I don't think I'd be particularly justified if someone called those statements ludicrous. Again, you're the person who said you didn't own the truth and everyone had their own opinions and etc., and my opinion is you are being outrageous in your sudden "oh everybody's picking on me" when you make inflammatory, outrageous statements, then completely dismiss/misunderstand everyone who disagrees with you, then proceed to label them, because obviously if they don't agree with you they are all part of one group of people who can't form rational thoughts based on their love of John Cena. Again, ridiculous.


    Plus, I haven't called your person or your actions ridiculous, just the ridiculous things you said. But, in my opinion, your sudden "oh everybody was picking on me earlier" attitude is both hilarious and wrong. And so I'm not "beeing" extremely incorrect... as you said a few pages back, you don't own the truth.


    Well you also don't own the truth but you speak with an arrogant tone, as if you did. So, yeah...you're beeing incorrect. More than one person already understood my point of view perfectly, but you keep inflamming. You're the one posing as ridiculous right now with that tone. And i for one will not allow you to speak to me that way. Plus, i don't own the true, but i definitely own the righ to be respected. I never called your actions, words, or whatever, ridiculous. YOu did it. That is ridiculous. Now don't even bother asnwering my statements again. Arrogance is something i don't need, especially from...you. :D

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