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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. That's easy to answer. Heyman, just like Quentin, had his best work years ago. And it did change the perspective we had about movies and wrestling, in heyman's case. And that's why people are still doing a spin on his style. Because it was a revolutionary thing, and because people always try to squeeze all they can out of successful formulas. A good example are movies like the "Usual suspects". It was a film made long time ago, and to this day (Although that formula is already dry and tired) there are still people trying to use it, although it is pretty obvious that it has nothing left to offer, cause people are tired of it. So, althoug Heyman was a valuable asset back in the day he is overrated nowadays. I'm not saying what he did back then was overrated, i'm saying the thought that he could cause a revolution like that again is just outreageous. Don't expect great things from him, Sure, he can do much better then what they have now, but don't count with a messiah. And yes, it sure looks like some people think he would be a messiah. "Oh, Heyman going to TNA would be so great." is a sentence i hear a lot, not just here. It wouldn't be great. It COULD be good. But just like Tarantino is nowadays doing acceptable and good stuff (but not ground breaking), Heyman wouldn't probably go more far then that. Cause he is at the same level. again, i hope i'm wrong, and i really want TNA to succeed, so if they sign Heyman, i will suport him.


    I just added som stuff, hence the quote.

  2. Heel Heyman was atrocious! So the man who made the promotion what it was is now going against the people he "created" (the Originals)? Same reason why heel Vince bringing in the nWo to kill WWE was beyond dumb as well.


    I disagree. Any of those storylines could have made it big time, if it they were just a little bit diferent.

  3. You keep saying that..but his promotion completely changed the way wrestling promotions tried to present themselves and how far they were willing to go with thier characters and storytelling. Every new 'cutting edge' promotion that has come after him is basically doing a spin on his style.


    he's like Qunetin Tarantino..yeah his best work was years ago but if his style and approach is still something people are copying, how can he possibly be "overrated?"


    That's easy to answer. Heyman, just like Quentin, had his best work years ago. And it did change the perspective we had about movies and wrestling, in heyman's case. And that's why people are still doing a spin on his style. Because it was a revolutionary thing, and because people always try to squeeze all they can out of successful formulas. A good example are movies like the "Usual suspects". It was a film made long time ago, and to this day (Although that formula is already dry and tired) there are still people trying to use it, although it is pretty obvious that it has nothing left to offer, cause people are tired of it. So, althoug Heyman was a valuable asset back in the day he is overrated nowadays. I'm not saying what he did back then was overrated, i'm saying the thought that he could cause a revolution like that again is just outreageous. Don't expect great things from him, Sure, he can do much better then what they have now, but don't count with a messiah. And yes, it sure looks like some people think he would be a messiah. "Oh, Heyman going to TNA would be so great." is a sentence i hear a lot, not just here. It wouldn't be great. It COULD be good. But just like Tarantino is nowadays doing acceptable and good stuff (but not ground breaking), Heyman wouldn't probably go more far then that. Cause he is at the same level. again, i hope i'm wrong, and i really want TNA to succeed, so if they sign Heyman, i will suport him.

  4. So who should book TNA?


    Well, i dind't mean to imply that he shouldn't be given the position. That Heyman doesn't stand achance remark didn't came out as it should wich lead to incorret interpretations for what i was trying to say. Wich is: He is no messiah and he is overrated. Who should book it? Someone other then russo. Keep russo as a writter and get a skilled head booker. Maybe Heyman could do the trick, but i doubt it. Hope i'm wrong, it would be good if TNA succeeded. It would be great, actually. Answering your question: ME! I should book TNA.

  5. You clearly didn't see ECW as it happened. The wrestling was trash a lot of the times, but he took guys that had very little going for them and turned them into frickin stars based on the stories and rivalries he created.


    Matches aside, ECW had some of the most inventie, brilliantly executed storylines of any era, past or present.


    I have no idea if Paul is still relevant as a writer, but if TNA is trying to find someone to get the most out of their talent and oucnh up the characters that have gone stale, he's not a bad choice.


    Oh i saw ECW as it was, and i don't disagree, but it was still a trash hardcore promotion regardless of it. But i'm not saying you're wrong,that's why i said he ain't bad. He was pretty good, but still overrated, bearing in mind that those acomplishments were years ago, among other things. Everything changes.

  6. Someone in the IWC put Bischoff in the same league as Paul Heyman? I thought Bisch was universally derided as one of the two men responsible for booking WCW into oblivion.


    I was a Heyman fan back in the day, but I've always been a supporter of looking to the future; new creative forces with new ideas, rather than looking to past icons. Although clearly that's not TNA's stance. Still, I'd welcome change. I gave Hogan the benefit of the doubt, so I'll do the same for Heyman.


    Not that this week's Impact was bad. Not at all. I enjoyed it a lot.



    Lot's of people actually. While acusing him of the WCW destruction they actually put him in that league. Strange, but true.

  7. The rumor going around is Vince Russo out as head writer, Paul Heyman in. Not confirmed by anyone in TNA yet.


    Russo out permanently or just as a head writer?



    I read that that was a possibility in the Observer last week, but they seemed to think it was a dwindling one. Hopefully this is true, and they just let Heyman do his thing (from a creative standpoint, I mean. Don't let the dude anywhere near the financial aspects of running the company.)


    Heyman doesn't stand a chance. For years all i heard from the IWC was: "Hope TNA signs Bischoff and/or Heyman and then WWE will have to wathc it's back!" Seriously? Come on! Bischoff is already there and we can all see how that work out. Heyman is seriously overrated. I mean, i ain't saying he's bad but the only good moment of him came in a trash hardcore promotion back in the 90's, AND,whem he took control of WWE's ECW we all saw how that worked out. Sure, Vince never made his life easy, but still, heyman is no Messias about to save TNA. I agree that quality would probably increase if he came in, but i repeat he is no Messias about to save TNA.

  8. I agree Rob is a big, muscular guy that could hurt someone and has little wrestling skill. Please remember in 2002 Batista was that way as well.



    I truly hope you meant: In 2002 Batista was that way as well, and though he still his, some people (very sadly) buy everything that WWE throws at them. :D


    Would I be alone in thinking that Batista still pretty much sucks? His match with 'Taker from WrestleMania a few years ago was pretty good, but I throw up in my mouth a little at the memory of his Umaga match. And a lot of other matches.


    He does walk for miles throughout a pit of danger though, so...take that for what it's worth.



    No, you are not alone. He is still a walking piece of ****. :D


    Seriously, Rob's push can actually work, because it wouldn't be the first time that a talentless guy made it. Again, Batista is a good example. I can't stand any of them, but it seems that they look good for some demographics. Although i don't this it has nothing to do with that. Everybody (including here) is always criticizing the IWC, and yes sometimes we exagerate a bit because we do have much knowledge about the subject, but i believe that the true reason why guys like batista make it is because most people don't understand that much about the business and will take every little thing that WWE (for example) throws at them. If everyone was like the IWC, or at least if everyone had a minimum understanding of what they are watching, you can bet that WWE's product would be completely diferent.

  9. And you like to bash them...just because. And now you'll go into why you dislike TNA and why you feel it's right to bash them. Of course you'll also say "and I want TNA to succeed" but really you don't. Many fans don't want TNA to succeed. TNA bashing is the latest wrestling fan fetish. With Hogan and Bischoff in charge TNA can officially do no right and that erection will not go away.




    Think about it in TEW terms: now AJ will chase the title and will regain all the momentum he lost in the matter of weeks.


    I don't want them to fail and i don't like to bash them, i simply criticize the things i don't like (Wich ahve been quite a few lately) but i can also praise the good ones when they happen. Besides, it's obvious i want them to succeed, as it is the only way to assure that the mainstream product will not remai nstale forever. Competition is good, and i hope that this war brings the best of both companies. Besides why the hell would i dislike TNA or adore WWE? I like wrestling, period, don't have personal preferences about the promotions. As a fan all i want is to be entertained with quality.

  10. Smartest move in the world by TNA putting the belt on Rob Van Dam. Really the only WWE-send off save Kurt Angle that has any name value, and can still wrestle. Best of all, RVD isn't looked upon as a WWE-guy or a WCW-guy.


    I really think Jeff Hardy would of gotten it though, if only he had better microphone skills. WWE was very careful in hiding this, in TNA he's obviously trying to work on it but it's painful. Not that RVD is the world's greatest promo guy, but he's adequate enough to do the job.




    Money from whom? What little fanbase they got?


    Build the fanbase, then start worrying about "money" matches. Wrestling fans like shocking, unpredictable booking, Bischoff knows this. And I believe in it.



    True. But as everyone knows, just because something is unpredictable, doesn't mean it's good. And it wasn't good. Sure it wasn't bad either...but it failed. As for the money from whom question, that's obvious, money from THEM! They lost their own money, or the ability to make it grow on a long term basis.

  11. The problem I have with TNA trying to take advantage of the WWE's issues - which is a smart move - is that they didn't hype things. If they decided 2-3 days ago to do this, hype the crap out of it on Spike TV. Because doing the build in-show means you aren't drawing in new veiwers. At best, you might keep some from swtiching to Raw. That's it.


    And by that basic logic for the post-change celebration, shouldn't every babyface title win have such a celebration? Why not do it every time a heel champion loses their belt? By memory, they did it back when AJ first won the belt. It felt right then. This one felt forced. How many of those guys in the ring had any sort of kayfabe relationship with RvD, let alone a historical wrestling one? It just made the whole thing feel useless and tacked on.



    Yup...Bischoff and Russo are probably the only guys capable of ruining RVD's victory night. Not even vince acomplished that one...RVD's reign on the WWE ended up as we all know...but at least he didn't won it like last night. Only those two to f*** that up!

  12. If no one will care less about AJ, how does it make him look weak?




    Oh my god that was awful.


    I'm not gonna quote all your posts but...shouldn't your name ne TNAholic? :D


    Seriously, not trying to ofend,but sometimes it seems like you defend them...just because. Any title win without a proper build up will hurt a champion, no matter how over his opponent is. As for AJ,think about it in TEW terms. People won't think less of him but he will certainly lose momentum.

  13. I also am liking Nash and even Hall, it's Waltman I can't stand. I always thought TNA could use the Band as a way to give some younger guys a "rub". Have Hall and Nash run with two potential breakout guys instead of jobbing to Team 3D.



    What the hell do some people have against Waltman? I already saw - dozens of times- a bunch of people here saying he's the worst thing that happened after George W. Bush, although no one used these actual words. :D I don't dislike Waltman. And i do understand that he's not anyone's favorite guy (Sure as hell ain't mine either) but he's not that bad, i think.




    What?!?! Angelina is hot! I think she is much hotter then Velvet. But not as hot as Lacey Von Erich! Angelina is by far my most favorite Knockout. I'm happy that she is the Knockout's Champion but I'm not happy with the way she got that title! I would have loved to see her feud with Tara and then win the title fair and square. I think the Daffney/Tara feud could have went on for a couple of weeks. Those 2 deserved a good ending....such a shame.


    Right On! Lacey is extremely Hot. In terms of LOOKS she is one of my favorite female workers.

  14. Dayum...RVD/Cena was epic. Edge/Foley/Dreamer/Funk likewise. Tazz choking out Lawyer. Angle slapping Orton around. Just great stuff!


    And Unforgiven that year was amazing. Trish's farwell with the sharpshooter, DX/McMahons HIAC (+ Big Show lol) and the TLC main event. And then also in 06 there was of course NYR, which though mostly forgettable had the best ending to any PPV ever. The whole EC match was brilliant and the aftermath...I still have that. On video.


    OMG! John Cena losing the Title when i thought i would have to witness another of his boring wins? Priceless. Definitely one of my "most amazing things in wrestling". (Forgot to put that on the topic we have) Ah well...good times. I was watching it live (not on the audience, i mean live transmission) and i celebrated with champagne. :D

  15. I honestly didn't like ONS 06. 05's was the one of the greatest PPVs I had ever seen, but 06's.....bleh. I just could not get into it.


    Yup. 05 was very good! Unfortunately VInce had to do some bs by bringing back ECW just because of it. that was crappy thinking. Maybe he'd be better enjoying success with a couple of more ONS,maybe even 5 or 6 and then forget ECW. It died in 2001, it won't be back period. At least never in a permanent way.

  16. I did, it was decent for what it was. Edge/Foley, RVD winning the MITB, the aforementioned street fight, and.. I think that's it. HHH/Cena was quite suspenseful(Cena being the first one to kick out of the Pedigree in ages, vice versa with the F-U) and hosted hot crowd reactions as well.


    I think that a couple of good moments don't put on a good wrestlemania. Maybe i had a bad choise of words when i said "very poor", but they had already jumped the shark by then. That's a fact.

  17. Vince/Hogan and Vince/Shawn both involved Vince getting his rear end kicked for 90% of the match and were great fun. I'm sure the match will be no classic, and will probably only last a few minutes, but when Bret locks in the Sharpshooter... that will be a Wrestlemania moment.


    Don't disagree. In fact, in a very poor wrestlemania, hbk/vince ended up beeing the best match that year. But of course, shawn can carry everyone (and i mean EVERYONE) to a great match, even if he does it by kicking the hell out of them for 90% of the match, as he did with vince. I remember that match, and it was no classic of course, byt i enjoyed it.

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