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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. I know the WWE is better then it was six months ago (for example), and we have Bryan and Punk as champions...who would of say that would happen...? But...what the hell was that Royal Rumble??? Worst Rumble match in years....i mean... Foley and Booker T dragging themselves without even beeing able to take a breath was one of the worst moments (especially Foley). But the whole match was really crappy. I liked Y2J's entrance, it was a good moment. I also liked sheamus' victory...though i'd had liked it better if Y2J had won it. Overall it was a week PPV and the worst RR match i can remember.
  2. Ahh..... I forgot Shawn, English isn't your first language, and I ussually remember that. Sorry about that. I should have known better but slipped my mind. I normally realise your posts are short and simple to get your "thought" through, not to bash or rant, and I missed the boat on it completely.


    I hope I don't, but if I do that again, just say something like "/Slaps Prophet", and I'll get it I promise.


    No problem. I'll keep that in mind. As for Teddy Long, i made that same question a month ago. He arrives, books tag and leaveS. Even my booking is more complex than that.

  3. They've been covering that up pretty well though, IMO. He can't go like alot of them, but if they continue to have him do slow yet very strong moves, with the way he's able to pull out that "flash" like reflex everynow and then, they could easily hide his in ring limitations. Lots to work with there, if they keep it up.


    @shawn michaels 82:


    Seems Mark Henry has more fans then alot of people thought, and his new momentum is good. He's one of the few "KNOWN" big guys left on the roster that they can depend on to be there every week. Giving him a push, making him a worthy competitor, and making him "awesome" is only going to help whomever beats him down the road... Be it Shaemus, Orton, whomever. Obviously they needed someone like this, and you can't do this with a "nobody" just because someone else feels it would be better. First off, Henry has proven himself to be there through thick and thin... He gives his all no matter if he's jobbing or not. Now he's getting his dues, and lots of people think it's well deserved. A "New" guy in this position wouldn't work no where near as fast.




    Christian has always been great in the upper cards, going for the belt. I honestly think he's about to get sucked into this "conspiracy theory" storyline, but even if he doesn't, he is playing his part to perfection. He's a "Whiner" right now, and he's exactly where he should be... Does a great job as a heel and I'd like to see him actually slip down the card to help some of the other guys out.


    He's one of those types of people you can count on, and I'm sure he's much appreciated and perhaps even responsible for some of these things.


    You don't think Cena is a good champion? LOL

    Nothing has turned out yet... Punk is in the match for the title again... How is anything ridiculous? Look... Cena is their top guy, you're never going to get rid of that, unless he gets injured or quits. The guy's up there with every other great. The more you hate or love him, the more he's going to be "The Man". Doesn't matter if you say it's good heat or bad heat, he's getting even bigger because of people like you.




    Daniel Bryan is NOT Main Event Material for ANY National promotion, anywhere... He wouldn't be Main Event in Japan, Europe, Canada... Anywhere. Most people realise this. I'm most definately sure he realised that before he even committed to them. Most people realise that the MITB win is a set up for him to eventually win the title, and become "workhorse" for the stepladder up the card for WWE that we all know he is capable of being. HE is a "HUGE" asset to the company, in a way like Christian is. He will eventually be able to climb up and down the card with ease, and be a "technical" threat to anyone. But the "Technical" thing is a gimmick much like Mysterio or Sin Cara's amazing gymnastic abilities. With Bryan able to do some of that as well, makes him even more of a threat then the Luchadore's. However, much like them, he will be a "transitional" Main Event champion, at best.


    I'm not taking anything away from the guy at all. IF I were in the bussiness, he'd be one of my first picks if I could choose anyone I wanted. The reason is because he is incredible at making other's look good... Let me repeat that.... He is an incredible jobber. He can make anyone from any position of the card look good. Just like Christian can. Everyone cannot do that.


    EDIT: Your almost 30, you should be getting some of this stuff by now. Wrestling is "Entertainment", and people are put in as "characters" for specific roles. IF You like one better then another one, or if you like one "actor" better in their character then another "actor", they are doing their job. For example: IF you like CM Punk or Danial Bryan right now, and feel like they are being cheated for some reason, or miss-used or whatever you think... then the show is doing it's job by getting you invested. It's just like watching any other sitcom, movie, show, etc. Sometimes you will like the stories being told, sometimes they aren't your cup of tea. But in all honesty, this attitude as if you know more then they do, somehow know more then other's do, your fooling no one but yourself. It's no different then an actor you really like, or a comedian you really like, not getting lead roles, or not getting an HBO special. They are still there for you to enjoy. The thing is, the only competition in the Wrestling bussiness with companies that are entertainment based, is how many people like or hate you. If "they" somehow miss the boat on that, then you have a complaint.


    Your rants to me sound like someone complaining because Freddie killed off a character you related to. It's exactly what would make the movie better. You invest in a character, and care what happens to them. You care about Daniel Bryan, so you care when he has a loss. Nothing wrong with that, that's what your supposed to do, and exactly what WWE hopes you will do.


    Yeah, i'm almost 30, and you're probably old enough to recognize someone who is NOT ranting. I made a couple of questions, threw in a few question marks, and suddenly i'm ranting? Granted that my tone seemed a little arrogant, but some guys here take things too serious. I actually think that after Henry's 15 year tenure with the company, he deserves his shot. But i admit i never saw it coming, wich left me surprised. They give him a monster push once a year, every year, and it usually ends with him losing a title match. I thought we were headed that way. Off course he's not my cup of tea, when it comes to "in ring" skills, but his storyline with Sheamus, for example, was something i liked. So, i have no problem with him as a champ, but i hope it doesn't last long, as he is not my cup of tea, as i said. The rest of my post is a bunch of questions and opinions. It doesn't really matther how i voiced them, because i offended no one, and i acused no one of ranting or beeing old enough to know this or that. This what i "like" about some people on the net, they take thing to seriously. Why? Some will agree with me, some won't, but i'm untitled to think i'm sick of Cena, i don't like to see Bryan jobbing (though he's good at it, i never said he wasn't), and i could really see Christian as long term champion, at least once. And yes, i'm also entitled to think that the Punk storyline, in my opinion has lost a major part of it's initial momentum. Sure, he's in the title picture, but it's not the same thing as in July, and could still be as big, or at least close to it. Maybe if hhh and Nash hadn't stuck their noses in it. I mean...i could easilly find better ways to go with that storyline.


    The point is, i'm entitled to think all of these things and much more, and you're old enough to understand that, comment on what i posted (as you did) with your opinion, but without the patronizing attitude and the complains about my alleged "ranting". I didn't insult anyone on that post, i didn't refer to anyone on this forum, i dind't say people are not allowed to disagree with me. In that post, i was, period! (To be or not to be...ah yes!) Don't take this the wrong way, i'm not trying to flame or to start a discussion, i just think some things, sometimes are taken much to seriously here. Now i know how Josh Lyman feels. Ah yes...the Lemon-Lyman. The Sorkin writing days...those were the days. After season 4, it kind of went down the drain.


    Ps: Extra points for whomever understoond the cultural reference. :D


    Edit: Shawn Michaels should never wrestle another match...ever! This coming from me! I don't want him to turn in some kind of Flair. If you're out, you're out. And he got out with style, in the top of his game. That's not easy to acomplish by your own free will. It's easy to fall in temptation of wrestling for a couple more years. As for Taker, does anyone know what is actually going on with him? There rumours a while back that he was really thin and maybe sick because of a picture that showed up on the net, though nobody was sure if that was him on that picture. Rumours about his condition change every day. Some say he's pretty banged up, others that he's sick, others that he just need some rest and can still do a couple more years, etc.


    Anyway, i hope the streak doesn't end. Ever. But if it does, i can only see Orton or Punk as the guys to do it and get away with it. As for who he sould face this mania, if he competes, i would dig a Sheamus vs Taker. The Henry vs. Taker wouldn't work, no matter how they push Mark Henry. I would also love to see Orton get a chance at the streak again. Their first match was very good and they could try and top it. As for hhh facing him...no thanks. They had a good match, time to move one. There aren't that many people, other than Michaels, that are capable of pulling of a successfull back to back mania matches with Taker like he did, keeping the enthusiasm and expectations trough the roof.

  4. WHy the hell is Mark Henry a world champ?? Has WWE lost its mind? Jesus...they gave Christian a 5 days reign, that a one month reign...just to eventually put the belt on...Henry? Dear God...i'm getting sick of the E. And Cena champion again? All that fuzz with the CM Punk storyline and that's how it turned out? Ridiculous.


    Edit: Why did they turned Daniel Bryan in the jobber of the week? The man won a MITB briefcase? Dear God.

  5. Maybe this could mean a permanent move to Tuesdays, live?! I think it would be a cool change. Back to back live wrestling shows every week. Milamber, make Super Shows a regular thing, there's no reason not to.


    We better pray it means that, or something like that, or else SD will end up beeing cancelled and the brand extension will end. While losing the brand extension itself wouldn't be that bad, (it's already happening) losing the Smackdown show would suck. This would mean a lot of firings, less wrestling on tv and some of the wrestlers we like (and are major players on their show, close to it, or future stars) would end up beeing fired or demoted.

    So yeah, i hope they move SD to get better ratings or do double super shows with Raw and SD to improve ratings. I hope they do something that works. The only problem with the super shows is that the midcard and low micards will have low to no screen time.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I would rather the feud be over and Orton have the title if that means the feud can die. He will land on his feet but he has to feud with the undercard to get them over right now and I accept that.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, the feud should die. And it could have ended with Christian as champ. HE would have a decent reign and Orton could spend some time doing his thing (feuds where he never/rarely loses) with some other guy that he would probably put over just ny winning. But hey, let's wait for Christian to put the undercard over. I mean, he's 37...he has year available to wait for some good title runs (or even one).</p><p> </p><p> I don't mean to seem critic of your position, Greg, i'm just pissed at the situation itself and i'm taling about it. A situation that i obviously don't like. Bit it's not an attack to you in any way. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Teh_Showtime" data-cite="Teh_Showtime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In all honesty Christian is the same type of wrestler like Beniot, Eddie, or Jericho. He can go up and down the card at will because he is a reliable hand and can become a credible ME when it calls.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sure. We all know that, but will he ever be treated like something other than a floating worker and a "put randy ortong guy of the week/month/and so on" and have a decent title run? On that lasts more than 5 days or a month? I like Orton, but this Cena type of push on him is beggining to grow sick on me. I really don't want to hate Orton, as i said, i like the guy, but they keep shuving him down our throats.</p>
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lexa90" data-cite="Lexa90" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't think anyone believed that Christian would win Randy Orton cleanly in a No-Holds barred match on one of the biggest PPV of he year <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's the point of my post. Or part of it. I really don't like the big plan they ahd for Christian if it includes making him a transitional champ.</p>
  9. I don't think any of us really know what any worker is like. Without having spent hours backstage at a WWE event we don't know what is and isn't acceptable. When we hear that 'Worker A' did something to 'Worker B' and decide 'Worker A' is a bad person, we don't really know that 'Worker B' hadn't been pushing 'Worker A' over the edge for a while.


    Even when a respected insider (or multiple insiders) who's judgment we trust says something about a worker in an interview we don't know how accurate it is. They could be coming off working several hard shows, a couple of extensive fan appearances, and another difficult interview with a dick of a radio show host, and then had 'X' accidentally do something to annoy them, so when 'X' is mentioned in the interview they may be more critical than they would normally be.


    Moreover, we can't judge workers based off how they treat fans (unless they do something really over the top). A worker who isn't really very nice may be very good at putting it on for the fans, and a worker who is actually a great guy may not be so comfortable slipping into a rapport with random strangers and so the fans get a false impression of both guys.


    Finally, in an industry that is bound to have a lot of egos, people competing directly against eachother for spots, and coming from many different backgrounds and areas, there is always going to be a clash of personalities. Two wrestlers who are both really great guys may get on badly, and instantly people want to say that one of them is great and a victim of the other's dickishness, when in reality they are just two guys who don't really like eachother forced into a high pressure environment together on a regular basis.


    In short, what I'm unnecessarily trying to say is, we all know how stories change over time and how different people tell the same story in a completely different way. We all know how someone can get along poorly with one person who has a lot of influence and suddenly several other people turn on them too for very little reason. Therefore, we really have very little idea what any wrestlers we don't know personally are actually like, even when we think we have the inside scoop.


    However, Soxfan is correct. He isn't anymore. And Bret was no saint either. And this last sentence basically resumes your post.


    Christian had a one month title run...that's the big plan they had for him??? Really??? I know he's been on the spot for the last months....but one month run...really??? C'mon!!!!

  10. So, after this PPV i have two questions: THe long term and Awesome plan that many of the WWE guys like JR told us to wait for is making him a transitional champion twice? Nice one....


    2: Punk losing the title to Del Rio because of Nash... (i knew he hadn't been hired just to sit at home) Mexican tour coming,bla, bla... i know, but still... CM Punk re-signed just to lose the title right away? Damn...Do i see a Joey Styles treatment on the way? Really...i know it looks like it, but i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering and trying to make sense out of all of this! I mean....this Punk thing looked awesome back in June. Now?....I just don't see it fulfilling all it's potential... Let's hope i'm wrong. Hey, maybe i am....afterall the buzz continues with this Nash thing. But the outcome may not be that good.

  11. I find it funny how everybody thinks that if the WWE don't make Punk a legend they have majorly screwed up. I think CM Punk is the most entertaining wrestler on the roster today, but while he does have excellent in ring skills and can cut awesome promos, he just doesn't have the look IMO. He seems destined to be a Semi-Main Eventer, like Rey Mysterio and Kane. Rising up, being the top star for a few months, going back down to jobbing to Main Eventers ect. We as the IWC love him because, well, he can actually put on 5 star classic matches unlike (almost) the rest of the roster, but look at his fued with Jeff Hardy from 2009. He was the hottest heel in the company, but after Jeff left the company his push just stopped in its tracks. I think that once this fued with Cena is over he will just be back where he was at the first of the year.


    So you're theory is that is push stopped because Hardy left? is push stopped because the powers that be followed other directions.

  12. I get the idea. I get the "He makes the most monies!" The difference between the iPhone and Cena? The iPhone WILL work tomorrow. Odds are, 20 years from now, an iPhone will still function.


    John Cena? Will not.


    In the wrestling business, you can not put all your eggs in one basket. He could have a career ending injury tomorrow, and they've buried everyone short of CM Punk.


    Who's gonna sell t-shirts next? No one else is even close BECAUSE of the Cena god push.


    This is where pushing five > pushing one.


    If ONE goes down, you still have four guys making you a decent profit. Not no one making you nothing.



    YOu got part of what i was saying, and it wasn't that hard. Other people made long posts without bothering to understand what i meant. Yes, i mean Stennick. Dude, i usually respect your opinions, so you should try to at least understant mine.


    Wait so Cena sucks because he can have a career ending injury?


    So who else deserves his spot? Anybody can get injured.


    No one said that. At least i didn't. WHo else deserves his spot? WHy not the Miz, sheamus, JoMo or any other joe that they decide to push?? Cena is not untouchable and i'm sick of listening people say he is. Stone cold retired and live went on. If Cena died today, life would go on, so would the wwe. So don't ask that question as if no one could fill his shoes. THe man ain't that good. The point is that he got where he got because he was carried there by the WWE. Sure ,others would have falied to achieve such success with the same push, but others wouldn't.



    On a side note: "There is a difference between stating an OPINION and blindly ignoring facts. When people spew Cena hate, they never notice all of the good he brings and dismisses it as a one off. "


    Yeah, and when in the closet Cena lovers (and i'm not mentioning names) talk about cena they tend to dismiss his weaknesses (or forget them) and refuse to accept that he sucks in a lot of areas. And i dont see anyone trying to shut them up. Equality! TO everyone! PEriod!


    Cena could be replaced, but that's not even the point. The point is that he will not last forever and other people should be pushed. Cause frankly, i couldn't care less for a product that is all about John Cena. Thank God Punk changed that...at least for now. Cena haters are entitled to hate the man and express it. And the other people are entitled to listen and say nothing (if they so wish) or to answer in a civilized way. I'm a cena hater and i din't came here to insult anyone. And i din't. But i willl keep saying the man sucks, and no law can stop me from doing so. But the fact is, there wouldn't be any (almost any) Cena hater if Super Cena stopped a long time ago or never happened. How can someone defend that?? Oh well, each one with it's own opinion. Fui!

  13. People only want to hear the good stuff. Human beeings are cynical. WHy do the Cena haters have to shut up and the Cena lovers (there are some here that don't come out of the closet, no pun intended) or guys who don't like or dislike him that much have the right to speak? I'm sorry, but Cena haters are entitled to have their opinions voiced just as the next man, as long as they do it respectfully. And i didn' saw any cena haters disrespecting anyone while reading this. Cena Sucks, he always will. My greates gripp (Correct word?) with him is the fact that the super cena has been shoved down my throath for years and years. If it wasn't for that, i'd probably not hate him. Maybe dislike, but not hate. He has mick skills, he sells merchandise, bla bla. But the man sucks in a ring. He doesn't sell and he can't put on a belieavable (while spectacular at the same time) offense. He sucks! He's not by far the worst ring worker in the world, but he's not good enough (in the ring work part) to main event. Sure, some will disagree, but it's my opinion and i'll stick to it, as others will stick to theirs. Cena is definitely not worse than recent years hogan, that's for sure.


    But the point is: Cena is what the WWE makes of him. They could find another star to sell merchandise. Hell if they couldn't find one that sold as much as him, than they would push more guys to get the same numbers. HE won't last forever. Hiding behind the excuse that he sells merchandise to justify all of his flaws is pathetic and idiotic and if the WWE doesn't start to produce new solid ME's , than they will feel the consequences.


    Ps: I'm not answering to any specific poster, i just read this and decided to give my 2 cents.


    Edit: I have no problem to say i've been using Cena as a ME (for now, and not as my top ME) on my WWE game. The guy gets the job done in the entertainement part; but that's just about it. And in the long run that will make him go down the card. He will not be fired as he can help others develop their entertaining skills. But beeing my top guy? No, not now, not ever.

  14. How does WWE have very little leverage in THEIR event? lol. craziest thing I ever heard...


    What i mean is that they have very little leverage meaning that they have too much possibilities and not that many will please the fans. Trust me, it's not an easy match to book, and contrary to some opinions, only a couple of well booked endings may work in making this one of the greatest matches ever.

  15. Because having the biggest *active* wrestling star in the world, the promotion's flagship and moneymaker, beat cleanly by a retired wrestler and current actor who hasn't wrestled for what, 5 years, and have no interest in going back to WWE full-time, is a bad business decision...?


    The Rock needs to pass the torch, just like Hogan did to him. And I repeat: this said by someone who on a personal level hates the Cena character and wants to see The Rock kick the crap out of him.


    That makes two of us. Oh well, i guess you're right. But i can still dream. :D

  16. I'm just lol-ing at the idea of taking one loss to the world champ, who in theory is the #1 or #2 guy in the company, is getting "buried." Why would Bourne even merit a match against Christian?



    And yeah, the WWE loves split-ups that lead to neither party being pushed. The Harts are following in the grand tradition of Crime Tyme and the Colons.


    In Crime Tyme case...that was a blessing. I really hated that gimmick and the team itself.


    Yeah interesting read for sure. Dale was big and I think would have been better if he wasn't rushed and jobbed out.


    Indeed! Well, the guy still marks for it though, so i guess he really loved it.

  17. Like you I've never had a problem with the Anonymous GM, to a certain point anyway. While I don;t mind the idea, it now seems to have dragged on and the more it goes on, the bigger the reveal is going to have to be for it to be worthwhile imo. Of course, whoever it is revealed to be (if it ever is revealed) will make no sense what so ever given the things the Anonymous GM has said, mostly in the early months of it's usage.


    Dude...it's pro wrestling. It's like portuguese soccer: What today it the truth, tomorrow shall not. It never makes sense. It would never work if they always (every single time, every single storyline) followed the cannon strictly. That's not even possible to do. Other than that, we, as the rest of the IWC, are nit picking. We're the Sheldon Cooper's of wrestling. If it's not on the house sharing agreement, we immediately dispize it. :D


    Ps: And then we open TEW and go do things like hire Batista and possibly pitting him as WWE champ. (not yet decided, but if it happens, not my finest hour,i admit.) :D It's really different when he have all the inside information. We just speak of an outsider perspective.


    Edit: DH Smith also released...

  18. Yeah I dont see how beating a weakend Rey is a legit claim, but whatever. Im just dissapointed that he wont ever get a rematch.


    Cena? Well, he won the title from Rey, a la heel. THis confuses me! How? Using his rematch clause? Still...isn't he suposed to be the good guy? I don't think the wwe worked well there. And as for Rey, i still have hopes he will have a rematch. Most likely after the Punk-Cena thing is over.


    So...what you guys think about the "Two WWE champions" thing?

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