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shawn michaels

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Posts posted by shawn michaels

  1. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1331829-jerry-lawler-update-no-brain-damage-according-to-friends-and-family


    It looks like Jerry has no brain damage. This is wonderful news. Maybe we can still come to see him back at the announce table one day. Regardless of that, it great news to see that he is comunicating and seems to have no brain damage. Let's all hope for a quick recovery by the king.

  2. Well, good to hear Lawler is currently stable and breathing on his own.


    However, it sounds like they're checking him for a stroke. That's very worrying.


    Indeed. I don't wanna sound like a troll or something, (Cause i really hope JErry is okay) but is this what it takes for the WWE to stop using him as wrestler on occasion? I mean, they have younger guys who never get a chance and they never think twice everytime they get a chance to put an almost 63 year old man in the ring. It makes me angry. Hope Lawler makes a full recovery.

  3. I've been on edge for a half hour now. Hearing he was receiving CPR really concerned me. Not doing any commentary for the rest of the show puts a horrible feeling in my stomach. I'm glad he's breathing on his own but Cole said he was getting oxygen too. Hope Lawler pulls through.


    Yeah, things don't look good, especially with Cole on "Radio Silence" mode, but it's good to know that he's breathing at this point, though unfortunately that doesn't mean that everything is resolved at this point, and he's still getting oxygen too. Hope he makes it. Really do!

  4. Huh, looks like Jerry Lawler legitimately collapsed at ringside following his match (given that the WWE didn't mention anything about it until after he'd be taken by medical staff). The reports I've see are that he collapsed, went into convulsions, and lost consciousness.


    Well, Michael Cole said they were performing CPR and hasn't said a word since then...RAW is literally mute at this point, when it comes to comentary, as Cole is not speaking.


    Edit: I'm watching RAW and he did return to the announce table after his match for a while.

  5. I don't know if I had a mild stroke this afternoon or what, but I actually laughed at a clip of those DB/Kane anger management sessions.


    I love when ideas that sound ridiculous on the surface actually turn out to be entertaining.


    Also, I know we're all past hating Triple H because it's not 2003, but seriously trips, the reason Foley, Flair, HBK, Edge, etc., can get a big, real reaction from a crowd that you can't is threefold. One, you're not as good as them on the mic. Two, you've based your entire character on being a super bad-ass or a funny super-bad-ass for the past 15 years, which kind of hurts sudden ploys for sympathy. Finally, everybody knows that unlike those other guys, who actually do have to move on and do something else with their lives, you're Vince McMahon's hand-picked successor and will almost assuredly be back in front of the camera in a few months and ready for a big match against somebody at Wrestlemania. So don't waste our time just because the Summerslam crowd didn't all spontaneously start weeping.


    Amen. I mean....really? Wasn't it bad enough that crickets could be heard at Summerslam after the "you tapped out" chants? No! He had to go at it again on Raw. Come on...everybody knows he will be back as soon as there is a big match he can put himself into. I mean...HBK had two great matches with Taker...HHH had to do the same. (well, he had to matches, bobody here saying they were great. :D) Enough is enough! And this comes from a guy that doesn't hate trips. Hell, all that crying from him, and he'll probably face Lesnar in a rematch before Mania, let alone having a match with someone in Mania itself!

  6. I wasn't really that nuts about this PPV either way. Didn't hate it but I didn't love it. The vibe just wasn't there for me this time. I feel Like Cena vs Punk is a much better match if there's no Big Show in it. The Lesnar/HHH match was boring to me. It didn't have the back and forth drama that the Cena/Lesnar match did and I was somewhat disappointed. The rest of the matches were just kinda there, not a ton of heat for me personally. Even Jericho/Ziggler- it was a good match but I mean the build wasn't all that interesting to me and I just didn't get all that excited about it.


    The booking was a little stupid too. Like what the hell was going on at the end of that Shamus match? And why did we have to watch Triple H hobble towards the stage for several minutes after his fight whimpering "I'm sorry"? Daniel Bryan / Kane was this weird booking because they really didn't have much of a build either. Then you get these two guys who are both kind of heel/tweeners and it got this bizarre crowd reaction. I'm wondering where they're going with Bryan they seem on the fence about whether to embrace this momentum he has and push him as a "mean babyface" type of character or if they wanna stick straight up heel with him.


    Bear in mind I'm not sitting here saying it stunk. It wasn't a BAD ppv. I just didn't think it was a very good one. I hope Cena and Punk feud going forward and they face off again. Especially if it's all ties into whats going to happen down the road with the big winter PPVs coming up.


    THe thing about Lesnar's matches which is begining to bother me is that they want to make him look legit and strong, which is fine, but they can do it without the constant brawling, and UFC references. Lesnar is a talented wrestler and part of the drama of that match went away because it's hard to tell a story in the ring without the wrestling part. It might have worked well with Cena, but one time is enough. i would like to see Lesnar wrestling instead of all this crap. Oh well...

  7. Getting back to last week's Impact...who the hell though that booking James Storm vs Bully Ray would be a good main event after a Angle vs Styles bout that was the match of the night? You don't have to be a genius to see that those 2 will put on great matches together even in their sleep. I mean, they could have acomplished what they did, when it comes to storylines if they placed it in the semi main event and then they should have put Angle . Styles, cause that stole the show, and after that match i knew that i had just watched the high point of the show. To me it was a great match and it should have main evented the show.
  8. It was idiotic in the sense that he confirmed MULTIPLE times that he made the joke himself. It wasn't meant as an insult honestly but I probably chose the wrong words.


    And he did revive the tag division considering that 3 of the 5 teams in the company have direct beef with him.


    True, they do have a beef with him, but it doesn't mean he did enough to revive a sole division by himself. I think i'll give more credit to the teams itself then him. I really don't like him that much, but i'm actually trying to call it unbiased here. I think he did help the PTP to gain heat and overness, but that's about it.



    Edit: As for the idiotic, now that i see your second post, i can probably understant it wasn't to offend. So no worries.

  9. This is the most idiotic statement I've heard in a while


    Considering he tweeted himself that he was the sole reason for the joke


    Now he shouldn't have been released, but he did do it himself




    Idiotic? Don't be a preposterous arrogant snob. Idiotic is you saying he revived the tag team division on his own. That's idiotic, or at least i could be like you and say that, because i think it's totally wrong. Was there a need to insult? Jesus Christ. I find it amazing how some people respond to simple opinions with such a snob attitude, like they were the owners of truth. Wrong or not, it's an opinion. Do you really need to come with that attitud? Some people probably don't sleep just, lurking around these boards, waiting to insult other users who voice different opinions. The term idiotic ins an insult and there was no need for it. It was uncalled for.

  10. What i think is that Nash tries to save his face with these new comment. It seems to me he was talking iof height, the rest is a cheap excuse. Even if it isn't, i'll still comment on it, saying it's ridiculous to think that the wrestler's height is the current problem in pro wrestling right now. If WWE had a roster full of Rey Mysterio's that would be open to discussion, but it doesn't. Even if it did, if they performed well, with good storylines and gimmicks, people would pay to see. In one thing Nash is right, excuse or not, wrestling need larget then life right now, but not in size.
  11. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. I respect that. But TO ME, the idea of someone actually thinking that Nash is right and that what he says is the real reason why Pro Wrestling is in a slum currently, is a travesty. It has nothing to do with it. Wrestling had small guys succeeding before Benoit and Eddie and it never hurt the business before. Au contraire, Michaels and Hart were two of the more successful stars ever. Did anyone care with their size? I don't think so.
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Raw was awesome. Cena vs Bryan was a great match and the crowd went nuts for Bryan. And the social media was finally used to good effect (Jericho filming Ziggler, Sheamus in ADR's car).<p> </p><p> What does everyone think of the new SD GM? I'm surprised they didn't recap it on Raw.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That Jericho bit was awesome, priceless. I thought he would get involved but i really didn't think Riley would actually win. So...Michaels is getting involved in the feud. We should expect to see him getting dismantled by Lesnar next week or so. Always good to see Shawn involved in any kind of way, even if it means he's Lesnars punching bag. Punk finally completed his transition, and i loved his bit in the end, before being hit by Show. Good stuff. Still, i'm a bit disapointed that they placed Orton vs. Show so behind in the card. </p><p> </p><p> As for Booker as GM, i like it. Didn't see that coming, but it was cool. It suits him better and he will clean his image aftet that stint as colour commentator. He was actually becoming better at it, but he looks way better as a GM. They refresh the scene, as Long was there for years, why keeping Long relevant and putting Booker in a role that makes him look good.</p>
  13. The following post would say otherwise:




    I could give two craps about how much you dislike Cena, but I do dislike it when people say I am wrong when I am just stating my opinion on something where there are no facts that cannot disprove my opinion.


    Back on topic, from what I have read online and yes I know it might not happen, the plan is to have Punk hold onto the championship until Royal Rumble where he will lose the title to the Rock. Setting up Rock/Cena II for the title at Wrestlemania.


    I am not sure I like them putting the title on the Rock but it will be at the Meadowlands so and it is Wrestlemania so I guess they have to put on the biggest match possible.


    You really chose a bad post to quote. I really don't see how that helps you. You keep forgetting that when i say "It's wrong", it's a matter of speach. People never seem to understand my ironies, regularly forget the fact that english isn't even my 1st language and then start an argument with me when i wasn't even attacking them in the first place. I'm actually one of the few people who agrees with you. An opinion is an opinion. We don't need to back it up because it is what it is. And educated remar, and observation, or a point being made in an argument (or an argument itself), that's different. But backing up the fact we like/hate something? That's outrageous. So i'm with you on that one. Unfortunately, a lot of people here want people to back up everything they say, when there's no need of that.


    I remember that i had a lof of heat when i said there's a lot of people that can do what Cena does. I didn't mean it like it sound it, but i never really explained what i meant. What's the point anyway? Sometime a guy jsut can't have a CASUAL CONVERSATION with some people in here....you know, as opposed to ARGUMENTS, where you are expected to back up stuff. Heh, i'm done with this. Anyway, BHK there was really no need for you to "attack me" (figure of speach) like you did. i wasn't even posting for you at that time. Still, this was fun to write.


    As for the 3h Raw's, it will be something gradual, so we will have to wait and see. Buuuut from what i've seen from RAW 1001, they didn't start in the best way. And TOUT? Really? I'm willing to start a pool to bet on how long before that becomes another failure for them. I mean...TOUT? Jesus Christ. And even if it doesn't, finacially, we are already bored by it since they began showing it on RAW. That can't end up well.

  14. I get your point, but as you have often said to others your point is wrong. Well I do not really think that but I hate it when people say an opinion not based on fact is wrong, which you have often done in the past.

    In the context of wrestling it still makes sense and does not kill his credibility. He only lost to a woman because the odds were against him.


    The other people in that he fought were for the most part big names in the past. Well not Scotty 2 Hotty or Doink, but I would not say it kills his credibility to lose to Sid, who if he was still in the WWE could be considered a threat. Or Vader a former WCW World Champion or even Bob Backlund who held the WWF Title for what six or so years. Granted Backlund has been treated more as a joke for the last twenty years or so but he still has the prestige behind him.





    Maybe not the best example, probably should have went with George Foreman.


    Excuse me? You must be confusing me with someone else. I'm the one who hears that lame BS excuse everytime i rant about Cena. It's an opinion. For all i know i can back it up with "I woke up this morning and i felt like Cena sucks." People need to distinguish between a PERSONAL opinion and an educated one &/or an argument being made. There's something you need to back up, arguments. And i don't know why the hell you answered with that contempt. I didn't even argue with you. Just made a point.

    It's amazing how my pet hate for "guy that can't wrestle in the WWE's history number 10243" bothers so many people. That will hardly change my mind. Done. Feed me more! :D

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