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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. I really don't like the 'short match' penalty. It can't really be broken through like most every other penalty in the game, which feels pretty arbitrary. You can slightly exceed the cap but you can't break it. I feel like my midcard is stuck at perpetual Bs with no ability to get a surprise awesome contest unless I give them 20 mins. It distorts how good things could be and it leads to pretty stagnant match lengths because there's no point giving them more. Midcard? 10 mins is as good as 14, makes no difference. It leads to this complete homogeneity in the midcard of TV shows especially. I know it's to prevent a 2 minute squash getting an A* like in older versions, but the existing cap is very stringent and makes booking feel restrictive, and as above, hugely reduces the opportunity for a wrestler to have a sudden breakout performance out of nowhere. The handbook does have the exact length to grade: 53% (D-) for <5 mins 71% (C+) for <10 mins 77% (B-) for <15 mins 89% (B+) for <20 mins 6 mins is the cap remover for angles.
  2. Yep, rebuild from the ground up. It's not perfect and my enthusiasm came and went for the original project; it took me literal years, and I eventually started playing without finishing title lineages/chemistries (or playtesting rosters), but it's my game world with some garnish, since I added new characters and refreshed some rosters to make them more logical and interesting. 2016->2020 will be much easier. Less gametime to model.
  3. Reproduce my gamestate in the data and then continue on with it.
  4. Nice. You don't often see people hop around. I hope you can do well with WEXXV and don't kill your user character before he can get famous.
  5. Oh no! Hanari evolved into an even bigger evil clown!
  6. iirc it's a re-render of a CV97 worker, Christopher Hart. Looking at the design it's JSilver, so you could search for his renders. I can probably upload a copy at some stage but have some things going on so it'd take me a while.
  7. These two have D+ and C popularity respectively. I'm legitimately shocked and impressed
  8. <p>I have a host of custom DeColt and Stone children in my data at this point, five or six apiece if I remember rightly. Albeit it's tuned for a game state based off of a playthrough I did in 2010 so they're not necessarily something that'd fit cverse as it's turned out in canon.</p><p> </p><p> There's Luke and Vincent, Alex DeColt's twin sons, with Vincent being the more typical DeColt and Luke being more of a workhorse. Their story is that they became champs super fast and then split and feuded in an attempt to make both into main event stars, but it fell flat because Luke didn't have 'DeColt charisma', especially so early in his career. Vincent's now in the new-age Elite, Luke's in a tag team again, they're no longer on speaking terms.</p><p> </p><p> Then we have Steve DeColt Jr, or Junior DeColt, who is a lot like his dad and was having a great first year only to be cost a Canadian title match against Thrill Seeker bu his own returning father.</p><p> </p><p> I also added two DeColt daughters (one who wasn't trained by the DeColts at all because she's besties with a Stone daughter and they wanted to train together) and a further DeColt son, who has it set up so that he's working under a pseudonym to start out with but when he gets older, has an alter ego that activates such that he goes by his real name now that he feels he's paid his dues.</p><p> </p><p> Stones have another son for Dan who is an arrogant jackass and hates Johnny Bloodstone's son. Mikey and Kenny Stone, who are Jezza and Duane's kids respectively (Kenny's mom is none other than Kit Hatoyama).</p><p> </p><p> There are various other kid wrestlers too (either Eisen, Tom Gilmore, Yoshimi Mushashibo, Mito Miwa, Steve Flash just a few to have kids added) but I've made a lot of new workers in general to fill the game world out some more; I used to edit most every new gen I saw to give them a personality, as this was in the 2010 days where they didn't even get a bio really. I have some real favourites amongst those and my 0/0/0/0, now National promotion is quite stocked with gens. I'm glad I took the time to make those edits, or the gameworld wouldn't feel real by now.</p><p> </p><p> The most recent big change I made was to create a bunch of women's wrestlers for Australia such that they can support a couple of small ladies' promotions. It's based around opening with the bankroll of a SWF valet from the 80sw who happens to be Australian. It was a fair bit of effort to pull together but very satisfying to see them running in the live data.</p>
  9. It depends how far. There is a backup save stored but iirc it only goes back a week. I don't have the game in front of me so don't take that as gospel, though.
  10. *sweats in 'can't figure out what her favourite product fits into'*
  11. <p>I suppose it depends on whether your bottom line can afford the production values.</p><p> </p><p> You seem to be consistently outperforming your pop, but how badly are any regional battle losses affecting you in turn?</p><p> </p><p> It's a combination of all those three to take into consideration imo, but so far your main events have carried your show grades even with the penalties.</p>
  12. <p>Ah, yeah, it totally wasn't a 'if Flash loses, I'm out!' kind of deal.</p><p> </p><p> I can see logic behind Reed winning, I just think it sets Flash an incredibly long way back in terms of regaining his ability to headline and it means he needs even more rebuilding to look like a real contender again. Otherwise, Art's always just going to be able to be like 'yeah but I'm better than him' and be straight up <em>right</em>.</p><p> </p><p> But I'm certainly still following along either way.</p>
  13. Rather than predict, I'm just gonna say that if Flash loses to Reed again he is dead and gone when it comes to looking competitive against him. Art's had his head on a platter multiple times. Which I guess is my way of saying that if I was predicting, I'd be backing Flash to win, cause he's done as a top competitor for at least the rest of the year otherwise.
  14. What'd probably help would be if he was shown to have more of a hypocritical edge to him as opposed to just being a 'SJW' (which itself is kind of loaded, because it lets people who are anti minority use it as a label which isn't seen as a slur. 'You SJWs!' doesn't have the same sting to it to outside eyes as 'You ...', well, pick your slur of choice). Like, okay, he wants 'equality', but when it comes to actually giving up anything for the little guy, or the underrepresented groups he claims to champion, he conveniently has an excuse as to why he can't or shouldn't. It's too bad the faux feminist, 'nice guy' Drake didn't make it onto the storyline really, that would have done a lot to make him pop as a character.
  15. CGC Canadian Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Skip Beau vs Sayeed Ali © Not sure hotshotting the belt back would do much for anyone. Pirates of the K-Rap-ean (K-Squared & DeArrrske) vs Two Mysteries From Las Vegas These two aren't super amazing. This is hopefully a hot new heel tag team. Robin DaLay vs Chris Flynn Flynn just got into a fight. Drake Young vs Mystery From New Mexico Drake's expendable. Followed immediately by Night One of The DeColt WrestleFestival... CGC World Title Match: Zeus Maxmillion vs Blockbuster © Zeus vs. DaLay! Book it! CGC Tag Team Title Match: Woolabonga Bogans vs The Gear-Heads © You seem quite fond of the Bogans and I could easily see this going the other way, I just think it would hurt the Gear-Heads' pop and they probably wouldn't be thrilled about dropping the match either. Going Postal Match: Dice Elderberry, Hugh Ancrie & Phillipe LaGrenier vs Ian Identity, Mario DaSilva & Penfold Perdition Have a bad feeling we lose Penfold here. Hopefully he comes back from Hawaii safe! Dan DaLay vs Jack Bruce If Bruce is available, he's gonna be on the downswing. Dan's CGC through and through. Adrian Garcia vs Jack DeColt I cannot wrangle the amount of mental gymnastics that could convince me to believe that Garcia going over Jack would be a good idea in any way, shape or form. As someone mentioned, maybe the match doesn't actually happen or there is a 'technical' win for Garcia, but he does not win in a match that's not an angle. Diablo DeVille vs Shane Nelson Shane's pretty old, Diablo could use some forward momentum Mystery Japanese Debt Collector vs Julian Watson I wonder if this is Duane Stone...
  16. Doubled edged sword, here. There were a handful of updates in 2016 I wasn't a huge fan of and went back to the old ones. I imagine it might be similar for 2020. Oh well, can always grab the previous preferred ones from 2016. That's personal preference for you.
  17. The other issue of bringing in the Guns is that you'd then be saddled with Ford Gumble
  18. Yesss, please do. Your ladies are always absolutely gorgeous.
  19. <p>Whoa, was that an actual factual screwjob!?</p><p> </p><p> That's the best!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Only in Oddworld could that be considered the best.</p>
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