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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. Independent - Demon Buzzard (1) The unheralded member of the demons of rage.
  2. hooooo boy. this 'just a guy' is bad news. Too bad Greed didn't deliver the goods in the main event there, it's like he's got weaker through the tournament!
  3. No Ordinary Men is in both Rookie and Veteran, and Roaring 20s is in rookie twice. You might have already seen.
  4. Following along, Eff is fun. One thing to note is that the lads all do have attributes... they're just sekrit.
  5. <p>As effin mentioned, if you turn off roles on the booking screen, you can then select literally anyone.</p><p> </p><p> Unfortunately experience doesn't seem to increase with road agenting only, so Lutter will always be a bit naff. The only stat that might increase is his respect.</p><p> </p><p> If you want the authentic experience, it's a long term problem that will only <em>start</em> to be mitigated once the first set of gens/workers start to gain more experience and respect, which will take some time. Still, this is the birth of wrestling so it kind of makes sense that there is a lack of expert agents to help put matches together.</p><p> </p><p> The penalties aren't insurmountable and it will be a very very long time before match grades are ever high enough for poor road agenting to be a meaningful penalty. I've had the penalties on every match I've ever booked on the save I'm a couple years into, but the workers are poor so it doesn't really matter.</p><p> </p><p> However, like effin said, you can use quick add in the editor/import roadies in if it bothers you. Or even use the in game editor to set workers up as road agents. That's less realistic to the game state but it's your game and y'know, getting roadie penalties for twenty years might not be your jam. XD.</p>
  6. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="SHkkCoa.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SHkkCoa.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> As it turned out, Samba had fractured her arm and would be out for four to six weeks. Guiltily, I had to admit that it was a relief. I’d been panicked that my mistake—and I couldn’t shake it being <em>my</em> mistake, no matter how many people told me it wasn’t—had resulted in a career-threatening or life-altering injury. Samba was going to have to deal with a cast for a while, but she would be alright.</p><p> </p><p> Unfortunately, this now left us short, and being honest, even with Samba we were still blowing through matches way too fast. Maybe running every single week hadn’t been such an amazing idea, but I felt like we were committed for at least a couple of months: going monthly this early would signal to the fans that either we weren’t serious or that were about to go under.</p><p> </p><p> I thought about how much if the tab was picking up and tried not to wince. Still wasn’t happy with how much we—I—was relying on her, but the deal was too good to pass up. It was down to her that we even had a roster in the first place. Double duty was fun to an extent, but how long was it really viable? Just had to think about Rajni showing up late the other week for that.</p><p> </p><p> I… was going to need to email Debra and make some calls.</p><p> ----</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction card for Lionesses of Wrestling VII: Roar</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49019" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing]<p> </p><p> Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding]</p><p> </p><p> Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing]</p><p> </p><p> Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings]</p><p> </p><p> Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer</p><p> </p><p> LoW British Championship</p><p> Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz</p></div></blockquote>
  7. <p>Woops this took a bit. ADHD brain. Thanks for the predictions!</p><p> --</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Predictions</strong></p><p> </p><pre class="ipsCode">SMW: 8/8 Herrbear: 7/8 Zergon 7/8 tryker: 7/8 Regis: 3/4 - New challenger!</pre><div></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Running the alter egos is a bit harder than it was in 2016 because the initial levels of momentum feel a bit more harsh. Folks with positive W/L still have poor momentum. So it goes.</p>
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cruzacsvoice" data-cite="cruzacsvoice" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49686" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm in December of the first year. Unfortunately, Danielle Loiselle died in a rabid badger attack in the second month of the show, and another died in a car accident a few months later, while being groomed as Loiselle's replacement. Crazyness. however, only being able to have 4 matches per show is really killing my ability to grow - I really need another road agent - Just read here today about needing to turn on the balancing, so hoping to draw one soon.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just get another wrassler to do it. You'll get penalties but it's 1920, what <em>isn't</em> going to get you penalties?</p><p> </p><p> Lutter isn't a very good road agent anyway because he has 0 experience.</p>
  9. Year one concluded for Luchasaurus X and Melanie Rhul! Things have gone pretty well. Initially carried by Remmy Skye's major South West popularity, WrestleWorld's debut has done a lot for various members of the team by boosting them up (though that's starting to have a knock-on effect in expenses, thanks to pay rises). Top to bottom, shows have been great. Admittedly, we wouldn't be where we are if we hadn't got that early money roll, as we'd otherwise be about 15-20k in the hole. Though y'know, I wouldn't have brought in expensive veterans for one-offs if I didn't have that money, swings and roundabouts. Still, it's too bad, as before the first wave of pay rise requests, we had just about started to make money. We're at 15 popularity from a monthly schedule of free events. Will have to decide whether to hold on at Insignificant or rise while acknowledging we'll get hammered in regional battles/production values. May be best to cap myself until I have the money to go head to head. Booking has centred around the various trios that make up the company and shorter term rivalries. A big thing has been Quentin Queen constantly complaining about being mistreated and that management is deliberately scheduling conflicts such that his girlfriend in Canada can't attend shows. Sick of Queen's whining, Chairwoman Candy Floss finally agreed to go one on one with him at our season finale show, only to lose, which should set up a match between Quentin and new champion DinoKnight/Ashley Grover. DinoKnight/Grover has been a big beneficiary of WrestleWorld and performing extremely well. As a result, she's had a super successful year, winning King of Trios alongside Raptor Jr (Charlie Corner) and Candy Floss, then the Primo Dino Tournament, before finally dethroning Remmy Skye at the season finale. Remmy has done well, but his inconsistency and the fact he got caught on soft drugs (hey... it's legal in California) made the time feel right for a change. - Melanie Rhul has been part of The Evil Council and done pretty well with Fat Cat (Nathaniel Ca$ino) and Clawter (Swipe Romero), not least because she has tag chemistry with Clawter. At the introduction of the tag team titles in December, she became part of the first pair of champs alongside Clawter, which isn't undeserved as they're the best performing team in the company. Have come close to 50 match grade a couple times, but not there quite yet... Secondary RTGer Emil Evans has done okay as part of Sarah Taylor's Stretch Club, but isn't doing quite as well overall, likely because his regular tag partner isn't as good as Swipe. He and The Man, The Myth, Xavier are still developing together. -- Peeling back the scouting curtain for a moment, Melanie has developed as follows: +8 brawling +7 puro +7 hardcore +1 technical (blegh) +7 aerial +7 flashiness +2 psychology (blegh) +5 experience +2 charisma +2 microphone +2 acting +3 sex appeal (went from skinny to toned randomly) +7 basics +2 selling +7 consistency +7 safety +3 stamina +4 athleticism +31 pop (South West) Not thrilled with the lack of technical improvement, given it's her best stat and still sub fifty, but so it goes, my roster doesn't overflow with technicians. Doing better than Emil though. He's hardly moved in several stats. Might need to peel him off Xavier so he has more chances to learn, since Xavier is so raw... - Rolls: Melanie - 7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… So she's now dating BP Swoll, because they're close enough in age to not be weird, have a compatible personality, and the size difference amuses me. Piggyback rides! Emil - 26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes Might help him out. He's not terrible at promos by any means.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48528" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pass the message on: Lindsay Sugar was an emo scene girl in the mid 00s:<p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="913%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_images/d41729b17cb9acc73e71bbff016390fd/913%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="915%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_images/fd27c2d6ff715d08579f2309ca78de66/915%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="914%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" data-src="https://theo.minuspoint.com/tewbooru/_images/64ad2c5e6162f2c22bb5328afb076cbc/914%20-%20Alt%20Artist%3ACelt%20Cornellverse%20Lindsay_Sugar%20emo%20myspace.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> (Inspired by MHero)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <em>marvelous</em></p>
  11. Good show in general, but the post match with Blake and Brazzle especially kicked ass. That was great!
  12. Good couple of events! Nice to see a babyface come out on top, even if wasn't the babyface I first thought it would be One day you'll do it, Heath!
  13. Nice. Hopefully you can get there. On a LuchaX note... Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50 Whoo! Only my second show gets a 50, owing mostly to Remmy Skye's very high popularity in the South West. For $40 it's a big steal to get match grades like he's been delivering. The promotion is based around trios, with everyone in their own. Quentin Queen is allegedly in a trio with his best friend (who lives out of state) and his girlfriend (who lives in Canada), but they unfortunately seem to keep missing shows... Overall feel I'm going for is pretty CHIKARA. Bonus for secondary RTGer Emil Evans as he immediately finds good chemistry with his stablemate. Unfortunately, while his partner's an athletic monster there isn't a lot of knowledge he can pass along as a fellow rookie, but they do collectively have Sarah Taylor to learn from. -- Anyhow. Melanie Rhul rolls... 8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige Emil Evans rolls... 24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill Absolutely taking the money at this size. It'll be very nice to not have to worry about cash so early on, given the starting roster is 16 with all these trios and it feels weird to leave people out. Lets me make a start on upgrading merch too. Guess we made a great first impression, or maybe Candy Floss's rich aunt passed away. Emil gets +5 aerial to start him off. (I figure if I ever roll something promotion-affecting for Emil I'll re-roll, so as not to skew anything in my advantage). Eager to see how we roll from here. Edit: Remmy got caught with drugs three days later. XD
  14. Carnival Days Comic Book Dark Comic Book Light Competitive Entertainment East Meets West Fast, Furious, Deadly Gritty Adult Noir Lucha Libre Burlesque Lucharesu Amped Up MMA Entertainment Psycho Circus Risque Comedy Ruthless Aggression Wrestling Burlesque Three Ring Circus World Fusion Xtreme Adult Filth
  15. <p><p>Time to give this my latest shot.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> Running Luchasaurus X as, naturally, a CHIKARA-esque fun lucha promotion. Candy Floss is the boss.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> <img alt="q2sa8TP.png" data-src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/q2sa8TP.png" rel="external nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/q2sa8TP.png"</a> src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p></p><p> <img alt="UDbcaK4.png" data-src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/UDbcaK4.png" rel="external nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/UDbcaK4.png"</a> src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p></p><p> I've added a supplementary male character who is made with RTG rules. I'll be tracking his accomplishments separately to see if I can RTG him too, though if he gets nabbed, he gets nabbed, not much I can do about that.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> <img alt="JQSBpwE.png" data-src="<a href="https://i.imgur.com/JQSBpwE.png" rel="external nofollow">https://i.imgur.com/JQSBpwE.png"</a> src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p></p><p> Gonna take this a bit calmer than my other games, focus less on trying to rush growth and more just having fun, so I don't expect to roar out of the gates.</p></p>
  16. Cheers, Historian. Haha, Ellen's finisher name must have gone over your head to start with as welll, huh? Thankfully no simmering tensions etc as a result of this, wasn't a botch injury.
  17. Moments after the opener… I cut my celebration short to all but run backstage, heart in my mouth. There was a cluster of people gathered around Samba, collapsed on a chair, clutching her arm across her chest. It felt like the whole room turned to watch me as I hurried over. “Are you okay?” She fixed me with a pained smile. “Hey boss. Yeah. All good.” “That didn’t look all good.” She started to shrug, and then clearly thought better of it. “I mean, it hurts, if that’s what you’re asking. Might be broken.” “Bloody hell.” I hissed out a breath through my teeth. “Look, I am so sorry—” She cut me off. “Nah, nah, not your fault.” She started to reach out, then flinched, withdrawing her arm. “Fffffff*ck me.” “We need to get you to A&E.” “She’s got a broken arm and you want to put her in a hold? Harsh, Disaster.” I gave Rajni the finger. Samba nodded slightly. “Probably a plan.” “Someone needs to take her, then,” piped up Abbi. “I can go—” “No you can’t, you’re in the main event,” said Sally. “I’ll… probably be back?” “Uh, guys…” I glanced over my shoulder. Lottie was hovering. “We’re going to start to have dead air in a sec here. Match is over, remember?” A ripple ran through all of us. My chest clenched. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. “Svenny, get out there. Go. Oi! Sally! You be ready for your cue!” Debra cut through the chaos and building anxiety, grabbing me by the shoulder. Her eyes locked on mine. “Show goes on, right?” I swallowed and nodded. “Show goes on.” Svenja was already heading out. “I’ll go with her,” said Nicky like the saint that he was. “You don’t need me now anyway.” I mouthed a huge thank you at him. Samba nodded and rose. She paused one more time. “Don’t worry about this, boss, it happens.” “Sure.” Not good enough.
  18. Saturday, week 2 February 2020 Gloucester Street Youth Centre Attendance: 48 Not broadcast Commentary: None The masked Assassin faces Samba Barnes in a fast paced match, the pair locking horns in an energetic display that’s probably trying a bit too hard. Even so it’s enjoyable seeing them grapple, particularly with Barnes going big with a few of her throws and sending Assassin flying across the ring. Unfortunately it’s marred by an accidental coming together: Barnes slips diving for Assassin and lands awkwardly on her arm, immediately snapping into a ball. Assassin covers and gets the win, but Barnes has to be helped to the back, cradling her injured limb. — E Svenja Schwartz emerges, masking her anger with disdain. She declares that Sakuyama got extremely lucky last week and as such now has a stay of execution. Nonetheless, the uncrowned queen of LoW wants there to be an accounting, and states that if Sakuyama has a shred of the honour she claims, she’ll grant her another shot. Sakuyama comes out and is bemused by what Svenja’s saying: she won fair and square, clean as a whistle. Look, they had a good match, but she’s not just going to give her another shot immediately: other people deserve that opportunity. Schwartz hates to hear that, and after a couple more arrogant statements, cheap shots Sakuyama and, getting the better of the brawl that ensues, throws her to ringside and throws down a challenge. Main event tonight: Saku finds a partner, Svenja gets a partner. If Svenja wins, she gets another shot. Sakuyama, wounded and angry, yells back that Schwartz is on! — E+ Our next match pits two of the newcomers against one another, and Lace continues her hot start to life in LoW as she largely has her way with the inexperienced Countess. While the blueblood has her moments, not least when she scores a thumb to the eye outside of the ref’s view and manages to lay in with some strikes, Lace is definitely the more accomplished wrestler. She battles out of a grounded sleeper and tees off, countering a rush with an arm drag and then flattening Countess with the Penalty Kick. — E Once more, as soon as she’s caught her breath Countess grabs a microphone and goes ballistic. She claims that a woman of her standing has never been treated with such lack of class as she’s seen here, and that the fans and wrestlers should feel privileged to have the chance to even glimpse her, let alone lock up with her in a ring. Get out of her sight. — E Who forgot that Rajni has a memory like a sieve? The booker! Sally-as-Shinobi tries to pull Rajni to a decent contest, and while it’s not terrible, there’s no prizes for detecting who was carrying the load here as Smith fails to remember her spots and on a couple of occasions remembers them in the wrong order, really damaging the flow of the match. Still, as Aviator Agarwal’s Flight of the Valkyries hits, distracting Shinobi, Rajni pounces from behind with a backslide and picks up the win. — F+ The Sea Dogs are out and run through a goofy skit that only tangentially has anything to do with wrestling, and then only because they lean on the fourth wall to discuss people coming out to interrupt them. Swann and Bakshi are allegedly on the hunt for booty, this may or may not be a euphemism. Alas there is none to be found. It’s essentially two friends messing about, but it fills some time and the fans are receptive. — D- It’s time for our main event. Sakuyama is out first with Abbi Archer as her partner, unlikely to anyone’s surprise. Their opponents come out singularly, Schwartz and then Ellen Ward, whose expression is completely unreadable. Both teams operate well, and Ward in particular has a chip on her shoulder, seemingly on a mission to do as much damage single handedly as she can. Saku takes a beating, and Archer gets the hot tag to spring around and claim the advantage back. Schwartz enters the ring to take some of the wind out of her sails, but seems surprised by how dynamic Abbi is, the energy trumping the skill this time around. Schwartz is forced to tag out and we end up back with Sakuyama vs. Ward. Kagawa Driver attempted—Schwartz tugs her clear—GLITTERING MAGICIAN! Schwartz blind tags herself in off Ward’s back and runs in to steal the pin, with Ward relegated to blocking Archer’s attempted save… and shooting Schwartz a look of pure murder. — E+ SHOW RATING: E+
  19. Can't believe I forgot to mention but: Greed! What a cool signing!
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