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Everything posted by BuddyGarner

  1. My strategy will be to go safe for every worker with good stats and go risky with every single jobber just in case it catches on fire.
  2. <p>Some wrestling snobs would call it characters over gimmicks...</p><p> </p><p> I guess that all matters on complexity.</p><p> </p><p> If I have a 200 person roster I'm going to get sick of putting in gimmick names....</p><p> </p><p> <strong>So I propose something like the AI suggests gimmick names based on the attributes you chose.</strong></p><p> </p><p> These names would be set in the database as templates.</p>
  3. Gimmicks having more realistic requirements is great and all but it'd be nice if they actually had more effect rather than being mostly cosmetic other than gimmicks types.
  4. <p>Finances are delaying the release date??????</p><p> </p><p> One more reason to have simplified finances.</p><p> </p><p> I think finances should be streamlined enabling more focus on booking. What fun is it to penny pinch over $100.</p>
  5. Getting around overness caps is easy. Just run daily shows and run a ton of angles.
  6. The end of the game was during the demo for me when I managed to get all my workers to 100 in the critical stats and 100 popularity just by running shows every day.
  7. Yes! to worker overuse but I'd like to see it based on a one month period rather than per show. Though I'll probably just spam workers regardless of the momentum period because momentum is nothing. To those complaining remember it's momentum not overness.
  8. <p>Love popularity cap and crowd burnout feature.</p><p> </p><p> Since I just spam matches and angles I'll probably not notice it though. I never noticed the pop cap before since I just ran shows every day so the decay was not noticeable.</p><p> </p><p> Crowd burnout I probably will just take the hit or just run however long show I can without getting burnt out. Maybe the burnout could not happen for season finales or prestigious PPVs.</p><p> </p><p> It's a step in the right direction though as it's a beginning against spam tactics.</p>
  9. Like the email addition. There are three kind of features that I like: 1) QOL. Features that may not draw but improve actually playing of the game. 2) Draw features. Features that draw but actually don't have much affect on gameplay. For example, do all the different match options really matter? But these features generate sales and keep people playing TEW. 3) Gameplay balance. These features may not draw but they increase depth of experience. The email feature is number one. I would like to see more gameplay balance features. There are lots of things in TEW that are flashy on the surface but lack depth. The angle road agent notes is a start.
  10. With the new less flexible system. One thing I'd like to see is for instance not being dinged for having say an occasional comedy match or any other match that relied on setting it to medium since we're no longer able to tweak that setting.
  11. The experience stat encourages more spam booking but then again spam booking was already highly effective.
  12. <p>Not really digging the broadcasting stuff. The financial stuff I don't really see being a big draw to players.</p><p> </p><p> In my opinion the financial parts of the game should be streamlined so more effort can go into the core (booking).</p><p> </p><p> I mean you see all the suggestions that go in the suggestions forum. How many are about finances that aren't about streamlining things like contract negotiations?</p>
  13. Hopefully with the perception system there'll be changes to momentum too which is really easy to game and move around with only the turn system.
  14. Yes on the improvement to angles. I doubt it'll be perfect in the first go around but great to see angles getting some love and not just matches in terms of complexity.
  15. <p>I just hope that angles have evolved. Match making has involved throughout the TEW series to become more complex but angles have not really evolved that much.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> And I hope worker development is a lot more interesting than just spam matches/angles. But I wholly expect to be able to get a lot of the workers stats to 100 within the two month demo period. I didn't buy TEW 2016 because you can pretty much beat the game in the demo.</p>
  16. Is there anyway to edit contracts using the editor? I hired some fighters to standard deals and I must have missed the email when they were trying to be signed and now a max exodus of fighters have left me.
  17. Well, I guess it's a little easier than in WMMA4 where the other companies champion automatically got the number two or high rank spot based on the size. So the top ranked fighters could all be in different companies. I don't see excellent fights playing a role as it's so hard to get them
  18. Is the title defense mandatory. Can you get in with just top 10 wins?
  19. What happens if you get to the event and you have it left as To be announced does it use a local fighter?
  20. Pyramid booking with unfavorable matches for older fighters who are on time decline and on retirement risk. Build up against cans for fighters who are rising up and are charismatic and exciting.
  21. So that makes Comedy one of the best product settings as it also increases popularity over performance. Popularity being far easier to increase than performance.
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