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Posts posted by Tiberious

  1. On 8/27/2023 at 10:16 AM, tspang66 said:

    I had a worker that I very much didnt want to die die in a game. He passed by a kenny death only 42. Is it possible to go in the editor and set him to active and by the looks of it set all his stats back and not have any consequences for the save?

    If you want to undo something like that you could use the recovery feature when you load the save to bring it back to the previous sunday of game time. Though this won't work if you've already advanced past the next sunday in your save as the recovery file only saves the most recent one.

  2. I liked the attention to continuity with Milton not being willing to partner up Rob Edwards after getting screwed by him twice before. Says a lot that he'd turn down a former champion to instead team up with a brand new signing who he's seen wrestle all of one time.

    It's cool to see your new signings getting involved in prominent roles so quickly with Horn getting a main event in his second match and Psych Ward joining up with Lloyd Banks as a tag team partner. I'm not sure what exactly to make of the new Ares Death Cult lineup, but it'll be interesting to see how that all plays out over the nest few shows.

    • Like 1
  3. January Week One Pick’em


    Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

    Comments: Both are talented, but not really well known in the US. Chess Maniac seems a step ahead though.


    Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)

    Comments: Martyr is an interesting prospect, so I doubt you'd chump him out week 1.


    World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

    The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

    Comments: In a way both teams kind of feel like throwbacks, but War Cheifs seem to be the one more likely to be featured early on.


    Hardcore Rules Match

    Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls

    Comments:  Animal is better, but Walls isn't that far behind and I could see the hardcore rules letting him get one over here.


    The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

    Comments:: Hard to pick the only two guys not to get a logo or entrance music.


    World Title Tournament Round 1

    The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold

    Comments: He has Texas in his name, he has to win.


    World Title Tournament Round 1

    Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood

    Comments: Pryde has a lot of potential, but needs a lot more seasoning and exposure before he's ready.


  4. WrestleX Presents:
    Memorial For The Victims Of Lobster Warrior

    Radioactive Bonka Stick On A Pole Match
    Behemoth vs Pinatadon

    It's only fitting for the Pinatadon to be hit with the Bonka Stick; though maybe not so hard that he breaks open and candy spills out.

    Power Beetle Magma vs King Kongor

    King Kongor is too strong to fight one on one.

    Power Beetle Rose vs The Nightmare From The Lagoon

    I think TNFTL's obsession over Rose costs him the match.

    I'll pick Lagoon 

    Might Mutant Power Beetles (Aqua, Earth, Ghost) vs Aquasaur, Militant Centipede, & Nautilus

    I think the Martian Queens absence will cause some dissention amongst the invaders and the Power Beetles superior teamwork will win them the match.

    The Venusian in a LAZER SHARK CAGE @ Ringside
    Big Al & The Visitor vs The Cosmic Cartel

    While I'm not hesitant to vote against the power of the LAZER SHARK CAGE, I still think the Cosmic Cartel will find a way to steal this.

    Boxing Exhibition
    Power Beetle Grass vs Yukito

    Poor Yukito, Grass wins but at what cost?

    Air Chief Marshal Westminster vs Lobster Warrior

    Lobster Claws can't cut Steel Cybernetic Arms, at least I hope they can't for the sake of humanity.

  5. I hope Dexter can step it up a level now that he's champion. He hasn't been bad exactly, but Quartermainne has a point in his assestment that Rob Edwards was always going to be a tough act to follow and in a way being part of the Pros stable is a double edged sword because the Benchmark are damn good and there's a definite risk of him being overshadowed if he can't match their speed. Honestly this upcoming title match between Dexter and Wrecker seems pretty important, not so much for the result of the match itself but for whether each guy can rise to that next level.

    The tag title picture is a problem of a different sort with the Benchmark being fantastic champions, but the tag team scene being so decimated that there's a real lack of credible challengers. The Barracudas are the only real established team available right now, but with Blitz gone and the others showing their age it's not quite the clear big money feud it would have been if they were in their prime. At the very least the Pros being such a solid squad means that you can probably count on any combination of the group to deliver in multiman tags if you want to put on a good match for your weekly shows if you want to save your premier matches for the big events.

    • Like 1
  6. Farewell Cesar, shame we didn't get more of a chance to see how he'd fare as a solo star but those are the breaks in the wrestling business. It certainly makes sense for CEW to go after him since not only is he friends and tag team partners with Gyula Laktos, but he also has a friendship with Blitz Simpson so he's got two guys to talk him up to management there.

    On the plus side Cesar is on the wrong side of 40, so this saves some potential awkwardness once age starts catching up to him and Lori has to balance her friendship with him versus what's best for the company. Biggest issue is what this means for the remaining members of the group since a bit too much has happened to just have Death Ref start counting pins again. With the Pros as the big new dominant heel faction I'm not really sure where they fit into DIW right now.

    If the raids from continue than perhaps Lori will have to go back and add a women's division out of necessity, though I wouldn't put it passed CEW to add their own just so they can keep poaching your workers.

    • Like 1
  7. Just wanted to mention that you're doing a great job with this dynasty. Focusing on individual wrestlers storylines/progress over the months between major shows is a really unique and interesting way to highlight the most important stuff going on in your company.


    Night of PRIDE, 1998 Predictions

    SEMI FINAL 1: Eisaku Hoshino vs. Hito Ichihara
    Ichihara is on such a high level that it's hard to see Hoshino beating him here.

    SEMI FINAL 2: Mito Miwa vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko
    Nobuatsu's had a lot of focus as the one being ignored and disrespected by the champion, so I think he makes it through to the finals.

    Chuichi Sanda and Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) vs. Go Matsunaga, Hayate Hasegawa & Mamoru Nagahama
    Not a lot of starpower in this match, but Nagahama is the one with the closest thing to a push here.

    Lee Wright vs. Luis Figo Manico © for the Historical Japan title

    I'd be surprised if Manico lost his title before defending vs Danger Kumasaka.

    Danger Kumasaka, Yodo Nakane and Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) vs. Eisaku Kunomasu, Koryusai Kitoaji, Raymond Diaz & Shimi Komatsuzaki

    When in doubt pick the champions team.

    Hito Ichihara vs Nobuatsu Tatsuko
    I think it's time to elevate a next generation star and Nobuatsu Tatsuko is the one to do it.

    • Like 1
  8. Oof, the concussion would be bad enough news, but having one of your guys die is another thing completely. I've been playing since TEW 2010 and can't remember having that happen to anyone on my roster, so that's certainly some rough luck.

    I'm very interested to see what direction you go with things on your next show to salvage the booking you've set up while also giving a proper sendoff to Switchblade.

    • Like 1
  9. Looks like a great card, really has that biggest show of the year feel with these matchups.


    Kozue Kawashima (c) vs. Magnum Kobe
    I love Magnum Kobe and think he definitely has what it takes to be champion, but at the same time Kozue Kawashima is the ace and I don't think he loses here.

    Kazushige Matsuki & Tetsunori Yasuda (c) vs. KITA & SATO

    At first I was going to go with the challengers here because after they won the elite series Matsuki & Yasuda are running out of legitimate challengers. However, the best tag team in PGHW wasn't in the tournament. I think the champions retain here, continuing riding high after their elite series and we build to a big match with KitoGuchi down the road.


    Crimson Tigers (Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji & Hirobumi Takimoto) vs. RONIN VII (Akinori Kwakami, Noriyori Sanda & Seiji Jimbo)
    At first glance Takimoto taking the pin seems the obvious result, but I think Kitoaji has enough fire in his return to get a big win.


    Avalanche Takano (c) vs. Joshua Taylor (c)

    Avalanche  seems to be someone you've been building, and I think it's time for him to capatilize to beat Taylor and push himself into the upper eschelon of talent in PGHW.


    Masaru Ugaki vs. Yasunobu Masuno

    The Masuno experiment seems to have mixed results at best so far. To me he feels very good rather than great, and someone who is best used as a sort of gate keeper, a challenge overcome only by the biggest stars. Ugaki is undoubtedly one of those stars, and I'd be stunned if you had him fail at getting his revenge on the biggest stage.


    Coyote Club (BISON Yano, Brute Kikuchi & Hirokazu Yamanoue) & Gonnohyoe Kada vs. The American Cobras (Marvel Molloy & Storm Spillane), Canadian Dragon & Hitomaro Suzuki
    Not much to say here with one side having an obvious advantage.


    AKIMA, Tsurayuki Kamachi & The Ivanoff Brothers (Igor Ivanoff & Ivan Ivanoff) vs. The Front (Michio Gensai & Mutant) & The Lions of Japan (Shinji Mihara & Shozo Furata)

    If this was pre-elite series I would have picked the other way since the Lions of Japan beat the Ivanoff brothers on their re-debut, but I think the "Russian" duos unexpected promotion to the elite series has elevated them to the point where the Lions are the weak point in this match; even with Gensai & Mutant on their side.


    REBEL (Hirotsugu Satou & Motoyuke Miyake) vs. Goro Sakamoto & Sanjiro Sasaki

    Young lions paying their dues. It is a bit funny that Magnum Kobe would pick two very no frills type wrestlers to be a part of his unit, but I suppose it makes sense since part of his friction was SATO was insecurity over someone potentially upstagging him.


    Haranobu Kobayashi vs. Suguru Emoto
    This is tricky because Emoto has been the one losing almost every match, and going by their initial stats in 2020 Kobayashi is definitely much more developed while Emoto needs a lot more work. The final match in the elite series against delibrately pointed out that Kobayashi almost won the match against the champions while Emoto was the one who lost in the end. 

    The real question here is what's the purpose behind booking the match. If it's simply to get rid of dead weight than Emoto is the obvious choice, but if it's to have one of them rebound in a new unit it makes far more sense for Kobayashi to get kicked out since he's far more capable of standing on his own and perhaps even getting some measure of revenge on Ronin VII while Emoto can continue to refine his skills as the bottom rung of Ronin VII. I'll gamble and go with the second option.

  10. Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm enjoying this dynasty and the way you keep it moving while still giving the highlights (and occassional lowlights) of each tour.


    2021 Elite Tag Series Winner: Bison Yano & Brute Kikuchi

    2021 Elite Tag Series Runner-Up: Hirotsugu Satou & Magnum Kobe

    Most Points (Group Stage): Bison Yano & Brute Kikuchi

    Will any team end up with zero points?: (Bonus point: If so, who?).
    Yes, the Ivanoff Brothers.

    Biggest Upset: Haranobu Kobayashi & Suguru Emoto defeat Hirokazu Yamanoue & Masaru Ugaki

    • Like 1
  11. Just got caught up with this and I really enjoy how you've brought your characters and world to life.


    Prediction Key
    Nirvana Moon vs Victoria Labelle

    I don't think we've seen Labellle before, but you seem to be booking your graduates in a bit of a young lion method where they aren't really going to be getting many wins early on aside from when they face each other.

    Team 720 vs Hiroko Mori & Hotaru Goda

    I was tempted to pick team 720 scoring a big upset, but I think Mori and Goda are just too tall of a task for a team that's only recently started winning matches. The Pillars of Joshi take another step to a rematch with the tag team champions.

    Qualifier For Next-Gen Championship Ladder Match
    Dallas Fox vs Lexi Scott

    Reading things over I've noticed Dallas Fox quietly racking up a very solid win-loss record, having a pretty respectable stay in the battle bowl, and decisively winning her last feud.

    Qualifier For Next-Gen Championship Ladder Match
    Mischa Brooks vs Black Sheep

    I could see an upset if Michaela Duggin gets involved and Black Sheep takes her eyes off the prize, but I don't think Mischa is ready to compete for a championship. I'm a bit surprised Lottie isn't in this tournament since a ladder match seems like it would be her place to shine.

    Qualifier For Next-Gen Championship Ladder Match
    Whiskey Black vs Ella Frost

    Interesting choices here since this makes Whiskey a part of every inaugral title tournament while Frost has been around for a bit, but after her first couple wins has mostly been on the losing side of matches. I was tempted to pick Ella to win due to outside shenanigans with DeathGrip to set up her facing off with Fox once more in ladder match, but reading that over I feel like that feud had a pretty decisive ending and maybe it's time for Whiskey to finally win some gold.

    Kelly Kanzaki & Krissy Kanzaki vs Dana Lynn & Deonna Deen

    Dana & Deonna have a pretty poor win-loss record, but with their recent heel turn I think they've got something to prove here. I feel like the on-going drama between the Kanzaki sisters and DeathGrip rears it's head here and costs them the match.

    The Damned vs BlackThorn

    It's hard to pick against a new team that's been hyped up quite a bit, but I really like BlackThorn. I'm going to take a big gamble and guess that this match will get messy and end in some sort of doule dq or countout to build to a 2nd match between the teams.

    Starlet Grand Championship
    Liberty Austin (c) vs Akikio Ishizaki

    Liberty losing her title so quickly would be a bit of a shocker.

    • Like 1
  12. Just got caught up with this diary and I think you're doing a fantastic job with this. Losing top guys hurts, but it might be a blessing in disguise since it opens the door for new guys to step up and create some fresh matchups.

    With your new TV deal I'm guessing you might end up wanting to bolster your undercard a bit since frankly there are probably only so many Saracens matches that fans will really want to tune in for. I'm sure you don't need my advice for suggestions, and I don't even know if these guys are still unemployed two years in, but if you're looking for fresh blood Rick Horn seems like a guy made for DIW, and while Brown Snake isn't a deathmatch guy he seems like someone who could follow the Rob Edwards path of winning over the fans through toughness, in ring talent, and charisma. Okay I mainly picked him because he has Snake in his name and Kobra Khan is on your roster, it just writes itself.

    • Like 1
  13. Really enjoying this diary. Can't imagine Milton was thrilled to have the new booker's first move be to make him drop the title to a guy who seriously injured him in the past, but life isn't always kind to Australian hardcore workers.

    I haven't played the mod too much, but the roster looks interesting if a bit rough in terms of talent; especially with so many of them with poor starting momentum. Feel like God of War should probably be the next one on the chopping block; maybe OLD will pick him up.

  14. On 8/21/2022 at 5:31 PM, James The Animator said:

    There are many companies in the C-Verse that I find to be generic and worthless. For instance, APW’s sole purpose for the last few games seems to be poaching talent from DIW and ZEN, and then losing their best stars to RAW.

    I agree APW is one of the worst. I think it's mainly due to the fact that their product is Sports Entertainment, so it really just comes across as watered down RAW; if it were a more balanced or work rate oriented promotion I could see it having a niche, but as is it might as well be RAW's Developmental. With DIW and ZEN they have their own niche identities and money issues, but with APW It feels like they should have the money/contacts to at least attempt to get a TV deal or do something to compete, but they've just been in the exact same spot since TEW 2010.

    • Like 1
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="de knegt" data-cite="de knegt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sorry for the double post, but quick question.<p> </p><p> Is there a way to disable the 'faceless' gens from showing up in the game and only having regens keep the database stable? Or are gens required to keep the T-Verse stable over the long term?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I believe you could do it by editing the database and going to free pictures and deleting the "_Blank Background.jpg" and all of the Template pictures, which should be everything in the free pictures section by default. From there if you start a new game with picture requirement on and regeneration enabled the only new gens should be regens since there are no pictures available for it to draw from.</p>
  16. PGHW Glory Tag Crown

    KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©

    It feels like KitoGuchi are bound for singles careers sooner than later.


    Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima & Rebel Run X

    I'll probably regret betting against the new heel stable, but Dark Wing just seems like a glaring weak link.


    PGHW Historical Japan Championship

    Greg Gauge © vs War Machine

    I don't think Gauge will lose the title so quickly.


    Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes

    Hayes was great, but he's over 40 and I'm not sure how much he has left in the tank.


    The Ring Generals and Jack Marlowe vs Toshusai & Nagahama and SATO

    Toshusai and SATO could be two key guys for your future, but Nagahama is clearly the most expendable guy here.


    FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

    Gonnohyoe Kada and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi

    I'd love to see a Dojo Breakers push, but I think they'll need a better partner than Kada.


    FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

    Omezo Shikietei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche

    Poor Kamachi, dude was clearly having the best year of his career in PGHW and WLW and then gets hit by a bad injury.


    The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo

    Would be a bit of a burial of your entire tag division if the Elite Tag Series winners lost to a Makeshift pairing of your Ace and a young boy. Yasuda gets the win here to build up interest in his title challenge.

  17. Main Event

    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix Finals

    Block A Winners Arato & Katou versus Block B Winners The Diamond Dogs

    I do think the Diamond Dogs are the better team, but they've already gotten a title shot so I'll go out on a limb and pick Arato & Katou.


    Semi-Final Contest

    Eight-Man Tag

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    The Vikings, Marcel LeFleur, & Americana Jr versus Makioka-Gun

    The guest teams can put over your roster before you send them home.


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Ride the Tiger Championship

    Challenger Isoruko Arakaki versus 18th Champion Ox Mastadon

    I think Ox is going to hold this belt for a while yet.


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Motoyuki Miyake versus Quick Kick Nakao

    Miyake got a huge win on the last show, so I can't imagine him losing here.


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Ryobe Uno versus Torch Nakazawa

    Uno is someone who could develop into a star, while Torch isn't likely to ever break out of the undercard.


    Ten Man Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Hirokazu Yamanoue, Masashi Urogataya, Kenko Takemitsu, Sotatsu Sarumara, & Ogai Miki versus European Dragons

    Ten mans can go either way, but I'll almost always pick an established unit over a random assortment of guys; especially since Urogataya is the only one of that group I'd really rate.


    Opening Match

    Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Club Miwa [KAZ & Hyodo] versus Black Iron Corps

    Hyodo is the clear fall guy here.

  18. PGHW Glory Crown

    Seiji Jimbo © vs Kozue Kawashima

    Could go either way, but I think Jimbo wins to cement his Ace status.


    Masaru Ugaki vs Tetsunori Yasuda

    Seems like you're giving Masaru more of an edge as of late, so I'm thinking Ugaki wins the singles match to justify him seeing his partner as the weak link and going solo after they drop the tag team titles.


    PGHW International Championship

    BISON Yano vs SATO ©

    Yano might have had a good tour, but I don't really see him as a singles champion right now.


    PGHW Historical Japan Championship

    Greg Gauge vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©

    This is probably a mistake since Gauge isn't even a full time roster member, but I think Kamachi is expendable enough for the shock booking to turn Gauge into a PGHW star.


    Kwakami & Sanda vs The Ring Generals

    This should be a good match, but it's hard to be too invested since there's a pretty long queue for a tag team title shot and there wasn't any controversy to the results in the tournament. I'll pick the Ring Generals here since they lost in the tournament and it leaves room for a third "decider" match down the road.


    Black Iron Corps vs Rebel Run X

    Tough to pick Juniors in PGHW, but Black Iron Corps are still paying their dues and Rebel Run deserve a reward for being part of the MOTN on the prior PPV.


    Avalanche Takano vs Hirobumi Takimoto

    We can just further cloud the tag title scene by giving Stone Avalanche a justification for a match against The People's team should they win the titles.


    Beast & West vs Toshusai & Nagahama

    Beast & West seem to have faltered a bit since the start of this diary, but they have a lot more experience as a team than their opponents.


    PGHW International Champion #1 Contender Match

    Bussho Makiguchi vs "Big Game" Jack Marlowe

    Makiguchi will be a singles star sooner than later, but I think Marlowe takes this one.

  19. Great show, you've done an excellent job in making this upcoming show feel like the biggest one yet.


    Zen Presents:


    Live from Wellington



    LORD ZERO © vs Pumpkin Jack

    LORD ZERO is awesome, but he's running low on fresh opposition and having your biggest babyface win the title on your biggest show just makes sense.


    2 Out Of Three Falls Lucha De Apuestas!

    If Dastardly Wins B is Banished, if B Wins ???

    Damian Dastardly vs Killer B

    I'm 50-50 on this, but I feel like after last show maybe Dastardly tries to play the same trick again, but SubUrban Legend actually does come back and help Killer B win.


    4 vs 4 Grudge Match

    The Alien Armada (Karrg the Conqueror, Man O'War, & The Vanguard)


    Halloween Knight, Crimebuster, Devilfish & A Mystery Partner

    The allure of a mystery partner is too much for me.


    Special Exhibition Match

    Vertigo vs Urban Fox

    Bit of a weird matchup since both these guys are fan favorites. You've been pushing Fox so I wouldn't be surprised by him winning, but I find the version of Vertigo you've been writing to be more interesting so I'll take him.

    The Enemy (Massacre & Cyanide) vs Eraser & Shaolin

    Eraser & Shaolin is a fun pairing, but Massacre & Cyanide are both guys that belong in a ZEN Hall of Fame.


    3 On 1 Handicap Match

    Pink Spider, Trevor Feather, & Dazzler vs Milk Guy

    This is a trio that can get away with taking some loses, but losing a 3 on 1 match would put them at Luchatron levels of incompetence.


    Non Title Match

    Warp-Jump vs D-Pod & Dizzy G

    Champions without any clear challengers tend to lose non-title matches.


    Conceptual Title Four Way Dance

    Kalliope Woodchuck © vs Lerone Slim vs Buckminster Snark vs Rekha

    Snark taking the title would certainly add some drama.




    Maelstrom vs Hack the Hunter

    I think the Doctor's creation has some tricks up his robotic sleeves.


    Sir Silas Strange & Canuckian Dragon vs C-W-A & Auckland Raider

    Sir Silas just got a big win over Cyanide, so it would be odd for him to lose here.


    Kaia Marshall & Naoji Azumi vs Next Level

    I'm not sure what plans you have for any of the WLW folks, but I figure I'll take the team that has a full time member of your roster.

  20. ZEN Presents: Way of the Jester

    Live from Auckland





    I'll go for a curveball and pick a returning Lone Shark.


    Sir Silas Strange vs Cyanide

    I like Strange's new gimmick, but Cyanide is a tough first opponent for him.


    Crimebuster, Halloween Knight, & Devilfish vs The Alien Vanguard & Tremolo Rif

    I now know what a Tremolo Rif is and she kicks ass, but the Alien Vanguard goons aren't the strongest partners.


    Vertigo vs Mister Hyde

    I'm not sure where Hyde rates as a singles competitor, but I am enjoying your take on Vertigo.


    Damian Dastardly vs Killer B

    I feel like Killer B needs something, either a gimmick tweak or maybe a new tag team partner, because he's just missing something to really push him past the "solid hand" threshold.




    Urban Fox vs C-W-A

    I don't particularly care for Fox, but you've done a good job building him and it seems the right time for him to get his big win.


    Hack The Hunter vs Dazzler

    Hack crushes another opponent.


    Luchatron vs Kiwi Cool Kaia Marshall

    Luchatron here to do what he does best.


    D-Pod & Dizzy G vs Debuting WLW Sensations Next Level

    D-Squad get another win to help build them as title contenders.


    Also Debuting Naoji Azumi vs Auckland Raider

    I don't know anything about Naoji, but Raider hasn't been particularly impressive so far.

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