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Posts posted by Tiberious

  1. <p>Hey, I noticed a couple of minor errors in the T-Verse</p><p> </p><p>

    1) Kenta Sonoda has no business skill despite being the owner of HONOUR. This has no real in game effect since business skill seems to only really be considered when a company is looking for a new owner, but should probably be fixed just for continuity's sake next time you put out a new update.</p><p> </p><p>

    2) I noticed when looking through workers for the draft game that Ukon Kajahara has tag experience with Nobosuke Takabe despite them never working in the same promotion. I looked in the game editor and it's listed as an Honour team, so I'm guessing that Kajahara is supposed to instead be teaming with fellow HONOUR member Nobuhisa Yasutake who's one spot up from Nobosuke on the list of workers.</p>

  2. Thunderverse Vice looks awesome, and I like the preview snippets that give us hints as to what's going on in the world at the time. Great work as always.


    Does Wakizashi have a name in canon, or anything someone else has given him? He seems like a good prospect but that name doesn't really fit in with traditional Puro naming conventions.


    I don't think he has any official name, so you'd have to make one up. I ended up giving him the name Tomohiro Wakabayashi when I signed him in an HONOUR game.



    Anyway, I also felt the need to share a random event I just got in GDR game:




    This could lead to some amazing angles and storylines in POW.

  3. My apologies if this is a dumb question, but my knowledge of the actual rendering process is pretty minimal given that I have never done it myself. When you create a masked render for the Thunderverse would creating an unmasked version of the character require much in the way of extra work?


    I ask because Luchas de Apuestas (Wager) matches are an important part of Lucha Libre in the real world, but are difficult to do in TEW given that very few of the luchadors or other masked characters have unmasked alts.

  4. It could, particularly if Guy Lothario and/or someone like Richie Santana was involved in the running of the RAWA brand. To be honest, I'd expect Allman to create his own brand (particularly as he's going on an anti-SE crusade and most of RAWA's top stars ended up in the WWWE).


    How about turning Showcase into the second brand? It could focus on slightly younger talent in faster-paced matches. It all depends on why you're running a brand split really.


    Well my idea was to have Eli Morton lose the PWI Championship to Scott Hart in somewhat controversial manner, and have Guy Lothario come out the next week and insist that Morton is the real Heavyweight champion, but Vance Cole refuses to negate Scott Harts win or grant an immediate rematch. This leads to Guy Lothario coming out and unveiling the RAWA World Title (which in Kayfabe he still has since he was the final champion) and giving it to Morton, proclaiming him the Real American World Champion.


    Of course, while that storyline could be fun the logical outcome of the story-line would be a "unification" between the two rather than a brand split, so making Showcase the 2nd brand is probably a better idea anyway.


    Since PWI has International and North American belts available but not in use perhaps I could strike a working agreement with some big foreign market companies to bring in some top talent who wouldn't otherwise work in the United States to compete for the international belt against some of my own younger guys on the 2nd brand.

  5. So here's a question, do you think it would make sense for PWI/Shane Allman to buy the RAWA title belts and bring back the RAWA Name for a brand split?


    I ask because I've been planning a brand split in my PWI game and I was having trouble thinking up a name/identity for the 2nd brand that would feel different than PWI, but not be a betrayal of Shane Allmans ideas. Do you think having RAWA as the second brand would work out?

  6. If the AWF are cult and PWI are at national, it might be that he's too popular to re-sign, rather than them not offering him a contract.


    Richards is at 79 pop in the US, which as far as I can tell shouldn't mean he's too big for the AWF given that they were able to re-sign Nikita who is at 80 pop in the country.


    I suppose cutting Richards makes some sense from a economic standpoint as they have a lot of expensive big name stars and they've lost almost 2 Million Dollars over the last 4 months; though based on how they've done so far they should reach national long before money becomes an issue. It certainly doesn't help that in the US the economy is at E and falling and the wrestling Industry is at a F- and also somehow still falling. :p

  7. I think the AI can be a bit too eager to cut guys who are in time decline, for example in my PWI game I'm in December 2014 and just got the news that Drake Richards contract is coming up and the AWF aren't making him an extension offer.


    Now sure Richards is 43 years old and his skills in the ring are starting to decline, but he's still a fantastic performer and his matches in the AWF average an 80 which is as good as anyone else in the company aside from Jean-Claude Giroux and Timothy Hawk; and this is with most of his matches being against Nick Hart and Towerblock who aren't quite at the main event level popularity. That's ignoring an even bigger factor in a company like the AWF, his entertainment skills which are world class and won't start to decline for many many years. His angle grades tend to be in the high 80s, and his angles with Hawk are doing mid 90s grades so it seems odd the AWF would just let him leave.


    On the other hand getting Drake Richards without having to get in a bidding war with AWF is great news for me. I'm planning on having Vance Cole hype a mystery signing for a few weeks, and then debut him by having him interrupt (the Heel) Shay Kinsella cutting a promo about how he was the first ever champion and he isn't getting the respect he deserves. After beating Kinsella in a TV main event Richards announces he wants World Champion Eli Morton in the main event of the next PPV.


    I'm not sure how much time decline will hurt Richards in the ring, Sebastian Curtis is in decline and doing fine, but if nothing else giving him and Guy Lothario time on the microphone should generate some ratings. My long term plan for Richards is to have him feud with the Lothario Standard for a bit before settling into a gatekeeper type roll where he can help pass on his skills to younger guys on the roster.

  8. I just tried skimming through the thread but since it's so huge just asking if anyone has an alt for the "good" Mirror Universe John Gordon without the goatee... and maybe a babyface smirk for the ladies... ???


    http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MirrorUniverseJohnGordon_altT4_2_zps16744c79.jpg http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MirrorUniverseJohnGordon_altT4_1_zps73063acc.jpg http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/MirrorUniverseJohnGordon_altT4_3_zps3e3c4239.jpg



    Of course now that I'm posting these I'm imagining a storyline in ZEN where there are 3 different good versions of Mirror Universe John Gordon who team up. I'm not sure how this would work in practice, but I'm not sure if that's stopped Zen before.

  9. As far as I'm aware, non-wrestlers don't actually need resilience. It's a measure of how likely a worker is to get injured - as they don't actually work in-ring they won't risk getting injured anyway.


    What about angles that have an injury risk? I don't think I've ever used one of those with a non-wrestler before, but I imagine that could be an issue if all non-wrestlers have 0 resilience.


    Speaking of angles, I just want to say that I enjoyed reading through the descriptions of the famous angles you put in the database. I had never noticed those before today, and they really flesh out parts of the universe. The Lothario Bombshell angle in particular gives me an idea for my PWI game.


    In the aforementioned PWI game I'm currently in October 2014 and I'm looking to do a brand split in December when I (hopefully) can get a 2nd major TV show. My intention is to have the 2 brands really feel different with Vance Cole being the GM of what's essentially the Shane Allman brand of wrestling and Guy Lothario heading a new brand which has more of a entertainment aspect of it (though not to the extent of AWF or WWWE.) I'm planning to make this a real brand split, with each brand having it's own TV and PPV with their own set of wrestlers & staff. To that end Lothario's brand will be introducing new belts and a women's division to further differentiate them, and I plan on their being very little crossover between the brands so that when their is intra-brand stuff it actually feels new and fresh.


    I'm thinking of having a long time story-line be that Shane Allman and Guy Lothario can't get along, and eventually culminate in Lothario cutting a bombshell promo about his hatred of Allman and his way of doing business. On the next show Allman opens the show by announcing that Lothario has been suspended indefinitely and that he's now in charge of Lothario's brand (still need a name for it) and that things are going to change. His changes don't sit well with all the wrestlers though, and the episode ends with Sebastian Curtis, Marco de Francisco, and Ryan Doherty giving Allman an ultimatum: Bring back Lothario as the GM or they will walk out on the company. What will happen next? Well I've got some ideas, but I don't want to spoil it.

  10. In my continuing saga of not being able to pick a promotion and stick to it I decided to try my hand playing as Full Force Wrestling in the British Isles because who doesn't like to see big dudes lumber around the ring at each other. My first act was to immediately ask every wrestler on my roster who was capable to move up a weight class. Most did as I asked, but a handful don't see the wisdom of my strategy and have made it onto my shit list already. The exception of course is Britain's future mega star Larry McDonald, who refused to move up a weight class but has too much potential to hold a grudge against.


    All things considered I'm in good shape, Despite having several workers in the 40+ age none of my roster is in time decline, and I actually have 4 Next Big Things. Clearly my creative team has made an error as Larry McDonald isn't on the list at all, but at least they were wise enough to put him on my hot prospect list.


    To balance out the roster I decided to re-hire former champion Diesel Train and Otto the Giant to be put in top baby-face spots. In addition I discovered that for some reason fans aren't enjoying watching Larry McDonald squash nobodies in 2 minute matches, so I've begun hiring guys with a (small) degree of name value to 1-shot deals to lose to Larry. An undefeated winning streak is just what Larry needs to turn him into the mega star he is destined to become.

  11. I tend to put Killer McKree as Jesse Mills's muscle, while putting Sonny under the Colorado Kid mask to work with Great. Sign Seven if you get rid of JD and throw him against Mills as a starter feud before heading upwards on the card.


    Sounds like a pretty solid plan, though I'm playing as Booker with JD Briscoe as owner so signing Seven is a no-go there.



    In other news:




    I wonder if Roscoe will break out the lasso again :p

  12. Curious as to who you cut...


    I cut 5 people total.


    I cut the Masked Rangers partially because Ranger II was a negative influence, but mainly because 1000 dollars a pop was a bit much for what was essentially a jobber tag team. I replaced them with Shawn Impact and Brady Taylor, who are better wrestlers and half the price.


    I cut Johnny Hammer & Butch Hackett because of both their being very far in time decline, and being expensive. Butch was 1,000 an appearance, while Hammer was 1,500 dollars per appearance; almost as much as my main eventers. I might have kept butch for a while if he was a full timer, but I don't really like using semi-active wrestlers; Bill Hickock being an exception to that rule.


    The last guy I cut was Killer McKree. I hadn't planned on cutting him initially, but I ended up with an overabundance of heels and he just sort of came across as a less charismatic, less athletic and less popular version of Silverback.

  13. So I have to say that CWT is an interesting company to play; it's high regional bordering cult, much of the roster is old and in decline, and your main event talent are bordering on the point of not being able to resign them if you don't reach cult before their contracts expire. Having TV but no PPV is kind of a pain in that popularity gains on TV are low, and without PPV you can only really focus on one region at a time.


    In my game my strategy has been to cut some of the deadwood who were overpaid for their role and hire younger cheaper guys who fit the style; guys like Captain Olympia, Bryan Mitchell (as Grizzly Mitchell), Ashmendai (as Blaze Tanner), and Impact & Brady (as masked heels.) My biggest signing was Shay Kinsella to solidify my main event scene. I was torn on the signing since in continuity he was released earlier in the year, but I figured after 6 months unemployed he wouldn't mind a return to the company.


    I'm enjoying this game and considering turning it into a dynasty, but I'm not sure if I have the time to commit to a diary at the moment.

  14. So when a new database comes out I have a tendency to start up a bunch of games as different companies without really booking more than a month or 2 to get a feel for the changes. I decided to start up a game as CWT, and was dismayed, though not surprised, to see they had 7 guys on time decline. Something else did surprise me though...





    Sonny? :confused:


    Well, with the way CWTs been heading perhaps Sonny main eventing isn't so far fetched. Heck, he might make a good new incarnation of the Great Colorado when the current one hangs up his boots.


    Edit: Decided to go ahead and make a few alts for Sonny Parks as the Great Colorado:



  15. Just a minor error, Darnell Smalls bio says he is canadian, but his nationality is set as American.




    This isn't necessarily an error, and it's been this way since long before the platinum update, but Kotaro Taguchi has no US popularity despite having been a successful college football player. I understand he's working primarily in Japan, but if he had even just a little bit of US popularity it would make it easier to justify hiring him as a US promotion.

  16. :D


    That looks ace Tiberious. Captain Scotland to win everything, right?


    If so, your money is under the table.


    I expect he'll hold the title at some point, with the exception of the aging and part-time Kabuki Takao he's clearly the best wrestler on the roster. In fact no one else except Kabuto is even on the power 500. His microphone skills could use a little work, but I have Yuko Enoki working as his manager/damsel in distress he has to keep rescuing.


    I've got a couple big feuds for Captain Scotland planned, 1 with the villainous Euro Phoenix and his manager ARASHI, and another with PINK Shotaru after the ladies man keeps trying to seduce Yuko Enoki.

  17. Great job with this! I would say keep up the good work, but now that you've done the entire world where would you go next? Thunderverse can into space? :p


    Anyway I've mainly just been looking around at the database and all the new workers and promotions. Just started a game in Japan as SPLASH, since there are quite a few gimmicky guys in Japan who deserve a comedy focused promotion. My top guys include a crazy old psychopath (Kabuki Takao), Kilmarnock's own superhero (Captain Scotland), a reality TV star (Tadasu Siagyo), An big scary monster from the Congo (Guruhi), a Mysterious Alien (Ryder), the worlds greatest love machine (PINK Shotaru) and the 1 and only face-painted powerhouse BORYUKO.

  18. <p><a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/Tiberious4/media/NigelSvensson_Masked3_zpsd717b364.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/Tiberious4/NigelSvensson_Masked3_zpsd717b364.jpg</span></a></p><p> </p><p>

    Nigel Svensson as Swedish Fish.</p><p> </p><p>

    I was playing a game as EWA and decided to bring in Nigel as a jobber on the face side. Given the colorful nature of EWF, or at least the way I picture it as a result of Comradebot's diaries, I figured he should have a new gimmick to make him more interesting. I was originally just going to have him under a mask as Swedish Pride; Captain Hero's sidekick, but after also hiring German Machine and Turkish Delight I thought of a "better" name for him. The super friends stable is now officially ago.</p><p> </p><p>

    I made the alt using gimp, combining Bull's Nigel Svensson re-render, Jtlant's UK Dragon and Dragon Del Arco re-renders, and Hitman 74's Swedish Flag alt of UK Dragon's mask.</p>

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've got a yen to do a very light diary.<p> </p><p> Specifically, I'm chewing over doing a MAW diary done entirely in backstage shenanigans, not talking about the shows in any great detail, but intercutting my user character's booking conversations with workers' retrospective shoot interviews.</p><p> </p><p> I'm not sure this actually works, though. Thoughts, folks?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sounds interesting to me. I read your POW and TCW diaries (albeit somewhat belatedly,) and while those were both great this sounds like something very different from either of those, and it's always good to get variety.</p>
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