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Posts posted by Tiberious

  1. Card for RMW Let’s See Action:



    Tavon Blake Jr. vs. The Silencer ©

    I would love TBJ to win, but I think you're going to give Silencer a longer reign.



    The Past Masters vs. The Bad Guys

    Coinflip for me, but it seems like the Bad Guys delivered a little bit better in their last show given their opponents.


    Roger Monteiro vs. Ricky Turner vs. The Masked Mauler VII

    Monteiro has yet to get a proper one on one match with Silencer, so I'll take him to win here.


    Ace Youngblood vs. Stanley Axis vs. Dominic DeGraff

    I know the fans allegedly see Stanley as a star, but....really?


    Max Mayhem & Young and Fearless vs. Ray Snow & The Hot Taggs

    Young and Fearless can learn on the job while Snow regains some momentum.


    Remmy Honeyman vs. Chuck Casey

    Casey taking over where Jack Pryde left off while he builds up some name value.

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="praguepride" data-cite="praguepride" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49057" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[Azathoth destroys the Night Terrors and Coulrophobia<p> Azathoth defeats Babau and Pierrot</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> These segments appear to be missing for the last show.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Masked Cougar vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p> <strong>Azathoth </strong>vs. Hustle Muvva</p><p> <strong>Frantic Ali</strong> vs. James Diaz</p><p> Deacon Darkhold vs. <strong>Deadly Deadshot</strong></p><p> </p><p> (Pre-Show)The Hot Taggs vs. <strong>The Night Terrrors</strong></p><p> (Pre-Show)"Superfan" Keith Vegas vs. <strong>Remmy Honeyman</strong></p><p> (Pre-Show)<strong>Baranaby & Rudge</strong> vs. Jerry Pepper & Texas Hangman</p><p> (Pre-Show)Kid Fantastic & Manny Alvarez vs. <strong>Minnesota Awesome</strong></p>
  3. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

    Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon

    Interesting choices here since Donovan Boon is probably the best worker and most over, but he's already tied up in the tag title scene so I see the Apocalypse taking him out of this match.


    Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk

    I imagine you want to keep Gerard strong, though in my game the jerk handed in his notice right as I was about to put the title on him.


    Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine

    I like Lothar, but not enough to expect him to beat your 3rd best babyface.


    Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend

    I see we've ran out of proper teams for them to face so now it's just a thrown together tandem.


    APW Commonwealth Championship

    Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

    I'd be surprised if Next lost it back to Hamstead so quickly.

  4. Dusty Ducont & Hugh de Aske vs. Frantic Ali & Lug Phelon (Barb Wire Match)

    Aldous Blackfriar & Remmy Skye vs. Death Row (Barb Wire Match)

    Azathoth vs. Babau vs. Pierrot

    JOJI vs. Remmy Honeyman

    Fiasco Fierce & Lil Henry vs. Mexican Hardcore Killers



    Hustle Muvva vs. Zombie Boy

    The Hot Taggs vs. Nigel Svensson & Jules Night

    Deacon Darkhold vs. Moroi

    Ash Barnaby vs. Texas Hangman

  5. Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso

    This is one of the matches I could see someone being taken out, with either La Estrella attacking Cyclops or Captain Lucha attacking El Orgulloso.


    Hellfire vs. Snake King

    Huge gap in terms of, well, everything.


    Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion

    I love Goblin Prince, but he's not getting pushed right now.


    DeCipher vs. El Ladron

    I expect to see Fantasma attack DeCipher to get even after last show. Whether it's before or during the match is the real question.


    Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

    Death's Head is being built as an unstoppable monster, so I don't see why you'd have him lose here.


    1. Who won't compete? El Orgulloso

    2. Who will they be replaced by? La Estrella


    Banking on Captain Lucha attacking Orgulloso to (perhaps misguidedly) avenge El Bandido, and La Estrella taking the opportunity to get at Cyclops.

  6. <p>Card for RMW Join Together:</p><p> </p><p>


    Roger Monteiro vs. The Masked Mauler VII vs. Remmy Honeyman vs. <strong>The Silencer ©</strong></p><p>

    <em>Monteiro gets a chance to see if he can deliver on par with the best guys in your promotion, but it's too early for Silencer to lose.</em></p><p> </p><p>


    <strong>Tavon Blake Jr</strong>. vs. Dominic DeGraff</p><p>

    <em>I like TBJ, though I kind of wish he had more of a chance to be built back up for a rematch given that he lost clean to Silencer the show before last and then lost again last month in a tag match. I guess that's the struggle with a small roster, since you run out of challengers quickly.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    The Aces of Mayhem <strong>vs.</strong> The Hot Taggs</p><p>

    <em>Seems a bit weird to have this match now with nothing on the line when you've already announced they're going to fight for the tag team championship on a future show. I assume this has to end with some sort of inconclusive finish to build to a rematch, so I'll risk picking a draw here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Past Masters (Sandman Winks & The Historian)</strong> vs. Men Of Ice (Ray Snow & Ricky Turner)</p><p>

    Young and Fearless (Chip Martin & Pepper Pelton) vs. <strong>The Bad Guys (Mercutio Sleep & Sione Tokoeka)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Lumping these together since my predictions are based on one face and one heel team advancing to the finals. The heel teams seem fairly even, but Chip & Pepper are jobbers, so that leaves us with a Past Masters vs Bad Guys tournament final.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Stanley Axis</strong> vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde</p><p>

    <em>I almost bet on Prime Time out of spite for my burning apathy towards Stanley Axis, but to my own personal horror when looking at potential challengers for the Silencer I realized Stanley Axis may in fact have to be put in a main event at some point to keep your other faces fresh. God help us.</em></p>

  7. Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada - If EMLL had tag teams I think these two would be a pretty solid pairing.

    Calavera vs. Pyromaniac - I feel like you're setting up some faction wars, so Calavera gets a win to elevate him a bit.

    Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma - I feel like you have big plans for Fantasma.

    Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso - Surprised you didn't put these guys as the main event.

    Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man - Neither guy has been featured, but I think Zebra is better.

    Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head - Aprendiz Jr is old and not that good. Could see him getting sacrificed just to clear up some roster space.

    Charron vs. Demon King - Charron's pretty bad.

  8. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

    Tyrant - Felix Harding - Warren Lydecker - Chuck

    Tyrant's the most interesting guy here.


    Scottie Hamstead vs SubUrban Legend

    Legend has a great future, but too soon to be beating Hamstead.


    Dexter Mattell vs Barney Mason

    I just don't think Barney is very good.


    APW Tag-Team Championship #1 Contender Match

    The Apocalypse vs The Duo

    I'll gamble on a draw to set up a Triple Tag Team match.


    APW Australian Championship Match

    Nighthawk vs Massacre ©

    Massacre's gotten a lot of big wins lately, so he's probably too over for what's meant to be a midcard belt. I'll take Nighthawk to get the upset win.

  9. Lug Phelon vs. Remmy Skye

    If Remmy's going to be challenging Pablo for the COTT title then he needs to win here.


    Canadian Hardcore vs. The Dirty White Boys

    I'm guessing the DWB are only here on loan, so I'll have the big Canadian Monsters beat them.


    Hustle Muvva vs. JOJI

    My head says JOJI's losing here, he's wrestling twice, Muvva is a top guy, and Frantic is going to interfere, but what better way to prove you deserve a shot than to overcome all that and still win?


    JOJI vs. Stanley Axis

    Get out of here Stanley!


    The Dark Watch vs. Coulrophobia

    Didn't the Dark Watch try to sacrafice Babau a few shows ago? I feel like there's got to be some hard feelings about that.


    The Hot Taggs vs. Minnesota Awesome

    You aren't going to be putting a Minnesota Awesome match on the main show for the ratings, so I think this is a way to introduce a new team to everyone by beating the ass of your former tag champs after their terrible run.


    Dark Matches:

    Frantic Ali vs. Texas Hangman

    No way Ali is jobbing on the pre-show.


    Mexican Hardcore Killers vs. Jerry Pepper & James Diaz

    MHK are cool, so I hope they get a storyline at some point.


    Lil Henry & Fiasco Fierce vs. Manny Alvarez & PsychoMike

    I still don't know what a PsychoMike is and I'm afraid to ask.


    Barnaby & Rudge vs. Remmy Honeyman & Kid Fantastic

    Professor Honeyman does another teaching job.

  10. <p>Opening Matches</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Maelstrom and Janus </strong>vs Dizzy G and Banky Bremner</p><p> </p><p>

    Trey Tallman vs <strong>Jonathan Wesker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Adrian McGhee vs <strong>Rob Edwards</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    BBoA Commenwealth Championship Finals</p><p> </p><p>

    Lee Bawes vs<strong> Maniac Monster</strong></p>

  11. <p>Match: Curtis Jenkins vs. Nigel Svensson.</p><p>

    Winner: Curtis Jenkins</p><p>

    Comments: CJ Needs some wins, and Svensson losing a competitive debut match with a top guy in your company isn't going to kill him. A bit surprised you haven't signed Billy Robinson, since he has tag experience with both Nigel and Don Henderson.</p><p> </p><p>

    Match: Vic Walker vs. Lynton Minehead.</p><p>

    Winner: Vic Walker</p><p>

    Comments: Vic is a weird fit, but I don't remember who Lynty boy is off hand, so that's not a great sign for him.</p><p> </p><p>

    Match: Don Henderson vs. Neil Warburton for the CWW Submission Championship.</p><p>

    Winner: Don Henderson</p><p>

    Comments: Don's one of the best in ring guys you got, so he wins it here.</p><p> </p><p>

    Match: Lee & O'Hearne vs. Sharp & Heath for the CWW Tag Team Championships.</p><p>

    Winners: Sharp & Heath</p><p>

    Comments: All four of these guys are real good, but Sharp & Heath have the edge in experience.</p><p> </p><p>

    Match: Merle O'Curle vs. Lenny Mochin for the CWW Championship.</p><p>

    Winner: Lenny Mochin</p><p>

    Comments: Merle is great and all, but I think Mochin's reign can go a bit longer.</p>

  12. OLLIE: LuchaLunes - Monday Week 4 May 2020



    El Hijo de Espada Roja & Extraordinario Jr vs. Felipe Caballero & Marcos Flores


    MATCH 4

    Electric Dreamer vs. Pamela Rojo

    This is a Round 1 match in el Torneo de las Damas


    MATCH 3

    Hijo del Mephisto vs. North Star Jr


    MATCH 2

    Catalina Vazquez vs. La Hija del Diablo

    This is a Round 1 match in el Torneo de las Damas


    MATCH 1

    Captain Lucha & The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso) vs. Dragon Americano, El Critico & Mr. Lucha III

  13. <p>Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way</p><p>

    <strong>Nighthawk (2-Time Winner) </strong>– Alyx Macquarie – Brian Rampage – Kasey</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Rampage and Kasey are both lower tier tag guys so no way they win it. Macquarie could win it, but I think Nighthawk will get a chance to challenge for the Australian Title.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    APW Australian Championship Match</p><p>

    Dingo Devine vs <strong>Massacre ©</strong> vs Lone Shark</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>I would love to see Lone Shark win it and get a chance to establish himself, but I don't see it happening. Massacre takes it.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Harry Simonson</strong> vs Lothar Prellinger</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>I like Lothar, but it sounds like he's more interested in hurting Simonson then winning the match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    APW Tag-Team Championship Steel Cage Match</p><p>

    <strong>Samoan Demolition ©</strong> vs Fox & Possum</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Samoan Demolition Rule, so I don't see them losing without proper build up.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    APW Commonwealth Championship Steel Cage Match</p><p>

    <strong>Monday Next</strong> vs Scottie Hamstead ©</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Poor Monday Next has no friends, but I'll still pick him to win here. To be honest it's mainly down to going against the flow of other people's choices.</em></p>

  14. Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


    The tables match stipulation means you could have Dolphin Master pick up a fluke win without actually pinning Death's Head, but I don't know if I see Dolphin Master on that level.


    Anarchist vs. La Bestia Morada


    This ones's a real coin-flip to me as I don't really know where this storyline is headed.


    DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma


    EMLL could use some more Tecnico stars, so I feel like Fantasma picks up yet another win over a guy the fans don't like.


    El Toro De Oro Jr vs. Goblin Prince


    Goblin Prince is a personal favorite of mine, but I don't see any scenario where he wins here. At least he gets to appear on the main card of a big show.


    Guerrero Muerto vs. Snake King


    The whole build has been Snake King running his mouth while Guerrero Muerto is a cool mystical badass, so I don't see Snakey slithering out of this one.


    Captain Lucha vs. Demon King


    Tough decision because Demon King just got a big evil stable to invade the promotion and beating him so soon might undermine that, but on the other hand how can you bet against Captain Lucha?

  15. <p><strong>Nighthawk (1-Win)</strong> vs Felix Harding vs White Wasp vs Tyrant</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Leon Nameth </strong>vs The Kipper</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag-Team Number One Contender Match</p><p>

    <strong>Fox & Possum</strong> vs R & R vs Wilkes and Lydecker</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Christopher Gerard</strong> vs Reggie Tate</p><p> </p><p>

    Monday Next vs <strong>Goliath Global (Scottie Hamstead & Massacre)</strong></p>


    Roger Monteiro vs. The Silencer

    The Silencer is the clear top heel, while Roger's spot is a little more tenuous.


    The Aces of Mayhem vs. The Hot Taggs

    The Aces are the better team.


    Tavon Blake Jr. vs. Ray Snow

    Tough choice here, but I'll take TBJ on the basis that if my main event prediction is right you'll need some faces to challenge him.


    Pepper Pelton vs. Mercutio Sleep vs. Dominic DeGraff

    Sleep's the most talented one here.


    Stanley Axis vs. The Masked Mauler VII

    I just can't bring myself to care about Stanley Axis.


    Remmy Honeyman vs. Prime Time Jack Pryde

    But strangely I like Remmy.


    Extraordinario Jr vs. Nicolas Lopez ©

    This match is for el Campeonato Universal OLLIE

    Extraordinario Jr would be a fine champion, but with LuchaSlam next month I think it makes more sense for Lopez to keep the belt for now.


    MATCH 8

    Celeste Moon vs. Mystery Pink

    This match is for el Campeonato de las Mujeres OLLIE

    I think it's time for a title change.


    MATCH 7

    Coulrophobia (w/ Phobia) vs. Marcos Flores

    He's gotta win it, right? I do notice the tag champs are conspicuously absent from the card, so I could see them intervening given their own history with the Council of Decay.


    MATCH 6

    Electric Dreamer vs. Queen Amazon

    With Dreamer (storyline) injured I think Queen Amazon takes it.


    MATCH 5

    Amo del Gato vs. Silver Tiger

    This is a mask vs. mask lucha de apuestas match

    I can't help but feel that this feud feels slightly rushed to me. With how important a mask vs mask match is in Lucha, I think it might have been better to draw it out for Lucha Slam.


    MATCH 4

    Captain Lucha & Mario Heroic vs. El Critico & Mr. Lucha III

    Tough call, but I feel like Mr Lucha III is the guy here whose most likely to be in title contention.


    MATCH 3

    Dragon Americano vs. North Star Jr

    This is a "Normal Non-Disturbed" match for el Campeonato de Mexico OLLIE

    Can't imagine why you'd have North Star Jr drop it if you were planning to put it right back on him.


    MATCH 2

    DeCipher, El Hijo de Espada Roja & Evil Intent vs. El Toro de Oro Jr, Felipe Caballero & Phoenix Cuatro (w/ Gabriela Ortega)

    I think the Rudo team is more over, but I like the Tecnicos more.


    MATCH 1

    Elsa Calvo (w/ Ursula Saez) vs. La Hija del Diablo (w/ Purple Viper)

    I think it's time for Calvo to start getting some wins.

  18. Awesome first show. I wouldn't worry too much about the show being too predictable, I'll take logical booking over shock-swerve booking any day of the week.



    Anarchist vs. Pyromaniac

    Anarchist is the one with a storyline, and is the better wrestler to begin with.


    Aprendiz Jr vs. DeCipher

    Even discounting Aprendiz's advancing age, his whole persona is an odd fit for EMLL's current direction, so I see his role as putting guys over and working with your rookies.


    Guerrero Muerto vs. Rey Soldado

    I like Rey and the idea of the time corps, but he's got a long way to go before he can even approach Guerrero Muerto.


    Death's Head vs. Trickster

    Trickster seems like a slightly worse version of DeCipher to me, so I think he'll be yet another guy to try and fail to stop Death's Head.


    Captain Lucha vs. La Estrella

    I love La Estrella, but you'd be sabotaging the main event your next big show if you have Captain Lucha lose here. I could see the whole match getting thrown out when Los Siete Pecados Capitales interfere though.


    Bonus Predictions:


    Who are the members (one is obviously Demon King) of Los Siete Pecados Capitales, and which sin does each represent?


    Sloth: Panda Mask II - What's more slothful than a Panda.

    Gluttony: Soda de Uva Jr - He's the incarnation of unhealthy dietary habits. :p

    Greed: El Ladron - Who better than a thief.

    Lust: California Love Machine - I mean it's in his name.

    Pride: El Orgulloso - His name is literally the Proud One.

    Envy: DupliKate - I know EMLL are male wrestlers only by default, but her gimmick is perfect for Envy.

    Wrath: El Toro de Oro - Bulls are pretty angry

  19. Championship Chance Match

    Barney Mason (2-Wins) vs Dexter Mattell vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs Nighthawk

    Tough choice, even if the other two guys are just here to take a pin. I think Mason gets into title shot territory while Mattell gets "cheated" once again to continue their feud.


    The Apocalypse vs Local Talents

    The Apocalypse vs Samoan Demolition sounds like a fun hoss-off.


    APW Tag-Team Championship Match

    Samoan Demolition vs Positive Energy

    Not even close.


    Pookie Possum vs Scottie Hamstead

    You don't seem super high on Scottie as he's become an afterthought despite being the champion, but he should still be able to beat Pookie.


    Massacre vs Christopher Gerard

    I like Massacre, but Gerard is probably your biggest star aside from Monday Next.


    Champion, Masao Tsubouchi vs. #1 Contender, Shimpei Hirose



    Champions, H-X vs. #1 Contenders, The Revengers



    Champion, Tobei Sugimura vs. #1 Contender, Kaoru Shibasawa


    Burning EXILE vs. ???


    Pretty Okakura vs. The Incredible Koyama

    Tsuneyo Yanagimoto, Midnight Tiger & Naoya Shinozaki vs. The Order of the Dragon (Commander Kigushi, Dial K for Kotani & Sumiyuki Samura)


    Bonus - Who is ???: The Ye-Tay!

    Bonus 2 - Match of the Night: The Main Event.

  21. Not normally someone who messes around with Lucha companies, but EMLL has me interested so I'm excited to see someone doing a dynasty with them.


    DeCipher vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

    Death's Head vs. Scorpion

    Blue Wolf vs. Samael the Accuser

    Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. Captain Lucha

    La Bestia Morada vs. La Estrella


    I'm mostly picking DeCipher just to be different from everyone else. I know the EMLL crowd doesn't like pure technical wrestlers, but as long as he's not in the main event I don't think it's that big an issue.

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