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Posts posted by Tiberious

  1. WI Saturday Sansani Episode 33 Prediction Card


    WI World Championship Match: Tiger Singh © vs Rick Thunder

    Going to predict a no-winner finish to extend the feud.


    Bollywood Knights vs Mercury Dynamite

    Mercury Dynamite are a long ways from being on the Knights level.


    Sir William Whitlington's open challenge

    How can you bet against ???


    Dr Dinesh & The Patels vs Mumbai Majesty (Vijay Samson & The Mahals)

    Mumbai Majesty are a super fun trio, so I'll have them take it here.

  2. <p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Card</span></strong></p><p>

    <strong>Alexander Ridgeway</strong> vs Cíclope</p><p>

    <em>Ciclope is real cool, but I know Ridgeway is one of your boys.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Beauregarde Jones vs <strong>Tony Chi</strong></p><p>

    <em>Beau should be real good going forward, but Chi is the one that's ready now.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Derek Grace</strong> vs Kosmo Supreme</p><p>

    Very even matchup. I'll pick Grace on the basis that if Kosmo & Diego lose in round one you can have them in a tag match on the next show.</p><p> </p><p>

    Diego Monterrey vs <strong>Maddox</strong></p><p>

    <em>Again, just picking based on my night 2 booking idea.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Eddy Orion vs <strong>"Stallion" Stanley DiAngelo</strong></p><p>

    <em>Let's go Stallion!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Erin Ortega</strong> vs Kelsey Gold</p><p>

    <em>She seems more polished.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jake Boone</strong> vs Tommy Clay</p><p>

    <em>I always liked Jake Boone, even if he's not that good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Mai-Li Kato</strong> vs Sam Bailey</p><p>

    <em>Mai-Li has always been a standout talent.</em></p>

  3. <p>Great Shows! Surprised me with a few of those results.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53369" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Neon Express gang rise up!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If you look at it from a certain perspective the progression of the T-Verse over the years has just been the slow but inevitable rise of Charles Dayton.</p>
  4. I have a few more errors that I've noticed when playing around in India.



    -Baba Taru Singh isn't fluent in Hindu. He also has the Agent of Epics attribute, but isn't a road agent. Should this be Voice of Epics instead?

    -Jash Patel should probably be the protege of Wahid Bali since his bio specifies that Bali both trained him and encouraged him to work internationally.

    -Taha Chhetri should probably speak fluent Hindi.

    -Tiger Singh's bio mentions Wrestle India as his first promotion, but his first run there isn't listed in his job history.

    -Brahmin Acharya should have popularity in India rather than Europe, and should probably speak Hindi.

    -In the Tag Team Names section of the editor there are no generic tag team names set up for India.

  5. Clash of the TRItans Preview Match

    El Hot Dog Super Croak & Puma Cool vs The American Pharaohs

    Croaky & Puma could use a win, and El Hot Dog is the perfect partner to help them get one.


    Thom Schultz vs Trent Brooke

    He just feels more important right now.


    Adelina Dracula vs DISCO Fox vs Earl Ray Travis vs Johnny Moore

    Adelina has been positioned more prominently than the other three, and could use a rebound win after last show.


    Dreamscape: New Nightmare vs The Time Lord & Dr. Euan Reeka

    I've always been a big Dreamscape fan.


    Missy Sippy vs "Michael Washington"

    I suspect the real Michael Washington swaps out when he thinks the match is won and then loses it.


    The TPIC vs Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx

    Could go either way, but I'll take TPIC.

  6. Back at it again to give more work to your crew with some minor stuff I noticed while poking around with the data:



    -Sir Sterling Silver's Job History for Wrestle India stats in 2001, when the promotion wasn't founded until 2003

    -Baba Taru Singh's employment history with Wrestling India doesn't have a start date.

    -Geet Gopan doesn't have an employment history with Wrestling India. Presumably he was there from when it started in June 2003 and left sometime in 2015 since his bio states he's been on the independent scene for the past five years.

    -Tiger Singh: I know in Platinum Baba Taru Singh was a distant uncle he'd never met, but in the current data it specifies Tiger Singh is a stage name, so I'm wondering if he's still supposed to be a blood relative of Baba. I also think he should maybe be set as the protege of Bharat Chowdhary, since his bio specifies he trained him.

    -Cassius Demba has strangely high US popularity for a guy who's only claim to fame is a few years in AWF's developmental.

    -Lobo should probably have a tiny bit of US pop from his six months in the Club.

    -In addition to the US Pop from Lucha Americana, Sugarskull should also have some Euro pop from his time with N-EW.

    -Chris King has no European popularity despite having been in UWT for three years with a tag reign to his belt.

    -Jeremy Griffin was with UWT from 2013 - 2018, and was fairly successful with a pair of tag team title runs but has no popularity there and isn't set to be active in Europe.

    -Alroy Farrelly's bio mentions he first made a name for himself in Europe with N-EW, but has no popularity and isn't active there

    -Anders Vrandenberg spent four years in the GBWF, but has no popularity in the UK

    -Target should have some UK popularity given he was one of the UK's best high fliers in the 90s and is still active in the area.

    -Scott Nicholls should probably have some European popularity since he's a former NEW Heavyweight champion.

    -Brian and Murray Blood should probably have a bit of European popularity since the latter's bio specifies they've been touring UK & Europe for over 15 years.

    -Kahoku Meka's bio says he jumped to UPJ after joining LETHAL, but his employment history has him in UPJ since 2000 and only wrestling in Lethal in 2006. I'm assuming it's his UPJ start date that's incorrect.

    -Georgiy Chervyakov probably shouldn't have the world traveler attribute since his bio says he left HONOUR due to being tired of all the traveling.

    -Edgar Swick should probably have some popularity in India since he spent a year there and is still active in the area.

    -Andre Zeitner should probably still be available to work in the UK since he spent a few years in GBWF.

    -13TEEN should have a bit of UK pop from his spell in ATW. He's also missing LWA in his job history despite being the LWA Legacy Heavyweight champion between March 2004 - January 2005.

    -Stain should maybe be active in the UK and have a bit of popularity there from his time with FFW and ATW.

    -Tyr should have some UK pop from his 3 years in ATW.

    -Wolfie Boomegarden should have a bit of UK pop from his 5 years in ICW/potentially still be available to work there.


    STORM WARNING</p><p>

    (FERGUS & ADRIAN STORM)</p><p>


    <strong>THE EXILES</strong></p><p><strong>

    (ROCKY RIVERA & ARTEM PETROV)</strong></p><p>

    <em>Adrian is the weak link here.</em></p><p> </p><p>


    RHYNO KHAN</p><p>



    <em>I'll take the guy who got a writeup.</em></p>

  8. <p>UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match <strong>“The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara ©</strong> versus Kozue</p><p>

    <em>I feel like having Fujiwara win it and then immediately lose it back to Kozue would really kill his credibility as a top star.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Six Man Tag Kinjo-jidai (“The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo, Waotaka Eda, and Torture)</strong> versus Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Takanori Sakurai, and Otojiro Ikina)</p><p>

    <em>This could be a handicap match and I'd still go for Kinjo here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>“God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii </strong>versus Ryotaro Naruto</p><p>

    <em>Ishii could really use a big win after being the set up guy for Kinjo, while Naruto's best days are behind him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    UPJ International Tag Team Title Match <strong>Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa © </strong>versus Strength Through Honour</p><p>

    <em>I could see Strength through Honour being transitional champions if you were looking to push Atonga & Ebisawa as singles challengers, but it seems way too soon for that; especially since they already beat them once.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Six Man Tag Ignite Muscle Army (Kato, Erik van Rijn, and Álvaro Buey III) </strong>versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahra, and TOKI INK)</p><p>

    <em>Poor Deguchi needs some R&R.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Furosuto</strong> versus Fergus Storm</p><p>

    <em>Should be a good match, but Furosuto is just too good to lose here. I imagine he'll be challenging for the belt sooner or later.</em></p>

  9. <p>Made a list of a few things I noticed that might want to be fixed/reviewed for a future update.</p><p> </p><p>

    -Most of the Mexican side of the Lucha Americana alumni have no US popularity, when I'd imagine they would be at least a bit more over in the Mid-South region from their work there. Here is a list of workers I'm aware of that are affected by this: El Mariachi, California Kid, Dualidad, Muchas Caras Jr, Sugarskull.</p><p>

    -Marcus Franklin should have US Pop from his time in SWA and HCG during it's brief national run.</p><p>

    -Jazmine Wolfe should have US pop from her AWF run.</p><p>

    -Incognito should have some popularity in Japan from his DIASPORA run.</p><p>

    -DANA should have a bit of US Pop from her time in POW.</p><p>

    -Silverback's stats seem to be identical across categories (eg 80 in SQ, Menace, and Sex Appeal. 47s across performance stats, etc...)</p><p>

    -Charlie Gant should probably have negative relationships with Johnny Valleau for "cheating" to buy AWF out from under him & Justice Supreme for threatening to sue for violating his copywrite and getting him fired.</p><p>

    -Rodrigo Marchena should probably have a bit more Japan pop since that's where he was an MMA fighter, even if his record was mixed.</p><p>

    -Poco Loco should have more Puerto Rico popularity since he was a top name there before joining EILL</p><p>

    -Zyx should probably have a bit more US popularity from his runs with The Club.</p><p>

    -Ryan Lopez should have some Canadian popularity from his 9 years in MHW.</p><p>

    -Goto & Kato should probably have a bit of US popularity from their 2005-2008 PWI run.</p><p>

    -Since Danny McManus spent four years in DIASPORA he should probably have some popularity in Japan/potentially be active there given he has the world traveler attribute.</p><p>

    -Nightmare Clown & Killer Clown should probably have a bit of Japan popularity from their run in DIASPORA.</p><p>

    -Kosmo Supreme should have some popularity in Japan, Mexico, Canada, and Australia from his work in UPJ, CLLM, WCCW, and Statement respectively. He should also probably be set as active in Mexico and Oceania since he's canonically just worked there.</p><p>

    -Xherdan Krasniqi should maybe be active in Japan (and have a bit of popularity there) since he just worked a summer tour with them.</p><p>

    -Elsa Martinez should probably have a bit of Japan popularity from her 2002-2005 run in AJJ</p><p>

    -Estrella Rosa & La Marvilla should probably have some Japanese popularity from their 2016-2018 run and be active there unless they are both specifically meant to be limiting themselves to Mexico to wind down their careers.</p><p>

    -Mickie Violent should probably be active in the UK and Oceania with some popularity there since he is an alumni of ATW and DINGO.</p>

  10. Great show. I think Deadtective is my favorite character so far, but there are a lot of fun choices.




    El Hot Dog & ??? vs Trent Brooke & Spike Daryl

    ??? could be anyone, it could even be a second El Hot Dog going by what happened last show.


    Thom Schultz vs Adelina Dracula

    Toss-Up, but Aelina has been really fun so I'll take her winning here.


    Familia Nopții (Creepsley & Dreamscape) vs The Party Animals

    Party Animals could use a win, and Creepsley seems like the fall guy of the Familia.


    American Pharaoh vs The American Standard

    Alternate Reality Self shenanigans gives Pharaoh the edge in this patriotic match.


    The Appalachian Lovebirds vs Michael Washington & Xavier Guttierez

    The streak must continue.


    Puma Cool vs The Time Lord

    Puma may have a tough time without Super Croak there to guide him.

  11. Like the shows so far, the press conferences are very nice and help get the characters across.


    UPJ International Heavyweight Title Match “The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo © versus "The Great Rebel" Oda Yamawaki

    Can't see Kinjo losing so soon.


    UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match Kozue © versus "The Steampunk Assassin" Jin Fujiwara

    I like Fujiwara a lot and an upset here would be cool, but I figure you'll hold off on dropping the title so quickly.


    Blue Rhino Cup, Finals: Atonga & Ebisawa versus Strength Through Honour (Strength Ogawa & Honour Katsumoto)

    In a Vacuum Atonga & Ebisawa are far more valuable to you, but given they are your champions it would make sense for their arrogance to allow Strength to Honour to get the upset here to set up a re-match for the tag titles.


    UPJ Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match Cameron Cody & Junichi Matsuo © versus Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada

    Nakada & Yamada aren't bad, but there is a reason no one's ever been clamoring to see them break up and test their luck as singles guys.


    Kato versus "God's Favorite" Katsuhiko Ishii

    This should be a real good match, but I think Kato wins to set himself up as Kintaro Kinjo's next win. Poor Ishii isn't going to be God's Favorite too much longer if he keeps losing though.


    Ten Man Tag Match Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Captain UPJ, Daijiro Otsuka, Otojiro Ikina, and Takanori Sakurai) versus HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahara, TOKI INK, Hidetsugu Genji, and Joao Iwahara)

    Deguchi is a class above anyone else in this match.


    Ignite Muscle Army (Erik van Rijn & Bruiser Cassidy) versus Filipino Fire Power (Amado Ocampo & Apolinario)

    I like Filipino Firepower, but not against that level of opponents.


    SHOGUN versus Dustin LeFever

    And now we get to see whether you are down with the LeFever.


    Smash ‘n’ Grab (Koma Kobiashi & Koji Yamada) versus Kinjo-jidai (Waotaka Eda & Torture)

    Des Miller versus Álvaro Buey III

    Furosuto & Tokyo Tigers (Nakano Yuki & Ryuto Mishamoto) versus Utamara & The Neon Express (Charles Dayton & Jackson Kyle)


    ]I'd give commentary on these last matches, but unless you have a big upset planned they all seem fairly straightforward. In other news I'm happy my boy Lobo managed to make it onto one of the tour cards, one day he'll get onto the main show and I'll be forced to pick him no matter how ridiculous the odds that you'd book him going over are.

  12. Noticed a few minor errors, some of which I'm sure you've already caught:


    -Lugosi isn't active in India, but is on the roster for Wrestle India. (Fixes itself once he appears on a show)

    -Dreamscape (Tear and Tango) aren't set up as a tag team.

    -Shakil Alzaki has no attributes at all, which I'm guessing is unintentional rather than a meta narrative on how average he is.

    -Prince Banja and Prince Gabril's bios says their cousins, but no relationship is set between them. This next part isn't really an error, but it's a bit surprising they both have the better at playing babyface attribute when their gimmick is foreign royalty with "extravagant ring attire and a finely honed superiority complex".

    -Ankur the Great isn't active in India and has no popularity their despite being a former champion.

    -The TimeCorps tag team with Time Lord and Joruri Yoshioka from their POW days is set to 0 experience.

    -Matt Cole & Mike Turcotte also have a 0 experience tag team, and are in different companies so it wouldn't make sense as a brand new team.

    -Dick Drake & Showtime Stevens have a tag team called Planet Hollywood, presumably dating back to their shared time in AWF's developmental, with 0 Experience.

  13. Spike Daryl vs El Hot Dog

    El Hot Dog losing will be a day of mourning for all the POW faithful, but it shall not be this day.


    Dreamscape: The New Nightmare vs DISCO Fox & DJ Swizzlestixx

    I know DISCO & DJ need a win, but I love Dreamscape too much to not pick them. Dreamscape's new gimmicks also kind of rule.


    Puma Cool (w/Super Croak) vs Thom Schultz

    Feel like Croak & Puma have miscommunication, leading to Thom winning another one without really earning it.


    Johnny Moore & Xavier Gutierrez vs The Squared Circle Circus

    The clowns are growing on me.


    Deadtective vs Creepsly

    i very much enjoy both these characters.


    Michael Washington vs Kat

    A true American success story is only amplified by the trials and tribulations one must overcome.


    American Pharaoh & ??? vs The Time Lord & Dr. Euan Reeka

    Always bet on ???


    Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/ Puma Cool)

    Croak rules and I feel like Trent & Spike may not be permanent members of the roster.

  14. El Hot Dog vs "The 21st Century Caveman" Trent Brooke

    El Hot Dog is going over brother.


    Thom Schultz vs Spike Daryl

    Non-Vampires named Spike aren't winning in POW.


    The TPIC vs Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx

    TPIC won their last match, and I see this one going the same way.


    Adelina Dracula vs DISCO Fox

    I sense Shenanigans here, but I'll give DISCO Fox the win to even things up.


    Kayo The Clown w/Mime vs Michael Washington w/Johnny Moore and Xavier Gutierrez

    I don't normally root for clowns, but I'll make an exception here.


    The Appalachian Lovebirds vs Puma Cool & Super Croak

    Puma & Croak just fought each other, so I suspect their teamwork may not be the best.

  15. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

    Dexter Mattell (One Win) vs Chuck vs Warren Lydecker vs White Wasp


    Dexter's challengers are a who's who of people who aren't getting singles pushes any time soon.


    The Duo vs Wilkes & Lydecker


    Lydecker pulling double duty in an effort to set a new record for number of jobs in one night.


    Monday Next vs Tyrant


    I like Tyrant, but he's not getting close here.


    APW Australian Championship Match

    Massacre vs Richie Fox


    I made the mistake of betting against Massacre earlier.


    Winner gets a Commonwealth Championship Match

    Christopher Gerard vs Scottie Hamstead


    In my game Scottie has been my best performer, so I feel like I gotta go for him here.

  16. Card for RMW Won’t Get Fooled Again 2020:



    Pablo Rodriguez © vs. The Silencer



    Aces of Mayhem vs. The Hot Taggs vs. The Bad Guys



    Roger Monteiro vs. The Historian vs. The Masked Mauler VII vs. Remmy Honeyman vs. Tavon Blake Jr.


    Stanley Axis vs. Dominic DeGraff


    Young and Fearless vs. Men of Ice


    Sandman Winks vs. Chuck Casey

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