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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. I believe that if the code hasn't already fixed itself then you have to go the manual route.
  2. My brother in christ that is kind of a lot of pressure to put on a new writer after just one statement from his part, if keeping those things close to real life is what makes him happy as a writer then by all means he should do it. And imo asking if he'll do Brawl for All and all those other things, outright bombarding him with questions about the future while he's still in 1995 after a single show and expecting him to say yes or no to all that when the landscape of the whole game can change entirely until then is just crazy...not saying don't ask him questions but, give him time to breathe.
  3. Matt Riddle Jacob Fatu Mustafa Ali Nic Nemeth Mercedes Mone Tenille Dashwood The Von Erichs MxM
  4. Cult of Doom Team Canada 1 to 1 Million Major Empire Jordynne Grace Jonathan Gresham GYV Trinity Alex Shelley
  5. A fine first offering for Raw, interested to see how Goldust does here arriving slightly earlier. Booking 95 WWF is the toughest test in TEW because that midcard is kind of rancid so you gotta go top heavy and hope WCW lets some of the talent in the free agent pool go. But since you're controlling all three, I assume you'll find a good enough balance to keep all of them afloat.
  6. ''True American Grit'' WWE Thursday Night SmackDown July 24th, 2014 Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, Louisiana OC: Josh Mathews, John Bradshaw Layfield and Booker T Rating: B+ The McMahon-Helmsley regime and their proteges open up SmackDown, specifically in order to celebrate Drew McIntyre's SmackDown Money in the Bank victory the previous Sunday. A still shaken up Stephanie McMahon says that the events from Monday should not and will not shrink how big of a moment and a roll McIntyre is experiencing right now, the future World Heavyweight Champion much as her father had predicted. Triple H says the future looks bright for the aces of the WWE. McIntyre would reign supreme as the World champion soon enough...and Roman Reigns would help rid the WWE of its inconveniences. Triple H then turns to Wade Barrett. He says that Money in the Bank was not only a night of positive clarity towards the future, but of negative clarity as well. He says failure will not be admitted within his administration. Even moreso from men who think of themselves as bigger than this company is and could find a half dozen men to destroy what he and Stephanie have worked so dilligently to build until now. Barrett is then surprised to be hit with a shoulder block from Brock Lesnar! Heyman's clients take turns punishing Barrett, until McIntyre retrieves the bottom of the steel steps from ringside. Lesnar and Orton hold Barrett still, and McIntyre proceeds to kick his former tag team partner in Barrett right in the neck on the steps! This requires advanced medical attention to the bareknuckle brawler, a shocking opening to Thursday Night SmackDown! Joe proceeds to denounce Rey Mysterio as a coward who has hidden behind his fake identity throughout his entire career. Mysterio and Sin Cara come out, with Rey having recently re-accepted the fans into his career. He says he's gone through some career turbulence in the past year, sure, but he'd always hold the fans dear to his heart and use them as motivation to move forwards and hopefully they could forgive him for the wrongdoings he committed. Joe says it's a nice fantasy land Rey lives in, but in reality, he is far from his prime and it's been long overdue for someone to put him out of his misery. Joe says he'd more than feel inclined to be that man, come SummerSlam. Intercontinental Champion John Morrison enters the office of The Rock, demanding to have an update on the health of his best friend The Miz following the brutal loss and post match assault by Rusev at Money in the Bank. Rock says that The Rock can't divulge that private information from the medical team just yet, and Morrison would have a busy month ahead of him as well so he should better put his worries with Miz on the backburner for a moment. The Rock says that The Rock has arranged for a great opportunity on tonight's main event; four men who have never held a World championship will vye for the World Heavyweight Championship title opportunity at SummerSlam. The Rock says that The Rock knows Morrison has a soft spot for the bright lights of L.A. much like The Great One, and suggests he ready up as he is one of the four men involved in said match, that will showcase just how SmackDown is the land of opportunity. The Rock says Daniel Bryan has made the World Heavyweight Championship prestigious again, and it's time he paid him back the favor with fresh faces to meet him on the grand stage. Backstage, Vickie and Chavo ask The Rock to give Chavo one more match for the Cruiserweight title based on his current success, even moreso coupled with champion Alex Shelley's recent failures. Rock says much like the World title, The Rock feels new faces should be given championship opportunities for the other titles he holds a higher authority over. The Rock says that The Rock has arranged for a marquee multi-man Cruiserweight matchup next week between men who have never held the gold themselves, and the winner will meet Alex Shelley at SummerSlam! John Cena comes to the ring and cuts a promo on how Kane has targeted him recently and he has had enough of that ever since this embrace the hate business began two years ago. He challenges Kane to settle their differences in the ring, once and for all. Kane appears, cackling, and tells Cena he is a champion of fools who is about to embrace the hate and be sent to hell and back as he burns in the hottest flames of the underworld. Next week on Raw, the two will meet in an Inferno Match! Renee Young conducts an interview with AJ Lee about her SummerSlam match with Stephanie McMahon next, with AJ denying having any prior allegiance with Solomon Crowe as he saved her from Dr. Cortex a couple of weeks ago. This is interrupted by Becky Lynch, who gives AJ a boost in morale by telling her the entire locker room wants to see her kick that pompous lass Stephanie's ass in LA. Renee says the two of them are set to meet the Bella Twins in the ring next week on SmackDown, and Becky says she will take the opportunity to find that big bad [CENSOR] Kharma by any means necessary to lay her own challenge for SummerSlam. Tyson Kidd and Natalya explain their recent actions, claiming themselves to be the elite of the Hart Dungeon graduates and that they should be recognized as such. They say that people such as Fandango and Summer Rae refuse to validate them due to the fact they've taken matters into their own hands instead of playing to the fans recently, well these people can bite them. None of them went through the hardship that they did inside the Dungeon, nor did anyone else currently on the roster. Kidd says that the fact of the matter is, no one can match their combined excellence, no one had respected it until that moment, and everyone would suffer for it. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan joins his next challenger in the ring, the Intercontinental Champion John Morrison. The two share a sign of respect with a handshake, the commentators talking about the fact that this will be the first time ever that John Morrison will receive a one-on-one world championship match on pay-per-view! ''Disgusting, reprehensible people of America...rise, for the Rusev legacy has proven to be bigger and better than that of any and every person in this pathetic excuse for a country. This man absolutely dismantled he who claimed to be the greatest representative of this ant-sized threat known as America...and won the pitiful, repulsive United States Championship as a result. Tonight, the Rusev legacy will make the greatest nation in the world proud at last as he brings closure to a championship he never sought to proudly hold...and in turn, brings back the one and only championship that the Hero of the Russian Federation deserves to carry around with him. Please welcome...your NEW EUROPEAN CHAMPION, RUSEV!'' The new WWE United States Champion Rusev comes down to the ring, flanked by a horde of Russian officials, one of which holds the covered WWE European Championship; another small group holding a large garbage bin. In the ring, ''The Ravishing Russian'' Lana drops the United States Championship on the mat, Rusev kicking and spitting on it as he enters the ring. After a few moments of the two desecrating America, something I'm still not quite comfortable on writing about in detail due to the war, Rusev hoists the U.S. title back up and prepares to drop it on the bin. The ceremony is interrupted by WWE Hall of Famer, ''Hacksaw'' Jim Duggan, bathed by chants of ''HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'' Hacksaw says that the two have disrespected the great country of America he so gladly sought to serve throughout his career for far too long! It had already taken a turn for the worse a few weeks ago when Rusev disrespected a fellow veteran patriot in Zeb Colter and retired him for good, but now he had decided to spit on the most prestigious prize of American pride there is on the globe? Desperate measures were afoot, tough guy! Lana laughs at the suggestion that an old oaf such as Duggan would step up to the plate to take on the super-athlete, as he'd be CRUSHED with no effort at all from the part of Rusev. Another WWE Hall of Famer in former WWE Champion Sgt. Slaughter joins in on the interruption, leading a few troops on the way. He says that what he's witnessed recently is unacceptable conduct from Rusev's part, and someone should indeed whip him back into shape and back to the gulag from where he came! He says in America, they do things differently; if you continue to throw crap on their prized image, at some point they will catapult all that crap right back at your face, maggot! Lana continues to doubt the validity of the threats from the hall of famers, noting that they are just too old and broken down to pose a credible threat to Rusev. The caliber of the opposition steps up a notch as a third WWE Hall of Famer interrupts in Hulk Hogan! Hogan says he's been eyes and ears to all the two had been done since they came into the company the very same night he had enshrined Andre's legacy further, brother, and that they had proceeded to try and wipe away decades of work from his part to encourage proud American children to train, say their prayers and eat their vitamins. Rusev had steamrolled through the competition thus far, that much is true, jack. And perhaps the old timers, including the Hulkster himself, were just a step too far behind the new generation in order to make a difference against the threat Rusev posed to what they had worked to build so many years ago, dude. He promises that, had this encounter been 10 years ago, Rusev would be on the receiving end of a Big Leg Drop, but it was time the Hulk endorsed a young gun who himself had watched from the sidelines for far too long as Rusev desecrated the image of the country he loves more than himself! Hulk says that, on behalf of this young man, himself, the Sarge, Hacksaw, and all proud citizens of America, he was extending the young man's challenge against Rusev to regain the United States Championship, brother! IT'S JACK SWAGGER! The All-American American nods to the three Hall of Famers at the stage, and he sprints to the ring, taking Rusev by surprise with a belly to belly suplex, transitioning seamlessly into the Patriot Lock! Rusev is unable to escape the hold, Swagger keeping him in the agony as Lana screams in desperation at ringside. With the crowd cheering him on for about the first time in his career, Swagger releases Rusev just as he seems to be out of it, and proceeds to rip down the Russian flag from above the ring! A new boom is heard, the U.S. flag lowering after it instead, Swagger leading the fans to chant WE THE PEOPLE! The All-American American is back, and he is recharged with a new purpose to avenge his former mentor and to bring back the United States Championship to America! WWE Sunday Night Heat July 27th, 2014 OC: Josh Mathews, Byron Saxton and ''The Professor'' Matt Striker OOC: After nearly two years of inactivity on the board, we are back! I have a few important things to say. First, I never stopped writing for this diary on the unofficial GDS Discord even after stopping here again, so we are currently (both in game and in writeup) in 20 freaking 15 headed into WrestleMania, which is a spot I never envisioned myself in reaching due to a multitude of personal and hardware issues over the years. It is by far my personal best with a diary save and I am still going. I stuck through with the save and now I have so much in store to show you guys. If you'll allow me to say it, the thing that kept me going was the fact I want to...finish the story. 😛 I won't do a prediction contest with prizes in here for the time being. If I'm able to get to where I'm at on Discord relatively quickly and have the two running side by side afterwards then it's going to be a different story. But for now the prediction contest here won't be worth the booking perks that the Discord winners have gotten as we're ahead in there. I'll still encourage folks to come in and predict for fun (but if you've already read ahead on Discord don't spoil!) but unless a crazy idea pops in my head there will be no prizes for now. Here we're still at a point I was using TEW 2016 which is crazy (I'll keep informing you guys once we get to the point I switched to 2020). I probably booked this show about three to four years ago. Nowadays it's not a real good timing for the McMahon bastard son storyline retcons (a prediction prize as I wanted to turn Derrick Bateman into an EC3 esque character and the winner of the prize suggested I turn him into a McMahon) but thankfully Vince has retired his way out of my save nearly a whole game year ago and I'll quietly drop him from the Hall of Fame. He will never be mentioned by name again, only the McMahon surname. This is also by my recollection the last appearance of Hulk Hogan onscreen that I booked to boost Jack Swagger's pop as a credible challenger to Rusev. I'm not usually one to criticize the usage of people who did bad things in the future when it comes to historical mods (everyone books Benoit, for instance) but the recent events do greatly bother me as both person and booker so I'm glad Vince is gone. I can easily do without Hogan as well so I'm just awaiting for his contract to run out in game. That is all! I hope this random return doesn't hit anyone with a whiplash effect and that I can catch up to myself quickly but not so quickly that it burns you guys out.
  7. The Roman match in Saudi Arabia. If you don't get why Logan is irritatingly a natural at wrestling by watching that match then you are just naturally bound not to get him as a character/wrestler.
  9. You're so funny dog, I have spent minutes trying to come up with an actual reply to this but I just can't.
  10. My condolences, kanegan. Cult of Doom has been booked quite strong.
  11. I would assume by grabbing the brass ring and becoming the face of the company, doing the things Punk complained about (''I'm not on the collector cups, cover of the program, barely promoted, not on the poster of Mania, not on the signature etc) but that's me seeking the explanation rather than fact.
  12. My favorite match that made me a Brian Pillman fan for life is his five star classic (imo) against Jushin Liger at the second SuperBrawl. The full match isn't on youtube right now so this is a recommendation to go seek it out on the Network/Peacock.
  13. Yeah I was fortunate enough to miss the hype wave of Cyberpunk back on the PS4 and did my first playthrough around 3 years ago in a sleepover with my friends. We didn't get that far but it was the first time it peaked my interest and I decided to wait until the PS5 version got released to try it out on my own. Took me a bit to get going but now that it isn't a broken mess anymore, it's a very well constructed storyline that really should have just skipped last gen altogether.
  14. L.A. KNIGHT. YEAH! Judgment Day IYO SKY Brock Lesnar CM Punk Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa I think DIY are next for the tag titles and I smell shenanigans on the other tag match. Real solid card!
  15. PCO & Crazzy Steve Team 1 to 1 Million ABC Deonna Purrazzo Team Jordynne Grace Chris Sabin War Dogs KENTA Shelley/Storm/Nemeth Sabin and Gresham final two
  16. Bobby Lashley by DQ Lacey Evans Charlotte Flair Good Brothers
  17. Queen Aminata K2 Mae Sebera & Marti Belle Kaho Kobayashi Allysin Kay HAMADA Deonna Purrazzo
  18. Brian Pillman MVC Lord Steven Regal DDP Pretty Powerful Randy Savage by DQ
  19. Rocky Maivia Nation of Domination Owen Hart & British Bulldog Marc Mero Faarooq Goldust The Undertaker Vader Mankind vs. Undertaker highest rated match
  20. Even with all these factors, FORTY SIX in a pop > perf company with Hogan, Savage and Sting in the match is absolutely nuts! But that's not your fault, that's TEW mechanics. Though honestly perf wise this match would likely be worse than 46 IRL
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