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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Paige didn't earn a lick with her sex tape. That is the difference here, Mandy was actually profitting on her erotic content
  2. It's actually possible to FINISH Skyrim? I've been trying for 11 years
  3. Got myself Cyberpunk for PS5 in the latest PSN sale and I gotta say it's a lot better than people said it was when it was only out on last gen. The cast is really distinct and memorable at this point, not really any throwaways that I'm sure I won't remember. The setting is dreadful in a good way - really makes you feel like in you're in the slums of society. Though I'm moving really slowly with the main story, which makes me think I just don't have it in me to grind games as I used to. Maybe Assassin's Creed Valhalla killed me good in that regard
  4. Was quite underwhelmed by Scrypts, but Dijak looks pretty awesome so it evens out.
  5. ''Old Mysteries, New Truths'' WWE Monday Night Raw July 21st, 2014 Amway Center in Orlando, Florida OC: Michael Cole, Renee Young and Joey Styles Rating: B+ Raw opens with the new WWE Champion Curtis Axel, bathed by chants of ''you deserve it'' from the Orlando crowd. After a brief promo resuming how humbled he feels after accomplishing the one feat his father never did, he is predictably interrupted by former advocate Paul Heyman, who introduces his main client. The man who made a return last night at Money in the Bank to stake his claim as the next challenger for the top prize in the industry, BROCK LESNAR! Axel notes how Dean Ambrose had succeeded at exposing Brock Lesnar as more vulnerable than ever at WrestleMania, so much that the Beast had to spend the next three months sulking backstage with his wife, unable to show his face to the world. Heyman says that Dean Ambrose will be dealt with accordingly, and guarantees that the loss did nothing to faze Brock Lesnar. In fact, he had cut the unnecessary distraction that his wife Sable had proven to become, and how he was fully engaged once again and ready to victimize Paul Heyman's one and greatest failure at SummerSlam. That is, if Axel had balls big enough to match his ego. Axel says he's not scared of the Beast, and so, at SummerSlam, Lesnar was on for the biggest match of his, if not both men's careers. On one side, the new upstart champion looking to prove his legitimacy atop the food chain against the most dangerous opponent he's ever faced. On the other hand, a very angry Beast Incarnate out for blood as his supremacy is challenged by his big loss back at the granddaddy of them all. Xavier Woods then cuts a promo on behalf of The New Day, talking about how their 0 for at Money in the Bank would be a mere delay to the inevitable. He says that those responsible would be held accountable accordingly, a trip to the Hall of Pain and your career sacrificed in the name of The New Day. Backstage, as Divas Champion Kaitlyn nonchalantly hangs around the office of Stephanie and Triple H with the former, she suggests that maybe she should take the night off at SummerSlam due to the lack of competition on the roster. Cue Natalya, who says the presence of Naomi was the one reason she didn't win the previous night; she wanted one more shot against Kaitlyn to prove not only to her husband, but to the entire Hart family, that she could in fact rise to the occasion! Kaitlyn says she is bored as she has beaten everyone there is to beat, but she hears all the criticism from the smartasses about how she is just a product of the WWE that can't outwrestle the mat technicians, so in an effort to spite them, she would give Natalya that match tonight. Natalya is ecstatic, but as she leaves the locker room, she catches the glance of Summer Rae shaking her head at her in disgust. As Natalya asks her what the [CENSOR] she's looking at, Summer voices her displeasure at how ''unelegant'' she and her husband have presented themselves as recently. She leaves Natalya with a comment on how the Fandango soul searching techniques would do her wonders, before departing and leaving Natalya to sulk. Chris Jericho hosts the Highlight Reel, dismissing his loss the previous night as a fluke and a travesty and a highway robbery from this company that neglects to install safety hatches to release yourself from being hooked on the Ladders as he's found himself multiple times. He says that as the creator of the Money in the Bank match, his suggestions should be taken as gospel, but this company decides not to simply due to the parasites preferring to witness the car crash style TV. And for years, Chris Jericho had gladly adapted and given the fans what they wanted in whatever match or situation required, but he would not be doing that any longer, for the stupid idiots did not deserve to watch Chris Jericho put his body on the line for them and they would not witness that EVER AGAIN. He says that from now on, he will wrestle thinking about his safety first and his opponents' last. He guarantees this would take him back to the levels he's accustomed to, the level he's always been on and only stupid idiots who can't string together two English sentences together will deny that. He says his guest tonight is one of those people, a pathetic worm who's become the newest host for the disease that is the parasitic adulation, Cesaro. Jericho blasts Cesaro on being yesterday's biggest loser, his career going absolutely nowhere after WrestleMania and him having played the foil to the ascent of Jericho multiple times during the match. Cesaro says he's cooled down a bit since winning the Andre Battle Royal, that's true. But he's never had to play a charade to stay relevant as Jericho is currently doing. He says the fans embraced him and he's embraced them back, and once they fueled the Cesaro train to start rolling again, there was no stopping it; and if Jericho wanted to volunteer to be the launching point, then by all means. Jericho attacks Cesaro and locks in the Walls of Jericho, before Christian comes out to the save. The former partners trade punches, before Jericho rolls out of the ring, looking at the two men in the ring with a scowl. The new Raw Mr. Money in the Bank in Seth Rollins comes to the ring next, laughing and gloating about how he told EVERYONE so. He said he was the smartest, the most cunning, and most importantly the best in the Shield. Last night, he proved that; and now, he's got a date with destiny to show for it. He told Triple H so, that he would regret not having picked The Architect as his ace, and now he, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose would all have to suck on their fingers as he sat back and concocted the best plan of attack to become your future WWE Champion. An irate Ambrose interrupts, saying that once a backstabber, always a backstabber; the only date with destiny Rollins had was that of the three of them in a fight to the death. He may have escaped by the skin of his teeth last night, but he promises Seth he'd get in on the fun next time the three of them were in the same ring together. Paul Heyman interrupts alongside and on behalf of his client Roman Reigns, denouncing Rollins as a paper winner who could only snatch victory from the jaws of defeat after his client Roman Reigns was down for the count due to an unabashed favoritism in targeting from Dean Ambrose last night (Ambrose then promptly comments on how Roman was only in the match in first place due to being a shark himself much like Rollins and Heyman are). Heyman teases the fans with the big triple threat match, but then says that Roman Reigns doesn't particularly care what they want to watch, nor does he care in which order business is taken care of. He says that having both Ambrose and Rollins in the ring with him at the same time proved to be a costly distraction last night, but that it wouldn't happen again. He had consulted with Triple H, and at SummerSlam, on behalf of all the allies of the McMahon-Helmsley regime and the pain that Dean Ambrose has caused them...his client Roman Reigns would give Dean Ambrose the one on one matchup he's so desperately coveted. But he warns Ambrose...things will not go the way his warped and mashed brain thinks they will. For Roman Reigns has one thing only in his mind come August 24th in Los Angeles... ...and that is, to take care of the liability that Dean Ambrose has proven to be, for good. The Wyatt Family converges in the ring after the previous match, with Bray vowing that his brothers had failed the cause for the last time, and that there would be no more surprises from The Usos. The games were over. As for AJ Styles? Bray cackles and says that he had his sights set on AJ ever since he stepped foot in this company; other matters were at hand first, however, and he had swiftly taken care of all of them on behalf of the greater good. He had aligned his work to match the novelty period of the arrival that his fireflies had never quite seen before, but make no mistake about it: AJ was not as he seemed to be. He was a fragile, decaying man who had offered nothing but deception for friends and followers alike. But fear not...he was about to rid the world of AJ's venom. He was going to expose everything he's done, every sin he's committed...before stripping him of his identity entirely. ''I MADE YOU, AJ...and now...it's about time I destroyed you. I need no material goods to fuel my greater pursuit, though I will bathe my brothers and sisters in riches if need be. As for me and you? The clock is ticking on you, AJ...when the bell tolls, there will be nowhere left for you to...RUN.'' Backstage, a frustrated Natalya rushes to a specific locker room, her husband Kidd looking quite calm with his headphones on right behind her. She finds Summer Rae dressing into her street clothes, and Natalya proceeds to violently throw Summer onto the floor and through the room while shouting obscenities and telling her ''I'LL SHOW YOU UNELEGANT''. Fandango enters the room as he hears Summer's screams, but he too is surprised by Tyson Kidd with a chair shot from behind. After Natalya is finally satisfied with beating up the Honorable's lady, Kidd leads her out of the room. Renee is shocked, this change in attitude from the Hart Dynasty couple having come so recently and so suddenly. A few vignettes are shown hyping Thursday night's edition of SmackDown, where a new #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship will be crowned. That, plus Rusev will make good on his promise to throw the United States Championship in a garbage bin, while reactivating the European Championship in the process. Lastly, Cole announces that after a 6-year mainstay at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, SummerSlam would at last be moving venues to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn next year on August 23rd, 2015! It was then time for another man to make good on his promise, that being ''The Greatest Man That Ever Lived'' Austin Aries. With a large dossier in hand, AA says this has bugged him for quite a while, so it's about time he let the world know the truth about the plague that has ridden this company ever since its inception and that has not allowed visionaries such as him to succeed in it...that being the McMahons. This brings Steph, Triple H and Derrick Bateman out along with a horde of security, one last ditch attempt to shut Aries up on whatever has been going on. Stephanie tells Aries it's not worth it, while Hunter asks Aries what other chances he expects to get, having failed in two marquee opportunities earlier this year to win the WWE Championship. Aries bashes the regime that it was through no effort of them at all, he forced them to give him the two matches with AJ Styles due to his history with the man, not because they were in a particular giving mood; he was not one of ''the boys'' who Hunter and Stephanie so desperately looked to feature on camera every week, and you could see the difference, as Roman Reigns was about to win a faux battle royal...then even after he lost, he found himself in Money in the Bank anyway! Aries says it's about time someone gave the McMahons some payback, and once Solomon Crowe divulged the information to him, he knew it was go time. He reassures the fans that he's not doing this for them out of the goodness of his heart, he still very much remembers they would rather watch the corpse of Steve Austin, whom he defeated at WrestleMania mind you, than a genius at work in the form of The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. He was doing this in spite of them, in spite of the backlash that might help any colleagues of his, he was doing this to watch the McMahons' world quake in the feet of his will. Stephanie and Hunter order security to apprehend Aries, but then, on the titantron appears Solomon Crowe! Crowe is obviously in pain after his experiences with Dr. Cortex, and he finds himself forced down by the straightjacket in his office still. He says he's hacked into the doctor's feed and he doesn't have much time, though he does take the time to defiantly laugh at Stephanie's efforts to shut him up and shut him down. He says this pre-recorded message will turn into a revelation of ALL the dark secrets found in the dossier he fed to Aries if the latter will just say the word. A shocked Stephanie screams for security to stop, while Hunter exclaims that they're bluffing. Aries says there is no escape either way, but he will be the one to deliver the news. Aries says that 7 some odd years ago, Mr. McMahon was hit with a paternity suit and the world was shocked. An investigation took place, and it was revealed that Hornswoggle had been Vince's bastard son all along. How lucky, then, that he'd rid himself of any and every responsibility once Finlay came forward as the true father. And the matter was never touched again...until now. He says Vince doesn't have one bastard son, he's had bastard sons and daughters a plenty all around the States! Stephanie covers her ears in shock and nausea, but Aries raises his voice to tell her specifically that it is ALL TRUE! The man whose legacy she's so desperately wanted to protect since his unceremonious removal from the company last year, DIDN'T EVEN LOVE HIS FAMILY! Derrick Bateman steps into the ring to defend the honor of the regime, but Aries lifts his index finger, telling Bateman that if he is to hit him, the word will go out in an even worse way via Crowe. As Bateman stops dead in his tracks, Aries says this didn't ring true back then, but now it did. And that was, one of Vince's bastards was indeed now working for WWE. It didn't surprise him in the slightest that Stephanie had been so dumb or blind not to see what was right under her nose! ''Hornswoggle McMahon? That's a funnier joke than 'Vince McMahon is the greatest wrestling promoter in history'. This company led you astray under his orders as it has done time and time again, but now I hold the truth in my hands...the root of evil grows much deeper than meets the eye. So step under the limelight at last...'' ''...DERRICK MCMAHON.'' NXT July 23rd, 2014 Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida OC: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Eric Bischoff Rating: B-
  6. AJ Styles Willow Bad Influence Chris Sabin Gail Kim Mr. Anderson
  7. Randy Savage Ricky Steamboat Brian Pillman Lord Steven Regal Faces of Fear Sting Steiner Bros
  8. Glad AEW cashed in on MJF and Jamie Hayter.
  9. From a diary reader standpoint this is thrilling but I won't lie if I watched that Starrcade IRL I would have been pissed at the non-finishes Interested to see if there's a turn coming in this Hogan-Steamboat alliance.
  10. Randy Savage Scott Norton Ric Flair DDP The Steiner Brothers The Nasty Boys Eddie Guerrero Lex Luger & Sting Arn Anderson
  11. I'd pair him up with Mysterio if that's an option. Or with a sex appeal rated manager. You can have good dynamics between differing alignments so it doesn't even have to be a face manager, honestly. Think Sunny in mid-90's WWF where she managed whoever had the titles/whoever spelled success for her.
  12. These website posts are amazing but also blue ballers
  13. One of the most interesting premises I've seen around here. I'm sold! You win my eternal love if you repackage a female wrestler as Anastasia.
  14. I love Diff'rent Strokes! It used to be a lunchtime sitcom here in Brazil along with Drake & Josh, iCarly, Fresh Prince etc. You couldn't have said it any better. I debated whether I should properly reply or not but here goes. My friend group when it was at its height of watching wrestling full-time had this one guy who was the biggest TNA fanboy and we joked with him a lot because he'd always defend whatever they put on no matter how shitty. It was all in good fun and at the end of the day we were happy for him having a good time with a promotion most of us couldn't anymore and moved on with our days. He also ragged on us for swallowing the same old WWE product for ages, but neither side ever stepped out of boundaries. What I'm getting at is that in that case there's intimacy and an understanding of boundaries. In this internet wrestling war today WWE fanboys aren't saints themselves, but the flack I've caught for saying I didn't enjoy a show of AEW's when I was able to catch up...for saying I didn't like how they crammed so many debuts in quick succession making each less special in turn and muddling who deserves TV time to establish themselves/stopping the momentum from other folks who had been receiving a healthy amount of screentime before said debut and afterwards didn't again (again, not excusing WWE for doing the same with the rapid fire debuts but they do have A LOT MORE TV time than AEW does when you factor in the amount of talent)...for saying I didn't like how there was an obnoxious amount of Tombstone Piledrivers in about 3 consecutive matches...heck, for talking about where I read my news in. AEW folks en masse made it their mission to make me feel like shit over my opinions or preference. All people I don't know in person, people I have not given the intimacy to tell me what I should or should not do. About the only aspect they don't fly at me immediately whenever I provide negative feedback on is the women's division. Now, I don't hate everything AEW either. I do enjoy a lot of what they're doing or at least the idea of it. I've never been the biggest fan of any of the Elite guys but I did like Kenny Omega's heel presentation a lot. Never been a Punk guy either but his 1 year honeymoon before shit hit the fan was legitimately a fun catch up on with the promos and the fanbase as a whole had something to rally behind and unite itself. Moxley is treated way better in there than he ever was by Vince. Their comedy characters are all good and fun to watch. I have no faith they will push her to the heights she deserves but Jamie Hayter is a gem. Their usage of Bryan Danielson is on point and his stable is probably the best one they have. MJF is their best character by far and I don't know if he'd fit as well in WWE so I am actively rooting for them to keep him if they have not done so already. But the combination of the dates not meshing with my schedule, the toxic fanbase and the fact I can't stand Tony Khan's tactics either just removed any investment I could have ever had on AEW. Good on their fans for loving all of/most of the product and I hope it stays that way. I do understand some of these folks didn't enjoy wrestling for a long ass time because of WWE and the lack of alternatives. But all this bickering involving me or even just reading the arguments without me and how toxic the community has become with a lack of respect for differing opinions legitimately sapped away my goodwill for wrestling a little. If I wasn't invested in writing diaries I don't know if I'd be here anymore. Once I'm done with my project I'll likely take a long ass break from anything wrestling and see if this gets any better. I watch WWE mostly to stay sharp at writing it though I do feel the product has improved since HHH took over. I'll refrain from discussing this further since it's not directly the topic at hand. But since the elaboration may eventually become my second answer to this, sooner rather than later, I guess it's fair
  15. It is rather short, hence why I was fortunate to have a friend buy it and play the story with him at his place. I guess it comes with the territory as online is the bread maker. But it was definitely the strongest campaign in a long time even if it stays too safe in a few fronts that I won't elaborate as to not spoil.
  16. Interested to see where you take the Willow character here. And love to see Gail Kim being booked well.
  17. Velvet Cassidy Ella Frost Dallas Fox Queens of the Sky Gianna Giancarlo Whiskey Black Killshot Ayama & Kelly Kanzaki Charlize
  18. 2017ish when Raw and SmackDown both started sucking equally after a lot of promise the previous year. And no, it wasn't really ''Jinder Mahal'' it was a swift overall drop in quality and not being able to stand 3 hour Raws anymore either. I started watching in 2009 but could only watch ECW/NXT until 2011, where I started following full-time at around Mania 27 which was terrible but holds a special place in my heart all the same 2011's second half was amazing but they screwed everything up with Punk and then 2012 and 2013 were both really not good, boring years. 2014 was cool, but 2015 was terrible again. After they dropped the ball with the good stuff they had going in 2016, I just couldn't do it anymore. Since then I've never really gone to the level of full-time watching I used to do again. I'll still watch WWE whenever I can but not as dedicated. AEW is not for me (please respect my opinion) and its main show is also in the one day I'm never home so I could never catch up either way. Maybe I'll try getting invested in joshi wrestling now thanks to Strech's marvelous STARDOM diary.
  19. Big lurker in this diary but I'll give my two cents anyway lol Anything from you is golden so not really, from a writing standpoint it's much better to be writing something you're fully invested in even if it kills the current project but no matter what you decide I'll be reading either way!
  20. COD MW2 has the best single player campaign of the series in ages. Probably since the original one, really. I'm not touching online COD ever, but I was pleasantly surprised at the offline experience and will be awaiting MW3 with hefty expectations for a followup.
  21. Ric Flair & Brian Pillman Hulk Hogan Lex Luger Ricky Steamboat
  22. I do agree with that. I have to say since HHH took over Raw has flown better but it's still too much, not because of the content in the actual show but the obnoxious amount of commercials that cut the matches in half or in thirds. SmackDown flows perfectly for me, no complaints at all. If HHH could make an hour of Raw focused on cruiserweights or something specific akin to the WarZone I think that would be the best usage of the extra hour as a non-casual viewer, though I doubt it'd translate well in ratings for casuals who are the audience the WWE still caters to the most (even with HHH doing a pretty good job of throwing us bones nowadays).
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