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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Shelton Benjamin FBI Natural Born Thrillers Edge Jerry Lynn Steve Austin
  2. So I'm not sure how apparent this has been just by the booking alone, but Axel is one of this diary's biggest success stories, if not THE biggest as he has quite organically become a cornerstone of the company. He has 95 pop all over the U.S., with good progress on the rest of the world as well (and he did not begin in a generous spot for that to have been imaginable). His matches are consistently good to great and his promos are...well he's no Rock, but he's not the guy who cut the genesis of McGillicutty anymore either As for my match durations I try to be relatively realistic when it comes to WWE while also sprinkling some of Triple H's current touch of trying to give the meaningful stories time to be told. Orton's been an unsung hero in this diary - he's given me classics with Sheamus, Ziggler, Rhodes etc. so I thought this match deserved to be given a solid run. Thank you so much for the comment and I want especially to give a shout out and thanks to @kanegan for nominating me to DOTM, I love writing this diary but what makes me happy the most is to see people are enjoying my work. I'll have Raw + NXT up tonight or tomorrow!
  3. It's for Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia. Extreme Rules? Roman Reigns has never heard of such a small-time PPV like that
  4. ''True Kings'' WWE Thursday Night SmackDown June 19th, 2014 Nickerson Field in Boston, Massachusetts OC: Josh Mathews, John Bradshaw Layfield and Booker T Rating: B+ As he hoists his new championship with a sickening smile in his face, Joe says he had warned Zack Ryder of this fate the previous week, so no one can claim he isn't a man of his word. He tells the people in charge to take a good and hard look at who they've allowed into their hallowed halls, because now the locker room was put on notice; they were all doomed. And at the King of the Ring, no matter who this company puts in front of him, they will all sleep with angels as the rest of the pack bows down to King Joe...by choice or by force. Backstage, Austin Aries knocks on a door multiple times, before it is finally opened; it's SHERIFF ROCK! The People's Champion appears on SmackDown for the first time in a while, as Aries demands justice from having been forced to compete in his King of the Ring match the previous week while not 100%. Rock says that The Rock could have swore he saw Aries throw away his crutch and cast for leverage, yet he had lost anyway. Rock says that The Rock doesn't allow jabronis such as Aries to continue receiving opportunities as if they're magic wishes. But that he shouldn't fear; for The Rock had a treat for him the following week on SmackDown, if Aries could just wait that long. Aries smiles, anticipating the best, and says he feels that the Sheriff is finally coming to his senses as to who really sells the tickets in this company. The One Man Band is quick to hightail right out of the ring, having narrowly eked out a win against the behemoth, as Ryback just looks on in shock and self-disappointment. Slater rocks the air guitar, as he's headed to the TD Garden a week from Sunday! In the ring, Dr. Scott Cortex is again accompanied by Stephanie McMahon as the former provides the update on AJ Lee. AJ is dragged down to the ring by numerous orderlies as she tries to free herself amidst screams. Dr. Cortex says that as everyone can see, the subject finds herself in an unstable condition and should begin treatment immediately. Another group of orderlies brings down the straightjacket, but AJ fights them off the best she can, until she is hit with a major slap by Steph and a Pedigree! The now knocked out and tranquilized AJ is ripe for the taking as the orderlies lock her in the straightjacket, Dr. Cortex shaking hands with Stephanie and telling her it's good to do business with such a willing party. AJ is dragged out, as Stephanie tries to lead the booing crowd in Yes! gestures and chants, shouting at AJ that she'll see her in a year if she behaves, or never again! Renee Young interviews Alex Shelley about the challenge of Chavo Guerrero and what Chavo has done to him so far. Shelley says Chavo is riding a high from his return and picking him off in vulnerable moments, but that when the time came for them to have a one-on-one match at the King of the Ring, Chavo would find himself outskilled by the king of the cruiserweights and in the receiving end of a Shining Wizard. From a crimson-lit room, Kane sends a chilling message to John Cena about how he feels it deep within him that he is finally coming around and embracing the hate; he just doesn't want to admit it. Kane says he'll rip the hate entirely out of Cena's body this time if he must, and if he has to sacrifice his own soul for that, so be it. Kane says the forces of evil are just getting started with John Cena, and that it was a long walk to the sunny lights of WrestleMania 31; darkness would most certainly engulf him before then, and so would the flames of hell. Amidst his celebration, Bryan is triple teamed by The KoW, an unfair fight that the champion has no chance of winning. As they have him pinned down, Wade Barrett walks down the aisle, and under his orders, the KoW holds up the World Heavyweight Champion for Barrett to nail him with Bullhammer! Barrett shows the fallen Bryan his World championship right to the kisser, before leaving alongside the KoW. JBL says that no matter what, Wade Barrett's leadership skills truly cannot be questioned, and that he had found himself willing support once again to overcome Daniel Bryan at the King of the Ring. Backstage, Alberto Del Rio is shown throwing a fit with The Aristocracy, kicking everyone out of the locker room. As it opens again, the person's face remains unseen as Del Rio says it's been too long that he's awaited for the two to talk some business. He says he's been on the downward spiral lately, but if the two of them could strike gold on his proposition, they would be unstoppable. WWE Sunday Night Heat June 22nd, 2014 OC: Josh Mathews, Byron Saxton and ''The Professor'' Matt Striker
  5. I accidentally sent the show before finishing posting it entirely, nothing to see here yet!
  6. Maverick Darryl Devine Biggins Boys Mighty Mo Syndicate Freddy Huggins Jay Chord
  7. I am very much on board with this one! Interesting premise, I'm curious to see how you'll implement Hunter's touch in your version of AEW. Best of luck.
  8. ANT-MAN Wael Hossam Buddy Garner - Though I love the fusion of Rhyno and UMANGA INSPIRE Fight Club Taheiji Konoe Forbidden Alliance INSPIRE Koiso
  9. I fear I wasn't able to poach Ross away from the written contract he has in (I believe) Japan. Been a while that I booked the June shows so I can't quite recall exactly which company but I tried to get both and had to settle for one.
  10. ''Clash of Styles'' WWE Monday Night Raw June 16th, 2014 Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, Connecticut OC: Michael Cole, Renee Young and Joey Styles Rating: B+ The unhinged Dean Ambrose is in the ring to begin Monday Night Raw, certainly looking worse for the wear. Ambrose says it's been two long, grueling, painful weeks since the two men he fought besides for nearly two years stabbed him in the back for the promise of something...greater. He says The Shield was untouchable. It will go down in the history books as one of the greatest groups of all-time, you can count on that. They dominated the WWE, beat everyone there was to beat, including Evolution. He says history is full of men like Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, men who would stab their own mother in the back, suckups. Sellouts to the ones in power, only one was too caught into his own stupidity, he couldn't realize he wasn't the man they wanted; it was obvious that out of the three, the golden boy in Roman Reigns was corporate's first choice to fit their need of that one guy who will pass on their values and vision of the face of the company onwards and onwards. They had fought like dogs to combat the need of that vision...to help build a company where the common man could achieve the same opportunities as those chosen by the suits in charge. BUT NOW ALL THEY HAD FOUGHT FOR WAS GONE, JUST LIKE THAT! Ambrose says his two ''brothers'' made one major mistake in hindsight... ''Roman...Seth...my ''beloved brothers''...you two don’t know what you really did, man. The two of you had it all planned out, but BOTH OF YOU committed ONE CRITICAL MISTAKE! You forgot the massive chip on my shoulder that I've had all my life...it's true that Seth...Seth Rollins was the brains of the operation on The Shield and kept me from spilling other people's guts all over the ring every single night, because it was the best thing to do for the team. That is, unless I was left alone and to my own devices...ask Brock Lesnar. You can't, because he's scared to show his face again. Now that it's every man for himself, I can do whatever the [CENSOR] I want...I can do what I did to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania, to the two of you and to every single son of a bitch in this company...but worse.'' ''I have absolutely nothing to lose...when I'm done with you two turncoats, your faces will be completely unrecognizable to your families. The ring will be drenched in your blood...Seth, your ''evolution'' will have led you straight to hell when I'm done with you. You showed such willingness to stab me in the back at the first opportunity, and I will never forget nor forgive you for that...your proud cunning wasn't of much use last week now was it, you fool...but don't worry, I will give your big brain special treatment when I get my hands on you. And Roman? You can't be protected forever, golden boy...the second you find yourself all alone, will be your last second in this company. I promise that to both of you...'' ''...my brothers.'' Cena celebrates as the first man to have punched his ticket to the Quarter-Finals, which will be the first of three rounds that will be broadcast at the King of the Ring pay-per-view that will be held in Cena's hometown of Boston at the TD Garden. Good Ol' JR joins him in the ring, shaking Cena's hand and citing him as undoubtedly the preferred winner of the tournament for Jerry ''The King'' Lawler watching from up there. A recap is shown of the latest edition of The Dirt Sheet on WWE.com, with Miz and Morrison talking about their Round of 16 matches. Miz mocks Drew McIntyre for living off of the reputation of the men who handpick him as a protege, before Morrison sends a ''respectable'' message to his opponent in Sin Cara. The catch is that he's wearing a Sin Cara mask and starts bumping around the entire set, and him accidentally taking ''Sin Cara's mom'' (Miz in a Sin Cara mask and drag) to a date as the two eat the bricks Morrison just plowed through is the punchline of the whole gag. The mask is forcefully removed from Morrison's head by Becky Lynch, who surprises the two with her arrival as she embraces them. She says she's been cleared to compete again very soon, and that she had a hitlist of lasses and asses to kick once she did return; Kharma was the first name on that list for whatever reason she had cost Becky her championship match at Over the Limit. Lana vows that Big Show will be CRUSHED by Rusev at the King of the Ring, and that his underwhelming career would pale to the accomplishments of Rusev when it was all said and done. Derrick Bateman makes his return to Raw, cutting a promo on his hiatus and how he had amplified his smarts to match his in-ring prowess. He says he was looking forward to being of more hands-on help with important matters for Triple H in the future, while also making a name for himself. Christian hosts an edition of The Peep Show with Fandango and Chris Jericho next, endorsing Fandango to fight back every time former partner Jericho continues to belittle him though ''The Honorable One'' stays true to his name and doesn't stoop down to Jericho's level at any point during the segment. This is great news for Jericho, as he confirms he is absolutely done with Scaramouchescaramouchecanyoudothefandango, who was just small fish made to entertain the parasites in the audience. He says Kung Fu Pandango could never be taken any seriously with that stupid idiot mug, the silly dance and of course, a name taken from children's salty snacks. Jericho says Fanboomerango took advantage of him for one vulnerable second, and it would never happen again, if he understood what he was saying to him. If the two were ever to step in the ring together again, Fandodgeyourango would dance to a different tune, one to Jericho's amusement, and the next day, he would find himself forgotten by the fickle fanbase just as all the oddities before him had been. Kaitlyn is met by her upcoming challenger in Naomi, as the two engage in a back and forth. Naomi says she's been overlooked in this division for far too long, and it's time she put that behind her by fittingly defeating the woman who beat her to win NXT Season 3. Kaitlyn says she doesn't see the big deal in Naomi's role with this company; someone has to take the falls for the real stars! Naomi says Kaitlyn has become one cocky bitch since WrestleMania, but she wasn't unbeatable by any means and with every word she uttered, she was feeding Naomi's wish of kicking the champion's ass and shutting her privileged mouth more and more. Kaitlyn says if Naomi doesn't settle down and show comfort in her current spot as second to the elite, then she'd gladly send Naomi to make company at the emergency room where third place AJ Lee would be waiting for her. The three participants in the upcoming WWE Championship Match at King of the Ring meet in the ring next, Kofi Kingston for the first time in many months coming out on his own instead of with The New Day. AJ says he had no place in this squabble between the two challengers, but that they had force-pulled him into it, and now if either one of them thought they could remove him out of the equation to focus on each other, they were in for a hard time at King of the Ring; The Phenomenal doesn't care how many challengers are in front of him, the WWE Championship was his and it was in his waist to stay. Dolph Ziggler says he has no personal stake against AJ, but that he'd do anything to become WWE Champion. He had put on classic match after classic match on a near two year roll, until The New Day blindsided him at Extreme Rules and stopped that momentum dead. Ziggler says he knows he's done that to Kofi in the past, maybe even worse. But he tried to be a bigger man and call it quits in their conflict. Now, there was no turning back. If anything, he could guarantee Kofi's wait was going to last a while longer, because he was not walking out of King of the Ring as WWE Champion. Kofi is the last to speak, and he says Ziggler's always been this selfish bastard who sees only his own desires as plausible. Kofi says he was done being the catalyst to these desires coming true. The New Day had shown him he could be so much more in his career, and they had put the WWE on notice since. He had purposely gotten himself disqualified against Randy Orton, the man who had singlehandedly derailed his career, both because Orton had it coming and he will have it much worse in the future as a fair warning; and because Kofi wanted to go for the head of the snake and show he means business. At the King of the Ring, he doesn't care whose nickname is the most flashy out of Styles and Ziggler, who wants it more out of them, or which stakes counted and which didn't. He is walking out as WWE Champion for himself and for the rest of The New Day. NXT June 18th, 2014 Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida OC: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Eric Bischoff Rating: B-
  11. In my headcanon, Homicide did an impression of a fart to scare Salina in that promo
  12. ''Made By Nexus'' WWE Thursday Night SmackDown June 12th, 2014 Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut OC: Josh Mathews, John Bradshaw Layfield and Booker T Rating: B+ New TV Champion Zack Ryder opens SmackDown by celebrating his success from the previous week, but that he was not done yet; by the end of the month, he would be the Long Island Iced King. Hawkins and Barreta endorse Ryder, and tell him the two of them could help him stay on top, and help bring out the true Zack Ryder in the process. Before anything else, Caylen Croft appears, part of the Vickie Cruiserweight Initiative, agreeing with everything the two had said before him, asking for Barreta to remember him and for them to allow him into the bro-gade! Hawkins and Barreta ignore Croft, but Ryder says he'll acknowledge Croft by giving him the first TV title shot of his reign and help him stay active in anticipation of the Round of 16. Ryder barely has any time to celebrate, before the impressive debut of the previous week in Samoa Joe heads out of the curtain, a smile in his face throughout his walk to the ring. Joe says that he anxiously anticipates their Round of 16 match that will take place next week, and he's heard it will also be for the TV Championship. He tells Ryder he's a weak boy amongst men who needed to utilize every outside influence possible in order to gain any notoriety instead of his natural ability because he has none. He says even with all that, Ryder had fallen due to the whims and words of bigger men because he had not the fortitude necessary to survive in this business, and he would be put to pasture in the Coquina Clutch, just like the rest of them. As we return from a commercial break, Stephanie McMahon is in the ring with a smaller yet creepy looking man in doctor's clothing. Stephanie introduces him as Dr. Scott Cortex phD, who had been assigned to overview AJ Lee's physical rehabilitation back from her injuries suffered at WrestleMania, and it so happens was also the head of a mental asylum that would admit AJ Lee for her year long pre-approved program in his facility. Cortex says the prognosis on AJ is that she has made quite significant progress physically, but her mental state was unlike anything he had ever seen before; maybe one year would be enough to turn her back to normal under the hardest of work from his best specialists, but perhaps it would take even longer than anticipated. Stephanie is seen soaking in the words of Dr. Cortex, as the batch of orderlies is seen making their way down the stage, holding a specially reinforced straightjacket meant for AJ. Stephanie says that Dr. Cortex is hereby authorized to bring AJ Lee back to SmackDown next week, where she will be publicly admitted under the eye of the woman whose father she had paralyzed. Stephanie says it's an eye for an eye. As Chavo runs backstage with Shelley looking for revenge on his King of the Ring opponent, Paul Heyman brags about McIntyre's status as the one and only clear favorite to win the entire tournament. Backstage, Tyson Kidd is seen irate at his wife Natalya for the events of the previous week, where neither one of them came out victorious from their important matches. Kidd tells Natalya she better take matters into her own hands soon, or else a fact would be that she'd be left on her own as he was too good to be held back by another person's failures, even if that person was his significant other. In the back, Heath Slater is seen bragging to everyone he runs into about his big win the previous week on SmackDown, and how he was about to become the next King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis be damned! He is stopped short by his Round of 16 opponent Ryback, who breathes down Slater's neck and stares him down with intensity. Austin Aries heads to the ring for the final King of the Ring first round match, and he is seen in a cast and crutches. Aries says he's in no condition to compete here tonight, due to the cowardly actions of AJ Styles and one ''Stone Cold'' Steve Austin. He cites this as part of a company-wide ploy to keep The Greatest Man That Ever Lived from dominating and making the competition look foolish, thus rendering all other matches useless. Sin Cara comes out and tells Aries to shut up and stop insulting the great legends of the past. Aries says these legends have gotten weaker and weaker as the years go by, including Austin who he had rendered bloody and battered at WrestleMania, and Cara's buddy Rey Mysterio who couldn't buy neither sympathy nor a win in recent memory. Aries says none of the supposed legends people glorify every day in this business can hold a candle to him, before blindsiding Cara with the crutch! He throws the cast aside, and the bell rings! As Aries throws a tantrum at the sudden loss, Josh recaps the updated brackets at the conclusion of the first round of this year's King of the Ring tournament: Big E vs. John Cena Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz John Morrison vs. Sin Cara Cesaro vs. Sheamus Heath Slater vs. Ryback Curtis Axel vs. Randy Orton Samoa Joe vs. Zack Ryder The Round of 16 kicks off this Monday on Raw with Big E vs. John Cena and Cesaro vs. Sheamus, while next Thursday on SmackDown, three big matches would fill the slate in Joe vs. Ryder, Slater vs. Ryback and Axel vs. Orton! Backstage, Curtis Axel runs into Triple H and Randy Orton in the emergency room, Orton still recovering from his back injury suffered in his first round match against Kofi Kingston. Axel smiles at Hunter, before asking what's the timetable on Orton's recovery, stating he wants the Viper to be at 100% for no excuses when the superior generational talent won not only next week, but the entire tournament. Orton slowly tells Axel not to worry about his status. For next week, even if he had to compete with all his worst injuries combined affecting him, Orton still had the utmost confidence he can defeat Curtis Axel. At last, it's time for the World Heavyweight Championship match contract signing between champion Daniel Bryan and challenger Wade Barrett, this time flanked by Paul Heyman. Heyman opens up by promoting the match as a dream match after how far both men had came since their arrival in the WWE as part of The Nexus, a faction led by the visionary in his client Wade Barrett. He does note that Barrett could have had Heyman oversee the decision to issue a challenge so suddenly to Daniel Bryan, but as long as he got the job done at the King of the Ring, all would be forgiven. Barrett says that he means no disrespect, but he needs no man to oversee his own career decisions; Heyman was simply there to advocate him, but at the end of the day, he had the final say on what he sought to do. Heyman takes a step back in apparent respect, as Bryan says that Barrett always saw him as lower on the totem pole ever since the two of them came to the WWE. Barrett says it's simply due to the fact he had made Daniel Bryan into what he was today. None of this Yes Movement crap would have been possible had Barrett not recruited Bryan to be a part of Nexus, where his stupidity got him fired and later made him revolt due to him being too weak. Bryan says he can't lie, that helped build the fire that drives him to this day, and now he stood at the top of the mountain, where the lions wanted to claw him off of. He tells Barrett the two have come a long way since 2010, and that at the King of the Ring, Barrett would be in for the fight of his life. As both men sign the dotted line, Barrett says he is the man who knows the most about Daniel Bryan other than Bryan himself in the WWE today, and that knowledge would propel him to doing what he was always meant to, and that is becoming the leader of the WWE into the rest of this generation as its main representative and world champion. WWE Sunday Night Heat June 15th, 2014 OC: Josh Mathews, Byron Saxton and ''The Professor'' Matt Striker
  13. Mayu Iwatani Starlight Kid Queen's Quest Natsupoi Oedo Tai STARS Waka Tsukiyama Hanan & Skye Blue
  14. Mighty Mo Greg Gauge Gino Montero BLITZ Biggins Boys Greg Gauge
  15. Okada Takahashi ZSJ Los Ingobernables KAIRI & Mayu Iwatani Strong Machine J United Empire
  16. ''The Evolution of Seth Rollins'' WWE Monday Night Raw June 9th, 2014 Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island OC: Michael Cole, Renee Young and Joey Styles Rating: B+ The show opens with a recap of The Dirt Sheet's online edition, where The Miz and John Morrison clowned the latter's King of the Ring first round opponent in the maskless Rey Mysterio, before Morrison got serious and told Rey he'd put the Intercontinental Championship on the line and hoped to see shades of the true Rey Mysterio out there. In the ring, Miz comes out for his match with a replacement opponent for former US Champion Alberto Del Rio, and it seems as if Ricardo Rodriguez will take the spotlight, but as it happens his patrón is here and he will compete as originally scheduled, telling Miz that luck won't help him a third time. Backstage, Chris Jericho and Fandango run into the other. The former orders the stupid idiot to get out of his way, while ''The Honorable'' tells Jericho that his dishonor will catch up to him when he least expects it, and he hoped for the most peaceful outcome when that did happen. Jericho scoffs, and tells Fandango there's no bigger dishonor than having a moronic name such as Fandalengo. Or whatever the hell his name is, living off of one fluke win over Chris Jericho. Jericho says he will not allow Whateverthehellango to leech off of his name, if he understands what he is saying to him. Fandango says he wishes not to leech off of anyone, only to build his own reputation in order to better the world with the word of Fandangoing. Jericho sarcastically wishes him good luck with that, and departs. Elsewhere in the back, Jericho runs into his Round of 16 opponent in CM Punk, but the two only share a staredown as Jericho claims he's done for the night. Punk is then approached by Bo Dallas, who tells Punk to watch out for Jericho, as he's become a new man recently, one who could match CM Punk move for move, all because he's started BOlieving! He urges Punk to do the same, Punk staring incredulously at Bo's speech before leaving himself, Bo smiling ear to ear. As Nikki is knocked out, her subordinate sister Brie has a moment of reprieve celebrating with the #1 Contender, all the while Kaitlyn shakes her head at her partner's failures while hoisting up the Divas Championship as she walks out with Stephanie McMahon. Kaitlyn mouths off to Naomi that she'll ''always be number 2 to her 1'', while Naomi signals that she will be the next Divas Champion. John Cena addresses the claims made about him by Alex Riley, Curt Hawkins and Trent Barreta recently, stating that it was a tough choice to make back at Over the Limit and ultimately, yes, he did choose himself. He hopes that Zack Ryder, his friends and family would forgive him for making that decision, and that 9 times out of 10 he would have sacrificed for Ryder. The difference was, he had just come off of the worst year of his career and he just wouldn't allow himself to be dragged into the abyss again. He congratulates Zack on the quick turnaround by winning the TV Championship and moving on in the King of the Ring the past Thursday night on SmackDown, and says he wholeheartedly believes Zack will earn World championship opportunities in the future if he keeps up the hard work. All he had to do was not listen to gold diggers such as Alex Riley, or tortured souls like Kane who wanted to see the world burn. He says he is aware Kane still hadn't let go of his beliefs that Cena will one day embrace the hate, and that at some point he'd have to meet the monster at the onset again. Cena says that now, his full attention is turned to the King of the Ring, and it seemed as if The New Day had also set their sights on him; the blue chipper in Big E would be his next opponent, and Cena would not need a 5 count to show their uprising that he was indeed still John Cena, a man who fought tooth and nail with hustle, loyalty and respect for what he believed in. He says now, what he believes is that he will go all the way and honor Jerry ''The King'' Lawler by becoming the King of the Ring before turning his sights back to being world champion! Round of 16 opponents Cesaro and Sheamus are interviewed by JoJo next, both men presenting plausible arguments as to why they should be considered the favorites to win it all. Regardless, they'd have to get past the other, and they (alongside John Cena and Big E) would be the ones to open the slate of Round of 16 matches next week on the main event of Raw! Big Show appears as Rusev threatens to keep the Accolade locked in on Gabriel and send him to the hospital alongside protege Richie, Lana screaming for Show to get into the ring and meet Rusev in a fair fight instead of delivering a cheap shot. The stalemate remains as the camera cuts to the back, where Richie Steamboat is informed of the match results by the EMTs as they tape his ribs, a clear look of disappointment in the youngster. He's met with a serious glare by...his father Ricky Steamboat! The Dragon tells Richie to finish getting himself taped up before meeting him, because there is much for him to learn still. The unfair fight is made slightly less so as John Cena rushes to the ring, his adrenaline sending Mark Henry flying over the top rope! Now 4 on 3, Woods, Kofi and Big E decide to fight another day, but The Pope is caught by Cena, before being laid out with AA! Cena nods in respect to Styles and Ziggler, but points at the WWE Championship, signaling that after the King of the Ring, he would be coming after it. Renee Young is inside the ring next to interview one of two Shield turncoats in Seth Rollins. I love the real life segment and so I think I can better represent this by just linking that and listing the major differences between that and this one. Safe to say they went similarly. Rollins says he was given a business proposition at Over the Limit that he just couldn't refuse. A mastermind, an architect such as himself should always think about furthering his projects and that proposition promised to pay in spades. The Shield had been his creation, and as such he held the right to destroy it. Rollins says that all he did the previous week was buy into the Evolution of Seth Rollins, but that he was the one double crossed as Triple H instead chose to buy into the stock of Roman Reigns. He says he should have seen it coming, but in a rare moment of weakness as he attempted to welcome the mentorship of the King of Kings, he failed to realize that Hunter and his former business partner in Roman Reigns had both been conspiring against him all along. He says Triple H will find that the bulldog without a leash in Reigns is of no use without the aid of Seth Rollins, nor is Dean Ambrose, who will find himself laid down in a ditch after a couple of weeks. Rollins says that Triple H chose poorly, and he'd do anything in his power to show him that; he feels pity for Triple H wasting his bet on a horse who lost the firepower necessary to operate. He says it's Seth Rollins against the world now, and for one, he doesn't think the world is ready to fight a man who's just gotten rid of the two dead weights that needed his help to achieve any and every accomplishment The Shield shared. He says that anyone intelligent should buy stock in the career of Seth Rollins, because it was about to trend upwards until he was the only one left standing. Rollins is then met by a savage flurry from Dean Ambrose, the former barely being able to escape as Ambrose is left to destroy the interview chairs, head down to ringside and hit Dirty Deeds on Michael Cole! Ambrose points at Rollins and signals a slit throat, shouting that if he'd be thrown in a ditch, he damn well was going to take his ''brothers'' down with him! The final sight of Raw is that of Roman Reigns watching all that's happened backstage in a luxurious locker room alongside Triple H and...Paul Heyman, as Reigns turns to the latter with a cocky smirk. Heyman says he's positive he's bet on the right horse in this race, and we fade to black with Heyman cackling as Reigns retains his smirk. NXT June 11th, 2014 Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida OC: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Eric Bischoff Rating: C+
  17. I'm of the opinion Bianca overall feels quite forced as a babyface, character-wise. She can at least back things up in the ring which is a plus. I disagree completely about Becky's promos being fake, she brings the intensity every time and it helps a lot. Compare that to Bianca who seems she's just reciting lines.
  18. MJF Britt Baker Rami Sebei Jay White Thunder Rosa Cody Rhodes Mount Rushmore
  19. NXT June 4th, 2014 Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida OC: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Eric Bischoff Rating: B- ''God Save The Queen'' WWE Thursday Night SmackDown June 5th, 2014 Fitton Field in Worcester, Massachusetts OC: Josh Mathews, John Bradshaw Layfield and Booker T Rating: B SmackDown again opens with The New Day, with Woods promoting Kofi Kingston as the one and only next worthy challenger for the WWE Championship. He also talks about how Big E would fasttrack his way to notoriety by defeating John Cena in the first Round of 16 match a week from Monday on Raw. ''The Pope'' Elijah Burke then trash talks his King of the Ring first round opponent Zack Ryder as weak and unwilling to do what's necessary to succeed in a dog eat dog world, regardless of the support the church or the New Day as a whole were willing to give him. Ryder then comes out and says all he's ever tried to be was a loyal friend, bro, but people keep pushing him, and they won't like to see what will happen when he snaps. Burke laughs and compares an angry Ryder to a muppet, and says he'll have plenty of opportunity to look stupid as he gets outclassed by the Pope in their match that will also be for the TV title next. An emotional celebration for Zack Ryder is on, as this is the first championship win he's had since that infamous United States Championship reign about 3 years prior! He's met by former partner Alex Riley, who lifts Zack on his shoulders! JBL mentions how it's Riley and not John Cena as the first to come and support Ryder, and at ringside, The New Day is incensed at having lost 2 out of 3 King of the Ring matchups (even if one of them was on purpose), Big E now being their only horse left in the race. Backstage, Hawkins and Barreta are watching, and they are seen nodding at the events. Next, Vickie Guerrero throws an over the top fiesta to welcome her nephew Chavo Guerrero officially back into the WWE! After a few songs and words from Vickie glorifying him as one of the best cruiserweights on the planet and a worthy recipient of Eddie's legacy, Chavo removes the mustaches of all the mariachis in caution which only leads to a few comedic grunts and screams of pain from the extras. Alex Shelley appears directly from the stage, telling Chavo he's seen that move pulled once years ago, plus he's more of a face to face guy. Shelley says the WWE is not the same as it was when Chavo left, now there are faster, stronger, younger and hungrier cruiserweights all around the roster, including himself; he welcomed a veteran challenger, but notes that after the King of the Ring, he'd still be champion. Chavo says it is true that the WWE is different; hell, the man he used to know the most in the company now prances around without his mask and under nothing but self-pity. But he never had to wear a mask to hide his insecurities, he is a Guerrero and he is damn proud of it. And at the King of the Ring, Shelley would find out exactly what it happens when you underestimate a Guerrero. Renee Young interviews Tyson Kidd about his main event King of the Ring first round matchup tonight against former Intercontinental Champion Heath Slater. Kidd says that a fact is, Slater was a fluke champion and everyone in the locker room other than walking sex toy Brad Maddox agreed with him. A fact is, no man associated with the Hart family had won the King of the Ring in over two decades. A fact is, he would break that trend because he is that damn good. He also notes one more fact, his wife Natalya would win the next match in order to become the next #1 Contender and make him proud. Divas Champion Kaitlyn steps into the ring, having performed special commentary for the match. She raises her championship high in the air to an unappreciative Naomi, while at ringside, Tyson Kidd is seen berating Natalya for her failures. Renee is back in the ring with Richie Steamboat and Justin Gabriel next, Richie about to have his King of the Ring First Round match against a mystery opponent. Renee asks Richie just how badly the loss to Rusev at Over the Limit affects him tonight. Richie says he's always been a fighter, even moreso now with the mentorship of the former Intercontinental Champion. He says he's greatly sorry not to have been able to defend the honor of America at Over the Limit, but that no matter who it would be against him, he'd give it his all. OH SH- Richie's mystery opponent is revealed to be SAMOA JOE, who comes out with a brand of intense focus as Josh lists his accomplishments all around the globe! He had been listed as one of the hottest free agents in the business, and he is finally here! Anything can happen at any given moment in the WWE! The Wyatt Family is next shown in their compound, as the patriarch Bray Wyatt explains why none of the four entered themselves into the King of the Ring tournament. He says a crown is to no interest of his, or any of his brothers or sisters; the abstract notion that such a crown would give any human being power that could rival that of a deity is a belief only the most simpleminded of men could put any thought to. Ambitious, yes. But foolish all the same. Bray says the man who wins the King of the Ring will be granted with major recognition and media uproar, but that it would all be such futile in the end. Why? Well, he was hard at work every second of his days since WrestleMania, and it would soon be time to reveal to the world what he was working on. But not a minute too soon, or too late. He did not need nor want the extra attention associated with the tournament, citing his best work as done within the shadows. He warns the next would-be king to be bold enough as to protect his subjects from the wars to come. As for The Usos, his two dearest brothers were looking forward to meeting them again. RUN. The Raw Rebound shows the events that took place this past Monday night, where a double-double cross took place in the form of Seth Rollins believing he was the chosen one to join Triple H's brigade and in turn smacked Dean Ambrose in the back with a chair. However, Roman Reigns was revealed to have been the ace all along, spearing Rollins into oblivion and joining the King of Kings. Josh says that it's been announced that Seth Rollins will have a live interview with Renee Young this Monday on Raw, plus the King of the Ring first round continues. Also, next week on SmackDown, we'd have the first signs of life from AJ Lee since WrestleMania! Stephanie McMahon would welcome AJ back alongside her doctor in order to hold a live prognosis of AJ's mental health, Booker saying this is all sounding very suspicious. World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan has a major celebration with the Worcester fans next. He cites the loss of Batista's career as unfortunate, but a necessary side effect to keeping Daniel Bryan's dreams alive, The Animal having chosen the wrong side to fight on. Bryan says with that, he's got an open card at the King of the Ring, and he was ready to take on any and all comers, preferrably who weren't preoccupied with the tournament so there would be no excuses of fatigue, he wanted to set the bar up high for himself with a classic match next after having grinded out the win against Batista. Wade Barrett is the man to answer the call, coming out on his own without Paul Heyman, Drew McIntyre or any other man he's currently associated with. Barrett says that, as the man who made Daniel Bryan any relevant in his career by bringing him to the WWE with The Nexus, he feels it is his time to return to World championship contention and fulfill his promise to the Queen that he'd represent his great kingdom as the face of the WWE one day. Barrett says Bryan had been insubordinate to the desires of those in power, desires that included Wade Barrett as champion; he sought to be the one to put Bryan out of his misery and ensure he never got to challenge for the titles he never should have been near any longer. Bryan notes how Barrett could only be there because he lost his King of the Ring matchup to Cesaro, while Barrett says it was a split second mistake, one that could have gone the other way; the Bullhammer can strike unannounced at any point in time. Bryan says fair enough, and he guessed he might be forced to run a gauntlet of Hunter's goons, but that Barrett was special. The two of them had come from the same place, cut from the same cloth when it comes to the WWE, yet taken vastly different approaches to their careers after NXT; Bryan had bet on himself and through the grind, he earned the full support of the people, while Barrett kept to trusting joining cliques would lead him anywhere. Bryan tells Barrett he knows he's better than that, and he sincerely hopes he could see it the same way one day. Barrett says he continues finding himself in ''cliques'' due to his great leadership skills, something Bryan does not possess. He was not an adept strategist such as himself, and he was much, much smaller than Wade Barrett, a man who screamed greatness. And so his chances if the two were to meet would be greatly limited. Bryan says he's been smaller than every man who's looked to demean his accomplishments as World Heavyweight Champion, but that there's a fire in him that makes him bigger than any of them come big match situations. And so, at the King of the Ring, it was on; the two former NXT rookies would clash for the World Heavyweight Championship. Bryan extends his hand for Barrett, and the Bareknuckle Brawler accepts, but not before pulling Bryan in for Bullhammer! Barrett puts the fists to a fallen World champion, before Cesaro comes to the save, brawling with Barrett as well before the two are separated! Cesaro stands between Barrett and the ring, where Bryan is groggily trying to get back to his feet, will the Bullhammer strike at the King of the Ring? WWE Sunday Night Heat June 8th, 2014 OC: Josh Mathews, Byron Saxton and Matt Striker
  20. Thank you for the compliments, guys! It was genuinely one of the twists (many more to come along the way ;)) I was most excited to pull off and write about for your enjoyment. Subtle foreshadowing was aplenty, and I hope you guys picked up on the cues and it didn't come TOO much out of nowhere; still good that it was a surprise! My main goal with this double turn was to create reasons for all three of the members to hate each other, rather than the direction they went with in real life separating Roman Reigns entirely from the feud right away. That doesn't work for me brother. And I also didn't want to copy real life in Seth Rollins being the brass' darling; to me, it would have made just as much sense if the golden boy in Roman Reigns, the one Hunter and Stephanie would like running the show as a final favor to the legacy of Vince McMahon, was the chosen one. It also made a lot of sense to me that the cocky Rollins would not see the double cross coming since his head is too far up his ass. I knew I didn't want Ambrose in that role since the dude is the babyfaciest babyface who's ever babyfaced when he's got set goals to accomplish (even though I would LOVE to read someone else's project where they explore the possibility of Ambrose being the one who turns!). So it all just connected. I could have just...not done a turn this soon as well, which I considered. But this conflict, no matter when it'd begin, was always supposed to be one of the driving forces towards the endgame of the overall narrative. So might as well build on it as much as possible. I hope you guys enjoy my take on a proper feud between all three sides of the Shield. You know there will be hell to pay for all sides involved. NXT, SD and Heat coming right up! EDIT: I do have to add that I have ONE regret pulling this off, however...and that is, it completely overshadows the Jericho turn! That is definitely unfortunate, at least in my point of view. I always craved writing '08-10 heel Jericho (or akin to that) so I basically turned him for that vanity project and because he was going nowhere as a face fast. In retrospect I wish I could have delayed his turn so it'd get the proper shine it deserves.
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