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Everything posted by Morti

  1. If I book the whole company by myself instead of just one brand then yes I do, because it all becomes too overwhelming together
  2. I will use a lot of time to mainly explore the CVerse and the new features! I always find that to be incredibly fun.
  3. Guess I have to use that, just hope it doesnt hurt the match rating too much
  4. In the death of WCW Raven starts as a face, and that is the mod I am using! Will most likely turn in the future. For now he is more as a face tweener, cool face sort of deal. And thank you for predicting! I will have a lot of fun with this anyways but predictions really add to it!
  5. Predictions for KOTR 2001 in my save Just made a bracket for my KOTR 2001 tournament on Challonge and noticed there is a possibility to open up for predictions! There is both a winner's and loser's bracket, so a pretty huge tournament for the 16 men involved. The winner will recieve a world championship oppurtunity. Heels and faces with seeding in brackets: Heels: Triple H (1), Christian(8), William Regal(9), Big Show(5), Mike Awesome(15), Edge(7), Rhyno(14) Faces: Eddie(16), The Undertaker(4), Matt Hardy(13), Jeff Hardy(12), Chris Benoit(2), Goldust(10), Chris Jericho(3), Kane(6), Raven(11) So if yall want then predict away! https://challonge.com/KOTR01Morti
  6. I got Randy Bumfhole to 95 pop doing a ravishing gimmick, I would call that a huge improvement to his stock from the start! I always liked Randy more than Zimmy and happy I got him to that level.
  7. Short question, need an answer quickly. Is there any way to make someone leave the match midway through? I know there is a midway addition but cant find an option to have someone go away.
  8. Good match ratings for significant enough squashes? Hey, I just have a question after watching a few of Goldberg`s matches recently in WWE and early in his run in WCW, and that is; is it possible to have matches with wrestlers like him that are short and exciting with great match ratings? Or will you always be capped because of the game mechanics? His sub 2 minute squash of Lesnar at Survivor Series 2016 was so effective, yet as a Main event in TEW it would get like a 53 at max. Any way to mend this? Would a menace angle after the match be enough? I just hope and wish for there to be a possibility to do good ratings with a gimmick like Goldberg’s! Thanks for help <3
  9. Predictions: BLOCK C Findlay vs Billy Russell Greg Gauge vs Connor Threepwood for the MAW Championship Donnie J vs Rudy Velasquez Grandmaster Phunk vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith BLOCK D Bradford Peverell vs Al Coleman Ford Gumble vs Frantic Ali Tigre Salvaje vs Harry Allen Fox Mask vs Acid II
  10. Yes! Agreed. That adds to my thoughts, and how I think it should be. But I think mods fail to do this maybe because they think bumping first. Also Teemu, thats fair and maybe something I should consider doing myself more even with all the extra work.
  11. If this is the case then I do think that some people who excels the body language and facial expressions but struggle with bumping are rated wrongly in some real life mods, again people like Regal and Cena.
  12. I get that's part of it yeah, but again may be difficult to put into psychology with young "green" wrestlers who show emotion well but aren't considered nowhere close an in ring general. Take again young Cena for example. I also fully recognise that I may be overthinking this fully and I know you can't have a stat for every little thing but I just feel that this difference is of importance.
  13. I had a psychological thought recently, and that is the difference between selling and bumping and that it is not really represented in TEW. Take as an example William Regal, who at his peak was a good if not great bumper, but an absolutely amazing seller of pain for his whole career, his facial expressions were great at showing how painful the moves inflicted on him supposedly felt. But since selling is one stat in TEW this, to me, important differentiation isn't shown. I would put Regal in the low 80's at his peak for pure bumping skill, while I would put his selling in the upper 90's (yes I am serious with this). For a more severe difference I propose the case of a young John Cena, who in mods from 2003-2010 always has low selling, which in term of bumping I totally agree with. But in terms of showing emotion in the ring, selling injuries and showing true pain in his face for submissions, it was clear that Cena really got what selling a move truly meant. This however won't be shown in TEW's selling stat. I would say a young Cena would have from 50's to 60's in a bumping stat while a high 70's to mid 80's in a selling stat. I know there is a "acting" stat in TEW of course, but am unsure of this having any effect in matches, and acting in an angle is not the same thing as selling a move in a match, so don't think they should be spliced either. Has this been discussed in our community before? Have I missed something? Or am I just completely wrong? Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  14. Always been SWF, sorry boys but I love me some casual sports ent gameplay haha. I always turn off risque tho cause I hate making SA angles welp
  15. <p>Hey! Could someone put a flashy Ric Flair esque robe on this Randy Bumfhole render? <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="sa6BxVJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sa6BxVJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Would be greatly appreciated, thanks!</p>
  16. GAW Tag Team Title Match The Southern Stars vs The Ring Generals© GAW Championship Match “The Hawaiian Hammer” Molokai Milk vs “Pretty Boy” Ozzie Stein© w/Eric Tyler Main Event WrestleBowl Battle Royal Winner Receives a shot at the GAW Championship! Ash Campbell, Bret Heartbreak, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Cali Slick, Danger Man, Dante, Ernest Youngman, Herbert Allen, Primus Allen, Killer Clarkson, Hustle Muvva, Jake Idol, Kip Keenan, Kodiak Jack, Masked Stranger, Mutant, Ox Butcher, Ricky Tuner, Riley McManus, Scythe
  17. This seems very interesting! I am excited
  18. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smw88" data-cite="smw88" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41339" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> My take on Mikey James</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="8hUqX8y.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8hUqX8y.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="B9ywDQA.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/B9ywDQA.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="2Uvglg7.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2Uvglg7.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> *tried two different lights as worried first was too dark (although I still like it)</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> THANK YOU</p>
  19. I haven't really find one, but does anyone know of a Mikey James alt with Demon Finn Balor face paint on him? I think that'd look really cool!
  20. Created a stable with Gargantuan, Annihilius and Prometheus with Emma Chase as their mouthpiece, good ideas for a name? Currently they are called Chase Greatness but I dont know if I'm all the way happy with it. And also a tag team with Jay Chord and Jefferson Stardust! They just got excellent chem
  21. I'm catching up and must say, great shows you're putting out!
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