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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. Here are some of the pairings: SPOILERS








    *Chris Jericho mentoring Wade Barrett.


    *Matt Hardy mentoring Justin Gabriel.


    *MVP mentoring Skip Sheffield.


    *Carlito mentoring Michael Tarver.


    *Miz mentoring Daniel Bryan (aka Bryan Danielson) - No, really.


    *Christian mentoring Heath Slater.


    • CM Punk and Darren Young


    Other coaches include R-Truth, and Morrison. The show is also scheduled to run 16 weeks long and will be teams of heels vs faces

  2. Cappy, JW, I just added him to my ignore list :) I dont need to see cussing and name calling in a childish abusive manner time after time.


    Was anyone else dissapointed by the big news conference though? I was expected them to throw in at least something small since the move to Monday nights was far from a secret to anyone thats been remotley following them since Hogan took over.

  3. Problem is they dont have anyone else they've been marketing and they dont want Brown to fight for the belt already. Is Faber super deserving? Maybe not, but who else is?


    I think they have done a decent job of building themselves though, for awhile WEC was only Urijah, then they built up Mike Brown to be legit, now Aldo is, Henderson and Cerrone are becoming more popular, overall I like what they are doing and I will admit I am surprised by their success since they cut down their divisions.

  4. I liked when Sabin was on his own competing for the X division title and I thought Shelly as the paparazzi was great and it seems like his charisma carry's Sabin's lack of. I saw Shelly live twice and he is the most live charismatic worker I have ever seen (includes Jericho who lots of people credit) his playing to the crowd, actions, facial expressions, all when he isnt even in the ring, everything is awesome. Just wish he was bigger size wise so he could main event.


    But i know MCMG have gotten over and lots of people like them, thats just my personal preference :)

  5. You know what annoys me about TNA?


    Their recent and utter lack of Scott Steiner. So what if he's a way over the hill steroid junkie? He cut the best promos in wrestling history.


    Where would we be without his math promo, the "I'm Hungry" promo, or him reminding us about Hiro-Jima and the time The Pearl Harbor bombed the Germans.


    The 100% cut ties with him I think last week I read (or the week before)

  6. Seriously dude, if you just want to argue with people that will reach no end go take it into the WWE thread. I got sucked in early as others have but its not fair to the people talking about TNA. Your responses are getting more heated as it goes on including taking shots at one legged people which means the thread is probably on the verge of being closed which I dont think people talking about TNA want.


    I don't like the move to Monday night but I understand why they are doing it. They know they aren't going to knock WWE off but they are hoping the "war" will generate ratings and get them to the point they can make money off their shows. However WWE is trying not to acknowledge them at all but TNA keeps poking hoping WWE will mention them which will help TNA more than hurt since the people that dont know TNA wil go online and look them up the moment Vince talks about them in a press conference/release

  7. White Rapper Cena would have been huge in the attitude era, he was somewhat controversial when he first did it (remember the parking lot match with Eddie for the U.S. title that made him? yeah, WWE doesn't do those matches anymore) imagine if they actually let him try to be offending as the rapper gimmick, did i love it? is he my favorite? of course not, but as everyone is saying, the evidence is there he would have succeeded, good mic work, good look/physique, he would have fit right in.
  8. You bring up a good point about the tag division and how weak it is which is why I think they brought in the Nasty Boyz. It's unfortunate since it used to be their strong point. I think its pretty clear too that Morgan and Hernandez aren't a long term team.


    BTW, why is Morgan packaged so dumb with his little robe with genes on it, and the blue print? I've hated that since they gave it to last year. hes big, make him some sort of vigilante taking heels out! And carbon foot print? (if thats what it is)

  9. It was an alright show, better than last weeks. If they end up unmasking Abyss in the long haul I think most of us will be upset.


    Wasn't surprised at all by Hogan (hes the face of the company they werent going to turn him heel when you have Bischoff) however i wouldnt be surprised if they did it at a later date, meaning this gives them an excuse to hire Hall and Waltman now "come on Hulk sign them so we can face them in a real match (Angle & Nash)"


    I actually liked the tag match with Wolfe/Hernandez/Angle/Anderson only thing I didnt like about it was I thought Hernandez looked like he didnt belong with those guys.


    Pope/Jordan, not huge fans of both but dont understand the Pope/Jordan storyline. Forgive me if my time table is off but, two weeks ago you have Jordan beat Pople b/c of a knee, last week you have Pople beat the champ cleanly, then this week you have Pope beat Jordan to "get revenge" but it got him into the tournament so its not like they will be facing each other at the PPV, I could see them having Jordan interfere maybe but then once again, what was the point of him beating Styles if he is put back down the card to feud with Jordan? (who I despise)


    X-Division match was decent, that rolling german is sweet, havent seen it before. would like to see them use the british stable more though.


    Overall decent like I said, really really really wish some of the old TNA stuff was around now that its getting attention (Team Canada, Petey Williams, The Naturals, AMW, Raven i get he's old but his segments were always interesting)

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