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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. Just watched the DVR and I liked it. Danielson/Jericho was actually really good but like I've thought for awhile I think his size will keep him down long term.


    Liked Slater, he seems fun and broke typical cookie cutters of recent rookies I think he would fit right in as a midcarder right now even without a lot of pushing. I think if they actually gave him room and a push he could do really well (not hyping main event but def IC title for sure, maybe winning MITB)


    Didnt like Young getting squashed but hopefully means good things for Ortenga (sp) didnt like Wade Barrett either, seriously a bare knuckled brawler perfect english man with the accent? yeah, believable. Also didnt like the one guys MMA gloves but I liked his KO character so hopefully they lose the gloves.


    Overall I liked how most of the pairs had storylines and as of now think its a good way to bring in new talent since hopefully by the end of the first season the stand out(s) will have shaken the "rookie" tag. Only thing that worries me is the one hour show, I actually wanted it to go two hours which is something I havent said about ECW in...well i dont think i ever wanted that, so hopefully it doesnt turn into a car crash trying to fit everyone in or w/people getting left out the get lost for good.

  2. I would def enjoy a WWE brand dedicated to cruiserweights (to replace NXT when it fails) but it would be a waste of WWE's time with those workers unable to consistently main event in the future.


    Low Ki's "strong style" has always been great and his old TNA matches were awesome he just doesn't fit the WWE's product which is why he hasnt gotten a push after all these years, unfortunately its the same reason alot of hot indy tag teams havent got the WWE call since theyre considered "too small"

  3. I see what you mean and agree but its just no a sports entertainment approach which we have 100% grown into. I would love to see a match end on a superplex every now and then instead of a minute of lying on the mat but we all expect the superplex to be followed by The Pedigree and if its not the match comes off as having a lame finish.


    Also have the multiple finish thing but during an angle one superkick or something and they are out for 5 minutes and cant even roll over to get the out out of their face :p

  4. I dont necessarily mean he will win a title but he is still in the upper part of the division and has his legacy. If Cain would have lost everyone would be talking about how he cant fight top fighters and will get pushed down the card.


    Nog has pretty big holes in his game if he can't rely on being impossible to knock out.


    Care to enlighten what these big holes are?

  5. I agree with everyone talking about Cain, if he would have lost he would have been tossed aside, however he is now the #1 or 2 contender according to Dana and Nog is still Nog, so really all he would need is two more wins (possibly even one) and hes back to being ready for a title shot.
  6. Who do you guys think will win the chamber matches?


    IDK, I thought the choice was obvious when they first annoucned them but I dont think so.


    On RAW...


    It appers Cena will face batista at WM as part of the whole Bret thing so that wont be a title match so Cena is out.


    Orton seems pretty involved with Legacy so I dont really see him doing it.


    I didnt think they would have Shamus headlining WM as the champion but who else would he feud with since thats all he has going?


    I see either Shamus or Triple H winning then fighting each other at WM


    On SD!...


    Thought Jericho might win it before to feud with Edge but the Edge vs. Jericho is strong enough I think they can delay Jericho getting the title and have Edge challenge for it at WM then feud with Jericho after the win (or loss) he is also part of NXT, which means he will be spending even a little bit of time on the show. This could be a plus or a negative, on the plus side, the young worker would get to work with the WWE champion, on the negative side, it may give Jericho too much to feud on since if he wins it will probably be him vs Edge ad WM, however having a protege could help him cheat his way to winning


    I dont see Taker winning as it looks like he will face HBK at WM and that doesnt really need to be a title match and I dont see Taker ending his streak before he retires as he only has another one or two of them and putting over HBK doesnt do anything. Taker is dominant and rarely does someone get a clean win over him, I see this being WWE's way of getting the title off him without hurting him.


    R-Truth wont win


    Punk, Morrison, Mysterio. Its kind of a toss up between them.


    Punk has a lot of momentum being the leader of his own "stable" and he has feuded with everyone not being stuck on someone so I could see them giving him another run, and considering he is a heel and Edge is a face that could be a good WM match.


    Morrison has been getting pushed a lot recently and its clear they dont want him in the IC picture or he would be facing McIntyre for it since they had a good feud. I could see him being a transitional champion since getting that one World title would elevate him, plus he has the DVD and has been doing alot of media for it and could be mainstream (appearing on Good Morning America or something where others cant) but I think his shot is the slimmest of the three.


    Mysterio has been in the title picture but has been unable to pull it off and they have hyped that, winning would give him a big "I finally did it" boost and eventhough him and Edge are faces I think it would be okay since Edge would play heel for the match "sorry man, but I gotta do it" and then feud with Jericho.


    SD pick Punk or Mysterio

  7. My problem is anytime I see him I think "Hey, its the loser from the Real world and other reality tv shows" not, "hey its a WWE wrestler" doesnt matter what your background is, its how your perceived. People were bodybuilders, sweet, I never knew them as that.


    It's like if Pacman Jones became a fulltime wrestler, I would never see him as a WWE wrestler, I would see him as the guy that briefly played football before f'ing things up.

  8. Overall good show, quick break down like I've been doing to share my thoughts but keep it readable :p


    - Pope/ AJ: Flair and Pope mic battles are/will be good but I think they make AJ look like the third wheel. Also dont think Pope's ready to be feuding with AJ but on the other hand I like they are pushing home growns (Elijah never really counted)


    -Jordan/Joe: Not much needs to be said, they are clearly doing something with Joe but did he really need to lose cleanly to Jordan? I think losing to someone like Pope or Daniels or even a returning Kazarian would have been better


    -MCMG/ Generation Me, etc: Good match, really glad Kazarian is back as he is a favorite.


    - Abyss/Jarrett: I actually thought this was one of the best TNA matches I've seen in awhile and made up for the Foley/Nash hardcore match. JJ is still fighting the man so we will see where that goes.


    OMG, Rhyno, Homicide, Raven? Didnt even know they were still with the company, Raven hasnt been in TNA for 2 years. Looks like they are Bischoffs little goons so we'll see.


    -Abyss: Wel...I'm glad it seems he will go back to being the monster, just at the cost of him being so dumb he believes its due to a ring, I liked where they were going with it until then.


    -Invasion/beer money: Good for what it was, was never a fan of beer money or the british invasion workers but it looks like we are heading toward a good Global title feud so thumbs up.


    - Daniels/Angle: Man did Angle win quick. His speech was a little long but it go the crowd over so thumbs up, however I didnt like the brawl. I thought for sure Anderson was going to swing the mic at Kurt when he got close enough (to cheat) instead he basically beat Kurt in a straight up fist fight but cant be too picky I guess.


    Nash, etc.: Dont mean this in a bad way for E.Y. but man did he look small next to Nash! And I dont really care about a storyline where one out of four people has had a match in two months so w/e, Hall and Waltman have closed out about half the impacts now it seems since January


    womens division: as i said before im not a big womens division fan but liked Daffney being psycho at the end (better than the same old) however no beautiful after gettin so much time last month? unless i missed them (which is very possible)


    Overall Rating: 7.5/10, it was good, cant be too picky and there were only a few "errors"

  9. With Shawn's injuries I dont see him wrestling post WWE, if he wants just a part time manager or something role I imagine WWE will be glad to keep him on in that regard. When Taker hangs it up I expect him to take some time off, realize he's bored, then become a backstage road agent since he's so well respected.


    RVD however, will hopefully go to TNA, I also expect at least one of the guys that gets fired after being on NXT to end up in TNA by the end of the year

  10. Do you seriously think for a minute it will non scripted or real? Do you still think reality shows are real? WWE is investing way to much money to leave anything to chance just like other TV producers. I imagine the whole concept will be "These are new guys trying to make it to RAW or SD!" instead of just, "hey, look at our new workers...um... please like them and buy their merchandise!" like normal.
  11. Where do you guys think these 8 FCW'ers will land in WWE...

    Bryan Danielson(Daniel Bryan)-

    Skip Sheffield(Ryan Reeves)-

    Heath Slater-

    David Otunga-

    Darren Young-

    Justin Gabriel(Justin Angel)-

    Wade Barrett-

    Michael Tarver-


    I think after the first season half will stay and half will go, I dont see them keeping everyone but they also wont want to let go of most of the people or will make NXT look bad and most likely get the show cancelled (as Sy Fy is quite unhappy with the ECW rating and NXT needs to up them)

  12. So who is ki's "mentor" going to be? They said truth is going to be one. If it is truth it is going to be epic. triple x vs three live crew was a good feud in tna. Now Ki will have to be teamed up with him. Classic.


    R-Truth is mentoring Otunga, I dont think they mentioned who Ki (Kaval) will be. Guess they are saving some for next week or he didnt make the first season. It said online they were going to have 12 teams but decided on 8.


    Also, William and Jackson are heading to SD! so no "mentor" role for Regal

  13. I actually am looking forward to this. I haven't watched ECW in forever so atlesat this will peak my interest.


    As far as the whole reality thing and FCW, remember the majority of WWE's target market doesnt even know what FCW is (or care enough to be bothered) so they can do w/e they want with it. I bet we will get atleast one start out of it, theyre throwing so many people to you at once someone has to hit that they didnt screw up...don't they? (fingers crossed)

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