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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. <p>haven't scene but by reading the recaps this was some of the worst crap on a PPV in a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

    I think we all knew the Wolfpac thing was coming but were pleading it not to.</p><p> </p><p>

    Then WTF is with this hole? Is it a metaphor for Impacts booking?</p><p> </p><p>

    Remember when the destination X match was cool? Remember when people said this PPV was mainly going to focus on high action and the X division?</p><p> </p><p>

    Needless to say I wont even bother DVR'ing Impact tomorrow, I'll catch the replay if I'm bored, sick of trying to figure this crap out.</p>

  2. <p>cant wait to see a picture of Vera's eye/head. At the end of the fight before the official decision he had a massive lump poppin out so wanna see what actually is goin on there.</p><p> </p><p>

    JDS def strong performance as everyone keeps saying, Gonzaga isn't really impressive as the only thing he seems to have going is the Cro Cop KO. Has the same problem as Gurgel wanting to stand and KO people out, look where that got him.</p><p> </p><p>

    Was Howard the only prelim shown or did I miss one? If that was the only one I am shocked they showed that one instead of hyping Schaub.</p>

  3. It's actually a REALLY solid card, it just lacks that big star appeal main event to be a PPV but I would love to be there.


    I agree on all the picks, BH has a point about Irvin but I loved that knee that dropped fat Martin so I'm a fan,if he is actually healthy his injuries shouldn't be a problem of course but most guys seem to rush back then a few fights later admit they weren't 100%


    Matyushenko and Guida are def. good and I hope they make it on TV. Guida isn't a KO artist though so I dont know about the KO part which could hurt the fight from being on TV. I actually met his brother (yes that one) at a bar/restaurant outside Chicago where I guess Clay is also known to have gone to for the fights before.


    I will also be pulling for Ludwig, Howard, and Schaub, this is probably one of the best prelims I have seen in a long time from the UFC IMO, 111 also has a very solid prelim (including the Spike bouts)

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Linsolv" data-cite="Linsolv" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I changed my mind about you, Jester! Then again, that wasn't an argument. That was me finding out where your avatar came from.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I decided to be nice as I have steered away from stuff as of late. I</p>
  5. He hasn't really been pushed solid in a while and given a chance to work a great strong style match. The matches between Joe/Styles/Daniels were a great American version of strong style wrestling and were intense. Now the matches on TV are 5 minutes long and usually not taken seriously/gimmicky. (Nastys w/Jimmy Hart actually in the match and winning, Beer Money vs Jarret, vs Hernandez, Love vs daffney, RVD vs Sting, Flair and Hogan in the ring, just pulling these from two weeks)


    On a side note, like it or not, this is why I actually enjoyed NXT on Tuesday b/c it was basically all matches and its been a long time since I've seen 30 minutes (or so) of matches that weren't a joke (on either TNA or RAW)

  6. <p>They changed their mind on Wednesday (I think, not Tuesday but no 100%) their reasoning was last weeks rating did so well Spike wanted to show it again but I think alot more of it has to do with Monday's rating being .8 since Spike as "major" movies in their time slot for the upcoming weeks. However more people will probably have watched Impact than Predator</p><p> </p><p>

    I wouldn't be surprised if it got a 1.0 beating Monday. The move to Monday was purely to gain some hype, everyone in the company knows they arent going to get a 3.7 rating and "beat" RAW as TNA Hardcore's say "OMFG Impact is going to beat RAW! Well maybe not now, but in a year totally!"</p><p> </p><p>

    I honestly didn't see anything wrong with their Thursday time slot, a lot of people watch RAW on Monday then TNA on Thursday. Time will tell if they can pull people away from RAW and make it in a Monday time slot ( I'd say they need to pull of 1.5's consistently by December to consider it a success) otherwise what was the point?</p><p> </p><p>

    I think the "time" excuse is hilarious to me though, Dixie pulls that card out all the time. TNA has been on Spike TV for awhile now and in their two hour slot since late 07, any casual wrestling fan that would look into other wrestling options has probably heard of them and checked them out at least once and plain and simply do not like them enough to keep watching. Spike's size isn't an issue either as some point out since RAW was getting about the same ratings on Spike as they are now.</p>

  7. I agree Hogan is a huge problem. For anyone new (or old) who has checked them out at either the January 4th show or last monday has grown sick of seeing him so much. it isnt even him though, what if WWE used John Cena in every storyline and was on tv for 45 minutes out of the two hours? people would get sick of that too. and really, does Hogan even have drawing power anymore? Last monday, were old WCW/ECW or casual WWE fans really excited that Hogan was wrestling or on tv? their first reaction was probably the same as most of ours, "isn't he almost 60?"
  8. I think the real issue for TNA is there are no Thursday replays scheduled for the next few weeks so the excuse of people watching RAW then Impact on Thursday doesn't work and could cost them some viewership. Also the DVR thing will undoubtly get kicked around but people DVR lots of shows and a big part of DVR is skipping commericals which the sponsors don't like so they cant say sure only .8 (just cuz its the most recent) but 2.0 would have been the rating if people didnt DVR it and I'm sure those people didnt skip your commercials!


    There will be excuses every week but there ratings weren't special on Thursday and its of course to early to judge the long term on Monday but no matter what they are going to have to draw. Austin is an excuse, WWE to WM is an excuse, summertime and people outside is an excuse, baseball season starting is an excuse, Monday night football is an excuse, they go year round.

  9. Instead of posting my review of the show here like I have been doing I decided to create a blog thing where I will just post the link and show score (I actually created a system now) for anyone that cares. Agree, disagree, think I'm smart, think I'm an idiot, it's all the same to me, I just like recapping the shows.




    Show Score: 35 out of 55, 63%

  10. b/c his promo was going nowhere, or b/c the fans were booing him and he punched himself in the head to show it was real (yes seriously that is apparentley what Flair needs to do cut a promo)...the segment was actually good except for Flair, AJ and Hardy's heat was going well and the black out to show the face paint was a real nice touch. More on the show later.
  11. Andy Douglas has apparently retired, too bad as I liked the Naturals and wouldn't have begrudged them another run.


    They're my favorite tag team in a long time. I miss them :( saw them live twice and Chase is a real intense worker, came out with all sorts of marks on him both times so props for that and telling people they can go all out on you

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