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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. He barely had a spot on RAW lately !


    That's why he was one of the ones I said would win, he hasn't done much then they interview him during Kofi's match, we all knew Christian wouldn't win despite most picking him b/c WWE has not put him in the Main Event scene before and probably won't. Everyone is surprised but seriously else was a legit threat? No one stood head and shoulders above the others.


    Do I see Swagger winning the title? No, I think one of two things will happen.


    - He challenges Cena after a match, Cena being Mr. WWE beats him weak and all showing how great he is.


    - Mr. Anderson situation where Swagger loses the MITB to someone after getting ****y (possibly Orton now that the legacy feud may be done?)

  2. It wasn't a shock win to me, and its not a spoiler since its already happened, if people dont want to know who is winning the matches then dont read the WWE thread on the biggest night of the year.


    Its not shocking to me b/c the only TV hes really had is doing the interview ringside about the match which is why it was one of the people I said I thought could win since there wasnt one dominant hott rising superstar

  3. Question: Did you feel ripped off, or was it value for money. I think we're far too kind to the UFC here in the UK simply because we don't have to drop $55 on each card...


    Yes and no. Yes because its a lot of money, but the only other PPV we've ordered in the past year was 100 for GSP since my gf likes him, and she was pretty upset all places were full but by the first take down of the GSP she was laughing, so it was worth it :)


    And if your hear more from him than he says in interviews you will have to post what he thought about the takedowns and his inability to stop them after training for them all these months.


    I watched UFC 111 live and I have to say that it's a great shame that Mir lost... GSP showed once again why I hate LnP...


    Unfortunately I knew that is what people would say, how exactly is GSP's style LnP though? The fight was never once stood up due to inactivity. He was constantly passing guard, trying subs, getting his back, postured up in the later rounds (didnt really land anything), when I think of LnP I think of something like the last Lesnar Mir fight where he just laid on Frank punching not even attempting to pass guard or improve position just confident in knowing eventually those shots would land, kinda like Big Country.


    Palhares' heelhook got him suspended for 90 days by the way. I don't think it was intentional or anything but heelhooks mess you up really badly so he probably should have let go once the taps came. Where was the ref in all this?


    This. I like Rogan alot but he was being a real A$$ to that guy. Why should he let go just because the guy is tapping? Shouldn't he wait until the ref comes over and stops the fight? Rogan doing his counting, what a jack a$$ thing to do, it took the ref 3/4 seconds to get over there then he held on for an extra second after the ref was tapping him. Did he hold it too long? Yes, but not the length Rogan implied (and of course since he is the UFC's voice his word is God) then of course the guy is injured which makes it worse, but leg locks do that to ya, if he hadn't been injured and been a choke instead it wouldn't have been a big deal


    I think this highlighted why GSP has trouble finishing guys, he's much more committed to positional dominance than finding submissions or hitting hard. No one's ever going to beat him but he's never going to finish really tough guys.


    Once again, this. I think this fight really showed his struggle to finish fights which as I said disapointed me b/c now it will be labeled a boring lnp fight. Yes Hardy did a good job escaping the two subs but what about all those chokes GSP didn't sink in? What about barely landing any hits? Yes he is a dominating grappler but I think stuff like this hurts his legacy of being the greatest PnP when you have other guys out there finishing fights in the first round (or second), I mean some people considered Tito a somewhat LnP but he could finish fights from there by strikes which GSP really needs to learn apparentley, 4 out of his last 6 weren't by finish, I dont include Penn 2 as a finish since he had to quit after the 4th

  4. Second post/edit, it was a little sloppy so excuse the beers.


    just wanted to clarify how I am not really dissapointed by GSP, I just really wanted a finish to shut up his haters who say he has a weak chin (for getting TKO'd once) and is a boring lay n' prayer, and I never thought I would say this but I want GSP/BJ 3 just to see a challenge, Alves= Zero challenge, Hardy= Zero Challenge, Kos or Daley= Zero challenge, and we all know Anderson is just too big physically (I read he walks around at 215-200) and White himself has said this.

  5. Overall I enjoyed it. All three of the local places I go were standing room only (when I arrived at 9:30-10) so that sucked, so my gf and I came home with some beers and ordered it.


    Fitch- pretty much what I expected, however I think a finish would have helped him more, especially considering Saunders was a replacement.


    Palegrino(sp?)- Never really liked him but dropping the guy on his head was sick, and great choke, loved his enjoyment as I loike when guys when happy when they win instead of always acting like bad ass's


    Carwin/Mir- Wow, did Carwin surprise Mir with those uppercuts. I was expected more dirty boxing on the cage then bam bam bam. BTW, WTF was with the ref? Seriously Mir was out like three times. he was def. out when he was leaning against Carwin then fell to his knees, then he was getting his head punched in as Mir's instincts were kicking in to just reach out and grab, then when he was totally flat the ref was like him hmm, Mir isn't moving, why dont you punch him 7 times. Gosh. Hopefully Lesnar/Carwin is good, I want to see if Lesnar can toss around Carwin on the ground, btw, I know Carwin cut weight and Lesnar didnt but he looked HUGE in thate cage.


    GSP- My man but sorry I was dissapointed. I've been a fan since the first Hughes fight (since thats when I started to dislike Hughes) but heres how I see the breakdown


    Takedowns= A+++ what was he 8 for 8 with only one struggle? God embarrasing for hardy.


    Ground and Poud= E, has GSP never heard this term? He only threw elbows in the third (i think)


    subs= B, he had him those two times but why didnt he go for me? hardy wasnt doing crap


    So he dominated, good for him, I think we all expected it, but unfortunately GSP haters will just say he is boring and a lay and prayer eventhough he used various takedown maneuvers, had great balance and ground control, just really wanted him to rip Hardy's arm right off since he wouldn't tap. As Goldberg would say, Who's Next!?


    Final note, I hope GSP gets on the same card as Lesnar/Carwin. I hightly doubt it will happen, but I can at least throw that out as hope can't I? :p

  6. I hope yes. I don't know the "twists" and "turns" of the feud, but isn't it just that Shawn Michaels is obsessed with breaking Taker's streak, not like he hates him or wants to kill him etc.?


    He isn't obsessed with the Streak, he is just obsessed with beating Taker since Taker beat him last year at WM and as Shawn said he wrestled a perfect match except for the end so its hard for him to imagine he can't beat him. His original plan was to win the Royal Rumble since that would guarantee him a match with Taker (if he kept the belt) and since his plan failed and Taker wouldn't just give him a match he cost him the belt to piss him off causing Taker to want revenge but as Taker mentioned, he HBK wins he also breaks Taker's streak, hence the career stipulation since if Taker won he wouldn't be getting anything (no title and he's already beaten HBK once so he had nothing to prove) so I agree a fun stipulation could have made it even bigger like HIC since there are no other stipulations and would have been a great Main event with the cage coming down after all the titles have been decided, which someone said they already tried but it wouldn't work in the arena (if its true, don't doubt the poster, more the source) b/c looking back the two didnt have a whole lot going on after the match was finally accepted

  7. Actually now that you mention it, there really are not any gimmick matches for such a big show, i.e. even last man standing and with them makig their PPV whole gimmick PPV's you think they would like to plug gimmick matches.


    Somewhat off topic, but when Undertaker's retired (which seems soon) how long do you guys think until WWE brings in a new undead type character? They've tried a few variations but as long as Taker is with the company a new undead guy will never get over fully but the Taker gimmick has been so popular you know they will have to try again when he's gone

  8. Seriously? These guys won't get their act straight. :D


    I see what you did there...


    I wouldn't have a problem with the Bi thing if they did it right but WWE started to do it and failed and this angle looks as stupid on tv as reads then just...wow.


    This is how I would do it, take it leave hate w/e.


    first, I dont think it should be so obvious that he is bi, dancing kinda iffy giving cute smiles and winks, plus its rumored his life style helped get him fired from the 'E then he had pictures on MySpace making out with guys, so the cats already out of the bag.


    Second, have him actually on TV and winning, then have his "friends" be on TV with him, and dont have it be a guy so stereotyped and out there.


    Third, instead of focusing around OJ, have the friends fight for his attention over a couple of weeks, i.e. leaving the arena with one, hugging one after a win and not the other, etc. etc.


    Fourth, have the friends have a match with OJ as the guest ref, there are two ways you can then go, either the girl or guy wins and he embraces them


    Fifth, since this is a bi storyline to begin with, we assume in step 4 he picks the guy, you can then have a wrestler attack him for his "choices" and then they feud, giving the whole bi thing an actual lead in purpose to something else.


    Is it perfect? No, I've said before when I talk about booking I dont claim to be awesome. However I think this way provides some entertainment while focusing on the wrestler instead of him being Bi and wouldn't come across offensive to either side, and lets be honest, since this whole thing is to create controversy you know its going to be offensive

  9. I would cut...



    Amazing Red- with all his runs they've yet to make me care about him

    Brian Kendrick- useless as he is, bring in London as a tag and he can stay

    Brutus Magnus- he is the lone wolf of the Invasion angle


    Dr. Stevie

    Eric Bischoff- him being on TV isn't drawing as much hype as he is being paid

    Eric Young- sorry bud your times run out, too many gimmicks and hes a nothing now

    Generation Me- hate them.

    Hulk Hogan- him being on TV isn't drawing as much hype as he is being paid

    Jay Lethal- his macho man thing has run its course

    Jesse Neal

    Jimmy Hart


    Nasty Boys

    Scott Hall

    Sean Waltman

    Shannon Moore

    Shark Boy

    Suicide #3 and charcter, it was only there to promote the game

    Tomko, just a big jobber and is probably getting paid too much for it

    Shawn Stasiak

    Ken Doane


    Bold= future signings



    Christy Hemme

    Daffney (have a feeling she will be a one trick poney and they will cut her by year end)

    ODB (looks like shes on her way out anyways after her boob pop)



    Since that's alot of people cut, some people I want back...


    Austin Aries- love him, very charismatic wish he was bigger

    Roderick Strong- Great in ring worker, love the backbreakers

    Tyler Black- CM Punk'esque look, would like him given a shot

    Trent Acid- Always loved him and he'd be a great X-division guy since I dont think him and Kashmere tag anymore

    Petey Williams- Worst booking in TNA EVER, if anything his finisher is such an asset to them since WWE does NOTHING even CLOSE

    Chase Stevens- With Douglas retired I think they could be bring him back as singles worker in this new era, I love his intensity live and think is a solid, solid, solid worker.

    Kid Kash- Best X- Division heel in TNA history

    Monty Brown (I can dream :p )

    Samoa Joe


    I think alot of those guys have been gone so long the new audience wouldn't even really know them while the TNA loyalists would embrace them

  10. I'm glad someoen that doesn't like GSP said he doesn't have a weak chin. That is the most ignorant annoying thing that I hate hearing from his opponents and people on any board. He has been knocked out ONCE (which was a TKO not even a KO) and everyone says its his huge weakness. Sorry but when was the last time someone was great at getting hit behind the ear? If GSP had say 3 losses by KO and not submission or something then I would say that is his probably his weakness but one time gives you a weak chin? Come on.


    BTW I agree his MMA BJJ wasn't that great a fews ago, as you mentioned when he got subbed by Hughes he should have been able to prologue Hughes getting it locked and held out till the end of the round since time was almost out. So yeah that was a long time ago but thats the point and hence gaining experience.


    I thought he was going to try to sub Alves but I think the groin prevented that so we'll see if he tries to sub Hardy, curious to see what his gameplan will be, will he push up him against the fence like the BJ fight? Constant takedowns like Alves? Stand and throw kicks like the Hughes fight? (with multiple testy kicks :p )

  11. Assumptions and excuses. You are assuming enough people that watch TNA (with the massive .86 ratings) are going to watch the NCAA game, which yes draws big numbers (most watched program in history) but I dont see RAW rescheduling? Heck they get bumped every year for the dog show. is TNA number going to drop to a .7/.6? oOo big drop for just one night. Plus the game comes on at 9, so best situation they get some people for the first hour (those who actually realize the time has been changed) then they lose them to the game since they were going to lose them anyway (once again assuming of course they turn on the game and not the start of RAW)


    You are also assuming all is perfect and their ratings are going up (oh but they are, a .02!), where is the evidence? You are blaming it on WM? What happens if ratings don't go up then? Blame it on Baseball season starting? If RAW and WM are the problem then why do they draw the same rating on Thursday where there is no RAW to promote Wrestlemania?


    I said it before and the WM and all excuses are bull. There will always be excuses, and what, is TNA just going to take a .4 hit every Feb/March for the WM build? Wow thats stable.


    Wrestlemania->Now NCAA ->Baseball Starting->NBA/NHL Playoffs->Outside in Summer->Monday Night Football-> Holidays.


    I've heard all the same excuses before (mainly when people would talk about WWE) and they go year round. Either put up or shut up which they haven't done. Excuses are worthless, book well, promote well, and people will watch if they like you. I'm not even saying I can fix TNA or be a master of all I just feel the one night move is ridiculous just to move up an hour for that one night when you are trying to get your fanbase accustomed to a new time (would make more sense to just show a replay which hopefully they do that week) and while Spike of course isn't going to cancel Impact they can't be happy with the drop (yes they need time but who likes less?) and now there are articles about WWE and USA beating Impact and Spike (which isn't fun to read how your wrestlng program draws a third less than the other network you want to compete with) the tournament just seems like the perfect cover for an experiment.

  12. BTW did you guys see the "reason" TNA is going 8-10 on April 5th? They are saying it is because of the NCAA final, which I think is a total bull reason. Are they really that worried about losing an hour of television for ONE night? No. I believe its b/c they are dissapointed with the Monday ratings (come on, did anyone really think the ratings would go from 1.2 to .86?) and the NCAA game gives them an excuse to experiment with the 8 PM start (which hopefully works)
  13. I actually think you hit the nail on the head. The whole "care" part. Would it really have been that much trouble to have Sting grab a mic and say "I hate you Hogan for always being a sellout!" or w/e you want him to say, pick your poison. They've had four shows to do this on (including the PPV) and they dont have to explain everything but to explain nothing?


    Exactly like you said their whole theory is "Tune in next week so maybe we'll clue you in on X" instead of making you care and wanting to tune in for the worker or storyline or wrestling, its more trickery trying to get you tune in to get something explained to end your frustration, which yes, sometimes can be good, for example "Who kidnapped Samoa Joe?" that made me want to tune in. But when they use that tactic for what seems like everything every week and nothing gets explained, why watch when you know things aren't getting explained.


    Yes we on the board are overally crtical/positive but if loyalists (as I imagine we all for watching week in and week out although i may stop watching like when Kurt Angle did speed dating, that was the last episode I watched before the new year and that was largely in part to getting DVR) get upset, what do you think the casual fan thinks? I'm betting confused just like the rest of us.

  14. crap! Almost forgot, I hope UFC signs Shields after his April fight againsnt Henderson and he wins (think its April) if so then a GSP vs. Shields fight is 100% the most clear option if they want to give him a direct title shot, I mean come on, UFC vs. Strikeforce champ and they haven't fougth before so Shields beats out Fitch/Kos from marketing but I do think a Shields vs. Fitch match is best from a competitive stand point


    However I think a Shields vs. GSP would be boring to the masses (not exactly a KO slug fest)

  15. I imagine Daley/Kos would be next since they would each have a 3 fight UFC win streak but I still hold Fitch/Alves over them but its obvious Alves wouldnt get a rematch so soon. If Fitch wins we still migh see him go against GSP next since by the time they fight it will have been two years ago, or if the UFC wants Daley could be credibile since he hasn't fought GSP yet where if its Fitch/Kos I think Fitch gets the edge.


    Then if youre looking farther ahead after that depending what goes on of course I think thats is where Thiago fits in. Johnson is of course in the conversation but being injured for the Howard fight really hurt him and if he keeps missing weight (sorry to pick on him but if he stars making weight more I'll stop) I doubt the will put him in a match where he HAS to be make the weight.


    If Fitch wins they can bring him into the ring and do that whole interview staredown thing which UFC likes to do but if they want to be patient and wait until Daley/Kos I can't complain about that either since I dont think anyone can 100% clearly say Fitch is the main that covers both competitive and marketing aspects.

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