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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. It was just a case of them bringing him in for a prelim on a UK card, him losing and looking useless while doing so, and getting cut. I dunno why, but some guys genuinely think that a three/five fight contract with the UFC actually means three or five fights. I guess he thought he would get another chance and was surprised when he didn't.


    What they tell guys when they cut them is to go and get a few wins and they'll be invited back; obviously Neil hasn't been..that could have something to do with it as well.


    Dude is one of the nicest guys I've met in MMA, FYI.


    Thanks, he just seemed really bitter about it in an interview talking about how bad he was treated. I have no problem with him not being in the UFC, was just curious if there was something more behind it that might have come out over there.

  2. I know this may be me just over-thinking, but Jones starting the round on all fours...Could that have been a direct shot at Rashad Evans? Evans does literally the same thing when he enters the Octagon. Maybe sending a message?


    It's actually quite brilliant if you want a takedown. When Jones started that way, with his hand down, Rampage couldn't do anything. Kick to the head? illegal. Lunging punch? takedown via jones. Shoot for a takedown? Jones is already lower giving him the takedown. Jones said he wanted the initial shot in his post interview so i thought it was smart, althought toolish. Obviously if he kept doing rampage would be prepared to sprawl but my guess is he was hoping Rampage would go for a big punch.


    edit: biggest surprise the puling guard. he knew he didnt have enough time to finish and clearly just did it for the heck of it to bug rampage but he could have gotten it, he had his knee and ankle locked just had to get rampages arm out.

  3. I was a huge Jones fan as I've watched him since his UFC debut but I'm with Amp, since he's won the title he def. comes off as fake. It's like he's trying so hard not to come off as ****y, that it just doesn't seem genuine. However, I don't dislike him and I like him more than Rampage and Rashad (crybabies) and one thing no one can deny is Jones skills. If we wanted to be aggressive he could have taken out Rampage any way he wanted just like all his opponents.


    However Rashad will be a much tougher fight. I'm not a Rampge fight fan at all as his style is very boring and it all depends on his opponent. If he is fighting an aggressive fighter ala Jardine, Liddell, Wanderlei, he can counter punch them. If he fights someone smart ala Rashad, Forrest, Jones, he can't do anything. I guess its just his "I come to knock people out" attitude that bugs me since he doesn't, he comes to counter punch and throw hooks, thats it. is he talented and a great athlete? Hell yeah, but the Pride Rampage is not the Rampage of now. Rampage has a great highlight reel, but his actual UFC fights are boring. I thought it would be Jones via sub or a Rampage knockout off a spinning elbow/screw up.


    As for Rashad, he can *on paper* matches Jones' wrestling, strength, and speed, so we will see what happens. I don't like Rashad for his whining but I feel like he is well rounded and will be much tougher. If Jones tripes/screws up as much as he did tonight, I think Rashad will be all over him. We also may see Jones on bottom for the first time.

  4. After two sloppy HW fights you can't help but question the UFC booking two main card fights between large fatty HW's (except Browne, but the 3 other def.) in Denver with the altitude. The politically correct answer is you don't think about those things when booking fights but this is a global entertainment platform, not booking the best fights possible in your neighborhood. Instead of highlighting the lighter weightclasses, we got two dull, non-crowd pleasing matches of Joe Rogan commenting about altitude.


    and yes, Gomi is old and small, but let me enjoy my Diaz nuthugging for a night :D


    edit: Also agree with Rogan that standing Hunt up at the end their was total bull. First he was active, and second its two large men that are tired, what do you think is going to happen when you stand them up? Fireworks? Come on. Should have just left them for the last minute and maybe Hunt ends it with hammer fists.

  5. Did anyone see the Bret Rogers / Eddie Sanchez fight? omg did Bret fall hard lol.


    Was he the product of Strikeforce hype machien or was he legitimately talented at one point but ultimately predictable beatable at the highest levels of the game, like so many fighters out there?


    I watched Titan last night (yes my Friday's are that lame :p ) I think Rogers is really just the definition of a one trick pony, hands down. His KO of Arlovski is what he is living off and he has probably fallen physically, mentally, and financially. Remember he was still working at Wal-Mart when he started with Elite XC and a quick glance at his record shows he was all hype. He was competitive in the Fedor fight but I attribute that to his huge size advantage (and still got wicked KO'd)


    My gawd DREAM 17 was awesome! I'll wait to comment on any results as most probably won't watch it until tonight, but man you just can't beat Japanese production values and the Bantam tourney has some great guys, not to mention the rest of the stacked card. Felt bad for Voice and Frank as I'm sure they'd rather be in Japan than at Titan.

  6. <p>Three random notes I noticed during weigh ins</p><p> </p><p>

    1) Are Tiki and Arianny no longer together? They didn't acknowledge each other at all, this can be chalked up to professionalism (as I'm sure UFC doesn't want their most popular girl making out with her boyfriend at their press event) but they didn't even glance at each other.</p><p> </p><p>

    2) Didn't look like Rogan likes Jones. Rogan was pretty cool with most of the guys then him and Jones ignored each other until the force interview. Once again could be nothing, but when he shakes hands/chats with at least half the guys, can't help but wonder if they don't get along.</p><p> </p><p>

    3) REALLY surprised at the amount of booing for Jones considering he hasn't done anything openly wrong. I agree he comes off a little fake but to get outright booed over rumors? Kinda crazy.</p>

  7. <p>This is kinda sad, but I will be glad once 135 is over. I am just so sick of reading/seeing the spying stuff and Jackson feeling disrespected. I took it all in at first but it just keeps coming, and coming...and coming. So for someone that checks numerous MMA news sites multiple times a day and watches all the countdown type shows, it gets old.</p><p> </p><p>

    MMA Fighting brought up a good point in their preview, when did respect become important to Rampage? After his bullying on TUF, his disrespect of Rashad, motorboating the reporter, making more sexual comments in the Ariel interview, like seriously could you be more hypocritical? And why, because your opponent is just as ****y/confident as you? Come on. Instead of Rampage being entertaining I just found him annoying. He def. looks like he trained hard and the MP gym is sweet.</p><p> </p><p>

    Picks seem like alot of "easy"/well favored fights but of course thats why they fight!</p>

  8. All assumptions of course, but I read one interview where he said Overeem was no longer happy with the standard percentages they had been using. If that's true, Overeem probably didn't want to shell out more money (larger UFC deal=more money for GG on the same percent) when


    1) They're the reason he (And his brother) were cut from SF as they couldn't get a deal done (leaving conspiracy out that it was planned so he could go to UFC for Brock)


    2) K-1 money that he still hasn't got and wants to pursue legally


    3) UFC was going to give him big money on his own and didn't really need them. Wouldn't be surprised if he signed with a more common UFC/MMA management team here in the US and started training over here.


    Of course there are probably personal reasons that haven't been disclosed but these are some obvious business problems Overeem could have with them. On top of what BH said about Boon being sick, I can see how Overeem would get tired of dealing with "secondaries" after dealing with Boon forever.

  9. How do they factor in the commercial licensing for the buys? i.e. Hooters, etc. I know UFC charges a fee to show the fights (which I'm assuming has gone up the last few years) but how does that factor into PPV numbers? Or do they just not count it at all?


    edit: On the K-1 note, Overeem talked today about not getting paid from last years Grand Prix. Guess that's why some Showtime guys are already in from the partnership because they know Showtime will pay them instead of FEG.

  10. Thoughts on K-1's GP announcement?


    Positives: It's actually happening after all the negative news and rumours. Hari is back despite his "issues" but hes arguably the biggest draw.


    Negatives: Lots of big names missing. Overeem of course is understandable due to UFC but they haven't explained the others yet.


    No broadcast stuff yet, hoping I can watch all of it live this year.

  11. I just hope Condit brings the fight to GSP and doesn't sit back waiting to be taken down making it another typical boring GSP fight which comes down to his opponents more than him. At least with Diaz you knew it would be exciting.


    Interesting to see what happens with Nick and the Cesar team. If Nick keeps acting up will Cesar dump him? Then what Melendez and Nate? Could get messy. I'm really surprised by this actually, yeah Nick's flakey and complains about his money but just plain not showing up? That's surprising. Showing up high, not answering questions, rambling, mumbling, "mo money" comments, now that wouldn't be surprising.

  12. Haven't seen it in a while but I remember thinking it was legit.


    What I loved most about that fight was Greg Jackson's "THIS IS ABOUT WAR!" speech to Condit before the final round.


    Ref stopped it via TKO with 7 seconds left. In hindsight, I think he should have let it go the 7 seconds or make Condit KO/sub him. However I also think a ref shouldn't be looking at the clock and making decisions based on time. What if there was 30 seconds? 60 seconds? three minutes left? Should the decision be different? He was quite dazed after the stoppage, as in he didn't jump right up complaining. So it is what it is but he was 7 seconds away from victory.


    I personally prefer the old nipple tweak to the between corner speeches he does for camera :D

  13. Im always here, its just whether I have spare time to make logos or not, thats the kicker.


    This may not be hugely popular with a lot of people, but I thought why not experiment with a bit of red.




    Any chance of getting a quick PNG upload since they're not in the file on the main page? I plan on making some new PPV/TV logos since I've FINALLY got Photoshop again.

  14. I think the UFC wants either Sonnen or Stann next as they provide the most marketable fight by far. With Sonnen you get the epic trash talk. People either root for him or pay to see him get his butt kicked, it worked before. In Stann, you get an American war hero. If the fight is in Vegas/America you get 20,000 people chanting "USA! USA!" and if he wins he's on every "Good Morning America" type show. Its the stuff movies are written about (hence the upcoming Warrior.)
  15. Henderson/Guida makes by far the most sense if they're not putting on an absolute blockbuster IMO. Guaranteed to be a great fight.


    Guida vs. Pettis was supposed to be a guaranteed greay fight until Guida decided to Jon Fitch it and spend most of the fight just defending submissions :rolleyes: not saying he will do it again and has still put on some exciting fights but I think they will go for name value over "exciting fights" since no fight is guaranteed to be exciting.

  16. Watched two weeks ago for the first time in a year and remembered why I stopped watching.


    WTF is with the Sting Joker thing? Awful! "Nervous?" give me a F'n break, AWFUL! And I thought we were all sick of Flair having strokes on TV? Seriously again WTF its just saaaaaaad to see him. JJ is still in charge and Hogan is still in charge, two of the things people have been complaining about forever. Crimson who is apparentley their next big home grown prodcut, sucked at his promo with his poorly dyed hair.


    Positives: Like the BFG tournament idea and the X-division gauntlet. Nice to see Aries and Kid Kash back and Shelley is still around.

  17. Couldn't help but think of the Fox main event possibilities late last night and there are only a few that could happen to me. Many top guys that would be worthy are booked, so barring pulling/moving guys around these are the few options I saw. There are few guys to begin with that can headline main shows so with lots booked it makes it tough. They probably want a former champ or #1 contender match.


    Mir vs. Overeem. don't know if Mir's healthy but he's not booked (despite Lesnar rumors but no one knows whats going on there) and Overem wants to fight by the end of the year so it might work and both would like the Fox publicity more so than a foreign fighter who doesn't live in the US or care about publicity at all. Could also be used as #1 contenders match which would be enticing to Overeem


    Dan Henderson vs. Lyoto Machida. Two former champions and could bill it as a #1 contenders match. Don't see alot of problems with this now that the Hendo/Silva rumor has been put to rest.


    Of course the Henderson vs. Guida rumor.


    Asides from fights there are only a few guys I would consider for the event and I don't really see alot for UFC to work with. You could do Fitch maybe but Dana knows he's boring and won't put him on Fox for their first big fight. Sean Sherk might be back for the former champ push but is really that relevant given how stacked 155 is? Phil Davis?

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