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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. They have become the go to network for budding MMA promotions [/Quote]


    Mmm and where do you pull that from? Signing the UFC 7/8 years ago hardly makes them the "go to" network for MMA, why because they have one promotion? HDNet is broadcasting MMA events like crazy and is the go to network for MMA and have shown their dedication. I don't think Spike should go after another MMA show right now. No one watched UFC because of Spike, people went to Spike because of the UFC. Bringing in a new promotion will draw the people that watch MMA no matter what and thats about it, which lets face it isn't very many.


    I'm glad Fox didn't have the stupid old man stigma of staying away from the UFC the way people stay away from the WWE despite still being one of the highest rated programming on cable. The UFC draws in young males like only the NFL can and Fox will make a crap ton of money off them. I think the cross promotion of advertising UFC and their PPV's on Fox programming is what is going to be the biggest advantage.

  2. This fight has potential to be 5 rounds of boring or Silva making another highlight reel.


    Okami's striking looked decent in the Marquardt fight but I still say he gets KTFO by Silva. When opponents engage Silva bad things happen, and just about everyone has said in order for Okami to wins he needs to close the distance to get the take down so if he is working from the pocket I say Anderson's striking will be too much. However Okami could very well not aggressively shoot in and sit back leading to 5 rounds of circling.


    On the other hand, will Okami be able to get it to the ground? If he does can he avoid getting submitted by Silva for 5 rounds? The men that have taken it to the ground haven't faired well in Sonnen, Hendo, and Lutter so I would hardly say Chael showed the blue print for success, as I don't call getting triangled successful. Silva didn't even look like he had been in a fight, nice pillow punching GnP Chael.


    Silva > Okami


    Chael will also outwrestle Stann, however I wouldn't be surprised if Stann caught him on the feet as his striking has been looking good.

  3. Bellator 48 was actually the first Bellator show I've watched and it's left a very good impression. Every fight (minus Mr. Cole Konrad's) was good.


    I think the fight will leave a real sour taste about Konrad which is too bad. He was getting criticized for lay n pray but turned into a Stand 'N Staller which is too bad. In fairness Buentello didn't give him much to work with but that's part of the problem. I don't buy Buentello as a top outside UFC/top 20 talent, he is one of those guys that really benefited from fighting lower class guys before MMA got popular. Konrad should have taken him down and submitted/pounded. Konrad was probably worried Buentello would catch him on a takedown attempt (as all he did was wait for the shot the whole fight) but Konrad could have made a statement against an inferior opponent. Especially when there isn't much HW competition in Bellator.


    Seems like more guys than usual are from legit camps, so since I obviously don't know them that's all I could really go off. Hopefully that means this season will be more legit as I haven't watched TUF in about 3/4 seasons as I just haven't been able to take it seriously. I know I know its MMA and I should watch but I'd rather spend my time watching DVR'd HDNet shows or Bellator/Strikeforce events. Don't like Bisping or Miller though so def. won't be watching unless some of my friends really try to convince me this season is good.

  5. I have enjoyed watching Bellator. Their lighter weight fighters are def. some of the tops in the world. The way I explain the quality of their fighters to people that only watch UFC is how many of their guys are team mates at top camps with UFC fighters they just haven't gained their popularity yet but the guys are darn good.


    They are still trying to grow their heavier weight classes but by focusing on the lighter guys they tend to seem to get more exciting fights.

  6. I think alot of Hammill's problems is he is old and worn down not necessarily mental. The UFC kept plugging him as an up and coming prospect for years when in fact he is now 34 so all those injuries caught up with him. Jones destroyed him and he never really looked good after that fight so maybe that shoulder injury and rehab process are what did it in for him.


    GG say they will do a UFC exclusive deal with Overeem. Is this there way of trying to save face and make the UFC look bad? Who knows anymore :p


    edit: As far as the Hallman speedo I think Kenda Perez nailed it. Between his speedo and the shaved chest hair arrow she just couldn't take the fight seriously and I think that is what Dana was thinking. MMA is still trying to become legitimized (and has obviously achieved more year after year) and he doesn't want fighters joking around in such obvious ways that can turn people off (hello sponsor and athletic commission execs UFC is trying to cater to at the show), not mention opening yourself up to anti-homophobic remarks (Other fighters calling/tweeting Hallman gay, UFC is gay cuz guys dress like that and just rub on each other). And also as White mentioned, there is no real benefit to it. If you want your legs to be free you can where GSP type shorts for athletic performance. then of course you have the balls popping out and Hallman stuffing/enlarging his cup which White also didn't like. Did he over react? Sure. But I bet Lorenzo was also pretty pissed and embarrased about it or White wouldn't have said anything. The shorts were a loss of a bet and busch league, he tried to be funny and stand out but took it too far in his bosses eyes. Dye your hair, get a tat, say/tweet funny things, have a good entrance, lots of other ways he could have gone.


    And before anyone tries stating its his freedom to wear what he wants, almost every business has a dress code of some sort so deal with it. That's part of being an adult in the real world.

  7. Haha I have been watching RAW again for the past month and CM Punk/HHH movie stuff actually made me laugh out loud and question whats scripted/whats not and really, isn't that why we watch wrestling?


    "Wheres your movie?" (I'm a bigger draw than you a-hole)


    "straight to dvd just like yours" (yeah but youre still a douche)


    edit: I haven't watched wreslting (a year? since i last gave TNA a chance) for awhile and all this recent stuff has been wondering where WWE is going? Have they been hit hard enough they are forced to air everything open? Or is just for a change of pace to draw you in then go back to crap? While their main storyline is intelligent the rest is still typical WWE crap. Wheres the tag teams? (I love the tag teams division and building wrestlers through it), wheres the US champ? (Dolph and Ryder are both douches with no real storyline) Im curious from a business perspective now mroe so than a fan stand point its just so...interesting? Which is hopefullly good long run.

  8. the knee to the body was very impressive to me. i think Tito purposefully stayed on his knees so Rashad couldn't knee him in the head (or get DQ'd) and Rashad was not doing a good job of getting around Tito's arms so far in the fight then boom! nice concsious decision.


    good job by vitor, wish he swarmed Anderson. thought he would after he knocked him down but whats done is done. Not sure who I want vitor to fight next as coming off a win but not top 3 for a title shot makes it hard (since he just lost of course). I've always been a fan of watching Vitors old fights and he is def. one of the best strikers in any division (yes despite getting kicked in the face but even he admitted he thought the kick was going for his stomach) and one of the best consistent physiques in my mind, 6 foot 185 of pure muscle and I cant recall him ever being out of shape.


    After all the injuries though the UFC has to be glad how the card played out with the co and main evenet being exciting.

  9. Watched Overeems interview on Inside MMA last night (f'n love that show) and he is saying the UFC never asked for any medical information. To me, that shows they never told the UFC he was too injured to compete. He said all along the date was too close as he was on vacation, then once he was cut "oh oh look! A broken rib and toe!" that interview did not help. However he says he still wants to go to the UFC, so I guess we will see as only he knows his personal desires.


    I think part of the law suit is GG's way of getting money to help pay their fighters. They will never admit it but they have done a crappy job as of late. As BH mentioned many of their guys that fought in Japan did not get paid/paid in full (as with many others) now 4 of their biggest names (potentially five if Sergei won't sign exclusive) are out of work. Would you stay/sign with GG right now? "Hey come work for us, you won't get paid or fight for the biggest organization in the world!"


    On Rashad, I think people hate him just cuz of his attitude and his ego that has grown exponentially in the past 2ish years. On the TUF, Rampage came off as the bigger ego/d*ck, Rashad talked trash but not the extent. Then Rashad won and BOOM! There went his ego. He also has been very blunt during interviews and makes no attempt to acknowledge fans positively. Watch the weigh ins from last night, when asked about being booed he said he knows if he went in the stands they would all want his autograph. Talked bad about Rampage (fan favorite), Dana talked bad about him (who the media/fans tend to follow), He bad talked Shogun (who fans like) for months, the whole Jones thing who's a fan favorite, and left Jackson's who is a fan favorite. On top of that he hasn't been active in the public eye which doesn't hurt, but doesn't help. I don't think he "deserves" the hate, but I think its more of a snow ball effect. He is kinda like the Jay Cutler of the UFC is the best person I can compare him to. Hasn't done anything majorly wrong but never does anything nice either.

  10. Just a quick qualification as I'm surprised BH didn't say it but since a few people have mentioned it and the news sites keep saying it, Fedor wasn't "cut" like the other fighters. The Hendo fight was well known to be his last fight on his contract and they are choosing not to re-negotiate.


    M-1 is claiming that Fedor's contract was never with SF or Zuffa (post take over) and his contract is part of M-1's larger contract with Showtime. However they tried this before right after the take over saying Fedor didn't have to fight for Zuffa (SF) anymore. They were clearly wrong there as he still fought Hendo but I imagine we will see Fedor on one of the M-1 broadcasts on Showtime if he continues to fight again aka if M-1 whips him until he does.


    Touching the legal bit, I see no way how GG would beat Zuffa in Nevada. The UFC has their sh*t together and has for years, hence how they don't lose. The only way they could win is if they had a medical document dated before the cut and proof that they showed it to Zuffa otherwise they have nothing. I clearly doubt they did the above as otherwise Zuffa would not have been so stupid as to outright cut him. Was Zuffa sneaky about it? Sure. I'm sure they purposefully did things quick so they could document him and get him cut before GG had the chance to respond. Overeem better fight Badr Hari now in the WGP if he goes back to kick boxing otherwise he's lost my interest.


    Predictions are pretty much the same for 133, its set up to have some exciting fights. The prelims are pretty good as well. It isn't "stacked" name wise minus the main event but I think it should be good over all.

  11. The UFC does not need a reason to cut their fighters. Just look at how many guys get cut before their contract is done. However what BH (and other news sites now) have said is this.


    - UFC offered september fight to Overeem

    - They declined due to injury

    - UFC cuts him, saying because he turned down a fight

    - his camp is saying thats a breach of contract as he is injured. Which they probably have grounds on or they wouldn't pull that card.

    - The rest are justified cuts, the fighters lost. Kinda hard to get around that legally when they cut people all the time.


    Honestly I feel bad for Sergei right now. he has been fighting really good his last couple fights before SF, and had a chance to cash in for some big bucks (potentially. At least bigger than before). Now it seems if he loses his next fight hes out.


    UFC will get a lot of heat but I don't blame them, just like with the Fedor negotiations. I remember M-1 wanted to do the co-promotion have have the UFC sign X number of guys. That might be how it works in Japan (which is going down hill, so great business plan there) but not in the US. So you have to adjust and those management teams didn't want to and know if their fighters sign exclusive deals then the mngmt isn't getting the money they want so they just get off negotiations.


    I know guys like Overeem and Fedor make lots of money overseas but I don't think they really get how much money they could make with the UFC behind them. Half a mill is nice for the WGP but thats nothing if the UFC got behind him.


    As for the story, I can see Couture being that type of guy who is laid back until you try something, then he just snaps like F You you're gonna get it now. Don't know if I would describe them as a big one and small one though, cant be more than 20 lbs of difference between them out of fight, I was thinking Bas could have been one of them for some reason, or if its an old story Lee Murray.

  12. I don't see him joining the UFC right away, seems like that would be really bad PR. Let someone go from basically you're same company because you don't agree with him in some regard (whatever the final issue was) only to re-sign him? It would make SF look really bad and continue the UFC image of they can do whatever the F they want. If they wanted him in the UFC wouldn't they just sign him to a new contract and move him over saying his time in SF is done?
  13. Overeem reportedly released from SF with one fight left on his contract. Does this mean Zuffa is done with him or just SF? Hmmmm, interesting, interesting.


    So many different places your thoughts could go with this one. One of mine I had is that with only one fight left Overeem did not wanted to resign and wanted to go to the UFC (or somewhere else). However they put him the Grand Prix with only two fights left on his contract when if he were to win he would fight 3 times. Hmmm, time to renegotiate and maybe that's where things fell through? Also though if the kickboxing fight was a problem that would be a Zuffa overall problem since they probably wouldn't let him kickbox/boxing matches when he was signed to the UFC. Also interesting that this news comes out on the eve of a SF event which was probably planned and they can now address at the press conferences

  14. Think the Cena/Punk thing is good, but def. did it too quick. Two title matches on one show when you usually get none for six months? Would have liked to see them build Cena/Rey for the PPV then have Punk return then for the feud. Now it is just panifully clear Rey was just used as a tiny pebble of a stone for the main feud to take over. Also really diminishes their 8 man tourney they had been hyping. "Hey win this EPIC tournament its the biggest thing ever! Oh yeah, then when you do we are just going to job you out to Cena since we don't want you in our main storyline anyways"
  15. Everything is speculation at this point but I was thinking it has to be some actual medical problem, not something like PED's as others have done it and not been fired. Such as either failing his pre-fight blood work (HIV), or pre-existing injury he didn't disclose but could have. "Oh yeah by the way I got a concussion last week in training camp". It has to be something that Nate himself had some control over or Dana wouldn't be pissed and fired him. Thiago pulled out with that brain thing and Dana was supportive so it can't be something like that.


    edit: Kind of a PS and once again speculation but wonder if he pulled out cause of anxiety/panic type stuff like Karo did, that could get him fired.

  16. I'm not sure what GSP will do, but it will look a lot like the Rory McDnoald/Nate Diaz fight. GSP will press up against the cage, a lot. And he will take him down, a lot. But he won't be as daring as Rory is.


    That isn't fair to Nick. I am a fan of watching the Diaz brothers fight but Nate clearly isn't as aggressive or have the killer instinct that Nick has. Nate likes to fight slower and try to catch guys (hence all his guard finishes in the UFC)


    I actually like this fight alot, for the main reason that GSP will finally be fighting someone with balls. Shields/Kos/Hardy all p*ssed out in their fights, talking crap about going for broke then playing it safe and wussing out. Shields got three and half rounds of GSP with one eye and didn't do one serious takedown attempt or serious flurries coming from GSP's blind eye. Could you imagine if BJ or Hughes got GSP with one eye?


    GSP may very well cruise but Nick's MMA submission game is great and anyone that actually has been watching his fights knows that. While Santos isn't known for being a world level grappler Nicks submission on him showed his killer instinct and how fast he can submit someone. If GSP takes it to the ground Nick def. has the ability to pull of a triangle or arm bar with those long limbs. After all anything can happen and it only takes one mistake, just ask Chael.


    If its standing GSP will have to deal with Nicks height and reach and Nicks jab is for real.


    This fight could end up boring if GSP can lean agaisnt Nick on the cage with the occasional takedown into side control so he ends up safer but the one thing you cannot take away from Nick is his ability to put on a fight and a show. He will taunt GSP with his hands down and talk trash on the mat even if he is losing but if it really is dominatio boredom on the ground Nick has at least shown he will go for broke which no one else has lately and GSP can get the finish.


    Bottom line, just give me a finish or a well competitive fight. I would honestly like Nick to win eventhough its a long shot of course as GSP is the most complete MMA fight but just to shake things up but if GSP comes out and KO's him in the first round thats fine as well. I just want something different from one of the P4P fighters and his opponents (who equally share the blame)

  17. What I would like to see at WW...


    Condit vs. Penn: That way you negate the HUGE size advantage and obvious lay in guard approach that Johnson just did. He may try to stand with BJ but if there is any problem he would resort to what works and grind it out. If Condit wins its a resume big resume builder and passing of the guard, if BJ wins...well the UFC never loses when he wins.


    As for AJ...


    Johnson vs. Sanchez (late summer/early fall)


    Sanchez is a FOTN machine and these two could have some fireworks on their feet. With Sanchez' wrestling pedigree and size he would hopefully stop any attempt of the lay in guard approach for the whole fight.


    The winners could then fight toward end of the year for WW title if GSP beats Shields and vacates, but if that doesn't happen at least we still get good fights so its a win-win. Only thing to note is that while I would love for Thiago to be in the mix he already has a fight soon and its not against a mainstream/ranked guy. Also I would say these four listed above have more mainstream popularity over all(Penn is Penn, Sanchez got on ESPN w/Kampmann, AJ is being hyped, Condit is the only argument)

  18. Using SF as a minor league for rising talent makes no sense and I don't see them doing it. The UFC is synonomous with MMA right now, if they want to have a "minor league" they can just create a UFC show or run more shows i.e. UFC Challengers, like SF did. Especially now that you KNOW its a minor league, why use the SF name for that event when the UFC name is so much stronger?


    The fighter thing as BH said is also kind of fishy. Lots of people immediatley were talking about fighters going to the UFC but it isn't that simple with most of the people you would want to see since as BH Showtime pays for them which is what kept SF alive.


    The TV contracts are something I think they were interested in. White has talked before about HBO/Showtime negotiations so maybe this is there way to start negotiations again and maybe be on CBS. However this doesn't really make perfect sense since UFC has the ESPN deal who is with ABC so if they wanted to go that route they could.


    The ProElite stuff made a little more sense as BH said. Reason being lets say one year ago (unlikely but its just an example) the UFC was looking into buying SF but passed, then all of a sudden someone else is "close" to buying them, that could have forced the UFC to just be like "lets do it and get it over with"


    What I do could be interesting is if "banned" fighters or fighters with troubled past get a second chance, whether its a fair one or not. What I mean is, even though Daley was "banned" if White said, "hey get up in front of the microphone and admit you were wrong and apologize we will accept you back" now they may or may not do that (especially when guys like him speak out against Zuffa/White) but I think it would be interesting if they did. Afterall White has had many fighter feuds over the years which seem to get worked out.


    I think they will wait to disband SF but will eventually do it. I read the Showtime contract with SF lasts two more years. So I think UFC may just wait it out then disband so they dont look totally like d*cks the way the WWE did. I think the most important thing right now for the UFC looking good out of this is to make sure the HW tournament finishes since if you crush it before its done people will now blame you.


    All in all it seems pretty complicated right now since the only thing to go off of is White's interview and since they can't completley absorb all the fighters either like WEC.

  19. Wrestling is also 211-264 (absurdly close), Boxing is over 200 lbs, ADCC's is over 218.


    Basically when they regulated MMA they clearly looked at what the other combat sports were doing and decided on the weight limit (265) instead of going unlimited (like Pride) they put the cap on it. It should be noted that it is defined by the Nevada Athletic Commission and not the UFC who decides it.


    And like BH said there were not/ are not (becoming arguable) enough big guys. Your big guys were like Bob Sapp fighters, you didn't have 250+ huge athletic skilled HW's. Just look at a list of the former UFC HW champions and only Sylvia and Lesnar are huge. I do think it may change it 5/10 years tops now that you have maxed out HW collegiate/olympic wrestlers getting into MMA. Or everyone else will just be forced to cut.

  20. Prelims were good, I personally like to see good prelims but I don't know how much effect it has for SF and people subscribing to Showtime since they are on different channels.


    Entertaining fights all night so they have to be glad of that. Del Rosario looked good against Johnson, will be interested to see him against better competition.


    While I was rooting for Arlovski I thought Sergei would knock him out. AA did look good but Sergei was very aggressive in cutting off the cage, the ref even made him back up twice and once the bell rang he marched right across the cage to make sure AA wouldn't be able to just circle around picking him apart. Good strategy by Sergei. AA of course backed up like an idiot with hands down allowing him to get caught and unfortunately he went out like a light. A little dissapointed he didn't try for any takedowns. I know he is a good boxer but when you are going up against a heavy handed guy and you have been getting knocked the F out it might be a good idea to try to take it to the mat and use some of that sambo. I don't think AA retires, if anything because the money is too good. However he may take a serious step down in comp and if he gets KO'd again then I could see him being done.


    Fedor and Silva was surprising of course. I thought if Silva was able to dominate on top Fedor might be able to catch him but that wasn't the case. I dont think Fedor looked bad in round 1, I thought he looked alot more aggressive and each were taking good shots. Round 2 was just brutal and I think if it was a match between no name fighters it could have been stopped sometime during that beating but the ref let it go


    I don't know if Fedor retires, from Fedor's stand point I think he could. Winning this could have been his last big thing to try to shut up his haters but I guess bottom line is you either like him or you don't and nothing will change that. He has beaten 5 UFC champs and a PRIDE champ but he will always have haters that say he never fought the big dogs and aside from going to the UFC that will never change. I will still say he is the greatest HW in this early age of MMA, since if you say he isn't then who is? There isn't anyone with a comparable history besides Couture. I do think the size thing is finally catching up to him as well as bigger guys are now better than back in the day when they relied on size (Hello Timmy), Silva walked in at 285 last night 50 lbs heavier with actual MMA training unlike Tim or Choi, thats tough to beat.


    As to why I don't see him retiring, M-1 and Vladim. Fedor has basically been the only reason M-1 has existed and they may "pep talk" him to fighting more in order to save their own butts. After all they've used him all along. If Fedor is done I doubt SF will put the SF and M-1 Present on their future cards. However I don't think he will fight again in '11. His eye was so bad he may have a broken orbital bone which would probably but him on the shelf for six months. Even if it isn't broken he probably needs/needed minor surgery/eye care which he needs to recover from and he probably wants time off. The only fight I can see him doing is against Werdum in December if Werdum doesn't make it to the final.


    edit: Finally, I discovered I still hate Showtime announcers. They are pompous idiots and should just be talking out of their butts the whole time. Gus and Mauro are bad and Shamrock wouldn't be as bad if he didn't try so hard and the other two didn't refer to him as a legend every two minutes. Mauro was such an idiot at the end "That 10-8 is totally disturbing" (paraphrasing) to which Shamrock immediately responded "Not really you idiot did you not see Fedor's eye get bashed in stopping the match?" once again, paraphrasing. Still hate Mauro for trying to shove Shields out of the way when Johnson was interviewing just to get his last little line in. I wish they were on HDNet :(

  21. I thought Rocha was really impressive in round 1,but no way did he win round 2, he was stuff and took some shots, stand up was about equal as neither did enough damage to stand out, then got taken down but didnt take any damage. Rocha didnt get his butt whooped in round 2 but no way he won it.
  22. Wow so UFC 129 is actually stacked and awesome. I know they want to sell out the big arena but I thought they would just rely on on GSP in Canada like they have before. This card is much much better than the last GSP fight where they just relied on him to sell.



    Champ Georges St-Pierre vs. Jake Shields (for welterweight title)

    Champ Jose Aldo vs. Mark Hominick (for featherweight title)

    Phil Davis vs. Matt Hamill

    Randy Couture vs. Lyoto Machida

    Mark Bocek vs. Ben Henderson


    then of course some good solid undercard action as well but all of those main card fights are amazing.

  23. I don't really think their wrestling is as bad as everyone says (yes I know I'm a little bias :p , I think its more their personality and fighting styles so that they are not executing well.


    - Motivation. Nick outright admits it. I think if you offer him $10 mill for fight he can compete with just about anyone. However the whole point of being a "fighter" is you should be motivated no matter what.


    - Ego. Both of course like to slug it out instead of try for take downs so since they do not choose to wrestle alot it seems like they "don't know how to"


    - Ego 2. Because of their submission game I don't think they fight wrestlers as hard/serious as they should. Look at how many triangle chokes Nate has in the UFC. I think they believe if they get taken down they are good enough to submit people ala what Nick just did. Santos took Nick down, does that mean Nick has bad take down defence? Or did he allow himself to be taken down so he could work the submission? The problem arises when they don't get the submission ala Nate vs. Kim.


    -Bottom submission fighters. Kinda goes with the above but their submission wins come from the bottom where they are comfortable instead of trying to be on top like fellow Gracies Melendez and Shields.


    Finally neither has been dominated by wrestlers recently as their rep suggests, instead they have submitted more of them consistently than they have lost. Nick's last meaningful loss was 06, Nate lost to Stevenson and Guida but has submitted others along the way. Yes his most recent was to the grappler Kim but he was constantly working submissions going to point 2. I know Nate just lost to Maynard which some may point to but in the actual fight wrestling ability played little factor, it was more Nate was afraid of Maynards take downs so he fought so conservatively. I think he was expecting Gray to come in so hard he wanted to catch him in a choke or make sure he ended up in guard instead of Gray ending up in half or side.


    What I want to see is Nick go up against Fitch or a top grappler but of course instead of going to the UFC he would rather smoke weed and fight almost every fight in California or states that permit marijuana in fight tests. Otherwise I think his record speaks for itself in defeating strikers which is why I don't understand why people will think Daley will win easily. Daley is 5'9 to Nicks 6'1 (don't know their actual reaches) so I don't see Daley getting inside. Also his ground game is actually pretty bad when you watch his matches, both Shields and Kos embarrassed him on the ground and I see no reason why Nick can't work his jab, push forward, grapple against the fence, trip takedown and work a sub. If he stands right in front of Daley for three rounds sure Daley could win but if he plays it smart, on paper there's just no reason it shouldn't be an easy win.


    Also Nick has never been KO'd and only suffered one TKO very early in his career. Compared to Daley's 5 of 9 losses came via submission, I'll take the sub over the KO.

  24. I'm actually shocked that you are impressed... not because it wsan't true, but he always had good cardio. If you hadn't known that before, you haven't been watching him enough. He and his brother do trialthlons, so it's not so surprising at all.


    Ihave followed them and always support them here before fights. I said Nate would win by triangle last time and he just fell short. Showing goodcardio in the past or talking about it doesn't mean anything if you don't execute on fight night but he did which is what matters.


    It wasn't a revelation but around other forums ppl knock on his striking saying Santos is slow and not an elite striker and shrug off the sub saying once again because of Santos but nicks card is all on him and I am glad too see him perform well in an area that ppl cannot make excuses about. I don't thinks he's the #1 ww like he wants to be considered due to inconsistent comp but I don't see how some consider him a total slouch either.

  25. My guess was just fans since no one said anything. I thought at first it was Mrs. Cyborg, but then thought that was too dickish for him, then Miller, but too obvious for nothing being said, then since nothing has still been said its probably random since if it was a fighter they would be hyping/talking about it. He went over right away so I'm guessing he just heard an F You and went right after where it came from.


    Good fight from Diaz, he is taking heat for Santos not being a legit contender (guess thats what happens when you are just above .500) but face is he beat the man in the cage with him and thats all you can ask. He outstruck a striker and despite the leg kicks Diaz seemed unaffected then showed how dangerous he is on the ground. If he fights Daley I think its more of the same with Diaz using his reach and jab or Diaz takes a smart/conservative approach and takes him down to submit him like fellow team mate Shields did.


    edit: What actually impressed the most about Diaz was his cardio. Not only was he constantly moving and throwing strikes or avoiding them but he got the sub at the very end of the round after going at it for the 4:30 before it but could still pull it off.

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