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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. he was grabbing his head wasn't he? I'm not 100% sure on that just going off memory but i thought when Young was talking he was grabbing the back of his head kinda grimmacing thinking things were over/just about over since he already celebrated then young lifted up their arms and RVD looked happy when Jeff clearly did not play to the camera or crowd like he usually does so he might have hit his head funny on the Swanton
  2. Jim Ross commented on it in his latest blog, I'm not going to post or link since its not ground breaking but he basically said how both sides are smart and realize it could be business and why it isn't about Goldberg returning to the ring as much as merchandsing, WM is in Atlanta next year so its possible he could do a final run up to that.


    As far as matches for Wm,


    Punk vs. Rey is good if Punk wins, lets face it Rey is getting older Punk has gotten over as a face and heel and can carry the company for years and I think a big WM singles win will help him.


    MITB- doesnt really excite me because i dont see any of the wrestlers in it potential World title HOF superstar. Will it be an entertaining match? Most probably. It seems Swagger/Christian/McIntyre will win based on pushes. What bothers me about this match is how its the total midcarder show. Shouldn't Triple H, Sheamus, Punk, Rey want to be in this match? It's a fun idea and I get its used to elevate people but with how poorly the qualifying squash matches were and the lack of a break out star (before anyone says Christian he has been "breaking out" for years and WWE seems pretty darn content not to make him a Main Eventer) it just doesnt excite me. Also while Benjamin, Bourne, Hardy, and Kingston are in it for the athletic purposes, having Kane in this match (again) kinda bums me out.


    Edit I do think it would be cool if they announced a stipulation that would be in the WM MITB You can't have been a former World champion. I think it would kayfabe explain why ME's don't care about being in it and I think it would do a good job emphasizing how big of a push/opportunity it is.


    so the three matches in no order excluding HBk/taker

    - Punk vs. Rey

    - Jericho vs. Edge (hope feud contineus after Mania)

    - Orton three way- reason being i am curious to see how it goes as I feel they could book it alot of ways

  3. There isn't much to add here, as you brilliantly explained yourself, but i have to say that maybe the Sting part isn't that much iffy as some may think.


    Yep it makes more sense for Goldberg to sign with the E and as Jester pointed out there is a bigger chance he will be used well there. In the TNA thread I made clear what I thought about him possibly in TNA. In short it was that he could be an asset but that he would have to be handled exactly right or it wouldn't work which would make it too big a risk given his cost.


    thanks :)


    A year of Goldberg would be overkill for me. I loved his streak, but without it he doesn't do it for me. A three month arc like they're doing with Bret (only more physical) could be nice though. I'd enjoy that.


    Even something like this would but I def. think he has to make an in ring return. If this is a pure merchandise deal and WWE put a "Who's next!?" shirt on WWE.com tomorrow would people really buy it? Compare that to having him spear Edge at a PPV after a title defense (if he wins) in two months, THEN, put the shirt online the next day. I think both sides are smart enough business wise to figure that out.

  4. I think the Goldberg thing might require to do like a year run and end at WM. The guy doesn't need the money (unlike Flair who keeps wrestling to pay all his ex's), he recently said he doesnt want to keep wrestling his tights as an old man, and he has also done a good job of distancing himself from the business and be successful which is hard to do.


    However I def. see this more as an outside the ring business deal than a "lets bring Goldberg in so he can be a top draw again" deal. I say that for a few reasons,


    - First is TNA. Goldberg doesn't like them. It isn't just because of Hogan but both Goldberg and Lesnar publicly stated they were upset TNA kept using their names to tease big signings (which did over and over and over) and as we all know Hogan teased bringing him in which Goldberg said they never even negotiated.


    - That first point was Goldberg being personal with TNA, second is WWE's "battle" with TNA. While Goldberg didn't want to go to TNA now that doesn't mean they wont throw money at him in the future which would draw more hype for TNA and let them sell ALOT of merchandise which WWE could be selling.


    - Merchandise and DVD. This of course benefits both sides. Goldberg can make a lot more money of merchandise than with TNA so it only makes sense for him. They can bring Goldberg in ring for a year, give him a title run like before (theres two titles so no one else is getting hurt) then when he is done put out a DVD including his WCW run which would sell especially now that he would have more WWE footage and it would actually be a good one to watch. Also think of a post career book. Of course then WWE can still sell their Who's Next shirts and all that even after he's gone giving both money for longer.


    - Post Wrestling. Goldberg does appearances but WWE can give him more opportunities (heck he could come to AXXESS every year) making more money. Also, a movie. WWE has been getting into them and Goldberg would fit for a good role (doesnt even have to be the star) and because he's already had success outside of wrestling promoting things like that would be easier, I mean my Dad even likes him b/c of his car shows and car collection but has no clue who Cena is.


    - Finally HOF. This ties into Post Wrestling but as people have said WWE is lacking "big" names for the HOF because lets face it, there have only been so many big names in the 20 years of mainstream wrestling. yes there are still good old worthy guys, but not alot of them appeal to the general WWE audience. If Goldberg did his year (or just over) run like I said winning the title he would then be a two time WWE champion and one time WCW champion and have the streak and all that and lets face it there have been less deserving people get into the HOF.


    -Sting. This one is REALLY iffy I don't expect this to fully happen but at least listen. Sting has disliked WWE is without a doubt the biggest star of the era that has never worked for WWE. If they treat a former WCW guy like Goldberg well it might help Sting do something with WWE after he retires and is done with TNA even if it is only to do a book, movie, and HOF thing. Afterall, if Goldberg can make all that money without doing much work, why woulnd't Sting at least think about it? Goldberg isn't the golden thing that would make this happen but it sure as hell doens't hurt.


    Overall seems like a great business decision that didn't capitalize on before but I agree he has to return to the ring (even if only wrestling at PPV's) or he wont have the momentum to just sell merchandise.

  5. No I didnt see that this morning! I saw the other news stuff you had recapped but not that! GD! I was really looking forward to that :( Man I am seriously dissapointed... I love it when there are three/four main card fights I am excited to see (since that hasnt been the case the past 6 months)

    As Remi pointed out earlier, maybe if TNA had pushed their talent back then they'd have have become BIGGER NAMES NOW.



    This. While I liked more of their product than I do I def. agree with Jarrett which TNA FINALLY fixed with Christian (who got his huge pop for it) but maybe if TNA had put the belt on Monty Brown or Abyss or Rhyno or Hoyt or Killings and giving them a serious run they would be more over now, even if they would have pushed Roode straight to the main event after Team Canada (maybe have him buy his way to a title shot since he was all about money with Tracy as a manager) instead any of those people that got some success (or the belt) lost it to people Like Jarrett who's Dad founded the company.

  7. I won't argue with you and I agree and understand how you couldnt get to the good parts since the first part of the show wasn't anything special then a Terry/Tomko match is understandably a turn off and like you said they never announced the main event until there were 20 minutes or so left in the show. This is actually why I DVR Impact (and RAW) so things don't seem so drawn out and I don't have time to get upset during commercials as the only one I watched Live in awile was there first Live Monday Impact and I felt it was brutal sitting through without able to speed things up :p
  8. While I am usually the one of the more critical of Impact I have to disagree with you Cappy. I thought this Impact was alot matter because we actually got some solid matches.


    The KO 6 way match was alot better than I thought it would be and is better than the ambush matches they've been doing,


    while I wasn't a big fan of the storyline Foley vs JJ was much better that what we have been getting. I agree that it should have been at Lockdown instead so they could build it but it was a good match and not just an angle like I expected


    the ME was also one of the best under the new regime, dont know how people didnt like it. wasnt much from a heat/storyline but it was still good action.


    I also disagree w/the crap booking for 7 years comment. If they were really that bad no one would be watching all this time and since they've been on Spike (in any time slot) their ratings have stayed pretty close. They used to have good stuff going on just didnt have any big names or stars, their tag division used to be awesome, the X division used to be awesome, and they had some good characters.

  9. I think next week will be a better truth as far as ratings. This is planned on being the first week without a replay so maybe some people will tune in Thursday and not see Impact and make more of an attempt to watch Monday so we'll see if they can get back to the 1.0 mark.


    With the last two ratings being so low (the old Saturday 11 PM slot averaged .7) there's of course no way they are getting pulled/cancelled but like I said before if I'm in the upper ranks of the company and after paying big money to Hogan/Flair/Bischoff and making the move to Monday and by December they arent pulling a 1.5 (or close to it regularly) I couldn't help but ask what was the point?


    To touch on Terry, I think he is just so bland and stereotypical. I dont really think he's awful in the ring as much as people say he is, his matches are only one minute long what do you want him to do? But he's just a big roided (before everyone says he's clean I'm guessing this was a big reason he was released from WWE in 08 as thats when they starting crack down more on those guys and a dev. guy isn't worth having issues over) dude going "Grrr I'm a big wrestler!" seems so overdone and blah especially with how hes been booked as the Global champion. Do I hate him? No. Do I like him? No. I just see him as a very bland typical big bodyguardesque old school stereotyped wrestler. I think a big part of his push is him being Welsh and them trying to stay strong in the UK and I would actually like to see Morgan getting his type of dominating push instead while keeping the British Invasion as a solid Midcard stable as they seemed good.

  10. That had actually been a complaint of mine for awhile. Only twice have I spent the $55 on my own (well me and the gf split instead of a party/group) and I've always felt they should show you the prelims, I mean what else is the PPV company really doing? Having another random movie available to order on one of their many channels? They dont even have to do it live before hand, they could show them post show (which would make more sense). Can't be a cost thing, they already have people filming, editing, and announcing them so why not just put them out there?
  11. Last night's Impact did a .86


    Yay I like you for posting the real number and not .9 like I thought people would do! Up from a .84.


    RAW's rating is down quite a bit which people are making a big deal about but I imagine its b/c this is a weak RAW, people say how its so important as the last RAW before WM but nothing really happens the week before WM.

  12. 1) EB vs JJ/Foley

    2) Matt Morgan vs Hernandez (?)

    3) Angle vs Anderson

    4) Wolfpac (?)

    5) Pope vs Styles (Sorta...)

    6) Sting vs Everyone (?)

    7) LOL ABYSS

    8) Love vs Beautiful People

    9) tara vs. Daffney (and BP?)

    10) Terry vs. Magnus (formerly known as Brutus)

    11) X-Division vs. X-Division

    12) Beer Money vs. JJ and anyone Bischoff doesnt like

    13) Hogan vs. Everyone

    14) Hardy and RVD vs. People that dont want to have fun?


    While the teams at Lockdown will hopefully provide excitment, (Sting & Wolfe seem to be a given vs. Abyss/RVD/Hardy I'm also strongly assuming its them) it just seems to go along the same stuff of putting everyone together just for the heck of it.

  13. The big problem issue is that they aren't in a 1 vs 1 feud. BARELY ANYONE IS The only people in a 1 vs 1 are Angle and Anderson. This why things seem like a cluster bunch, because... it is. All the faces hate all the heels consistently leading to big all out brawls which is the new regimes bread and butter.


    Sting vs. RVD (since were on that) had (has) major potential. RVD has HUGE momentum, Sting is Sting, having those two go back and forth leading to a big PPV match would be aweseom and it if (hopefully the would and do) RVD wins, it gives a solid established babyface to go after the title which right now the only major face they have is Angle. It seems nearly everyone is feuding with Hogan or Bischoff in one way or another, instead of Sting vs. Hogan/Abyss/RVD/Hardy/Pope why not just give us a solid Sting vs. RVD feud that would even work in WWE? Because right now both Sting and RVD are floating and thats why people are dissapointed. When RVD got beaten down people criticized it, but the people that defended it said dont worry we will probably get an awesome Sting vs. RVD feud, and we haven't gotten that yet. Sting and RVD are bigger than Team Hogan or Team Flair

  14. I agree with everything you said Self and it kinda goes with what I was saying about long term. Right now they are throwing lots of stuff together or as Remi (I think) as described a few time, throwing crap on the wall to see what sticks trying to hit their own gold or something.


    Eventually they are going to have to settle down since people with ADD is good for throwing stuff around, but at the same having ADD means people can get sick of it just as fast as well.


    Was Impact a lot better than what they've been doing? Yes. But can they really just keep throwing workers and storylines together that dont really make sense or flow forever and expect to hit that 1.5 ratings mark?


    Whoever mentioned the TEW comparision I couldnt agree more. What do we do with Hardy and RVD since they're so hott off debuting? I dont know, lets put them in tag matches because that will get a good match rating (which it did). We turned Sting heel now what? I dont, but he's over so we have to use him, lets just have him keep mysteriously feuding with Hogan since they're our only A overness guys. Ran out of time, crap, well I still have 40 minutes of dark time so lets put the entire X division including our champ whos been on Impact 5 minutes in the past month on the preshow along with Desmond Wolfe since we dont need him, he fell in a hole remember? besides his valet is now Flairs valet and more over anyway. Angle and Anderson are our hottest storyline and is actually making sense? Vacation day! wait wait, we have to shorten something so our Global champion can have a two minute match adn bill him as the next #1 contender, hmm I really hate to only give Bischoff and Hogan 78% of the show instead of 80% but I guess we can cut two minutes off them dangit.


    The sad thing I dont even view that paragraph as being critical. As I said Impact got a good "show grade" but what are they doing to get people to tune in each week long term to start getting ratings beyond the people that long term fans that watch each week?


    To clarify earlier about time management, i will ingore how much time Bisch/JJ/Foley got on the show and use an easier example. Take out the Beer Money promo of them hyping their match that was just created 5 minutes ago getting hyped and throw Ken Anderson in their slot. Time management doesn't have to be squeezing stuff together its just taking time away from people that already get a lot of time on a show for those not getting any.

  15. Where did I say the try squeeze them all on the show? I said time management. JJ/Foley/ Bichoff had a whole crap load of time. Bischoff/JJ at the beginning including commericals was close to 20 minutes after it was all said and done. Then we had the match later. Shorten segments/storylines for other segments, time management, they arent using their two hours properly. This why I criticize people like Foley, yeah people recognize and he might be cool to see every now and then but they're on TV SO much time, cant they shorten stuff down?
  16. DVR'd it last night since theres no replay and watched it this morning since I had to get up early for the puppy.


    Compared to what they have been doing Impact was good, there are still holes which I think are stopping them from brining in more fans. B/C lets face it,


    I agree with Remi about time management, their time management is awful. They dont have to do every storyline every week, but fans dont have to watch everyweek either. This may be all well and good if they had an actually good sized fanbase but they dont. Their fanbase is the people that have liked TNA and stick by them no matter what.


    A big example on this is the JJ/Foley match. Why? No seriously, why? TNA fans might like it but if this match wasnt on, the TNA fans would still like it. Does this match really draw in anyone watching RAW? Or people who used to like TNA that dont anymore? Those people hated Jarrett they ran him off TV when Christian finally beat him. Foley? Come on. These guys are not big draws and they got ALOT of TV Time tonight. B/c as I mentioned earlier, its fine if people that watched the show liked this segment, but there is other stuff they like to on the show that made them watch.


    Angle/Anderson: They couldnt have Anderson give a 30 second promo on how Angle used his dog tag thing? I am 100% sure they will touch on this next week (at tonights taping) but what about any potential new viewers who may have been getting into it due to Angle or Anderson being WWE guys? These are the type of people TNA hasnt been able to keep (just look at the ratings for the past 2 years) We talk about how if they just get some WWE guys people will watch, well here they are, now put them on TV. And the limited schedule is a joke, they are both in town b/c of the PPV Sunday and the taping tonight, just pull one aside and have them cut a quick promo.


    X Division: They do a show that focused alot on it then the only metion of it is Moore standing in the background. What? Not even really a mention of how great the match was? Not huge but once again this is one of the things that make them different than WWE for peole that looking for differences and its not there.


    Tag Titles: Beer Money lose but keep getting pushed by Bishoff but lose. Hern/Morgan keep the titles but then Hern. gets his neck broken, meaning those titles wont be defended any time soon. MCMG put on a good PPV match to be #1 contenders then arent on the show. It looks like it will be a 2 on 1 match for the tag titles. Wouldt a Beer Money/MCMG feud and a Morgan/Homicide feud make more sense? Especially considering it looks like thats where their going anyone just in a much more confusing way.


    While the show itself was good for what it was and TNA fans could enjoy it I just really do not see what the companies long term goal is and wonder if they are going to be in the same situation in a year. I don't see how they are doing anything to differentiate themselves from WWE enough to get viewers since the only viewers they have are the same ones they have had for a long time. If people like The Band, Nastyz, Foley, Hogan, Bischoff on your tv thats fine, I'm not getting into what you like, but do you or anyone really think people are going to stop watching RAW to tune in to see them? Or that people that have been away from wrestling are going to come back to see the same people that were on TV 10 years ago? They haven't really built anyone in their three months. Styles looks like the most piss poor champion ever, Pope's had so little TV after his first two weeks, Abyss looks like a fool, who have then pushed? Once again, if people like it then good for you for being able to enjoy it, but if you are watching RAW and flip on this TNA thing to check it out and see Abyss intimidating Hogan and Styles coming out dressed like Flair are you really going to tune in? Its not different at all! People have already seen this.


    On a plus side the womens tag match was good since i thought it was going to be a mess when they first started, and right now that division is the only difference between TNA and WWE. Being unpredictable doesnt make you different, it makes you unpredictable (if thats what they are) having a bunch of workers that used to work for you competition just means you haven't grown your own in two and half years of being on primetime TV. Being the only other wrestling show on major cable doesnt make you a different product, it just means your the only other wrestling show on calbe TV. I'm just really worried its going to be the exact same in a year with the TNA loyalists still enjoying as they have for two and a half years but no one else caring.

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