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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. def. agree. I just felt he kinda worded it wrong. Do I expect him to say MMA is great and over taking boxing? Hell no :p that would be stupid of him. but for being such a bad man, and who some argue the best boxer of all time (more titles in diff weight classes than anyone) its funny to hear him sound like a wuss "thats too violent for me i dont want to bleed I have to stay pretty for my singing and congress (is it congress or statesman?) career!" although he is obviously far from a wuss (clearly could kick my ass! and could def. compete in MMA after some basic training), hence the wording it wrong.
  2. Figured I'd throw this in here, way to sound like a bad ass (sarcastic) could have left out the violence part (coming from someone who has punched people thousands of times in the head)


    “It's too violent for me but it's a sport that should be recognized,” Pacquiao said during an ESPN.com chat to promote the bout. “It's a great sport but not the sport for me.”

  3. I dont like it either, pretty much for the same reasons you mentioned, not regulated across the board, does it really help health, etc. I've read articles on it before and I cant really agree with any of the proposed logic. If they are doing a second weigh in the day of the fight, why not just make the 135 division the 143.4 division? (for example)


    I think a better way, which of course we dont live in a perfect world, would be to have a National Boxing/MMA commitee (i know i know big dreams) and the doctors would follow workers and their weight loss/gain to see if they are endangering their health since a 1.0625% obviously isnt the same health risk for everyone. If there were doctors actually monitoring workers long term (or even short term) standard percentile walking around weight they could say things like no you shouldnt fight at 170 b/c you weigh 220 two weeks before the fight and that weight cut is unhealthy for you b/c the last three times you needed iv fluids. I think something like that would be better for the actual health of the fighter at hand instead of just throwing out limits that dont apply to the specific fighter.

  4. Plus no Fiesta bowl this time. Still lets hope the total ratings go up due to "war" buzz. Anyone have the data on their head to head rating so excluding the first hour of the Jan 4th show? If the total ratings keep around this for a couple of weeks TNA needs to go 8-10 asap.


    I also felt an 8-10 would work better since you may get people who watch RAW for the first hour and maybe even until 10 so they wouldn't miss RAW's main event, good in theory, hard to know if it would actually work.

  5. Just researched it and if its final that is the lowest rating since new years show of last year. Their average on thursday with a hour show was 1.0 and their average during their two hour show on thursday was 1.2, the big January 4th show did a 1.5 and ratings have consistently dropped since.


    That is pretty bad from a mainstream point considering the Olympics and The Bachelor are over, not neccessarily their main demographic but with two of the highest rated shows in February off tv you thought it might have helped


    edit: However as some mentioned it is WM time of year for WWE so throw that in there

  6. just wanted to throw this out there, what all do you think the policy on spoilers should be since TNA will be taping every other Tuesday now? The argument of if you dont want to see spoilers dont read the TNA thread doesnt really work since people could be discussing TNA w/o wanting to know the spoilers and the white font only works if people dont quote it.
  7. While I have calmed down and tried to be more optimistic this just made me laugh. I go to pwinsider for news and I read the guys article on Impact. he starts it by saying how it was the best impact since the new year and before that, yet he goes on to not like 9 of the segments, likes 4 of them, and says 2 are okay, lol is that really a "best show"? I think someone is overusing best


    edit: I emailed him and he emailed back saying he didn't like 90% of the past Impacts and it was his favorite since the Nash books Impact episode. So it seems someone doesn't like TNA :p

  8. I dont think last night hurt RVD's image, Sting is one of top wrestlers over the past 20 years and the biggest modern age star not to be in the 'E, and it may build to something in the future. But personally I watched it live (instead of DVR'ing so I can skip commercials like usual) was to see Sting and RVD debut, and you have to admit it wasn't the best way to debut the hottest free agent in your first live Monday show going to head to head. And actually what really killed it for me was Hogan coming in b/c it made it a Sting/Hogan feud instead of a RVD/Sting feud, if Sting beats up RVD then walks away, we have "why did Sting beat up RVD? Will RVD get revenge?" now its why did Sting attack Hogan, and oh yeah, the hottest free agent has been lying in the ring for 10 minutes, welcome to TNA!


    I agree with you on the Pope thing though since I didnt think he deserved to be the #1 contender yet either, but kinda like you said, its a bit odd how they've gone about getting him over by having him break his ankle twice, and I think if they just would have had Wolfe/Pope feud for the past months would have worked better. As I said, it just upsets they make him the #1 contender, let him do a great in ring promo against Flair, then never mention it again while Abyss gets pushed to the moon


    EDIT: Fleisch, as you can see by my previous page post I agree with you!

  9. B/c Pope is injured and for some reason when Pope won his title shot it was for Lockdown (which doesnt make sense b/c when you win a title shot, isnt it for the next PPV? unless its the RR of course)


    yeah I dont have a straight answer for you, I've been trying to justify everything in my head. Next week they better explain it, just have Bischoff say "Since you broke Pope's leg you will now be facing Abyss!" they kinda skipped that step


    edit: BTW the Ultimate X card does look sweet. Too bad i dont order them :p hopefully next week has some good set up matches/angles

  10. Pope's selling the Pillman-ising more than most folks in modern renditions, but it's a bit ridiculous to hamper one of the few babyfaces who can 'go' with a worked injury. I assume they're trying to give Pope 'sympathy' but Pope was getting over just being Pope


    That's why I get upset over Pope, as you said he was getting over, Pope cutting good angles made people cheer and now he's in this big mess of getting his ankle/leg broken every other week.


    I admit I'm harsh about last night but its b/c i was expecting great things and didn't see them, I said I marked out for Sting/RVD but just by having them on the show doesn't make the show as a whole good. We were teased two PPV quality matches and didn't get them (Pope/Wolfe, Sting/RVD) and instead saw two joke matches (JJ's and Young/Waltman) and saw Hogan on TV for an hour out of the two hours.


    I guess a good question to cheer me up would be what did the people that liked the show like about it specifically to help me look at the positive and get my TNA hope back?

  11. I actually gave Impact an 8 last week when I did that review pages back.


    Nice edit ;)


    I didnt say we wont get good things in the future but that post was about last nights impact and judging it for what it was, like I have been doing. I would also argue about RVD's win being clean, it was pretty tainted. He ambushed him off the turnbuckle and got a quick pin not even giving Sting time to take off his trench coat. I def. hope we get to see Sting/RVD in a real match but thats what I thought we were getting last night, instead we saw more of a Hogan/Sting feud

  12. Alright, after being so dissapointed hopefully my weekly rundown will make me tune in next week b/c right its get DVR'd with a lot of use of the skip button.


    Opening Match


    To me this is where it all started. It was one of my theories as to the "5 minutes" and all excitment I had just went down hill. My gf was actually "watching" while reading her magazine (shes never watched TNA with me before but since The Bachelor is over she was content in having it on and reading) and as soon as the show started I said "This sucks already!" and she was like "What?" but anyways, I digress, point is I was vocally upset, I actually switched over to RAW to see if Undertaker would be anybetter.


    I switched back with the match still going on then Sting comes in, I'm like sweet they're doing something righ! EEHHHH! Wrong! it isn't enough to just have one of the biggest stars in wrestling return, he has to have a heel turn, vintage Bischoff/Russo. This ruined it AGAIN for me. If they want to turn Sting go for it, but cant you wait until next week or the end of the show and let us enjoy it and say haha WWE never got Sting?


    After all this big to do, we get to see the match I initially switched off later in the show in the main event, *sarcastic* yaaaay.


    20 minutes later, here is Kaz


    Promos weren't the best but hey we got a real match! Action was actually a little dissapointed to me as none of the guys hit their big moves until Williams at the end, who's move I love, so in TEW terms "This match lifted the crowd" Oh Shannon Moore? NVM, this match did not lift the crowd, I would have rather had one of the other X division wrestlers (you know, who has been with the company) come in, Moore cant even bring in WWE fans since he is SO different now (and has been) go Hardy...


    Women's Tag Match


    Really?...really? This is the first Live Monday "War" show and this is what we get? I've been consistent all along and while I dont hate womens wrestling, history has shown it doesnt draw and I think TNA needs to focus on other things. This match took the place of a MCMG type match so that upsets me. Match was too long given who was involved then the BP get that long victory angle? WTF? We get it writers, you like getting sucked




    Okay, this is fun, we get a Pope promo which is entertaining, then we see he is going to face Wolfe, cool should be fun, OH NO! Wolfe attacks Pope no match. Once again, another way to p*ss me off... I watched the BP wrestle I deserve a real match now and they just took it off.

    (is there an echo in here?)


    Sting vs. ???


    Here we go folks! Best part of the night! I was truely psyched, we all knew it was going to be RVD as an opponent, they stretch out Stings entrance, I am getting butterflies thinking "this is why TNA is good, forget the other stuff" RVD appears on the screen, YES! they didnt throw a curve ball!, Wait, RVD is coming out of the crowd to ambush Sting? Kicks him, splashes him, yay go RVD beat him up!...its over? WTF!!!!!! This followed by a 15 minuted bat angle where nothing happens, he doesnt focus on breaking RVD's leg, just walks back and forth and oh here comes Hogan! Because he hasn't been on my TV enough tonight...what just went from the best part of the night went to easily the worst "This match was going to bring the crowd down but it couldnt go any lower"


    The Band


    Oh boy, here comes the band. Just sit through it and will be done soon, nash gets time then we go to commerical...and its still goin. Nash/Waltman take their time getting to the ring, blah blah Hey Yo I'm old, blah blah oh a match! And seriously, can the annoucners at least stop questioning how Nash and Walman get in? We get it, you've said it every Impact for the last three months now, theyre sneaky. Match was decent for what it was, would have liked it to turn into an outside of the ring brawl but it could have been worse. At the same, why did this storyline get such a long angle and match?


    Captain Angle


    So now Angle is hugely army, honestly it was a little much. This whole bit went on long for what it was, positive is it moved the storyline along being something different which is what I've said I have enjoyed about this feud. It was just too long and seeing the Army assault a TNA contracted worker was a bit dumb, oh but Angle poses with the flag, lame.


    Bubba/Hogan, wait, this doesn't warrant its on part




    Started watching this then changed to Family Guy b/c it was awful and of course didnt make sense (big surprise folks!) and instead of seeing Beer Money vs. a tag team in a REAL match, we get another angle which is now a synonym for match. Flipped in on family guy commercials and the same stupid thing was going on, Foley who is the ref/boss (hes still part owner or something w/JJ isnt' he?) gives JJ a bat then the ref goes against two of his bosses to take the obviously plastic barbed wire bat away, and big surprise JJ loses. Waste of time, glad I missed most of it.


    Here it is folks we promised you a great main event tonight...


    Didnt watch it. Had no interest in it when it was announced, had no interested when my TNA support meter was at 0 last night. Flipped in and out, same stuff, blah blah, then Jeff Hardy. If Hardy was there, where was he at the beginning of the show? Blah, I dont care about Jeff anyway, the dude has never been a big draw for either promotion and hasnt worked 6 months straight in years. He will flake and be out of TNA by the end of the year (either back to WWE for just back to nothing like usual)


    Random Questions/Thoughts


    -Samoa Joe- like someone said maybe hes getting rest, but Samoa Joe was one of the companies biggest draws, appears to have a big feud with AJ set up, then gets kidnapped, and has no not been heard from for almost a month. If they wanted him off tv, why not just have Flair/AJ break his legs with a figure four? once again, more lose ends.


    -Pope- Umm apparentley he lost the #1 contendership to Abyss? Seriously, what the hell is going on? Are they only writing these episodes/feuds before that week? We had this big Pope thing callin D*ck Flair out and now its nothing...thx for treating me stupid TNA! Also, I get it, hes injured and cant compete, this is the 2nd time they have done this with him, since they clearly regret pushing him, why did they even do it to being with!?


    -Bischoff- I thought he was used well this week. He got his TV time but when he did it was important (like I mentioned last week) bad news, Hogan got all his and the Nasty Boyz excess time.


    Overall Score: 3 Last week was a good Impact and I rated it high and high hopes for this show but looking at the segments none of them stood as being great, there were alot of let downs with one average segment (three way match) and the only high points were people debuting, so is TNA just going to have 3 people debut each week B/c they sure as hell can't write.

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