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Posts posted by jesterx7769

  1. Is Undertaker opeing the show even that big of a deal? Not like their changing it so Austin is the gues host (which would be the real act of "war")What's gonna happen? The lights go out, smoke comes out of nowhere, he walks slowly to the ring, looks mean and "HBK...at WM...you will...rest...in...peace!" There, just saved everyone the time.


    On a more serious note, I expect them to have Angel involved in the Undertaker's entrance thing/promo since it fits him

  2. Unfortunately both those fights don't interest me at all so I could care less. I understand Couture/Toney will probably get them some more ESPN coverage and interview but from my point of view I have no interest in seeing a 41 year old boxing very new to MMA taking on a 45 (?) year old man who is known as one of the godfathers of the UFC and MMA as we know it today, also seems if Couture loses, doesn't this hurt MMA's image even a little bit?


    On a positive note I am getting really excited for 111 coming up as I'm actually interested in all the main card fights (which hasn't been the case lately)


    Also getting excited for Vera vs. Jones and I really hope we get to see a decent amount of those prelims as theres 5 of them I'd like to see while Kongo vs. Buentello doesnt interest me as much

  3. How is having a name that relates to sex unique and their own? The wrestling industry also has a bad name so I would have to say it def. evokes what people think of wrestling, its not like the name is, Family Friendly No Violence Entertainment. I would call TNA very far from a unique name "heh heh, hey butthead lets be cool and edgy and call it TNA so its like a cool/sex reference that the WWE even named a stable but it will stand for Totan Nonstop Action because we are are all about the action! Yeah Man Cross the Line!"


    As far as basing it around ignorant people, apparentley there are so many ignorant people TNA barely exists (which is more Panda Energy than a wrestling company), and as many have said and read its questionable just how profitble they are, so how is it they dont need ignorant fans? We all make fun of the WWE demographic and how it is no longer us but they are raking in lots of dough. I'm not even saying they have to put wreslting in their name if they want to be different, call it TAA Total Awesome Action, but you how will they educate people that wont give them a chance? Go to every mall in the country telling people TNA doesnt stand for tits n ass and yes there is another wrestling company besides WWE on TV? You know there are parents out there saying


    "TNA wrestling!? Youre not watching Tits N' Ass wrestling WWE is bad enough"


    "but Mom! thats not what it stands for!" (As the beautiful people shake their ass on the ropes)


    "No But's mister!"


    That is my point. For 8 years or w/e theyve tried to be cool and let people come to their side and their ratings haven't changed much since Spike and while they have more fans they still run free shows out of Universal, at least companies like RoH are out their putting on shows and making money not relying on Daddy. I'm not saying that changing the name will make their booking better or suddenly bring in lots of money, I'm just saying how there is a laundry list of excuses people can give as to not watch TNA and not even give them a chance, which back to ratings, isn't happening.


    As far as the Target reaon, Target's Initials arent' G.U.N.S. with their name being Great Universal New Shopping, then saying, why do parents think we sell guns?

  4. Once again why I hate the VKM card. They could have had him lost in a meaningful match then just go crazy after the lost (which it seemed like they were going to do) but now he has gone from potential crazy heel to wuss heel. Its just a creative crutch to me, dont know what to do? Use VKM, I mean, hes the owner he can do anything guys!


    Of course there was always the idea of just have him keep winning until they could come up with a new storyline/fued for him...

  5. TNA officially confirmed Sting will appear tonight. No official word on RVD/Hardy but of course its rumoured they will at least show up (I expect at the very least a video hype of RVD)


    You guys probably saw too but it appears Hall/Waltman will have a match against Nash/Young. here's hoping we are all wrong in speculating Nash turns on Young to reform the nWo, or the oWo (old world order) although I dont see Hall/Waltman leaving anytime soon now that Hall has his little youtube video and creates hype which TNA loves

  6. Wow thats def. top 10 worst I've seen (maybe 5 but I dont exactly keep a ranking of top head wounds handy)


    gonna be a b*tch to heal considering how sensitve the forehead is anyway, would suck if even in 6 months/year he got hit wrong sparring before a fight (Shamrock style) that reopened that sucker

  7. Bill Goldberg did an interview with TulsaWorld.com to promote appearing on The Celebrity Apprentice. In the interview, Goldberg responded to a January statement where Hulk Hogan said that he may be joining TNA by saying, "Pardon my French, but Hulk Hogan's full of crap because I was never in negotiations with TNA." About returning to wrestling he said, "Do I see myself getting back in the wrestling ring? I'm 43 years old. Do I want to be Ric Flair? Do I want to be Hulk Hogan? In the twilight of my life, do I want to be running around in my underwear trying to injure people? Absolutely not."[/Quote]


    that ends any arguing on that :p

  8. You know it's funny. Ring of Honor has the name to be successful in the mainstream but not the product or profile. TNA has the product and is working to build the profile but one of the crappiest names possibly for attaining true number two status. Especially where the acronym is concerned. If the two promotions could somehow just swap names, TNA could push forward and RoH would have the cult fed name that still describes them quite well.


    Lol TWA has always been my fav for a name change as well. And if they ever are going to do it now is the time. Or just ad the w as in TNAW presents Impact etc.


    lol I am actually surprised the first two people to comment on a name change agree with me! There are def. bigger problems but as I mentioned its just one more thing giving viewers a reason Not to tune in, if people tune in and don't like the product fine on to stage two of making a better product. but WWE gets over 3.+ for their ratings and TNA cant even get 1.5 once (i think they might have done it once) when theoretically if you like wrestling you like WWE, if you like wrestling you should want to watch it more on tv and TNA is clearly lacking those cross over viewers, internet fan or not its in your tv guide

  9. I agree, its bad news b/c it shows people weren't interested enough to stick around, now hopefully that changes but by the numbers its a fact right now.


    A lot of the problem seems to be relying on the old talent too much, I know you need old talent but this is how I see Monday, if you watched WCW or WWE or event caught TNA for a bit, is Hogan and Flair in the ring really going to make you watch? Or would Angle vs. Sting/RVD (just for example) make you tune in? While I agree they need the "old names" on the show, it seems theyve just used them too much which has turned people off, I mean how many times did Scott hall and Waltman close TNA since the new year? Half the time? Then when you dont use some guys that the TNA fans that kept the company alive get upset you lose both new viewers who dont stick around for Hogan/Hall/Nastys and old ones who are upset people like Joe/Daniels aren't being used.


    Is it hard? Hell yes it is, theres a reason there hasn't been a number two company for about 10 years. I just hope this Monday move can be the spark they need to get their ratings about 1.5 consistently


    edit: Two other things that stick out to me that I've thought for awhile. The name, while TNA is getting more popular they really to get away from the "dirty" name, when i mentioned it to my girlfriend she asked me if it was porn and mentioned the tits and ass. Ignorant? Yes. But how do you expect people to react when they don't know you? I'm sure there are parents out there that would much rather have their kids watch WWE than give this new TNA thing a try. Ignorant? Yes, but once again they know WWE, they don't know TNA, and wrestling already has a bad image. I know someone will probably say "then what do you want them to be called!?" just replace the N with a W, Total Wrestling Action, TWA doesn't give off such a bad image.


    2) Russo. Now my reason is not that he sucks b/c I have no idea what parts of TNA he writes and which parts he doesn't...which is the problem. A lot of people give him a bad wrap for WCW and that reputation hurts by having someone there especially when even if Russo is writing gold for TNA right now, no one knows it and it comes down to "I didnt like what he wrote then and buried a company I like why would I watch him now?" Ignorant? sure, but once again why do you expect people to give it a try when you send out so many negatives before they even see an episode? Kinda the same boat with Bischoff, sure people know him, but alot of WCW fans dont like how he ran WCW at the end and your WWE fans dont like him since he was the "bad guy from WCW" he obviously knows alot about the business but it just helps create negative energy and obviously his name isn't drawing people in after two months (short time I know I'm not saying hes a bum fire him)

  10. Agreed, the ending was probably the worst way to end it and not much came after it (for either party) I wasn't dissapoined at the cheating aspect as it kinda seemed like you had to cheat to beat him, just in retrospect looking at the post-defeat action they could have def. done more and i agree with you it seemed like they didnt know what to do w/him since he didnt have the streak to fall back on


    edit: Actually, a cool ending would have been losing to Flair, showing it took "The dirtiest player in the game" to beat this monster man beast that is Goldberg, and I dont think anyone would look bad losing to Flair after a low blow. Better than a cattleprod.

  11. They cared b/c of the WCW fans and probably realized in that year without Goldberg or other big WCW talent doing well (no Sting, Booker T losing title to Angle then losing to Rock in that first year, Hogan had JUST returned) all WCW fans hadn't turned into WWE fans. I dont know what the ratings were back then or PPV buys but WWE was probably hoping that by buying WCW they could retain 3/4's of those ratings/PPV buys and were dissapointed when they didnt. Alot of people were critical of the invasion angle after they got their brief run in the beginning then quickly lost to WWE workers. I was big into other wrestling forums back then and knew alot of WCW fans that were turned off by WWE and to me Goldberg seemed like a way of trying to get those people to turn into WWE fans and latch onto people like Triple H (hence pairing him with Flair and finally beating Goldberg)
  12. The nothing comes from he isn't as legendary as people make him out to be. It is the streak that had meaning. I agree I misspoke with the "nothing" as it was exaggerated and I should have just said highly over rated. He was never known for ring work, or charisma, or any other major feud/storyline it was the streak. which i said i would rather see TNA give someone else a streak than focus on a streak from 10 years ago


    He has remained a "big name" b/c there are so very few wrestlers from a major promotion not working. Who else is there right now that could realistically work? And Goldberg is really close age wise to not being considered anymore.


    By buried in WWE, I mean they never gave him a full chance and he wasnt really there for very long. He was only there for his one year contract. To me it always seem like, "lets give the WCW guy a brief run to make it seem like we dont have bad blood with WCW, but lets make sure its brief since were not really pushing any other WCW talent" I agree buried was exaggerating, more like, tossed aside but the way people talk about him is as if he just left WWE whiched lead me to exaggerate.

  13. He has lots of money now (search for things on his car collection) and would be a waste since the only people that would like him would be WCW fans after WWE burried him so quickly. I think the value of Sting brings in anyone Goldberg would bring in (old WCW fans that refused to watch WWE) so they have that base covered.


    Unfortunately Goldberg as a whole is nothing special (never was) and if TNA (or WWE for that matter) wanted to they could easily create a new Goldberg by giving a big muscular guy a 100 win streak and as much as I dont like that idea I would rather see Matt Morgan get 100 straight wins (remember WCW used alot of house shows in that streak) than them sign Goldberg for alot of money


    On a different note, Monday should be awesome with RVD and Sting appearing, that is I'm assuming RVD debuts Monday as I dont see why he wouldn't with how big a night it is unless his contract isn't completley official by then

  14. Morley leaving surprises me. Not so much that I'm surprised that he's leaving, mind you, it just seems odd that he was able to pin one of the top faces of TNA in their "match" on Impact last night. Always makes me scratch my head when a guy comes in, pins one of the top guys in the company, and then leaves.


    Doesn't seem like it'd make much business sense.




    Its because he wants to work for CMLL in Mexico. When TNA only had 1/2 tapings a month this wasn't a problem, but not with the live Mondays they decided to part ways.

  15. I wouldnt classify daniels as a main eventer considering how little hes been used or pushed, and Hardy shouldnt be on the list right now. I would def say Pope is a ME (after all hes facing AJ for the title at the PPV) and Wolfe/Abyss have also been used in ME roles recently but understand why you dont consider them yet.
  16. Impact thoughts this week as I've been doing (they're decently sized but help me view the overall show so too bad :p )


    - Opening: At first I was dissapointd Flair and AJ were opening the show again since it seems they always do but I liked this one. No one rambled and it set up the main event, so overall it was good.


    - Wolfe segment: Good, I said it before that they should use these new guys in angles to briefly show to them to people to try to get them also. Chelsea is also smoking.


    - Bischoff/Jarret (will also include the Morely match): I liked it. Two weeks ago I said I liked running Jarret through a type of gauntlets, then last week i felt they dropped the ball, but this week was good with the no DQ match, afterall, JJ wanted a match so he got it. I was worried at first him cleaning toilets was gonna be the same as last week but glad they made it good.


    tag team match: yay MCMG's, I knew Beer Money would win but I liked peple get their time and the "car crash" like match is old TNA style so I liked it. much better than a slow dudleys/nastys match like we've been seeing.


    Foleys' etiquette: didnt really like these segments. I know, I know Foley will get the better of it in the end but these were supposed to be funny and they just werent to me.


    Pope Promo: Same as Wolfe, love it. People who dont know Pope wont know Pope by wrestling alone so get him in front of the camera for at least a minute a show. He's charismatic and people mark out for him. Love it.


    British Invasion: Here is my problem with it. I dont have a problem with the story line (i actually like it) or Big Rob whos a physical steroid guy freak, but what I'm worried about is as soon as I care about them they will drop them or the storyline since they dont seem as important as the rest of the roster. However, its good for what it is now and I liked how it was short and sweet. Once again, lots of people getting brief tv time, I like it.


    Anderson/Angle: When I first saw Andreson come out I liked it, this feud has gone all over the place angle/match wise and I like it. However his promo went on too long and wasnt funny "i broke my neck, i broke my neck" i get it. I liked Angle actually came out to fight as it seems his personality and liked Anderson got the better this week since theyve been trading off and on and the olympic slam was an in your face thing that Anderson has been doing. Started off slow, finished strong.


    Hogan/Abyss: Too long, and I thought Abyss was a B.A. now?


    Beautiful People: Finally, only took three weeks to even show them on tv again. As i say every week I'm not a big womens wrestling fan but from a writing stand point this was a good storyline. Plus Lacey von Erich is super hott. Glad this is still going as I see it as a solid three month storyline thing if done right and is much more risque than WWE. BTW props for Angelina for taking that whipping and those marks, had to sting.


    BTLS/Angle/Bischoff on Hogan: This was awful all around. 1) Dont try to break Kayfabe with Hulk Hogan by using his real name. hes mother f'n Hulk Hogan the biggest star EVER in wrestling. And what is with Hogan getting injured in this match? We went from him teaching Flair a lesson to this is an awful decision and people dont think he will survive, literally. I guess he should just put his HOF ring back on since it has secret powers. Also, whats with Hogan being called out and an under dog? He made this match!


    The Band: Will Nash PLEASE finally join them on Monday or get them off my tv.


    Tomko/Jarrett: Good news, this got some time. bad news, it was with an out of shape Tomko who probably wont be a star and if Jarrets so injured probably should have lost but I guess he finally got one over on Bischoff. A guitar shot ending would been better since I loved that :)


    Title Match: Well, like many people on here said they were worried AJ would turn into some sorta mini Nature Boy and the robes and figure 4 made me worry to now. Eventually I see AJ turning back face as they've been building but I just hope this whole Flair thing doesnt turn people off of him. As far a the match, had some very good action and spots over all acting like its tag match (since it pretty much was) only thing I didnt like was the ref telling AJ not to attack the leg, um its a wrestling match? but it set up the chair shots which was good, despite Pope being able to hang on and the ref made a judgment call? Um...are you serious? This isn't MMA. This was a good match until the last minute and it actually really frustrates me. Post match beatdown did a good job of setting up Monday and I like how Wolfe is continually used as in TEW terms, in a supoort role during these attacks the past weeks instead of just walking to the back.


    Other thoughts: Unless I missed it, still no word on Samoa Joe. Glad Sting is back and it looks like he will debut/return on Monday (hopefully with RVD) not to much wacky questions or thoughts so thats good.


    Overall show: 8.5/10, great show hyping Monday, saw some decent in ring work, nothing that bad on the show except the last minute refereeing in the main event. If their shows are consistently like this I think they will draw more viewers on Mondays.


    edit: Much less Bischoff on this show, very nice. I think he should appear in small doses in order to make him more important, like uh oh, here's Eric to lay down the hammer/settle the argument.

  17. I dont think RVD and reading spoilers are really related. I personally dont read spoilers bc i watch/dvr the shows. Signings however, I would like to know about it, just like people want to know if Favre is coming back before week 1. To me it just came off as very anticlimatic and I doubt it was planned that way unless like someone said TNA wanted to keep it under wraps until Monday and Hogan wanted it out, but Jimmy Harts reaction seemed honest (to me) I'm not even upset Hogan leaked it, but I would have rather him just say the name on the radio. This is all nit picking though b/c RVD is AWESOME!
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