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Everything posted by Vinsmoker

  1. Not sure if anyone except me gets any use out of these, but... D'Lo Brown | Headshrinker Samu | Headshrinker Alofa/LA Smooth | Kizarny/Sinn Bodhi
  2. Are there any AMW era Chris Harris/James Storm pictures floating around?^^
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alexvesco" data-cite="alexvesco" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can you do turns in Angle's???</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes</p>
  4. I had a injured guy go to prison. But the injury was only for 6 months and he hasn't returned from prison yet
  5. I'm definitely going to run a promotion with all these forum/discord renders being turned into workers
  6. Oh. It's not a watcher save. I've been playing as a company nonstop and have just entered year 10 of my playthrough
  7. I'm in the same boat as Tormy Your workers pics/gifs are perfect and I use them constantly in my Effganic save. Great work all around
  8. Best way to keep it realistic, is to not fall in the WWE'13 trap. Stay aware that you need a main event & a undercard for every show and don't just hire the best people. In WWE'13 (the Attitude Era game) the roster mostly consisted of main event & upper midcarders. As a result someone like Razor Ramon ends up becoming your midcard-fall-guy. If you keep the numbers of top prospects and future world class stars low, you will automatically end up with a more realistic roster and more era-appropriate booking.
  9. End the match and have the cash-in happen in a segment afterwards
  10. I'm planning to give this a test this weekend. Haven't had the time for a deep dive so far
  11. You can minimize the risk by switching the title defenses of the Alliance title to "Never" and one "Not often". Works perfectly if you're the only company in the Alliance with a TV deal or if no one has Touring shows
  12. It's more the televised companies that used to rename superkicks as finishers. On the indies it's just a strike
  13. What are the product requirements for the company? Might want to change it to a product were matches only need to reach 5 minutes to be able to achieve "world class" ratings
  14. No. If it's about a specific region/area, you just need to hold some shows there. I thought you were talking about Natural Growth generally
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