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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Mighty Meaty © defeated Pretty Okakura and Davis Wayne Newton in a non-title match in 8:63 (66) -This was a pretty good match, the heels proving that they could stick with the champions for a while. A future tag team? Only if the creative team (me) fail at something better. Marc Speed defeated Seth Whitehead in 6:42 (51) -The lack of low level faces is really proving a great opportunity for some of the HGC faces, although he was outclassed by Speed here. Joshua Taylor and Maverick defeated Devine Fortune in 10:28 (65) -Don't worry - the future for Taylor is not tag teaming with Maverick. One Man Army and Masked Cougar defeated Matt Hocking and Roderick Remus in 13:37 (61) -That concludes a solid selection of dark matches - Masked Cougar finding a new, temporary partner with Edd Stone in singles action on TV. MAIN SHOW: The champion Aaron Andrews was out for promo time, but it wasn't long before Wolf Hawkins was out with Doc Hammond to tell him that Andrews he was not a true champion - he had the match won before Hammond (disgruntled face) ruined it for him. Hawkins demanded another shot at that title, which brought out Freddy Huggins, then Mainstream Hernandez, and then finally Jay Chord to make their case for title shots. Aaron Andrews announced there would be a series of four matches tonight and whoever won their match the fastest would have the title shot at The War to Settle The Score (99) Greg Gauge and Benny Benson defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli in 9:28 (70) -Benny Benson backed up his victory at Battlegrounds by pinning Flying Jimmy Foxx here - this is clearly not a long term feud. After the match Greg Gauge was interviewed backstage, demanding to know why he was not given the opportunity to try out for a shot at Aaron Andrews. That brought over One Man Army, who told him perhaps it was his overuse of illegal weapons, before turning away in distain (65) The Behemoths and Chris Flynn defeated Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Joffy Laine in 7:11 (58) -Wait, what? That was meant to be Nick Booth, not Chris Flynn. No wonder I was warned that he was being overused. So, lets say we were told that Flynn was subbed in for Booth. Why? Well, I guess we'll try and incorporate that into the story somehow. Titan pinned Thomas. Mighty Meaty were out, and apparently The Behemoths have a(nother) rematch for the Tag Team Titles next week (72) Doc Hammond defeated Human Arsenal in the Title Shot Challenger in 11:07 (75) -We knew about this chemistry, and milked it slightly here. Hammond, who was out on his own, set the initial mark to beat at just over 11 minutes. As Hammond went backstage, Wolf Hawkins met him, and told him that he had better be out to help him later - and he had better do a better job at it than he did at Battlegrounds (81) Freddy Huggins defeated Edd Stone in the Title Shot Challenger in 9:28 (81) -I shouldn't have been surprised that this was a great match, given how well these men knew one another from their history in TCW. I mean, obviously their styles were perfect for one another, but I was not expecting Main Event material. They both really went at it, desperate to get the victory as early as possible, and it was Huggins who hit the Huggins Kiss to take 90 seconds off the target time. Freddy Huggins grabbed the mic afterwards and cut a promo all about him - crowd weren't overly into it, but perhaps it was a welcome opportunity for them to slightly cooldown (69) A bundle of faces next backstage - Aaron Andrews, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Sammy Bach, T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez. Their target was The Syndicate, agreeing to keep an eye on one another and make sure that whoever got the victory in the Title Challenger deserved it (86) Aaron Andrews, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Sammy Bach defeated The Syndicate in 11:59 (74) -Shall we say that Flynn looked tired? It wasn't him who took the pin though, Sammy Bach pinning Nate Johnson. Jay Chord defeated T-Bone Bright in the Title Shot Challenger in 9:11 (77) -Troy Tornado was ringside with Jay Chord, and it looked as if he was going to stay out of the match. Until, of course, the clock got close to nine minutes, and he started to get involved. That brought Sammy Bach out, but that proved the distraction that Jay Chord needed to deliver a Cradle Piledriver for the victory. Jay Chord took a mic to put himself over as the winner, which Mainstream Hernandez and Wolf Hawkins virtually tripped over one another to claim that the night wasn't won yet - they were ready to win the World Heavyweight Title shot (89) Wolf Hawkins defeated Mainstream Hernandez in the Title Shot Challenger in 9:51 (77) -Mainstream Hernandez in with the push of a Main Eventer, I'm just not sure if people buy into him as one yet (he has the popularity of a popular midcarder). This could have almost been a lumberjack match, with Andrews, DDD and Sammy Bach marking out The Syndicate, but it did leave the two men in the ring to throw everything at one another. At the nine minute mark Mainstream Hernandez hit a Moonsault on Hawkins, but the heel just kicked out before three. The clock on the screen counted down to zero, and Hernandez sat up, frustrated. Hawkins looked mad as the face tried to leave the ring, and Hernandez didn't notice Doc Hammond tell Hawkins to finish it. Hawkins looked at the ref who raised his arms - the match was still continuing. An oblivious Hernandez was scooped up for the Full Moon Rising, taking the pin before he had any idea what was going on. As Wolf Hawkins looked furious, Shawn Doakes was shown backstage running to catch up with Jay Chord. The heel sneered at the camera, telling Andrews to enjoy the title - it would soon be with the future, the Chosen One, Jay Chord (86) Overall Rating 83
  2. My biggest issue with that show - time. A two hour show where I used the whole extra half an hour, and even then I made cuts. As such there was nothing post match to raise the show rating, and Hawkins only had a 3 minute angle in the show. I must pay more attention to the show length before committing to start the show. Apart from that, a successful and profitable month - I can tell you straight off the day I turn Aaron Andrews my merchandise sales are going to take a shocking hit. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Joffy Laine vs The Sinner Society Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Syndicate (The Elite and Chris Flynn) T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord Mainstream Hernandez vs Wolf Hawkins
  3. Great job - know the feeling as work has taken over, and my diary site unupdated (even though I have shows ready to post). I'll read if you're back!
  4. The Heritage (Jay Chord & Greg Gauge) vs Mikey Lau & Masked Patriot Well, I got all The Heritage matches wrong last show, but let's go for a win here. Television Title Match Ernest Youngman vs Rogue © I don't know what's going on here, but I'm calling a no contest, if it even starts. We'll blame the Wolf for that... Edd Stone vs Mighty Mo Poor Ed, his big break just not going how he hoped.. Titan vs John Blackfyre Titan is a defeatable hurdle for John. Fro Sure & The Roughnecks vs The 1% (Nelson Callum, A win for Fro Sure? Haven't predicted one of those in a while... The Elite vs The Snake & The Scorpion One of these teams is heading towards a PPV match - the other has been transitioned to jobbers.
  5. <p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TCW Battlegrounds III:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Joshua Taylor, Davis Wayne Newton and Matt Hocking defeated Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Joffy Laine</span> in 12:32 (63)</p><p> -This was meant to the the last match before the show began but... I accidentally clicked start show. I panicked and went straight back to the booking screen, so can't tell you if anything interesting happened in it.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Danny Fonzarelli defeated Pretty Okakura</span> in 8:42 (56)</p><p> -Okakura continues to look good for an unknown, looking the better of the two men in this match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Freddy Huggins defeated Human Arsenal</strong></span> in 12:43 (70)</p><p> -We asked the two men to start spectacularly, and they went all out, doing pretty well considering that they didn't actually click with one another. Huggins pulled out the victory with a Huggins Kiss.</p><p> </p><p> The Tag Team Champions Mighty Meaty were out for our first eight man battle, telling The Sinner Society that this was where it ended for them (68)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Sinner Society defeated Mighty Meaty and Cougar Stone</strong></span> in 8:23 (58)</p><p> -This was a really quick brawl with a mixture of well known wrestlers and relative unknowns, including a very rare appearance from Nick Booth. To be honest, Might Mo looked head and shoulders above everyone else, but was brawling with The Behemoths outside the ring when Eddie Peak put away Tana the Mighty with a Peak of Perfection.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright defeated Troy Tornado</strong></span> in 8:37 (67)</p><p> -Bright continued his recent push, putting away the veteran Tornado with a T-Bone.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge © defeated One Man Army</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong> in 12:45 (75)</p><p> -Two more men that we asked to go out there and show off, and they did just that. OMA still knows how to use his body as a weapon, but it turns out that flying towards a pair of brass knuckles after accidentally knocking the ref out of the ring is no good for your consciousness.</p><p> </p><p> The face team... facing The Syndicate got some hype time, led by Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mainstream Hernandez, determined to put The Syndicate out of action (64)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond, Mainstream Hernandez and Devine Fortune defeated The Syndicate</strong></span> in 12:43 (63)</p><p> -A rare match where The Syndicate did not have the numbers advantage, and it was the newcomer Hernandez who got to victory after a Super Kick on Doc Hammond.</p><p> </p><p> We went backstage and Wolf Hawkins berated his team mates, telling them that he would have to show them how it was done later (74)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Benny Benson defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx</strong></span> in 9:44 (65)</p><p> -This event is slowly meandering - but I'm hoping better from the next two matches. Benson cemented his heel turn with a decisive victory over his former partner.</p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord was out first for the next match, before Sammy Bach was next our with a microphone. He taunted Chord, taking his time to meet the ladies on the way to the ring, laughing as Chord got more and more wound up (83)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach</strong></span> in 19:18 (78)</p><p> -Chord's on the was up, and Bach is slowly being moved out of the Main Event. Chord was quick out of the blocks, but Bach took advantage of his speed, frustrating his opponent. The match eventually settled down, with the two exchanging big hits before Bach flew into Chord's arms, allowing the youngster to hit the Cradle Piledriver.</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews was on hype for the Main Event, telling Hawkins that he made a mistake by bringing forward this match, as it would just mean that the realisation would hit him quicker that he was never going to be World Champion ever again (89)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews © defeated Wolf Hawkins</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW World Heavyweight Title</strong> in 26:23 (81)</p><p> -The star of this match? Wolf Hawkins. It was booked evenly... and then The Syndicate were out. As things begun to disintegrate in the ring faces were out from the back, with Hernandez again having a run of momentum, However, Doc Hammond snuck into the ring to attack Andrews, but the champion ducked and Hammond blasted his leader, Hawkins, over the head. Andrews dropped Hammond, before finishing off a dazed Hawkins.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 80</em></p>
  6. <p><p><strong>The Heritage (Jay Chord & Edd Stone)</strong> vs Sammy Bach & Joshua Taylor</p><p></p><p> -I went for The Heritage last week, so am going to stick with them for the same reasons then. I might be wrong for the same reasons as then.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Troy Tornado</p><p></p><p> -While he has his spot in TCW, Troy's nowhere near the Main Event.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> <strong>The Crippler</strong> vs T-Bone Bright</p><p></p><p> -Because you don't like Bright like I do <img alt="<img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p></p><p> <strong>Masked Patriot</strong> vs Greg Gauge</p><p></p><p> -I don't think Gauge needs to lose this... in fact I've got no idea why I'm predicting it this way. But I'm going to stick with my gut.</p><p> </p><p></p><p> The Elite vs <strong>Shocking Concept</strong></p><p></p><p> -They can keep on winning for now.</p></p>
  7. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Vs3KdZJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Vs3KdZJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> I was really pleased with how that show went down, leading well into TCW Battlegrounds. Plenty of hype for all of the matches, a night off wrestling for Dazzling Dave Diamond (who gets fatigued easily), and a debut for Mainstream Hernandez. I've booked Hernandez before a few times and respect him, but he's not a huge coup - SWF didn't put up much effort to keep him, and his popularity puts him firmly as a midcarder. He's put on decent matches in SWF, but has only won one match this year - a dark match with recently formed (and now disbanded) team with James Prudence.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, the person who I refused to get into a bidding war with SWF with, Monty Trescarde, pulled off a 94 match on SWF Supreme TV with Zimmy Bumfhole. His opponent was the main reason, putting in a perfect 100 performance. ZWB has gone from the top of the midcard to ready to become a Main Eventer, and the future looks bright for him. </p><p> </p><p> Micky Lau's contract also came up. SWF offered more than I am paying Aaron Andrews to him, sadly . That's one barrier that I won't be breaking right now, although Lau would be awesome in TCW.</p><p> </p><p> Battlegrounds is set, with just 2 of the traditional multi man matches, featuring The Syndicate and The Sinner Society.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Battlegrounds III</strong></p><p> Devine Fortune, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mainstream Hernandez vs The Syndicate</p><p> Mighty Meaty and Cougar Stone vs The Sinner Society</p><p> T-Bone Bright vs Troy Tornado</p><p> Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Benny Benson</p><p> Human Arsenal vs Freddy Huggins</p><p> Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord</p><p> Greg Gauge © vs One Man Army for the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong></p><p> Aaron Andrews © vs Wolf Hawkins for the <strong>TCW World Heavyweight Title</strong></p>
  8. <p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Nate Johnson defeated Bart Biggins</span> in 7:21 (54)</p><p> -An early dark victory for The Syndicate member.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">The Sinner Society defeated Seth Whitehead, Harvey Robbinfield and Gringo Starr</span> in 5:48 (48)</p><p> -We borrowed a few HGC faces, and the most important thing - none of them did anything wrong! To be fair, they all have talent, Seth Whitehead the one who looked most ready. Didn't stop this being a squash.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Joshua Taylor defeated Joffy Laine</span> in 9:13 (70)</p><p> -Taylor was in my notes for wrestling with Davis Wayne Newton at Battegrounds vs ???, but I never filled the hole. He has great momentum due to his dark victories, but I desperately need to give him something to do worthy of his talent. I have an idea...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews started the show with Dazzling Dave Diamond. DDD opened up on the mic to declare that he was not cleared to wrestle tonight - but he was cleared for Sunday. Aaron Andrews announced that he was ready to take on Eddie Chandler tonight, before moving onto Wolf Hawkins. That brought the challenger out, to remind Andrews that the Main Event was a lumberjack match, and he had a full team out with him. He asked Andrews who he had, who threw a look at DDD. DDD shook his head, and Andrews told Hawkins he would have to wait and see (82)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mighty Meaty and Cougar Stone defeated Marc Speed, Maverick, Roderick Remus and Pretty Okakura</strong></span> in 8:08 (67)</p><p> -This match wasn't actually too bad - there was only going to be one winner, but the heels all got a little piece of offence and held their own.</p><p> </p><p> After the match the entire Sinner Society were out - Goldworthy and Peak did the talking to hype their match, while the Behemoths did what they do well - look menacing (69)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>One Man Army and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Greg Gauge and Benny Benson</strong></span> by DQ in 12:32 (66)</p><p> -We gave this one a little more time, with the contest ebbing one way then another. It looked like the tide was turning the heels way after Greg Gauge struck One Man Army with the brass knuckles in the gut, sending the face sprawling to the mat. Benson liked the idea and grabbed the discarded knuckles to drill Flying Jimmy Foxx, but he was less subtle and the DQ was called by the ref. Good chemistry from Gauge and Benson.</p><p> </p><p> The heels couldn't believe it, and began arguing with one another. Gauge tried to take knuckles off Benson, but Benson shouted that he wanted to hit Foxx one more time. The arguments allowed OMA to take them both out with a flying dive, that left the heels crawling away from the ring (58)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond defeated Devine Fortune</strong></span> in 7:59 (75)</p><p> -The heels got the victory here, assisted by Chris Flynn ringside, with The Syndicate showing their advantage in numbers.</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews was shown backstage with the champion asking Dazzling Dave Diamond if "he" was here. DDD shook his head, and Andrews demanded that he found out where "he" was - they needed him to even up the numbers later (74)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal defeated Matt Hocking</strong></span> in 7:37 (65)</p><p> -Oddly, Human Arsenal has got better matches out of wrestlers less well known than Hocking, but it was a clean victory here.</p><p> </p><p> As Human Arsenal left he got into an argument with Freddy Huggins and his sister, reminding everyone that they were facing one another on Sunday (64)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Freddy Huggins defeated Danny Fonzarelli</strong></span> in 7:12 (73)</p><p> -A great match from Huggins, who has justified his push up the card, winning with a Huggins Kiss.</p><p> </p><p> As the time came for the next match Sammy Bach spent a little time with the crowd, which frustrated Jay Chord once more. He took the microphone and demanded that Bach got on with it, which made the veteran laugh. Bach took the mic from Chord and told him that he needs to chill a little - he may claim he's the future, but he needs to live today (87)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright defeated Jay Chord and Troy Tornado in 13:26</strong></span> (77)</p><p> -The two teams ferociously went at one another, saving nothing for Sunday. T-Bone Bright went on a real tear, delivering the T-Bone to both Jay Chord and Troy Tornado, before a splash from Bach led to him pinning Tornado.</p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins came out to lead The Syndicate as lumberjacks for the Main Event, noting that Aaron Andrews couldn't even find a team to face his team-mates at Battlegrounds (83)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews defeated Eddie Chandler</strong></span> in a non-title lumberjack match in 14:15 (80)</p><p> -Wow. I envisioned pushing Eddie Chandler as a challenger for Aaron Andrews, but he never quite justified it. However here, with the assistance of great chemistry, he pulled out his best match for years.</p><p> </p><p> As for the match, the story was all about the numbers. Devine Fortune were out with DDD to support Andrews, but they were outnumbered by The Syndicate (and the commentary team kept reminding everyone that DDD could not risk another head injury and being ruled out of Battlegrounds). As such, Chandler was eager to throw Andrews out of the ring to let his team mates get the advantage at every opportunity. DDD's cell did go off mid match, and a smile went came over his face, but he then had to get involved as once more Andrews was thrown out of the ring and The Syndicate took over. Despite the faces best efforts they couldn't get him back into the ring... until all of a sudden a debuting <strong>MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ </strong>rushed to ringside, leaping onto a barrier and launching a splash onto The Syndicate. He managed to clear the way for Aaron Andrews to get back into the ring, and while Hernandez continued with his momentum outside the ring, in the ring we had short technical exchange. Chandler went for the Fabulous Stretch but Andrews fought out, lifting his opponent up and drilling him to the mat before making the pin.</p><p> </p><p> After the match Andrews helped Mainstream Hernandez into the ring and raised his arms, recognising the debutants assistance (89)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 82</em></p>
  9. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="heXD3Fj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/heXD3Fj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Happy with that - the shows are being kept up by some great angles between the Main Eventers, but we're building well towards the PPV. The cards just about set, with the team to face The Syndicate needing a little filling.</p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord thinks Nick Booth can't sell. It could certainly improve, I'll give him that, but there will be worse in The Sinner Society match at Battlegrounds (namely Killer Shark and Mighty Mo).</p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Mighty Meaty and Cougar Stone vs Maverick, Marc Speed, Roderick Remus and Pretty Okakaru</p><p> Human Arsenal vs Matt Hocking</p><p> Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins</p><p> One Man Army and Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Greg Gauge and Benny Benson</p><p> Devine Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond</p><p> Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado</p><p> Aaron Andrews © defeated Eddie Chandler in a non-title match</p>
  10. <p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Marc Speed defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley</span> in 8:15 (49)</p><p> -After Benny Benson's turn we are a little light on faces, so borrowed a couple of development talents to put over a couple of our heels.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Matt Hocking defeated Seth Whitehead</span> in 8:24 (50)</p><p> -Here's the other one.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">One Man Army defeated Chris Flynn</span> in 9:54 (58)</p><p> -Chris Flynn is in his last month of his contract, and he's still annoyed at missing Malice in Wonderland. I haven't approached him for a new contract, but I fear unless I bribe him he's not going to be interested in what I have to say.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Joshua Taylor and Pretty Okakaru defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas</span> in 10:32 (57)</p><p> -Well, it appears that Joshua Taylor has a role helping youngsters out - however his team didn't go as well with Okakaru here, with their timing seriously off.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins started the show flanked by Doc Hammond. Hawkins said where his partner failed, he will succeed to become the TCW World Heavyweight Title holder. That brought out Aaron Andrews out with Dazzling Dave Diamond, with DDD declaring that the rest of The Syndicate would have to be ready to fight at Battlegrounds, as he had been put in charge of putting together a team to keep them busy (91)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Behemoths defeated Cougar Stone</strong></span> in 8:51 (58)</p><p> -So if The Sinner Society is in a four-man match at Battlegrounds, we had better remind everyone that Nick Booth exists, right? He interfered to allow his team mates to get the victory.</p><p> </p><p> Mighty Meaty were out to make sure there was no post match attack, and they made the PPV match official (78)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Chance Fortune defeated Maverick</strong></span> in 8:16 (58)</p><p> -We found ourselves with room for an extra match, so used this to announce that Devine Fortune would join Dazzling Dave Diamond at the PPV against The Syndicate.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright squashed Jeremie Courtney</strong></span> in 5:34 (59)</p><p> -Goodbye Courtney - I never gave you a chance.</p><p> </p><p> Dazzling Dave Diamond and Devine Fortune approached One Man Army backstage to ask him to join their team - but he said that he had something else in mind (65)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge © defeated Darryl Devine</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong> in 10:38 (71)</p><p> -These two went all out, and it was certainly a pleasing bout. Late on in the match the music of The Syndicate hit, with The Elite walking out to the stage. They didn't attack, but the distraction was all that was needed for Gauge to slap on the Proton Lock.</p><p> </p><p> Devine chased off The Elite, and as Greg Gauge left he was met by One Man Army for a stare down. So that's his other plans that he meant (68)</p><p> </p><p> Sammy Bach was shown with Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine, giving everyone a short amount of mic time which went pretty well (65)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord, Troy Tornado and Benny Benson defeated Sammy Bach, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine</strong></span> in 11:46 (66)</p><p> -I guess this was as good as I expected, otherwise I would have put this match on before the Main Event, and I tried (unsuccessfully) to keep Bach looking strong. Benson pinned Joffy Laine here with his feet on the ropes (in case we had forgotten he was a heel).</p><p> </p><p> As the faces left Sammy Bach stopped for another selfie with a fan, which brought an irate Jay Chord over with Troy Tornado. T-Bone Bright made a surprise appearance to even the numbers, and despite Chord telling him to mind his own business the heels backed down (85)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal defeated Davis Wayne Newton</strong></span> in 10:58 (62)</p><p> -Properly got the order of the mid card wrong in this one. DWN did his best, but was eventually outclassed.</p><p> </p><p> After the match Freddy Huggins was out to challenge Human Arsenal to a match at Battlegrounds - they have actually had interactions over the last few weeks, I just really haven't made a big deal about it (71)</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond were on the hype (71)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond defeated Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond</strong></span> in 15:59 (78)</p><p> -A mixture of trying to keep Andrews strong while protecting DDD's stamina made an interested, if not overwhelming bout. DDD played the face in distress before Andrews cleaned house, but he made the mistake of trying to fly over the ropes to take out both Syndicate men. Although Hammond took the full force of the move, Hawkins dodged away, and was able to get Andrews back in the ring and hit the Full Moon Rising for the victory.</p><p> </p><p> Wolf went to pick up Andrews again went Dazzling Dave Diamond interjected himself. The crowd were shocked as Hawkins head-butted DDD, sending him to the floor, and although he didn't get knocked unconscious he looked dazed as Andrews looked on concerned (91)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 80</em></p>
  11. <p>Great show, pity that Sammy didn't hold up his end of the bargain. Apart from that, everything delivered.</p><p> </p><p> As for the profile? Lets go Doc Hammond.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Heritage</strong> vs Mighty Mo & The Roughnecks</p><p> -A victory for the faces would give them good momentum, but I feel The Heritage together need this victory to confirm their current dominance.</p><p> </p><p> Ernest Youngman vs <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p> -Good match, only one winner.</p><p> </p><p> International Title Match</p><p> The Crippler vs <strong>Mikey Lau ©</strong></p><p> -Mikey all the way</p><p> </p><p> Fro Sure vs <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p> -Fro Sure just can't breakout, and he's not starting here.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mutant</strong> vs Elliot Thomas</p><p> -Sorry Thomas</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Masked Patriot, One Man Army & Joshua Taylor</strong> vs The 1% (Newton, Jordan & Idol)</p><p> -This could be make or break for The 1%, but I think they're stuck in midcard.</p><p> </p><p> American Ultra vs <strong>Shocking Concept</strong></p><p> -A victory to set them off on the right foot.</p>
  12. So my fears were unfounded - some stellar angles kept the show afloat. Considering the show was considerably aimed towards building up rivalries for the PPV, it was not a bad result. Benny Benson was accused of using his phone during a pre-show meeting by Joel Bryant. Benson tried to laugh it off as his new heelish personality, but took he punishment of buying a round of beers well. For some reason EILL did not offer a new contract to Fast Navarro - he instantly becomes my joint best ref, which is why I nailed him down to a five-year contract. We did have some graduates from TCW School of Pro Wrestling to look at though: Lewis Kipp - a muscular 18-year-old flyer, I guess. Has some basics, but little athleticism, star quality or stamina... that's a very long work in progress. He gets cut. Jesse Monson - a muscular 18-year-old brawler - a lot of work but looks like he could be something for the future. Bit of a reputation as a troublemaker, but earns a contract. Just one year, mind you - if he's too much trouble he's out of here. Raymond Muscles - a toned 18-year-old technician, but worse than Lewis Kipp. No contract. Darrell Jurkiewicz - a menacing 18-year-old brawler, he's got the looks, and gets a two-year deal. I did explore bringing in Heavy Metal Anarchy over from EILL, but he was only interested if we offered him as long as the deal EILL were offering - and we weren't. VWA's figurehead Landon Mallory, has always been a consideration to bringing to the states, however after tearing his rotator cuff he's out for a year. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Greg Gauge © vs Darryl Devine for the TCW TV Title Cougar Stone vs The Behemoths T-Bone Bright vs Jeremie Courtney Human Arsenal vs Davis Wayne Newton Sammy Bach, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord, Troy Tornado and Benny Benson Aaron Andrews and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond
  13. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Darryl Devine defeated Chris Flynn in 9:10 (54) -There is still the storyline going on between Devine Fortune and The Syndicate - it won't only be on the pre-show, promise. One Man Army defeated Pretty Okakura in 8:35 (56) -Only the odd mark knows who Okakura is, but people attending the show saw enough to be intrigued. Chance Fortune defeated Jeremie Courtney in 7:20 (49) -Ouch - Courtney has one more show with us next week - can I trust him for a main show job? Not sure. Greg Gauge, Joshua Taylor and Matt Hocking defeated Bart Biggins, Joffy Laine and Dean Daniels in 11:42 (64) -Well, that's an odd mix of thrown together people who weren't wrestling on TV. Greg Gauge made Daniels tap. MAIN SHOW: Wolf Hawkins was out with Doc Hammond to hype his title shot, telling Andrews that he would tap. The champion was out to refute this, and to tell Hawkins that he had better stay away from the ring in the Main Event - if he interfered he would lose his World Heavyweight Title shot at Battlegrounds (89 Cougar Stone defeated Marc Speed and Maverick in 9:26 (66) -Has Marc Speed shed himself of one partner only to find himself in another losing team? I hope not. He did, however, eat the pin from Masked Cougar here. Wolf Hawkins was angry backstage, when he was confronted by Dazzling Dave Diamond. DDD told Wolf not to worry - he would keep an eye on his boys backstage, and made sure they didn't do anything to jeopardise Hawkins' title shot. Hawkins just growled and stomped off (72) Greg Gauge cut a backstage interview, dressed in his civvies. He declared that he had the night off - there was no challenger to him, but wanted to see one ready for him next week (73) Benny Benson defeated Elliot Thomas in 6:05 (55) -Benson showed a gritty focus in this match - amazing how much someone can change in one week - winning with the Shockwave From Next Year. Benny Benson grabbed a mic after the match, calling out his ex-partner Flying Jimmy Foxx. Benson accused Foxx of getting in the way of every opportunity that he ever had, and holding him back. Foxx refuted this, calling Benson deluded. Foxx said that he wouldn't fight Benson today, but would do it the proper way - in the ring, at Battlegrounds (62) Mighty Meaty hyped out their Tag Title defence... fell a bit flat though (67) Mighty Meaty © defeated The Behemoths to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 8:51 (75) -Guess what - a wild brawl! But again, no DQ as some may have expected, Mo hitting Titan with a Plunging Piledriver while Tana was brawling with Killer Shark out of the ring. After the match the brawl continued, with Eddie Peak (making his first TV appearance this year) and Chris Flynn joining in. They got the upper hand, with Cougar Stone came out for the save... multi-man match at Battlegrounds, anyone? (67) Sammy Bach defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 11:44 (69) -We gave DWN a little time to shine in singles action, and he held up his end, although the match was fairly average. Bach got the win with a Bach On Your Back. Sammy Bach hung around after the match taking selfies with some pretty ladies ringside, when Jay Chord came out. He physically pulled Bach away, shouting that it wasn't all about him, and he had to be calmed down by his partner, Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado (90) Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated Human Arsenal, T-Bone Bright and Danny Fonzarelli in 16:08 (76) -Yes, I threw Fonzarelli into this match to see how he would do. Like someone slightly past it. Gave me someone to take the pin from Chord. Aaron Andrew cut a quick hype for his match against Huggins - it's down to the two of them to make sure I don't run my worst show of the year here (73) Aaron Andrews © defeated Doc Hammond to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 17:59 (78) -And they failed, Andrews frustratingly off his game. Doc Hammond put up his best show, and the match was perfectly respectable, but I just needed more from it. Andrews victory came after a Flying Body Press after a relatively long match which the crowd never believed he would lose. Wolf Hawkins came out and went straight after Aaron Andrews, and he gave it everything, giving the show a pleasing finish. He brutalised the champion, and although DDD did lead a group of faces out the damage had been done as Hawkins left through the crowd (91) Overall Rating 81 (not actually my worst show)
  14. I agree with what everyone's posted - great card, hard to predict. Here goes. World Heavyweight Title Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews © -Probably the hardest on the card to predict, but this is Chord and The Heritage's big moment, and I feel to lose it would be a huge loss of momentum for the,. Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins -Hard to predict, with both being set up as future challengers to Chord. However, Hawkins may have his hands busy elsewhere... #1 Contenders Match Doc Hammond vs Mighty Mo -The obvious choice given the Main Event prediction, but surely we're getting a Triple Threat match, so either could win this one? If it is Triple Threat I go Hammond, but in case it's not I'll play safe. John Blackfyre vs Eddie Peak -Shuold JB go over Peak? Probably. Do you want him to? Sure. Is the in-game Peak going to be happy? Only if he's offered to put him over. Do you care what Peak thinks? We will find out. Koshiro Ino vs Freddy Huggins -Not how I'd book the match, obviously, but if Ino fails here his return to TCW will have stalled. Open Challenge Joshua Taylor vs ??? -Taylor always a good person to put over the mysterious ??? World Tag Team Titles The Heritage vs The Roughnecks © -I think of the two titles it makes more sense for Gauge to hold these belts. Masked Patriot vs Nelson Callum -Never been a Callum fan. Sorry. International Title Mikey Lau vs Greg Gauge -Should be a great match, but Lau as a fighting champ sounds promising.
  15. In theory that looks really nice. In reality on a phone it was a difficult read. Sure it looks fine on a bigger screen.
  16. Very happy with this, and yes, I've underused Bright so far. That'll change. The misbookings on the pre-show were a little annoying, but I can work with it. After some quietness backstage, Charles Hapstander got the wrestlers into the mood by starting a party before the show. Tana the Mighty added himself to the list of workers willing to put over T-Bone Bright, which really isn't going to work right now. He realised this, and gave me 5 months to see if I could make it work. Finally, Chris Flynn has returned to fitness, moments after I discovered that I could limit his involvement in a match anyway to cover for his injury. Down at HGC Duke Freeman breaks his neck in a tag match, and with only 50 days left of his contract, that's sadly the last we'll be seeing of him. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Cougar Stone vs Maverick and Marc Speed Elliot Thomas vs Benny Benson Sammy Bach vs Davis Wayne Newton Human Arsenal, T-Bone Bright and Danny Fonzarelli vs Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord and Troy Tornado Mighty Meaty © vs The Behemoths for the TCW Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews © vs Doc Hammond for the TCW World Heavyweight Title You know what I've discovered? He's actually quite good. Good foil for a great wrestler like Chord, Hawkins or Gauge. He still needs a little bit of work on his psychology and selling, but in a fed full of workers packing in performance he can get away with it. Certainly helps people keep offering to put him over, too. As for Devine, that's another wrestler I have a soft spot for. I first booked him for a very short time in my first USPW diary before he was poached, and he was always a great talent. However, he is a shell of what he once was, and his position is definitely the lower midcard.
  17. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Marc Speed defeated Joffy Laine in 7:53 (54) -A chance for Speed to try and get some momentum, at the expense of Laine. One Man Army and Bart Biggins defeated Pretty Okakura and Yuri Yoshihara in 9:51 (49) -The face team were both completely off their game, and the Japanese heels unknown. Still, Okakura held up his end, and I'm not sure that I want to lose him to jobber land. Roderick Remus defeated Chance Fortune in 8:18 (54) -So meant to book this result the other way round... Eddie Chandler defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 9:11 (67) -A second booking mistake on a row? At this stage I had to go back to the booking screen to make sure I hadn't made a habit of it... Wolf Hawkins defeated Masked Cougar in 8:41 (79) -So, that might be match of the night. On the pre-show. Smooth. MAIN SHOW: Wolf Hawkins started the show off with Doc Hammond, to announce that his partner was moments away from winning the title on Sunday - as such he has been given a one on one match next week. This brought Aaron Andrews out to tell Wolf Hawkins that he knew he was trying to stack their match at Battlegrounds in Hawkins favour, but it didn't matter - he would be champion, now, then, and as long as he's in TCW (89) Doc Hammond defeated Benny Benson in 9:28 (69) -Again Hammond applied the Texas Cloverleaf, but this time there was time for his opponent to tap. Freddy Huggins and Sammy Bach clashed backstage, both arguing that they were more worthy of a title shot than Doc Hammond. Jay Chord came over with Troy Tornado at his side, telling them that they were soon to be known as the whingers in TCW. He told Bach to find a partner, as he would team with Freddy Huggins in the Main Event (82) Edd Stone defeated Jeremie Courtney in 7:22 (55) -I found a gap in a show, so took the opportunity to book a defeat for Courtney. Darry Devine defeated Nate Johnson in 7:46 (59) -A rare victory for Devine, although the match did show why the competitors were both better off in the tag division. Flying Jimmy Foxx was on his way to the ring for this title shot when Benny Benson rushed up to him to tell him he would be at his side. Foxx told him to stay out back - he wanted to do this on his own (61) Greg Gauge © defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW TV Title in 11:08 (66) -Out did come Benny Benson, and in his attempt to take out Greg Gauge just clobbered Greg Gauge, enabling Gauge to take the pin. Flying Jimmy Foxx recovered and shook his head, asking Benson why he came out. Benson looked frustrated... and blasted Flying Jimmy Foxx with a forearm before hitting a B-Drop. We'll call that a successful heel turn (56) Mighty Mo defeated Titan by DQ in 7:53 (78) -We discovered that these two had great chemistry on the house show circuit, so decided to use that here. A great brawl that spread outside, Titan dropping Mo headfirst onto his own title belt. Which earned a DQ. Refs were out to make sure the regular post match brawl didn't get out of hand, and Tana the Mighty announced that the Behemoths would get their rematch next week (78) Aaron Andrews had a backstage interview to say he was ready for Wolf Hawkins and anything The Syndicate could throw at him - and knew what he would need to do (90) Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal defeated Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton in 11:04 (79) -A little more TV exposure for DWN, but it was him who took the pin after a Standing Hot Shot from Andrews. Sammy Bach brought out his partner for the Main Event - and T-Bone Bright had gone from "barely on TV" to "in the Main Event". Odd (85) Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins defeated Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright in 18:50 (80) -This is it, I finally realise the Bright has his place, and I need to start using him properly. Although the results of this show has already made me alter the plans for two of my matches at Battlegrounds. Anyway, a great contest with both sides looking strong, but for the second time in a week Jay Chord was to pin Bright. Overall Rating 82
  18. I really need to save my predictions for after Saturday Night Showcase . Tornado has got his win back, he can lose on Tuesday. But I'm going to stick with my prediction for Nostalgia!
  19. I'm slipping, and I'm struggling with a few of these too. World Heavyweight Title Match Greg Gauge w/ Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews © -This is quite a special match, so I'm thinking DQ so in the future they can have their first "proper" match. Ernest Youngman & Real Deadly vs Mighty Mo & The Roughnecks -A win for Youngman+ makes sense going into the PPV, but I just can't see it. Television Title Match Matt Hocking vs Rogue © - The TV Title might end up a burden to Rogue, but he's not dropping it here. Troy Tornado vs Benny Benson Benny has more long time upside, but in my eyes Tornado deserves to not slip further down the card. I'm nostalgic. Koshiro Ino vs Wolf Hawkins Too many people ready to help Hawkins here.. (Pre Show) Titan & American Ultra vs Human Arsenal, Fro Sure & Jackson Laine One side has Human Arsenal on.. (Pre Show) Tana The Mighty & Masked Patriot vs Freddy Huggins & Killer Shark
  20. Oh, some competition... World Heavyweight Title Match Edd Stone w/ Greg Gauge & Jay Chord vs Aaron Andrews © -Edd Stone has a lot of help. Because he needs it. Best he can hope for is to claim only only lost because he was DQ'd Greg Gauge vs Chris Caulfield -That's an easy call Ernest Youngman & The Elite vs One Man Army, Tana the Mighty and Benny Benson -This one was tough to call, as there are plenty of men here to take the pin. Young man has the biggest upside so ... I don't think I've got this one right. John Blackfyre vs Troy Tornado -JB needs to win matches like this. Sammy Bach, Mighty Mo and Joshua Taylor vs The Syndicate(Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond and Roderick Remus) w/ Rogue -Another toughie to call, but I reckon the heels are saving their wins for the big ones. Koshiro Ino vs Jeremie Courtney -Ino all the way (Pre Show) American Ultra vs T-Bone Bright and Chance Fortune -T-Bone to make the pin. (Pre Show) Human Arsenal vs Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins & Killer Shark -Before you took over this could have gone either way, but not any more...
  21. A great show to end the month, and there's direction for the future there as well. Showing the "PPV" on Canadian terrestrial TV certainly exposed the company to more viewers, although seemed to have a negative effect on buy rate as some Americans could just find a way of watching it on TV. An acceptable compromise. STATE OF TCW - END OF FEBRUARY 2020 TCW is slowly growing, from 72 across the states to 74/75 after the PPV. Canada is also on the slow rise. Continue this and TCW could become Big by the end of the year, and challenge SWF for the position of second biggest promotion in the World (realistically, it's not that simple). TCW has turned a comfortable profit in each month - helped by Aaron Andrews awesome merchandising. It's a long gap to Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins, and Mighty Meaty (those shirts sell well in XL and XXL). Aaron Andrews is easily to most popular worker, having jumped from 82 popularity to 85/88 across the US. Other notable changes: Wolf Hawkins - 80 to 83/85 Freddy Huggins - 65 to 77/79 Jay Chord - 71 to 73/75 Greg Gauge - 50 to 60/61 Masked Cougar and Davis Wayne Newton are still considered unimportant (which did mean I couldn't risk the effect of putting the Tag Titles on them), but are slowly getting known. Joffy Laine needs to appear main show. One signing for the month, Pretty Okakura. He's working a fabulous darling gimmick that the crowd are getting, but being PPA and not speaking the lingo, he may well take up the jobber role from a soon to depart Jeremie Courtney. Davis Wayne Newton and, briefly, El Hijo Del Neutron made their main show debuts. Joffy Laine is still yet to. Next contracts up are Chris Flynn (who I have found difficult to use with him carrying two injuries), Dean Daniels (who is an expensive Road Agent) and Chance Fortune (who I need to think about if he has a future on not). With SWF falling to medium the production company were concerned that we were now a direct comparison, and they were a much more polished product. I have had visions of investing in my training facilities, but instead moved to Major Licensed music, and through High Quality and Majestic Production values. The set will look very special on Tuesday... In a fit of organisation, instead of just booking a few events, I've almost filled out the next PPV in my notes. Of course, as I write shows this is subject to change (I also need to know if Chris Flynn will be fit, which I don't think he will be). TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Benny Benson vs Doc Hammond Greg Gauge © vs Flying Jimmy Foxx for the TCW TV Title Mighty Mo vs Titan Darryl Devine vs Nate Johnson One Man Army vs Maverick Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins
  22. TCW The War to Settle The ScoreFlying Jimmy Foxx defeated Pretty Okakura 8:43-Not a bad little singles debut from Okakura, who made the crowd get their phones out to try and work out who he was.Troy Tornado and Marc Speed defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 11:12 (58)-So I'm not making the same mistake as last PPV by annoying names by leaving them off the big show.Eddie Peak defeated Joffy Laine in 8:45 (55)-I think I'm meant to use Eddie Peak as a special attraction on PPV, but with a heel heavy top of card it was a pre-show win instead.MAIN SHOW:Eddie Chandler defeated Chance Fortune in 12:39 (52)-After I found out that Eddie Chandler wasn't on time decline, I had visions of him being given one singles run in the company. However, he's not managed to look above "solid", so I'm not sure he'll get it, despite the victory over Chance Fortune with the assist from Nate Johnson.Benny Benson was out for his TV Title challenge, telling the crowd the he would undoubtedly win tonight (61)Greg Gauge (c) defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW TV Title in 13:39 (73)-We knew this would be good after we previously found out about the chemistry between the two, so maybe should have placed this later in the card. Benson was confident, but was slowly worn down by Gauge, who's brass knuckles again put him in a position to attach the Proton Lock.Freddy Huggins was backstage hyping the Main Event, when Sammy Bach interrupted to say that he wouldn't let him hide during the match before trying to steal to pin at the end. Huggins just grinned at Sammy, pointing out that he shouldn't pretend to be friends with Aaron Andrews, as he was after the title just like anyone else - and Huggins equally had his eyes on Bach (90)Human Arsenal, One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Matt Hocking, Maverick and Roderick Remus in 11:42 (62)-Well, this was a thrown together use a bunch of people. Arsenal and Hocking both noticed, and were not into the match at all, although Arsenal did pin Remus after an Ammo Dump.Jay Chord came down to the ring, once again announcing himself as the future. He was interrupted by T-Bone Bright, who told him that his future was in the ring against him - and everyone here wanted him to hit the T-Bone and shut Chord up (86)Jay Chord defeated T-Bone Bright in 15:36 (77)-So, time for a bit of honesty. I've never really looked at Bright's stats properly - I assumed he was a typical brawler, lacking in stamina who need a bit of protection. A little bit of protection will help, but there's some serious talent there. As such I let him go a little longer than Chord, making him out as a threat that I haven't done in the last few weeks. So much so that when Chord did get on top he couldn't keep Bright down, and the eventual pin came with the feet on the ropes.Eddie Peak cut a promotion with Floyd Goldworthy, calling it a disgrace that The Behemoths had to fight their way to get their rematch - but they were always happy to fight, and would win the titles back tonight (68)Mighty Meaty (c) defeated Cougar Stone, Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton and The Behemoths in 10:25 to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles (78)-This was carnage, topped off by a stunt bump as The Behemoths threw Edd Stone from the ring through a ringside table. Straight afterwards a flying crossbody from Masked Cougar took Killer Shark over the top ropes, and the ring slowly. This allowed Tana the Mighty to pin Joshua Taylor after a Big Fat Samoan Splash to retain the titles.Wolf Hawkins hyped up Doc Hammond, telling his that he was in a great position to win the title, which would allow The Syndicate men to do what was right at TCW Battlegrounds (81)Wolf Hawkins defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8:48 (77)-Not sure that this one deserved the second last slot of the night, but Hawkins was always going to get the win with his upcoming title shot. Decent brawl, DDD not in the title picture right no.Aaron match cut a pre-match promo, pointing out how Wolf Hawkins and The Elite were banned from ringside, which will make the Main Event even more memorable (88)Aaron Andrews (c) defeated Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and Doc Hammond to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 27:01 (80)-A great match, with Aaron Andrews and Doc Hammond focused, but Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins arguing between one another. Anyone who concentrated on Aaron Andrews pre-match announcement wouldn't have been too surprised with Chris Flynn coming out, but a strike to the chest from Andrews sent him reeling, with the commentary team reminding us of his injury. The finish came with Freddy Huggins and Sammy Bach hitting finishers on Aaron Andrews, before fighting over the pin. That left Doc Hammond to lock on the Texas Cloverleaf to Bach, but Andrews recovered hit a distracted Freddy Huggins with a Flying Body Press, getting the pin before Hammond could make Bach tap.After the match Wolf Hawkins was out with a mic, declaring Andrews win a fluke, that would not be repeated next month when they fought (90)Overall Rating 82
  23. It forces the town to do something during the day though. Too many town members think the game's won at night. To be fair, some games on here were won by town overnight, but that was our slightly different version of mafia that we played.
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