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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. Team Ace Team Tana Team Roughnecks The 1% Team Hammer Team Chord Good luck with the rating - with a following wind the Main Event can do it for you
  2. TCW Presents Total Wresting: Doc Hammond defeated Joffy Laine in 8:02 (46) -A debut for Joffy with a gimmick that didn't work, against an opponent he didn't click with. Instantly looks like he either needs a tag team partner or he's going down to development. T-Bone Bright, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Maverick, Roderick Remus and Davis Wayne Newton in 14:08 (49) -A second debut, but this gimmick hit the spot a little better. Still, not the most amazing match as T-Bone pinned Remus. Devine Fortune defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 12:15 (51) -I'll be honest; despite the chemistry I don't see the heel team working long term. I do like Speed, but he was off his game. MAIN SHOW: Freddy Huggins defeated One Man Army in 15:24 (71) -Just like last week we got a strong start to the show, with the Number One contender defeating OMA (who didn't get a booking last show). Unsurprisingly, the face is in physical decline. Freddy Huggins got on the mic to suggest that Aaron Andrews was distracted by Wolf Hawkins, and was unprepared to meet him at Malice in Wonderland. Not too surprisingly Andrews came out to refute this, and had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand during the segment (83) Joshua Taylor and Greg Gauge defeated Benny and The Foxx in 17:52 (67) -The face team don't have chemistry as a team, but it kind of worked in this match, with Benson so focused on his rivalry with Greg Gauge that he left Foxx exposed to a Butterfly Lock that he tapped to while Benson and Gauge argued. Mighty Mo defeated Matt Hocking by DQ in 9.23 (71) -This one was a hot brawl, and it was the interference of the Sinner Society that caused the DQ. Tana the Mighty was out to assist, but the Sinner Society had the upper hand until... a small, masked man came out to help? The Society seemed puzzled, but a few high flying moves from Masked Cougar saw them off (65) Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 10.34 (68) -Despite the fact that I'm riding tag team chemistry for the moment, the heel team got a relatively straight forward victory. I've got a soft spot for Tornado, having only once booked him briefly before his devastating injury, but a major singles push is beyond him. Troy hyped up his partner after the match, continuing to call him the future of the company (67) Wolf Hawkins defeated Human Arsenal in 18:20 (81) -Well, this one should have been the Main Event. Wolf returned to main show action with a great, technical match, which could have easily been on PPV. In fact, it may well be before the year's out. Importantly, Human Arsenal is NOT in time decline. Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated the Elite in 12:31 (78) -This wasn't going to be as good as the previous match, but was still impressive. Of course, the face team won, despite Wolf cheerleading his Syndicate colleagues, with Andrews pinning Johnson. Wolf Hawkins pulled Sammy out of the ring as he went to celebrate with Andrews, and accused the face of hanging on Andrews coat tails. Andrews came over to berate Hawkins, but this just caused a distraction for Jay Chord to appear, hitting the Jay Cutter on Bach. Pushing broke out between the wrestlers ringside, which was just watched by a grinning Huggins from the top of the ramp (89) Overall Rating 79
  3. For come reason I had in my mind that Joshua Taylor was a technician (I get better at playing this game, honestly) - I mean he is skilled in that aspect, but booking a technical masterpiece was not a good idea. Backstage and Freddy Huggins offered to put over T-Bone Bright. That's... not going to work. Robert Oxford is hot on Elliot Thomas... I had no plans for him, but a potential team with Biggins? Not sure. Finally, Wolf Hawkins in mildly irritated... I guess putting him in two dark matches where he almost gets injured will do that.I've begun to fill up development with some young, unemployed talent. The first show was Main Evented by Raphael and Quentin Queen defeating Gringo Starr and Phillip LaGrenier, and wasn't anything to write home about...But the highlight of this week? Realising the written deals I had been offering weren't exclusive. That was going to be a problem for one person, so I withdrew the offer, and I'll have to hope I can come back in a few months. This does mean that anyone I've just signed will not be on the house show circuit either.TCW Presents Total Wresting:Benny and The Foxx vs Joshua Taylor and Greg GaugeMight Mo vs Matt HockingOne Man Army vs Freddy HugginsElliot Thomas and Bart Biggins vs Troy Tornado and Jay ChordHuman Arsenal vs Wolf HawkinsAaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs The Elite
  4. TCW Presents Total WrestlingDevine Fortune defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney (58)-A random thrown together tag team show excellent chemistry teaming together... that's not the long term plan, but with a lack of depth in the tag division I'm... still not sure I can make that work. Chance Fortune did get pinged for physical declineWolf Hawkins defeated Edd Stone and Yuri Yoshihara (55)-I went in to the match seeing what Yuri could learn from this triple threat match. I think he might have to learn to stay away from Wolf Hawkins after completely botching taking a move from Wolf, which could have injured one of TCW's star attractions. The botch ruined the match, and Wolf was furious afterwards.Killer Shark defeated Dean Daniels in 6:24 (53)-A fairly average squash. Dean's on the physical decline.The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond) defeated Chance Fortune and Danny Fonzarelli in 14:01 (69)-I'll be honest, I didn't mean to double book Wolf or Chance Fortune (spot the extra dark match that I added at the last minute). I'm still getting used to this roster. I'll sell it as an angry Wolf wanted another match, pinning Chance Fortune. No justification for Fortune wrestling again. The face team are both on the physical decline, and Chance was pretty tired by the end of the match.MAIN SHOW:Jay Chord defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8.09 (78)-A great start to the new year for TCW, in a match that started spectacularly. The two brawled back and forth, before Jay put away his opponent with a Cradle Piledriver.After the match Jay Chord got on the mic to proclaim himself the chosen one of the future, boasting about his legendary ability. It was slightly surprising to see Wolf Hawkins come out to confront him, reminding Chord that he was not the King of Kings - Wolf was, and he was the one chosen to become the next Heavyweight Champion (90)The Elite defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 9.06 (60)-After Chris Flynn picked up a dislocated shoulder against Elliot Thomas at TCW Psycho Circus, The Elite were after revenge, and they got it with Eddie Chandler making Thomas tap to the Fabulous Stretch - and he made sure to keep hold of it for several seconds after the tap. It was no surprise to see Nate Johnson on the physical decline, but slightly surprising that Eddie Chandler was not. The tag chemistry between the face team was also welcome.Greg Gauge (c) defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 18:18 to retain the TCW Television Title (63)-A slightly disappointing match, as Benny Benson supported his partner from the commentary table with no success. The Foxx is showing physical decline, which is a little disappointing.Mighty Meaty defeated the Nation of Filth in 6.10 (50)-This had no right being on the show but, in a nod to Stalling's old days (and a recognition of the lack of tag depth) the Nation of Filth were brought in on a one-night deal in their home town. They tried to go all out, which only ended up with Stink injuring his arm, so the match was at least as bad as you would expect. Mighty Mo did dominate, but it is also clear Tana is on the decline.After the match the Sinner Society hit as the Nation of Filth disappeared. Tana was dropped on the crowd barriers, before the Society left in the face of an angry Mighty Mo (69)Aaron Andrews was then shown backstage. He pointed out to Wolf Hawkins that he was in a line, and it would either be Sammy Bach or Freddy Huggins to face him at TCW Malice in Wonderland. I'll be honest, this wasn't scripted, and it wasn't perfect, but it did a job (88)Freddy Huggins defeated Sammy Bach to become the Number One contender to the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 20.51 (73)-A pretty good match had the unwelcome addition of Wolf Hawkins, who appeared ringside to taunt the contenders. It proved Bach's undoing as he verbally let rip at Hawkins, allowing Huggins to hit the Huggins Kiss for the victory. The bad news? Physical decline for Sammy. I'm not writing him off yet...After the match Sammy Bach got on the mic to address Wolf Hawkins as he headed back up the ramp. Bach told Hawkins that he's the king of nothing until he's proved himself at Malice in WonderlandAaron Andrews defeated Joshua Taylor in a non-title match in 29.02 (68)-You know what a hot crowd didn't want? A long, technical rematch from the PPV. Which is a pity, as that's what they got. They weren't too impressed by Taylor's new move, either. Andrews did get the victory to finish this feud.Overall Rating 73
  5. Yes, I've gone back to 1.16. Be aware that 1.17 also introduced others fixes, so you may come across an error that had since been fixed, so it's not recommended. But the game runs fine. However, I don't know if any of the changes to the cap have carried on with 1.16, having been introduced in 1.17. It depends how the changes were implemented. You're probably better off waiting for 1.18... but that's not what I've done.
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ngz999" data-cite="ngz999" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51376" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There was absolutely no reason to remove this (or any other) feature.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, apart from the reasons you don't know about (in regard to the any other features).</p>
  7. This might not be like the diaries you are used to reading - the show write ups will be nowhere near the detail of other diaries. The main reason is I have not got the time to long match write-ups, especially considering I will often have matches going over 20 minutes. My writing of dialogue is not that good either, so you will get little of that. However, for a significant event you might get more.What you will get is how I am playing the game, and what I find out about the game - chemistry, physical decline, negotiations. Take a look at my old diaries if you're not sure what this will look like:CZCW '97 - A Coastal Zone Even Back ThenUSPW A Joker At Work (Photobucket was free back then...)FWE Without Your KidsAnd finally, Diary of the Year winning (I've overhyped it - it never deserved the award, Scapino was robbed):USPW Bring Out Your KidsWow, it's been over nine years since I've done written a diary. My oldest child? Just turned nine. Those two facts are linked.EDIT: At one point in this diary I suddenly start using pictured, then I stop and completely change how shows are written up. Don't let that offput you too much!Anyway, you're going to need need my goals from J.K. Stallings (yes, he's dropped the Jr. so I don't have to type it constantly):Grow to Big in 2 yearsKeep Wolf Hawkins and Andrew Andrews above 71 popularity for 18 monthsDo not hire MMA crossovers (for 21 months) or technician flyers (for 27 months)The first is definitely on my lists of personal goals, while if Hawkins and Andrews dip below 71 I'm doing something wrong. Looking at the list of MMA Crossovers, Christopher Bull would need a few years in development. However, the technician flyers make the introduction of a lightweight division unlikely, as there are plenty of talented workers in that category that I'm going to have to leave alone for now.I'll give you a summary of how development is going at the end of the month. I won't be stripping North American Companies, and HGC is only tiny, so there will be some young rookies there.TCW Presents Total Wrestling:Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay ChordMighty Meaty vs The Nation of FilthGreg Gauge (c) vs Flying Jimmy Foxx for the TCW Television TitleBart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The EliteSammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins for the Number One Contender to the TCW World Heavyweight TitleAaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor in a non-title match
  8. p, div { margin:0; padding:0; line-height: 1.2; } Note: This diary was first created on the old forums, and some of the formatting has gone awry while being pulled over. While it lasts, if you want to see what the original looks like, you can find it here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=549323 INTRODUCTION: Kyle Rhodes sighed deeply. "We need this Brent." Brent Hill, booker of TCW, nodded thoughtfully. "I know, but it doesn't need to be today." "No Brent, this is getting to me. We can build stars, but when bloody USPW come with their cash, what can we do? I'm not sure how much more I can put up with this." Hill clapped his boss on the shoulder. "Investment is always welcome, but there's always another investor, another company who thinks you can make money out of this business." "I just hope it's this one. The fact that he wouldn't even give his name - I hoping he's rich and famous, and ready to invest." The door to the room that they were sitting in opened, and a young lady invited the two men through. She led them through a couple of corridors, before knocking on a door." "Come in!" Rhodes' face screwed up - he couldn't place the voice - slightly squeaky, a voice he was sure he had heard before. He looked around at Brent Hill, who just shrugged, and they made their way through the door. "Kyle Rhodes - it's been a long time!" Kyle Rhodes' jaw dropped, with the realisation that he was talking to his old boss, J.K. Stallings. "J.K. - it's been a long time!" Rhodes, quickly recovered, striding over shake Stalling's hand firmly. "Take a seat, take a seat. You've looked after HGC well, my friend." Brent Hill and Kyle Rhodes exchanged glances. "TCW, JK. A lot of our fans may struggle to remember HGC now" point out Rhodes. "Sure, sure, but we can make them remember it, right?" "Well..." "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You're after investment?" "Sure." "Well, I'm not an investor. I'm a buyer. I want to buy back my company. Those figures you were looking for, a 10% investment? Do them maths, that's my offer." "You haven't been in the business for years, the landscape has changed." mused Rhodes. "Yes, yes, I know. USPW, eh? We never thought that they would take over, back in the Giant Redwood days. We used to have great battles with SWF, didn't we? Anyway, TCW need to be able to compete - we can't just continue to bring through the most talented wrestlers in the US just so USPW can bring them in to job them out to some pretty boy, can we? I bring money - but also, I bring the future." Rhodes turned round to Brent Hill, who shrugged. He turned back to J.K. Stallings "J.K., this isn't just down to me - there are other investors. BriCo owns TCW, not me." "Done, done, I'm sorry, but I've already seen them. The decision is yours, but it's a simple decision. This assures the future of TCW. But there are a couple of conditions." "Oh?" Stallings turned round to face Brent Hill. "Brent, I've got a booker that I want to bring in." Brent was deadpan. "Come in, come in - meet Eayragt. Some kind of username, I don't know. Ear of rat? Doesn't matter. He's backstage, not front out house. He booked for USPW before, you know. Couple of times, actually. Alternate universe. Worked I say." Brent Hill raised an eyebrow, and held up his hand as Kyle Rhodes started to intervene. "You'll be recompensed, of course. We still need you backstage, no cut of salary. And a 12-month bonus." Brent Hill stood up and walked over to J.K. Stallings Jr. He towered over the shorter man, but the tension broke as he stuck out his hand, which Stallings eagerly grabbed. Hill turned round to shake Eayragt's hand. "Gladly, good luck." "Hang on, the deal's not done yet." piped up Rhodes. "I don't know who this kid is. Alternate Universe?" "Don't worry, he can do it. And Brent's happy. Anyway, my next condition is a good 'un - I want to reopen HGC. No, no, not like that. A development company for TCW like you've never seen before. We will grow our own stars, who like those beforehand can go from HGC to TCW. That's where most of my money will be going. That, and to bring in a big star every now and then!" Hill turned around to Rhodes. "Kyle - you're drained; this is taking too much of a toll on you. Take the offer. You won't get another one like this." Rhodes paused for a moment, before addressing Stalling and Eayragt. "Well, I've got my conditions. This is TCW, not USPW and SWF off casts. We have great talent; we can develop great talent. Don't turn us into something that no-one recognises." "Of course, of course" said Stallings. "That's not to say we can't make signings - the world still hasn't seen Aaron Andrews or Wolf Hawkins take on some of the world greats - let those matched happen in TCW." A slight pause finally allowed Eayragt to say his first words. "Look Kyle, I love traditional wrestling. This is all about in-ring talent - the best matches in North America. We have got a great roster; we just need to keep them. You need to earn a place on this roster, I promise." Kyle Rhodes looked like he had run out of arguments. "Well, it's done then. Where do I sign." "Tomorrow, as you said, many signatures, lawyers, yada yada yada. Bring your bank details - I pay promptly. Champagne?" "Tomorrow, thank you. We had better go. We need to finish some plans for Psycho Circus." "I assume Aaron Andrew's is retaining?" chipped in Eayragt. "You want him to?" "I do." "Consider it done. Please respect the smaller promotions though, they are wrestling's life blood." Eayragt nodded. Handshakes all round, before the two men from TCW left, leaving the two men who were soon to own and book the company. "This is going to be big. Now, are you going to tell me your name now we're in business?" asked Stallings. "Eayragt." "Erreeaggat?" "Close enough. My real name is hidden on some credits somewhere. No need for everyone to know that. What's in a name? You've dropped the junior, my name's unpronounceable." "Fine. But remember I'm your boss. We will get more popular. Or I will find someone else to fill you roll." Stallings winked and left. This was going to be interesting.
  9. <p>A Monkey swinging a tire? Count me in!</p><p> </p><p> And in Welcome to the Real World I always remember an eye candy girl tapping to an armbar. How do I remember that over a decade on?</p>
  10. <p>Edd Stone vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p> I would love to see Edd Stone, even if it's a DQ win. Brave decision if you do, though.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach</strong> vs The Elite</p><p> Yeah, the faces are winning</p><p> </p><p> Television Title Match</p><p> <strong>Doc Hammond</strong> vs Matt Hocking ©</p><p> Hocking, Hammond, DQ, match thrown out? These are all valid options. I'm going to say Hammond wins - this is the one I'm most unsure of.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rich & Famous</strong> vs Human Arsenal & Bart Biggins</p><p> I'm not often going to predict Bart Biggins to win</p><p> </p><p> Benny Benson & Jackson Laine vs <strong>Jay Chord & Greg Gauge</strong></p><p> One for the heels, certainly.</p>
  11. <p>I remember when Joss Thompson was unknown in the US, but made a good signing.</p><p> </p><p> Nowadays he's a <strong>great</strong> signing.</p>
  12. <p>Joshua Taylor vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p> This is Wolf's, all the way.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Aaron Andrews & Edd Stone</strong> vs Rich & Famous</p><p> A tag match is always the chance for Andrews to take a loss... but not here.</p><p> </p><p> Television Title Match</p><p> Killer Shark vs <strong>Matt Hocking ©</strong></p><p> Slightly torn, but perhaps a DQ ends this one</p><p> </p><p> <strong> John Blackfyre</strong> vs Maverick</p><p> This is a match to give Blackfyre a little more exposure.</p><p> </p><p> Bart Biggins & Chance Fortune vs <strong>American Ultra</strong></p><p> A gimmie, surely</p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Titles Match</p><p> Real Deadly (Doc Hammond & Roderick Remus) vs<strong> Mighty Meaty ©</strong></p><p> I like the look of Real Deadly, but don't see that equating to a victory</p>
  13. <p>One Man Army vs <strong>Aaron Andrews ©</strong></p><p> This smacks of "the match that Andrews wins before getting attacked by the mystery new signing"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Edd Stone</p><p> I would love to see Edd win, but think it's Sammy here.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The 1%</strong> vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal</p><p> Banker of the night.</p><p> </p><p> Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs<strong> John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking</strong></p><p> Although this comes a close second.</p><p> </p><p> Mighty Mo vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p> I would be happy for Mo to get the win and this feud last a while, but Jay should really be winning to this.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShaunGBD" data-cite="ShaunGBD" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51227" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can we agree have the option to turn off pop cap</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can see why you would want that option, but there's a big issue here. The game is balanced in the knowledge that some workers will not get the gains there would be if there were no caps. You take away those caps and there is no "wasted" population gain that doesn't happen because of caps. As such, you will get more popular workers, and that's going to effect the whole balance of the game. What seems like a simple "ignore all the caps" line of code could actually break the game.</p><p> </p><p> As such, if you want to make a rookie Eddie Guerrero the biggest star in wrestling, it might not happen. But if you turned the caps off you could suddenly find dozens of wrestlers becoming stars, so a star Eddie Guerrero is no more relevant than a capped Eddie Guerrero.</p><p> </p><p> I know it's your game, and you want to do what you like with it. However, at the moment it's not a feature, and it's not as simple as turning an option off. Perhaps one day Adam will make it a feature in a version of the game, and sadly I may be tempted to use it. I hope if it does I won't be tempted, but accept I am playing the game with different objectives to you.</p>
  15. I've just stumbled across this diary, and it makes me very, very happy to see you booking the Zone after all these years.
  16. The issue of the one year box is a concern. The issue of being dropped quickly by a neutral network on Prime Time is not. Your real life examples were pro, not neutral. Also, you say moving your show later only reduces expectations by 1 point - however, have you tested if they're more lenient (ie give you more than 3 low rates shows)? It's logical that Very Big Prime Time slots are cut throat, non prime time less so.
  17. Frequent patches are a good thing, because errors are corrected and improvements made quicker. There are many AAA games that come out broken that you have to wait weeks between patches, or "known issues" sit unchanged for months. Adam is far more responsive.
  18. Have you ever tried to make a baby? Do you know how long it takes some people? Do you know that women have the right not to be treated differently at work during this process (which is one of many reasons why they don't have to tell their employer)? Yes, Ronda was treated differently by some fans (as usual, we'll call them a vocal minority). That doesn't make them right and Becky wrong, it makes them wrong.
  19. <p>Extreme Rules 2009. Face CM Punk had been trying to cash in Money in the Bank on Champion Edge, but kept getting foiled by Umaga. He defeats Umaga in a strap match, that was... really not good by the night's standards.</p><p> </p><p> Edge vs Jeff Hardy, on the other hand, was a fantastic ladder match. The roar when Jeff Hardy won, finally winning the belt was a real moment - the support this man had gained made it a fan favourite moment. A fitting end to the night's wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> But that was not the end of the night. CM Punk's music hit, and the fans were shocked - why would a face Punk come out? But he was no longer a face, and a cash in and two GTS's later and Jeff Hardy was no longer champion. His moment had been stolen from him. The emotional rollercoaster of wrestling went up and down in just a few minutes, igniting a fantastic feud between the two men.</p><p> </p><p> That moment meant so much due to the lead up, and the path it set upon, it just beats out Eddie / Benoit for me.</p>
  20. It's an overblown house show, nothing wrong with booking that match there.
  21. Honestly, Garrett deserved some punches and kicks. Sure, they should have been thrown out, but the time left allowed the umpires to concentrate on the worst offences. Who started it is up for debate. Garrett should have got off Rudolph much earlier, I'm surprised he wasn't flagged there and then. Only after that does Rudolph push him by the helmet, which made the red mist come down. Both were in the wrong, and ripping the helmet off was out of order. And what came next was insane. If you've ripped someone's helmet off they're well within their right to come at you. You don't need to hit them over the head with a solid object to defend yourself, dropping the helmet was a perfectly good option. Frankly, once Garrett had done that Rudolph's teammates gave him what was coming, and we can just be glad that there was no major injury (to Rudolph - Garrett of course still had the luxury of all his protective gear). I think the band handed out were just right. I've read some people saying Rudolph should be punished, but I completely disagree. He should have been flagged, but his actions are seen most weekends in the NFL, you can't ban him because the incident escalated.
  22. They don't want the Bucks in the title picture right now - in WWE that's easy, but in AEW it means you have to lose. So they have chosen to put over another team, which is a good thing and will not lose viewers. They can now have a feud without sticklers for details pointing out that if they win their record means that they should be diverted into a title match (which would force them to lose via interference... yawn... might still happen in a contender ship match). Plenty of time for them to build back up to the title picture. Is the alternative of all the guys with power in the title picture really any more appealing? Short term that'd be fine, but we all know for the next couple of months AEW is going to be fine. However, they've got to set themselves up for the long term.
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