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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. I would love to see what type of owner Brutus turns out to be...
  2. Jeremie Courtney is angry at taking the fall to Joffy Laine in the pre-show - his contract is coming up, and he could do with time in development. I can't see him re-signing, so I'll cut him loose and keep an eye on him. You may have noticed that I sort of have a replacement in Pretty Okakura. He's got a new hot move, and a new, hot catchphrase... the latter of which is pretty irrelevant as no-one understand it in this country. He's only on a PPA deal due to his loyalty to SAISHO, but he's a pretty decent talent, and if he ever leaves SAISHO he'll get signed on full time. I have kept costs down by getting him to relocate to the Mid-South (admission time - I've only just realised that you can get people to relocate, so I've taken advantage of that so I can stop playing travel expenses to some of my development workers based in Canada and Mexico). Yes, the TV Title is being defended on PPV. Traditions don't have to remain forever... TCW The War to Settle The Score Jay Chord open challenge Chance Fortune vs Eddie Chandler Might Meaty © vs The Behemoths vs Cougar Stone vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton for the TCW Tag Team Titles Greg Gauge © vs Benny Benson for the TCW TV Title Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins Aaron Andrews © vs Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins vs Doc Hammond for the TCW World Heavyweight Title
  3. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Cougar Stone defeated Yuri Yoshihara and Pretty Okakura in 8:56 (51) -A Japanese wrestler on a handshake deal joins, an unimaginative team name for the faces, who won with a combination dubbed "Hear Me Party Roar". You didn't come here for creativity, did you? Joffy Laine defeated Jeremie Courtney in 9:23 (41) -Oh, Joffy’s finishing move is the Death Spiral, is it? I would never have known, what with him not have won a match yet. It wasn't great - I told them to go all out and Laine did well, but a grumpy Courtney, unhappy with the booking, didn't. Marc Speed defeated Dean Daniels in 8:13 (50) -I'm losing the crowd, aren't I, giving people who have jobbed for the last 2 months’ wins? Benny Benson defeated Roderick Remus in 11:27 (64) -Well, this was a total turnaround, and great chemistry to boot. You may see this one again... MAIN SHOW: We have Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and a silent Doc Hammond to start the show... but Andrews slightly struggled going off script. Wolf Hawkins did announce that he was bringing his title shot forward to TCW Battleground, facing whoever (claps Hammond's shoulder) takes the victory on Sunday (83) Wolf Hawkins defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 8:12 (82) -WTF? Honestly, this was an extra match booked as the show was running short. It'll be the best match of the night. Benson was ringside, but didn't assist his partner at all. Benny Benson called Greg Gauge out after the match, telling him that he deserved another one to one match for the TV title, where he could focus on taking the title. Greg Gauge out to accept, saying that in an unusual step it will be held at The War to Settle The Score (67) Backstage interview, and we allowed Floyd Goldworthy some mic time, with the menacing Behemoths behind. Goldworthy claimed that they had been entered into the Tag Title match on Sunday, and would win the titles back, but not before defeating Sammy Bach and Aaron Andrews tonight (71) T-Bone Bright defeated Maverick in 7:07 (64) -With another T-Bone. The Elite came out for their match, but were not expecting Chance Fortune to come out mic in hand. He asked Eddie Chandler how his nose was, and only Johnson holding Chandler back stopped him from leaving the ring. Fortune laughed, before saying that they had to settle this one on one - at The War To Settle The Score (60) One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Elite in 13:07 (66) -Inevitably this ended with Eddie Chandler chasing after Chance Fortune outside the ring, which left Johnson exposed to DDD. After the match Wolf Hawkins slipped into the ring and hit a Full Moon Rising on DDD, because if not we had nothing for him to do at the PPV. This is why I'm bringing his title shot forward (81) Joshua Taylor defeated Mighty Mo in 8:59 (62) -No, these two don't click. It won't matter in a multi-man match on Sunday, that Taylor's team will be taking a little momentum into. Mighty Mo and Tana were on the hype, pointing out to the crowd it was a four way at The War to Settle The Score, as they wouldn't know otherwise. Tana struggled a bit in this one (75) Jay Chord defeated Bart Biggins in 9:01 (80) -Seems that Jay Chord is also some talent (you think?) - another throw away match that will be better than almost anything at the PPV. Jay Chord took the mic to question how long it will take him to be given a one on one World Title shot, after Hawkins used his influence to move his title shot. He also issues an open challenge for Sunday, what with *ooops, Chord's been so involved in the Main Event this month he hasn't got a match ready* (70) Doc Hammond defeated Human Arsenal in 13:25 (71) -Given that Hammond has a title shot, we had to give him a bit of momentum, and this was perfectly acceptable (just not as good as a lot of the previous matches). Wolf Hawkins declared his man the next World Champion, and he would know what to do when he faced him. It was Hawkins to struggle with the lines here, but Hammond's face was perfect when it was suggested that he lie down for Hawkins (73) Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated The Behemoths in 10:23 (77) -This is what I was expecting from the match - I just did not expect to see two better matches tonight. The Behemoths were made to look like a threat, but weren't going to win here. It probably should have been a DQ, but Bach got a clean pin. Aaron Andrews celebrated with Sammy Bach, but you could see Bach distracted by looking at the title belt. Freddy Huggins came out to make it clear that he saw it too, and Andrews had better watch his back on Sunday, as he will quickly find that he has no friends (92) Overall Rating 82
  4. Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins Very close, but I feel if The Syndicate win the below match they can take loss here, and Bach could be their nemesis. Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo & Matt Hocking vs The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Roderick Remus & Rogue) Again, could go either way. I feel one win and one loss, but I might have them the wrong way round. The Heritage (Jay Chord, Edd Stone & Greg Gauge) vs Tana The Mighty, Fro Sure & Jackson Laine Much easier prediction this one Joshua Taylor vs Jeremie Courtney JC is a jobber T-Bone Bright vs Freddy Huggins Ino? Killer Shark? Someone's going to cost Bright this match World Tag Team Titles Rich & Famous vs The Roughnecks © No need for the reign to end here (Pre Show) Ernest Youngman, Troy Tornado & Marc Speed vs Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas & Dean Daniels One side has two jobber on...
  5. Well, if you'd have told me it was Rogue... Agree about TV Titles, they suck. Intrigued by your direction with Huggins...
  6. NYCW Rush Hour 2021 NYCW Empire Title: Tennessee William vs. Ernest Youngman © COTT World Title: Nelson Callum vs. Logan Wolfsbaine © Special Exhibition: Bradley Blaze vs. ??? NYCW Tag Titles: The Black Order vs. Brooklyn Wrecking Crew © COTT World Tag Titles: The Outriders vs. Generation Wrecked © Fro Sure & Papa Swoll vs. Sweet Sal DiMeo & Dreadnought Ralph Liotta vs. Johnny Needham
  7. SWF look like they might have room on their roster
  8. If you own them as a child company, you have to hire everything (including non-wrestlers - no ref, no shows!). If it's an independent company with a development deal, they'll look after themselves.
  9. <p>^</p><p> To be fair, with Tana out Booth can surely lose to anyone, even a heel in a multiman match. Might be interesting to give him a short run though, see how he does.</p>
  10. Jay Chord vs Koshiro Ino I feel a first loss is due for Ino here One Man Army & Benny Benson vs Wolf Hawkins & Roderick Remus One side has Wolf Hawkins on, the other one doesn't Television Title ??? vs Matt Hocking © But by countout or DQ, so Hocking retains The Roughnecks vs Edd Stone & Greg Gauge This is a tough one. The heels are good enough that they can get over a second defeat clearly with a few wins, so they can take the loss. Alternatively, the titles may legitimise Heritage, and surely if they win they have to get a title shot? I'll go for them winning, but for some reason either being distracted from a non-title shot, or just failing at it. Maverick vs Mighty Mo Mo, all the way Joshua Taylor vs Davis Wayne Newton Masked Patriot to help Taylor out here. (Pre Show) Ernest Youngman & Troy Tornado vs Hammer & Anvil Human Arsenal vs Freddy Huggins Surely Huggins can get a victory here?
  11. The King of New York 2020 KONY QF1: Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Sal DiMeo KONY QF2: Johnny Needham vs. Tennessee William KONY QF3: Fro Sure vs. Nelson Callum KONY QF4: Ernest Youngman vs. Bradley Blaze KONY SF1: Logan/Sal vs. Johnny/William KONY SF2: Fro/Callum vs. Ernest/Blaze KONY FINAL: Ernest Youngman TAG TEAM MATCH: The Valedictorians vs. The Outriders vs. Brooklyn Wrecking Crew BATTLE ROYAL - Dreadnought
  12. I'll go down the card the Freddie Huggins, the man who's waiting for a push.
  13. Nice long tournament... let's see if injury breaks it
  14. Nice show. A few surprises, but some very good performances. Looking forward to Lau's matches with Gauge, Chord, Hawkins and, eventually, Andrews
  15. Go to wrestlers skills screen and click on the relevant stat. Progress is in middle column.
  16. Just come back from editting out my prediction that Human Arsenal will win... although by switching to Remus I'm still on 3rd favourite.
  17. World Heavyweight Title Edd Stone vs Aaron Andrews © -I will really enjoy if you manage to build up Edd Stone to be a legitimate champion. Which will not happen by getting his win here. Submission Match Sammy Bach vs Greg Gauge Next for the title shot? Joshua Taylor vs Doc Hammond Doc Hammond is not really suited to winning against those on the cusp of the Main Event... so he loses here. Mighty Mo vs Troy Tornado -In an alternative universe with no neck break, this could be different, but back here it's Mo's. Falls Count Anywhere Match John Blackfyre vs Wolf Hawkins -Sorry Blackfyre, not against Hawkins Handicap Match Masked Patriot vs Rich & Famous -I'm working on the theory you're going for the super push. World Tag Team Titles The Behemoths vs The Roughnecks © -No need to drop here Matt Hocking vs Jay Chord -Much as Hocking is doing well, he's no beating Chord. Koshiro Ino vs Freddy Huggins -Ino to win, happy if Huggins does! Pre-Show Fatal Four-Way Fro Sure vs Ernest Youngman vs Human Arsenal vs Roderick Remus -Maybe the veteran to pin the youth miscreant Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs Bart Biggins & Chance Fortune Triangle Tag American Ultra vs Hammer & Anvil vs One Man Army & Jackson Laine
  18. Wait... surely there other people who came over upon inception in 2004 still here? No? Just me?
  19. Office > Medical. Took me a while as well!
  20. Several points to come from that show - the tag qualifier match and subsequent beatdown gave the crowd too much Masked Cougar and Davis Wayne Newton - I should have seen that coming and could have easily shortened that down. Then a great Main Event which wouldn't have looked out of place the week before the Pay Per View but... I never seem to quite time the big matches correctly. Dazzling Dave Diamond got a reward for signing a new contract with a win over Nate Johnson. Marc Raisin was never approached for a contract, as there's other similar talent out there, cheaper. He gets rewarded for his new contract by going into a stable with Aaron Knight, which is likely to be a good career move. Monty Trescarde was offered a contract, as he's definitely got the talent to succeed in TCW, but once SWF pushed the price up I wasn't going to start offering Main Event money. Remember after my first show when Freddy Huggins offered to put T-Bone Bright over? Just tried it on the house show circuit - awful chemistry. I think I'll pass. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: T-Bone Bright vs Maverick One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Elite Mighty Mo vs Joshua Taylor Bart Biggins vs Jay Chord Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs The Behemoths
  21. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Bart Biggins and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Roderick Remus and Yuri Yoshihara in 11:03 (52) -Roderick Remus can't catch a break, but at least I've worked out I can tell Yoshihara to keep it simple to reduce the chance of him injuring anyone. He's also growing into his gimmick. Matt Hocking defeated Joffy Laine in 11:05 (49) -Here's another man who can't catch a break - Joffy Laine must be desperate for creative to come up with something for him. Wait, that's me, isn't it? Tana the Mighty defeated Maverick in 7:43 (59) -A match I was considering putting on the main show, but I ran out of space. A good choice to push onto the pre-show. Human Arsenal and T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 11:48 (59) -Courtney off his game again - apart from the fact that it's always handy having jobbers, he could probably do with a few months in HGC. Marc Speed would appreciate that, as he's being dragged down here. We also had a lesser spotted Bright get the victory with the T-Bone (it's still a powerslam, but with a better name). MAIN SHOW: The Main Event is stacked with talent, and they were all out - Wolf to remind everyone that his Syndicate entrant for The War to Settle The Score would be determined tonight, Huggins to tell him to concentrate as they teamed up later, Bach to argue with Huggins, Andrews to remind them all that he was the champ, and Jay Chord to call them bickering fools. Troy was noticeably the man out of place (92) Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Nate Johnson in 8:43 (59) -It's going to have to be a bad day for The Syndicate if Nate Johnson gets chosen to challenge for the title after this match... Next it was the TV Title, with Benny Benson upset at Flying Jimmy Foxx both for trying out for the Tag Titles without him last week, and for accepting this match. Foxx told his partner to concentrate on the match - the odds were in their favour (64) Greg Gauge © defeated Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW TV Title in 16:14 (68) -A decent match, with Benson and Foxx going from distrusting one another, teaming well, to distrusting one another again. Benson hit a B-Drop on his partner, but was thrown from the ring by Greg Gauge who stole the pin. Doc Hammond defeated Darryl Devine in 8:08 (62) -Chance Fortune did come out with Darryl Devine, but Chris Flynn pulled him away - The Syndicate seeming to rule that there were uninterrupted 1 on 1's tonight. Which led to Devine tapping to the Texas Cloverleaf cleanly. Edd Stone and Masked Cougar drew with Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton when both teams were attacked by The Behemoths in 14:04 (68) -Did we know that Stone and Cougar had great chemistry? Not sure that we did, may be we'll have to officially name them. Interesting though that in a match where Taylor was the star and Cougar struggled a bit, DWN fitted in just fine. It was a good match that fell apart when The Behemoths hit the ring and attacked both tiring teams. Mighty Meaty were out to help out (makes a change from when Masked Cougar had to help them)... I guess we're having a four way at The War to Settle The Score? (66) One Man Army defeated Eddie Chandler in 12:38 (63) -Oh, I've completely mis-ordered this show. A competitive match that the crowd never really bought into burst into life when Devine Fortune hit the ring, obviously unhappy with being pushed around by The Syndicate. Devine distracted the ref, Chance Fortune elbowed Chandler in the head (with the commentary team reminding every that he was responsible for breaking Chandler's nose last month), and One Man Army hit the Guided Missile. Wolf Hawkins was out, before he berated Chandler, telling him that Doc Hammond was his pick (shocking decision as the only winner tonight). Freddy Huggins came out to pull Hawkins away, reminding him he had a Main Event to think about (77) Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach and Jay Chord & Troy Tornado in 21:33 (81) -Turns out if you get all your pushed talent in the ring then... well, the odd one out sticks out like a sore thumb, but you still get a great match. Hawkins and Huggins struggled to be on the same page, and even Jay Chord had to tell them to concentrate on the match. The finish came when Chord and Tornado brawled outside the ring with Sammy Bach, leaving Doc Hammond to crack Andrews' World Title over his head. Freddy Huggins got the pin, with Hawkins almost breaking it up before he thought better of it. Hammond, Huggins and Hawkins looked as if they were trying to start a stable called HHH (don't worry, it's not going to happen) by beating down Aaron Andrews. Sammy Bach tried to help but was dragged away by Jay Chord and Troy Tornado, only freeing himself when the beatdown was over (83) Overall Rating 74
  22. NYCW getting some love on the boards right now, I like.
  23. Great start, and congratulations for having a decent first show despite the worst match rating I've ever seen someone admit too!
  24. Two debuts in the tag matches - DWN has been in a few dark matches, whereas Del Neutron gets a reward for a steller showing at HGC. The latter was for one night only, but he's one of the top talents that I'm keeping an eye on. I went for a very different approach for the TV show, with a number of shorter matches, and I think it had the desired effect. Huh, Jason Azaria doesn't think we should keep Jeremie Courtney around... TCW Presents Total Wrestling: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Nate Johnson Edd Stone and Masked Cougar vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton Darryl Devine vs Doc Hammond Greg Gauge © vs Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Benny Benson for the TCW TV Title One Man Army vs Eddie Chandler Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado
  25. TCW Presents Total Wrestling: The Syndicate defeated Death Row, Tribal Warrior and Dean Daniels in 11:02 (54) -Don't worry, Death Row and Tribal Warrior were local talents brought in brought in to give the dedicated fans who showed up early to the South Western venue a surprise. We even brought in Insane Machine to Road Agent the match. Of note, Death Row were not past their prime - however of more note, Shady K managed to injure Chris Flynn, bruising his kidney after a bad botch. Darryl Devine defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 7:46 (43) -Most important thing about this match? Yoshihara didn't injure anyone. One Man Army and T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 14:06 (61) -I do actually have plans for both of these faces, but both were unable to appear on the main show tonight. Jay Chord defeated Joffy Laine in 8:50 (68) -Jay Chord's going to be speaking tonight rather than wrestling, so he showed off his skills here. MAIN SHOW: Jay Chord started the show, and he demanded that Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins all came to the ring. One by one they came out, unsure why they had been called out. Chord told the men in the ring that they were foolish, distracted, quarrelling amongst one another, and it's getting in his way. He said that they had to end it in the ring as Aaron would defend his title in a four-way match at The War to Settle The Score against Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and... not Wolf Hawkins. He would have to wait, but he could nominate any member of The Syndicate to participate (87) Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 13:27 (61) Elliot Thomas still looking like the weak link. Benny Benson came out after the match to challenge Greg Gauge to a rematch for the TV Title. Greg Gauge smirked, and Benson accused him of dodging him. That brought Freddy Huggins out, to tell Benson that he had to prove he wasn't dodging anyone, by facing him next (74) Freddy Huggins defeated Benny Benson in 11:48 (73) -We let Benson to get in a decent bit of offense here, to justify himself as a challenger to Greg Gauge, but he wasn't got to win against the man who had recently been on a hot run of form to the Main Event. Especially as Greg Gauge stayed ringside, and took Benson's attention off Huggins, leaving him vulnerable to a Huggins Kiss. In a theme of people clashing as competitors changed between matches, Sammy Bach argued to Freddy Huggins on his way to his match, telling Huggins that he knew his game. Bach told him don’t expect to be able to hide during the four-way match and try and sneak in for the win, as he won't allow it. Laura Huggins got right in Bach's face, telling him to take the insult back, and her brother ended up having to drag her away (69) Sammy Bach defeated Maverick in 8:39 (69) -Sammy Bach did look a little distracted, as if Laura Huggins had got to him, but eventually focused to take Maverick out with an Adrenaline Shot Masked Cougar and Edd Stone defeated Roderick Remus and El Hijo Del Neutron in 12:16 (63) -Mighty Meaty came out to join the commentary team for the next two tag matches, the winner of which would meet next week to face the new champions. A few notes about this match - Del Neutron was never the planned partner from Remus, but after his showing last week for HGC he got the call for one night. We were in the home of CZCW, so we told the guys to go out and put on the best match that they could, as if they were Main Eventing Surf Slam. Despite the fact that Remus and Del Neutron showed absolutely no chemistry as a team whatsoever, it was an impressive match that the crowd for right behind, with everyone getting in offence and going for finishing moves. Edd Stone got the win after hitting the Party’s Over on Remus. Quick backstage segment, with Wolf Hawkins with The Syndicate. Doc Hammond, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler wanted to take the title shot, and Hawkins told them they would have to prove themselves next week (82) Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli in 12:02 (68) -This was a much slower affair as Taylor and the debuting DWN made it into a technical affair as their opponents tried to take to the sky. Taylor was the star in this one, making Foxx tap to the Butterfly Lock. Dazzling Dave Diamond and Human Arsenal defeated The Behemoths by count out in 8:48 (62) -Mighty Meaty were ready to leave when The Behemoths came out for their match, and got straight in the Tag Champions faces. They decided to stay for the match, and the ex-champions looked distracted, eventually just brawling with the new champions, earning themselves a count out. Mighty Meaty and The Behemoths brawled, until DDD and Human Arsenal helped to separate them. Floyd Goldworthy was screaming about a rematch, but Mighty Mo took the mic to tell them that they would have to wait (68) Jay Chord came out with Troy Tornado for the Main Event. He took the mic and declared that he was going to be the ring enforcer for the match (80) Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado in a non-title match in 14:01 (78) -Great chemistry between these two - we could only dream about what this match could have been without Tornado's serious neck issues. Anyone expecting to see Jay Chord interfere would have been surprised - in fact when The Syndicate came out it was Chord who kept them away from the ring. Tornado almost got the win after that, but took the pin after a Flying Body Press Wolf Hawkins argued with Chord after the match, asking him whose payroll he was on. Chord didn't give an inch, and when The Syndicate surrounded him both Tornado and Aaron Andrews interjected themselves. A right brawl started, and again Freddy Huggins was out to watch. This time he was joined by Sammy Bach, who made it perfectly clear that he had his eyes on him (92) Overall Rating 79
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