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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. Oh yeah. I actually went through all this when I was making the mod into the 2020 version. I actually ended up asking Derek for help. There's a lot of different factors with finances beyond contracts. I would recommend looking at every other avenue of the finances, too, such as Production, Merchandise, and stupid things like Training Facilities. I solved a promotion's finance issues by cranking up their Broadcaster Splits, for example.
  2. I just lowered the Stones' popularity (and then DeColts', in comparison) for a buffer. It saved the Stones about $200,000 I thought it would be fun to make the Stones only promote shows in their home region, but it was a complete disaster and they went out of business in 2013, and I had to fix it. I think the mod is ready to release but I have to check that out again.
  3. I think I can release this weekend. I'm doing some testing right now to see how the game world evolves in long saves, and how finances are working in short sims. Things keep popping up on what I feel can be improved upon and tidied up.
  4. It took me two days to completely port over all the new pictures. So many missing alts and name changes. 😆
  5. I have released my 2010 C-Verse conversion mod, porting over my 2020 version. I have put a lot of effort into trying to implement the new features of the game, adding in some flavor, adding in some moments of lore, and just editing some stuff to be a little bit more balanced and not so crazy. I'm a one man team, so PLEASE, if you see anything funky, anything that doesn't make sense in lore, anything that isn't fun, anything that isn't balanced, anything that is straight up broken, please mention it and may be open to fixing it. This mod is mainly for me, but it's also for you too. I can't deep dive into endlessly simming the game-- I really want some feedback from players. This mod uses the Default AI images that come with the game. All images are set to the .JPEG format, but if you want gifs, go to the main editor, press Toggle List to get the Select All button, select all, go to the dropdown menu and click "Picture Becomes GIF Format" and press Mass Edit. Do the same for Alter Egos and Free Pictures. Do NOT press "Picture Becomes Their Name." Then go to Database Details and change the folder. Included inside the download is the data, and two images, a SOTBPW logo and logo backdrop. They were removed in the picture folder. Also, just don't play with Strict Storylines on in the beginning. And Minimum Rosters can be a problem as well. DOWNLOAD: Version 1.9 (NEWEST VERSION) https://www.mediafire.com/file/ocm8b3t3osud9vb/CV10_TWIX_v1_09.rar/file Version 1.8 (OLD VERSION) https://www.mediafire.com/file/72ud9gk7s7ieens/CV10_TWIX_v1_08.rar/file CHANGE LOG 1.9 - For my own entertainment, created a 15% chance Narrative to take place between [Nov 2018] and [Nov 2024] where Alicia Strong gets into politics. Her name changes to her (non-canon, totally made up) real name of Leisha Armstrong and gains the Political Interest Attribute. - For my own entertainment, created a 15% chance Narrative where Gorgon has plastic surgery to boost her Sex Appeal and Star Quality in 2012. - For my own entertainment, created a 5% chance Narrative where Magnum Kobe's single can be a smash hit, and gain the Famous Musician Attribute. - Created my own "Company Turns [milestone number]" Narratives - Created my own 2009 Award Narratives. - Made Rip Chord Invitational news story Narrative happen every year until 2024 - Created my own injury update Narratives for Yoshimi Mushashibo and Madman Boone. - Changed some heights of the heaviest individuals because they were converted as very tall in '22. - Changed Duane Stone's height and weight to make him a "Lightweight" in BHOTWG. (And for lore purposes, I kinda like the idea that he's not as popular as his brothers because he's a short king) - Same for Dagger in ACPW. - Same for Nichiren Amagawa and Magnum Kobe in WLW. - Same for Gonzalo Rubio, Mexican Ghoul, Pablo Rodriguez, Pirate Malvado, and Vincente Romero in SOTBPW. - And then slightly raised the cap of "Lightweight" titles to open up the pool of eligible workers. - Made all referees "Referee [Name]" because I like that naming style. - Put some Starting Injuries in because there's only 2, for fun. Made some Starting Absences for fun. - Various minor changes 1.8 - Made some changes to contracts in NOTBPW and CGC to save them some money by simply making non-wrestlers be a Per Show deals, basically. - Gave every set-to-debut worker 50 Reputation because they all had 0, which is incorrect. - Changed some set-to-debut workers that were outliers in age to debut earlier, and gave them some Experience. Pretty much everyone I changed had old outdated debut date data. - Fixed Shawn Gonzales and Nemesis not being sexy. - Changed Total Mayhem matchtype Min Size so TCW can actually do the match. - Fixed APW, UEW, 5S, GCG, WLW, MPHW, and OLLIE popularity. - Various minor changes. 1.7B - Fixed dead 2020 wrestlers from having 0 SQ 1.7 - Used 2016 CVerse 10 data by Pyroman and the 2016 data for... - Balancing Backstage environments separately, in a way that keeps the spirit of CV10, while also providing a wide range of different Personality types... hopefully... and putting Positive and Negative Personalities on unemployed workers in the game world. - Changed my tune on every worker having a Personality Attribute because I realized there's not too many noticeably "mid" Personalities in the game, and the ones that are are pretty specific, so I deleted a handful on a case by case basis when balancing the other stuff. For example, I used Quiet as a "mid" personality, neither Positive or Negative, which made sense to me at the time, but the worker stays away from backstage nonsense, which doesn't seem that optimal, so I now use Quiet on those that I actually imagine actively stay out of backstage incidents. - Added Gimmick Attributes when I noticed they were missing. - Created "Disturbed" alter ego for Stretch the Chicken Boy, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures on a random generated worker. This is just for the player-- there's next to zero chance OLLIE would ever hire him. - Changed Ultra Atlantis's masked picture to a Free Picture that looks more like his original mask, and removed the image from being used in Free Pictures. - Removed pesky Hatred relationships, that haven't happened yet in canon, that were affecting backstage environments. - Added some old Narratives - Put Charity Sweet and Crusher Von Steinberg into the game world. - Added Unable To Wrestle Again to retired wrestlers that made sense, and those that undoubtedly have the Attribute missing, and sprinkled in a couple Can't Stay Away's for fun. - Put some Talent Spotters (Willing to put over young workers) in the database, as there was only 1, Dan Stone (Sr), and I think it's a cool Attribute if used sparingly, especially in a game world with tons of new debuts coming in. 1.6 - EVERY worker now has Attributes. (166 workers fixed from 1.5.) - EVERY worker has a Personality Attribute. - Changed many Personalities trying to make Professional not the far and away most populated Personality. - Filled in Attributes of notable wrestlers that don't have many. - More Negative and Positive Influences based on 2016 data. - Normalized the heights of all workers, mostly women. (5'5 was far and away the most populated height for female workers. It still is-- but much less.) - Changed Intrepid to Aaron Knight, because it just bothered me. (There's an alter ego with a 50% chance when he debuts) - Added a short Hiatus for Boss Man Brayfield from information in 2016 bio. - Slight tweaking of stats again. - Various minor changes 1.5 - Huge rework of every stat in the game so there's an even distribution of quality and balance throughout the game world. - Changed some Event Importance to create tentpole events, based on 2016 data. - Lowered some Minimum Requirements of Broadcast Deals after being kicked off TV in a save - Searched for "amateur" in 2022 CVerse for mentions of amateur wrestlers, and added the new Attribute based off those. - Added Gymnastic Background for people that have that info in their bio in CVerse 22. - Added more PGHW and BHOTWG Tour shows and changed their schedules a bit. - Various minor changes.
  6. Would it be possible to add a quicker way to edit the roles of people in angles? The screen where you edit the people in an angle has a box with the people in the angle and their role. I think it would be good if you could double click their names on let's say "Rocky Golden (Character Development)" and it jumps you straight to the worker so you could edit their Role directly after. Instead you need to read the name, go to the worker in the list of people on the roster, and then edit the role.
  7. This is so good, I loved the 2020 version. Thanks for all the hard work.
  8. Hopefully with the inclusion of external editors, all this stuff could be copy and pasted into every mod.
  9. Yo, you need to press the Start menu, type in "Mouse," go to Mouse Settings, and then un-check Scroll inactive windows.
  10. I think the AI images are a very good necessary evil. The default Cornellverse images have become a huge turnoff for me (funnily enough, because of the Thunderverse images). I think it'll be a better look for new players. Hope they look good.
  11. It's fine to do shock turns as long as you don't do too many other shock turns. I don't remember what the number is, but it's pretty reasonable.
  12. Unfortunately there's a few mechanics in the game that make round robin tournaments, specifically on tour shows, feel bad. The first is that no one will ever gain popularity by winning on a Tour show. The second is that the top talent, despite not losing popularity and the winner not gaining popularity, will still complain if they lose, so doing them on tour shows is pretty pointless. I've wondered what just making them real shows would do.
  13. 90 minutes for normal TV show, 30 minutes for B shows.
  14. Yeah I definitely think it was a mistake to include this in the game. I think it might have been added to give more options to mod makers, but the feature is super confusing and there's no real reason to use it, and I'm pretty sure the AI bugs out when Written contracts are in the game, too.
  15. Unfortunately no. I don't get it. I don't think there has ever been a working 2000 mod in any TEW game, and it is critically the best WWF year. So many interesting scenarios, too. Just speaking for the WWF, they started off with a pretty thin main event scene and make it work wonderfully without some top stars.
  16. Maybe you're remembering wrong. I bet if you went to the Dynasty forum and checked the last post on the top of the page and the bottom of the page for 2020 diaries and 2016 diaries on multiple pages, and compared the activity of each page, it would be about the same.
  17. It doesn't matter. I upgraded my machine to something close to high end and the speeds of the game didn't change one bit. The game runs how it runs.
  18. The idea of round robin tournaments for TV shows doesn't seem that great to me. Running a 16 person tournament would take 8 matches every show over the course of 15 weeks.
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