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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. I find the tournaments feature to be anxiety inducing. I wish you could set it up where the game doesn't auto-advance it based on what you booked, but that you could completely book it yourself as more like a reference. I like it as a thing to go back to to view so I do it in the game, but I always feel like I'm going to screw something up.
  2. I always change my TCW product to Slobberknocker when I play as them. It's pretty much the same product as the one they have by default, while giving me an interesting goal of only having clean finishes, and gives a bit more individuality.
  3. They're not though. The company popularity should be aligned with the wrestlers' popularity, which they already are. This isn't a database issue. The relation between company popularity and base level attendance levels is just wrong and unrealistic, embedded into the game's code. The scalability isn't correct, and also throws off the financial management aspect of the game.
  4. No you're not mistaken and there's nothing you can do about it. Greydog Software was created in 2004 and the only innovation is that TEW games used to be 1024 x 768 resolution in 2016 and now they're 1360 x 768 resolution in 2020.
  5. Yes, the figures are absolutely busted and insanely unrealistic. In my head canon, the Cornellverse is an alternate universe where the general public just REALLY loves wrestling, and has no other hobbies or sporting events (except the NBA playoffs and the Super Bowl, which are official Cornellverse canon.)
  6. For me, this seems like the C-Verse Databse is a square peg and the game is a round hole. It doesn't really make a whole lot of sense in the lore of the database that the company is so hard to play, even in the previous games. Their product can also be brutal.
  7. There actually was something severely wrong with the original file. Like pretty much every road agent had 0 experience, so they all sucked. I fixed it in the database because I was playing games with it, and, since this was bumped, I have updated the original post with the new database. I played a couple games, the longest was one year. Seemed to work alright...
  8. It would be cool to create a more fantasy base to the already fantasy world of the Cornellverse, similar to '97 or '18. This is just me spitballing because I want to bring this up because there's nowhere else to put this, but I think what draws people to the C-Verse is that is it isn't a reflection of real life. The original 2005 (and 2004) data was more of a fantastical, nostalgic representation of the "good old days" when wrestling was actually fun to watch, and it kept evolving from there. Ironically, though the current C-Verse data now is basically a nostalgia trip itself-- 2020 not as much as 2016. The real life situation of one mega-company is bleak.
  9. Sure you could do that. I would also suggest checking out a remote desktop/screen sharing software instead, though.
  10. It's very strange-- I have been playing this game forever, and I can't recall a single time where I actively tried pushing someone to the main event that didn't end up working out.
  11. I'm guessing that it won't "ruin it." The affect would probably be very minimally bad-- like a stall leaning to the negative.
  12. Every single link on both BeTheBooker and TEWDB that I tried worked.
  13. He's a professional wrestler... that owned his own company where he exploited his workers by making the most money and being the main star. No question he was top-right on the political compass.
  14. Your post is very bare on details, which is why you're getting 5 different answers. Just for clarification, your INDIVIDUAL SEGMENT ratings are good but your SHOW RATING sucks? Or do all your segments suck and your show rating sucks?
  15. Nope. There's no in-game database mods that would do that, and no actual game mods that would do that. It's probably not even possible, and if they were, would be yeeted from the forum immediately.
  16. No question, Troy Tornado. It's probably mostly his render, but I've never been able to come up with anything interesting for him. I don't think I've ever pushed him or featured him at all, and he's mainly regulated to being a jobber for midcarders I'm pushing. Another one is Squeeky McClean. His supposed straight edge gimmick is very obtuse for his render, and I just can't make those ideas click. I usually just bury him.
  17. Pretty sure Adam, the game's creator, does all the work on it. Maybe a couple close beta testers help.
  18. I think what you're describing is in the game already, but it's not really implemented properly. Written contracts were put in to simulate what you're describing, but the AI just doesn't know how to deal with them, and also it's a problem on the user side because there's no warning or anything, IIRC, that you're offering an Exclusive Deal to a Written contract.
  19. In 2020 it's Mighty Mo. There's a lot of possibilities as a face and heel. All time is probably Angry Gilmore. I have always seen him as a [name redacted] character that is a technical wrestler but really angry, which is a natural heel but also works as a face. And as a face, he's also a [name redacted] type character where the audience thinks he deserves the title, and he's more like an angry underdog. Also the way those games played back then made it more beneficial to push him.
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