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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. For me, nothing compares to 2010 TCW. Cornell, Golden, Minnesota, RDJ, Bach, Vessey, Peak, Ino, Law, Keith, Hawkins, and other fun midcarders. The best part was there was a lot of experimentation for how to play. You could choose something different each time.
  2. I don't think I've ever seen a fully fleshed out mod from 2000 for a TEW, and I really don't get why. It was, not even close, the best WWF year of the Attitude Era. The start of the year was incredibly interesting from a gameplay perspective. Austin, Vince, The Undertaker were all gone for months. You had the Mick Foley stuff, the Stephanie and Triple H stuff, The Rock stuff, the Rikishi stuff, The Radicalz stuff, the Kurt stuff, among other things. Then you could recreate the transformation that WWF went through around the spring and summer where the style became a little more wrestling focused. The tag division was absolutely cooking too. Then outside the WWF, WCW was completely tanking, and ECW was on bad times.
  3. Your show history says the show was in a location and not a venue. 😆
  4. I think one of the worst things to do is just jump in and start immediately booking a show. For the first couple sessions of gameplay, just look around. Look at your roster and read their bios, multiple times over. Check out the composition of your roster. Check out your teams and stables. Check out the storylines. Delay actually booking a show for as long as you think is possible. When you do start booking, you still will need some time to get used to everyone, but you'll have the prior knowledge and insight by reading and looking around, so you'll have a little bit more context into your booking. Just reading instead of booking your shows does seem like a waste of time, but it's really worth it.
  5. Well, "Alicia Strong" was in the game before Charlotte even had a match.
  6. The way the game currently works means that all Attributes are tied to the worker. And, converting a 2016 mod doesn't quite work that well. So if you were to make a database from scratch, or convert a 2016 mod, you would need to go through the (painful) process of setting all the Attributes. If Attributes were separate from the worker, and worked like an importable asset, any mod maker could essentially make a huge database that could be used for other mods as freeware. Edit: I do consider this kind of a misstep in making the game. I'm assuming that by tying it to the worker Adam wasn't aware of what that would do to the game until it was too late to be changed? I don't know. But I do think that this is such an annoyance that it deters people from modding, unfortunately.
  7. You do not personally know these people. 😐
  8. Oh my God. Keep posting. Keep posting. Keep posting. I change my mind. This is so freaking good.
  9. That's not really the point of why he posts. When your posts are basically "The AEW locker room is falling apart due to Tony Con's lack of leadership and should close the company down, because Anthony Bowens ripped the world's stinkiest fart, making the backstage area a no-go area for at least 30 minutes," you're not watching the company for a good time and there's too many flaws that make you angry. Being hyper-cynical and taking everything to the extreme, to later complain about it online, IS the fun of following and watching AEW. It's like an alternate reality-- a gimmick of sorts that shouldn't be taken seriously besides an "Oh, you..." response. (And this is obviously not me saying that AEW is perfect and immune to criticism)
  10. Name a guy you think would have been good for that.
  11. Just from first glance I gotta say that it's clear that you spent a lot of time trying to balance the stat ceilings for the workers. I'm not sure how it plays in game because I haven't started yet, but it looks interesting. Also this may be a little bit of a hot take, but I'm not so sure about using the real workers as User Characters. I instinctively always click "Yes" to remove the unused User Characters, and Tommy Cornell (and everyone else important to the game world ) was gone!
  12. Yep the thread is right here: https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/54531-cverse-2010-version-09999/#comment-54531 Here's the 2016 thread, too: https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/52976-release-cornellverse-2016/#comment-1418411
  13. I made conversions of 2016 and 2010, and Nightshadex converted and balanced a 2005 mod.
  14. I was actually thinking about this yesterday that I've never actually booked a near retirement run for a wrestler in TEW.
  15. I have updated the database by fixing all the experience stats, and most notably trying to balance the finances for all promotions, among other things. I hadn't realized how much work goes into balancing these mods when I first put this out, and didn't even notice how rough the game world was for AI promotions. Check out the new release!
  16. I don't get the "cut the fat" arguments. Are there a lot of wrestlers I think should be on Dynamite? Of course. Do I sometimes get frustrated that people are out of the shuffle? Yes. But what does AEW restricting their roster actually look like? A bunch of incredibly talented workers that deserve to be on TV being on the indies, or, worse, Impact (/s)? That sucks more than people being on Dynamite once every 3 months. I think it's a very difficult thing to handle, but I like the current mainstay roster on Dynamite right now, and I appreciate the variety. The critique also comes from a place of using the TEW mechanic IRL, thinking Ethan Page is very angry that he hasn't been on Dynamite in x number of shows. Maybe they like the situation they're in?
  17. Here's my conversion of the 2010 C-Verse data, with all the workers, promotions, attributes, etc. I feel like this is pretty much set for release, but it's nice to get some other people playing and providing feedback. https://www.mediafire.com/file/m28rt5exblugl8n/CV2010_2022_7_31.rar/file Updated 7/21/2022: Fixed experience! Note: I would suggest playing this with the Minimum Roster Size off, as the values in 2010 were much different.
  18. Here's my conversion of the 2010 C-Verse data, with all the workers, promotions, attributes, etc. I feel like this is pretty much set for release, but it's nice to get some other people playing and providing feedback. https://www.mediafire.com/file/m28rt5exblugl8n/CV2010_2022_7_31.rar/file Updated 7/21/2022: Fixed experience! Note: I would suggest playing this with the Minimum Roster Size off, as the values in 2010 were much different.
  19. I think the best piece of canon is the opening of MAW because, for a number of iterations, it was really cool roleplaying as more development focused promotion. Worst piece of C-Verse canon is Operation Lullaby. I appreciate the attempt to make a fun story, but, man, that literally makes no sense.
  20. This has got to be a confirmation bias. This is simply not true... You're making this point after she wrestled a 2 minute match. I know you probably also hated her real matches, but she absolutely has improved. Jade is a perfectly fine, mediocre in-ring wrestler with about 15 other reasons to like her. She's hot. She's tall. She has giant muscles. Her entrance is dope. She's hot. She dresses in cool costumes sometimes. Her theme is awesome. She has big muscles. She is capable of cutting great promos, and most of them are pretty good to good. She has big muscles. She has the best manager in pro wrestling.... I could go on. She's also hot.
  21. What does "worth it" mean to you? You seem like you managed to find a way to gamify and exploit the game. Why wouldn't you stick to something that gives much more worker popularity, company popularity, higher attendance, and higher ticket prices too?
  22. Do fighters potentially gain more popularity if they're in the main event vs co-main vs main card?
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