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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. ^Show above^


    Dear god... for those of you doubting the importance of chemistry, I have just found out something fantastic.


    Nate Hatred has "Awesome" chemistry when being paired with James Mitchell and (I assume it's due to this) he has jumped from B- overness to A overness in just three weeks!


    I thought I'd keep him kicking about the midcard for a bit but, now, I ain't so sure. Wow...


    Quote The Raven


  2. Monday, week 3, September

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: Is it just me or is getting pretty damn exciting waiting for Anarchy Rulz?

    Gertner: It ain't just you, Scotty-boy, I've got wood just thinking about it!

    Hudson: Damn it, Joel, that's the last time I try and involve you in commentary.

    Gertner: ...and that's the last time I involve you in my personal life.

    Hudson: Personal?! You just broadcast it to the entire country!



    The two men for a good, old-school hardcore bout, although a greater grasp of psychology from someone would not have gone astray.

    By the tenth minute, Van Dam starts to get the upper-hand.


    However, the whole Dudley clan soon appears.



    The angry hardcore inbreds storm the ring and, soon enough, RVD is in real trouble.


    That is until Shawn Michaels and Traci run out.



    HBK slides straight into the ring to help his partner.

    Superkick to Big Dick.

    Another to Ultimo Dudley II.

    From here, a two-on-two tag brawl ensues as Traci involves herself in a catfight with Daixy ahead of her official match.

    The two teams brawl it out as they have several times before.


    A figure merges from the crowd with a chair.



    Hudson: Who the hell is that?

    Gertner: It looks like another Dudley!

    Hudson: My god, how many of the are there?


    Anonymous Dudley slides under the ropes and blasts both Michaels and Van Dam in the back.


    Hudson: Damn it!


    Both tag champs collapse as Bubba and D-Von go to thank their relative.

    Bubba Ray is nailed with the steel!


    Gertner: What the hell?

    Hudson: I thought...


    As D-Von looks bemused, his apparent relative, drops the chair, boots him in the gut and hits a Spinning Powerbomb onto the steel.

    He climbs on top of D-Von and lays in the mounted punches.

    After a vicious beatdown, Anonymous Dudley slides out and heads through the crowd.

    RVD comes to and seizes the opportunity for the Five Star Frog Splash!


    Match Rating: B+


    Hudson: I can safely say, The Dudleyz have left me even more confused than ususal!


    Owen Hart is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Hart: Jericho, I hope last week proved something to you. I'm not some rookie fool who can be manipulated easily. You see, I know, and in your heart of hearts so do you, that if it wasn't for pioneers like me and my family, punks like you wouldn't even be in this profession! You want to challenge me to a rematch at Anarchy Rulz? Let me say "Good luck" 'cos god knows you're gonna need it, "Lionheart". When I get The Sharpshooter locked in on you again, I'm gonna make you victim to the pain that you so richly deserve!



    The match is an even contest in which all four competitors stake a claim to supremacy in their respective rivalry.

    However, it is the Thomasellis who come away with the win.

    After Kelly hits a lowblow on Punk to the fans' delight, her brother connects with the Vito Driver for the fall.

    Match Rating: B-


    As the camera cuts backstage a 2-on-2 brawl begins.

    Security flood the ring.


    The Hardcore Innovators are backstage.



    All three are laughing.


    Dreamer: Dudleyz, Whole F**kin' Show... that was one hell of a performance earlier.


    Cactus: And, ya know, as far as we concerned, such performances are more than welcome. You see, the mpre time you idiots spend beating the hell oout of each other, the less work we have to do to walk out of Anarchy Rulz as the Unified Tag Team Champions!


    Beulah: The fact is that there is only one team in ECW that has to being the most extreme, the most tough... the best.


    Dreamer: Rob, Shawn... we've got nothing but respect for what you've for the tag ranks but, at Anarchy Rulz, you're gonna discover that you're not quite the best.


    Cactus: There is just one team better than you: The Hardcore Innovators!


    The camera cuts to the locker room where Traci is changing for her match as Shawn Michaels walks in.



    Shawn enters not realising that Traci is, in fact, topless.

    Traci turns her head to see who it is.


    Traci: Shawn?


    She instinctively covers her breasts.


    Michaels: Dude, I am so sorry! I had no idea.


    Traci: Hey, you're cool but... err... could you just give me a minute.


    Michaels smiles and turns away for her to finish geeting changed.


    Michaels: I may not have saw much but, man, is Rob a lucky dude!


    Traci laughs.


    Traci: Aaaaw... charmer.


    Suddenly, footsteps can be heard in the corridoor.


    Traci: Sh*t, who's that?


    Michaels looks like a deer in the headlights.


    Michaels: Err...


    Traci: Shawn! Throw me your top or something.


    Michaels: I'm not wearing one. Err...


    Michaels turns and beckons for Traci to lean against him.

    She looks hesitant but realises he means well.

    As the footsteps get closer, Michaels embraces Traci to cover her up.


    RVD walks in.



    RVD: Hey, guys, I just wanted to say thanks for... WHAT THE F**K?!


    Traci and Shawn both looked shocked.


    Michaels: Sh*t! Dude... it ain't what it looks like.


    RVD: Just as well... I haven't even worked out what the f**k it looks like yet!


    Traci: Robbie, he was just...


    RVD: I don't want to know!


    RVD storms out.


    Michaels: Sh*t! 'Scuse me, love.


    Michaels runs out after his partner.


    Michaels: Dude... dude, wait up!



    The match is a very even contest with all forur men seeing much offence.

    In the tenth minute, The Sinister Minister strikes Sabu in the face with his cane.

    The Human Highlight Reel staggers around straight into the Decapiator Lariat!


    Match Rating: B-


    Vito Thomaselli is backstage.



    Vito: There may have been security to pull me off your backstabbing ass tonight, bastardo, but that won't be the case at Anarchy Rulz. So, recognise something, Punk. I'm gonna make sure that I get a match sanctioned for your All Action Title next Friday and, not only am I gonna become the first two-time champion in history, I'm gonna make you pay for your past sins in the process!



    Not only does Traci look distracted by earlier events, Jazz looks in top form.

    The two factors combine for a white-wash and Traci is destroyed.

    Jazz picks up the win with a Fisherman Brainbuster at 6:12.

    Match Rating: C-


    Chris Hero comes to the ring.



    Hero: Yes, yes it is I, the Saviour of ECW, Chris Hero, and fortunately for you I am here to, once again, add some meaning to an otherwise pathetically lacklustre ECW broadcast.


    The innevitable jeers ring out.


    Hudson: Well, he certainly knows how to make friends.


    Hero: It seems that a fair few people, like Becky Bayleaf in the back and all the simple-minded unemployed in attendance tonight, think that I am not fit to live up to my moniker. Well, to that, I say this... Ha!


    Hudson: How articulate.

    Gertner: It's succcinct, Hudson. Brevity is the soul of wit.

    Hudson: ...you being a master of "wit" after all.

    Gertner: Exactly.


    Hero: So, just to prove what a remarkable young individual I am, I have decided to read out a lyrical tribute that was paid to me a few years ago.


    Hero pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and clears his throat as the ringside fans boo.


    Hero: A little hush please...


    The jeers get louder.


    Hero: Now, that's just plain rude. I know you guys in Florida aren't known for your politeness or your intellect but surely even you can realise when to let an icon speak. Now, where was I...


    He clears his throat again.


    Hero: Where have all the good men gone

    And where are all the gods?

    Where's the street-wise Hercules

    To fight the rising odds?


    He smiles cheesily.


    Hudson: Oh, what the hell is this?

    Gertner: It's fine art, Hudson. That's what it is!


    Hero: Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?

    Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need.

    ...and cue dramatic pause.


    Sure enough, he pauses.


    Hero: I need a hero;

    I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.

    He's gotta be strong

    And he's gotta be fast

    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight...


    Hudson: My god, he's just reciting the Bonnie Tyler song.

    Gertner: ...and reading it beautifully.


    He suddenly breaks out into the tune of the song.


    Hero: I NEED A HERO!






    He stops.


    Hero: ...and I am!


    The jeers become more irate as Hero stands there looking pleased with himself.


    Hudson: I apologise for Chris Hero's terrible singing voice ladies and gentlemen but at least he's shut u...


    Hero: Somewhere after midnight

    In my wildest fantasy,

    Somewhere just beyond my reach

    There's someone reaching back for me.


    Hudson: He's still going?!

    Gertner: There are another three verses, Scott.

    Hudson: Someone shoot me now!


    Hero: Racing on the thunder end rising with the heat

    It's gonna take a superman to sweep...


    Rhino storms through the curtain.



    For about the first time in a year, he receives a positive reaction.

    The Man Beast slides into the ring, closely followed by a referre and an impromptu match begins.




    Rhino flat-out destroys Hero, tossing him around like a ragdoll.

    He defeats the brash rookie with a Gore in only the seventh minute.

    Match Rating: B


    As soon as the bell rings, "The Soul Taker" is in the ring.



    A wild brawl breaks out between Rhino and Calaway.

    This one security do not try to break-up. Would you?


    Gertner: There gonna kill each other!

    Hudson: Frankly, Joel, I wouldn't be all that surprised.


    As the slugfest continues, Chris Hero slowly and groggily climbs to his feet.

    He grabs a microphone.


    Hero: Hey, hey... just wait a damn minute!


    Rhino and Calaway stop, astounded by the balls (or, perhaps, idiocy) of the youngster.


    Hero: This was supposed to be my time!


    Hero pulls another piece of paper from his pocket and points to it.


    Hero: Look... you see that? That says "Chris Hero promo segment"! It doesn't say "Yet another boring fist-fight between two steroid junkies who don't even understand the word 'psychology'"!


    Rhino frowns and shakes with rage in a way that only he can.

    Taker simply folds his arms.


    Hero: So, if you two cretins don't get the picture yet, get the f**k out of my ring!




    Hudson: GORE! Thank god someone shut him up.


    Rhino ducks out to ringside and sets up a table adjacent to the apron.

    Calaway picks up Hero by the throat.

    He chokeslams the rookie over the ropes, through the table and to the concrete below.


    Gertner: Jesus!

    Hudson: Hero may well be dead and it's nothing short of what he had coming!


    Taker exits the ring and the fistfight between the two powerhouses ensues.

    It spills into the crowd and heads all the way to the back.


    AJ Styles is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Styles: Hey, I saw your match on Saturday, Dragon. You beat a rookie... nice one! I ain't no rookie, I'm a veteran of the indepedent scene. Hell, I'm nearly a legend and, at Anarchy Rulz, I'm gonna prove that your legend... is dead!



    The two men combine for a fairly decent match-up.

    However, with his career on the line, Burchill never looks like losing.

    He gets the fall following a C-4 at 14:27

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, as Burchill celebrates another victory, Raven slides into the ring.



    He floors Douglas with a fist to the back of the head...

    ...and hits the Raven Effect on Burchill!


    Raven: Well played, "Franchise". Seriously, you're one hell of a fighter aren't you? But, if you think any of this has been tough, let me show you how much harder it's gonna get. With your worthless career still on the line, this man will be your opponent for Anarchy Rulz!


    Nate Hatred and his manager step through the curtain.



    As Hatred smiles demonically, Mitchell holds up a paper copy of The New Franchise's logo and rips it in two.


    Hudson: My god, "The New Franchise" versus "ECW's Most Extreme Athlete" at Anarchy Rulz!

    Gertner: ...and Hatred is still undefeated, Hudson!


    The show goes off air as Raven lifts his title high in the air over a fallen Paul Burchill.


    Show Rating: B+

  3. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    Rob Van Dam vs. D-Von Dudley



    The Dudleyz continue on their quest to prove that they aren't just ECW's third tier tag team. Claiming that his defeat alongside his brother last week was a "one-off fluke", D-Von Dudley is scheduled to take on Mr Monday Night.




    Vito & Kelly vs. Punk & Alexis



    Bad blood abounds in this mixed-gender tag team match-up. Both Alexis Laree and CM Punk have a chance at some retribution after being attacked last week by the Thomasellis. Likewise, Vito and Kelly are sure to want any member of The Nest's head on a platter in return for the various forms of torment they have suffered at the hands of Raven.




    Chris Jericho & Nate Hatred vs. Owen Hart & Sabu



    Two feuds meet head-on here as the bruising clash of hardcore titans meets the animosity between two Candian technical legends. With no clue as to how these varying styles will mix, this one could be very interesting.




    Qualification Match for "The Lioness' Den"

    Traci vs. Jazz




    The Whole F**kin' Show's, Traci, meets the oestrogen-fuelled wrecking ball, Jazz. The winner of this one advances to the Three Way at Anarchy Rulz to crown the first ever ECW Lioness Champion.




    Sal Thomaselli vs. Paul Burchill



    Once more, Raven has sought to make things even more personal in his vendetta with "The New Franchise". Paul Burchill and his friend, Vito Thomaselli, may have survived their predicament last week. However, now, Burchill must face Salvatore, brother of both his friend and and prospective girlfriend... with his career on the line!






    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


  4. Glad to see the Exam back man. Of course everyone is gonna mention Vito and Kelly (which is awesome by the way but unfortunately I think you'll have to address it in shows, for example, a Beulah- Raven - Dreamer pregnancy angle where the real father is in fact her big brother... although that's a little too "McMahon" for my liking!) but I thought the Burchill thing was interesting. Have you pushed him so far he's become a joke, young Nevvy? Tut tut...


    Ha, I gave him what I thought was a fair representation of a personality for someone in his position. For example, main eventing in his twenties, being one of the best raw talents on the roster, being teamed up with two legends like Raven and Douglas. I thought it fair for his ego to be a little "swollen".


    The guy's a c*ckend! Seriously, I'm finding the experience fun but, at the same time, I'm starting to like him less, which isn't really all that fair, logically :D.


    As for the hinting at Vito/Kelly, I'm sure I'll do something. I just don't know if it will be a full-on angle or just some subtle little hints here and there.


    Quote The Raven


  5. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwonline.jpg




    Hey, I'm Scott Bigelow (AKA Bam Bam Bigelow) and this is the Bam Bam Exam. That's right; it's back by popular demand (or, at least, one mention).


    ECW is ripe with interesting pieces of news at the minute and that, after all, is why I'm here... to shed some light where darkness abounds. The first section I'm looking to cover is the controversial news concerning these two:




    News broke to the whole industry yesterday that Vito Thomaselli and Barbie Blank who, of course, plays Vito's little sister on-screen are officially a romantic item. I'm sure that makes the relationship dynamics a little on the kinky side but that's beside the point. What is the point is that ECW management is said to be pretty damn pissed. Paraphrasing what I heard Paul E say backstage: "You're entitled to do whatever the hell you want with your personal life but it is not to impact on ECW's image... ever!".


    He has a fair point. Wrestling fans, particularly those on the less "smart" side, are hardly gonna be impressed to find out that little sis is actually missus sis. My thoughts: I've met both backstage and they're good kids with a whole lot of potential. However, it's a great shame that the youth don't have a healthier respect for kayfabe.


    The second story concerns "Mister ECW" himself, Paul Burchill:




    It's been said that "The New Franchise" knows full well that he's "The New Franchise" and has been causing all manner of issues backstage. Most recently, he has reportedly shown up to an F' The Mainstream taping with the specific intention of putting down the young talent that is hosted their. One guy I spoke to, who shall remain nameless, described him as a "Jackass... whose ego is as great as his ability."


    My thoughts... grow up, Paul! You're a sh*t hot wrestler, no doubt, but that brings responsibilities as well as privileges!


    The third and final tidbit concerns this great hunk of metal:




    I happen to know that the newly debuted "Lioness Title" has been in the works for a while and, personally, I think they introduced it damn well. Linking it in with the chicks who were already in the Tag Title story was a good stroke, I reckon. However, in all honesty, I'm not so impressed with their choice of talent.


    Jazz and Alexis are great calls but the rest... damn! Kelly's got youth and potential on her side; the others, not so much. It's not a dig. All three of 'em are great valets but I know for a fact that AKINO, Meiko Satomura and Nattie are in development... that's just a few. So, why not bring 'em up?


    Okay, maybe they're associating some established overness with the title early on but, personally, I'd prefer some established in-ring legitimacy. Still, fairplay, for finally getting a Women's Division in check!


    I'm Scott Bigelow and that was the Bam Bam Exam.


    Thanks for reading...

  6. Saturday, week 2, September

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Things are getting even more heated ahead of Anarchy Rulz, Joey, and tonight's action should be off the hook!

    Joey: I couldn't agree more, Taz. With the International Allaction Title on the line, and a career versus suspension match in the main event, I think it's gonna pay for everyone to be on top form!

    Taz: Damn, man, I don't envy Burchill or Vito but, from a neutral perspective, it'll make for a great match! Let's get to it.



    Rhino comes out ready to fight and lays a beating on the youngest Thomaselli.

    He wins with a Gore at 10:15

    Match Rating: A


    As Rhino thumps his chest, the arena plunges into darkness.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    "The Soul taker" strides his way to the ring as Rhino beckons for him to enter.

    He steps over the ropes as Rhino charges with The Gore...

    The Man Beast sprints head-first into a Big Boot.

    As he stagges to his feet, Calaway grabs Rhino by the throat.



    Taz: Damn... Rhino nearly went through the ring!

    Joey: The Soul Taker is back and he's back with a vengeance!


    Chris Jericho is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Jericho: I am sick and tired of having to look over my shoulder to see if you're there Owen! That's two matches you've cost me and it's about time I put you in your place. So, since you're conceited enough to take my beating you with the Crapshooter of as some sort of jaded compliment, I'm challenging you to a rematch at Anarchy Rulz and I'll beat with any damn hold under the sun because the simple fact is "The Lionheart" is better than you!



    Without the help of their esteemed leader, the sWo look rather less impressive.

    Despite several intereferences from allies, Oz is pinned followinga Stevie Kick at 8:52

    Match Rating: D+


    Alexis Laree is backstage.



    Alexis: Jazz, I see you were foolish enough to accept my challenge. Well, prepare for the realisation that you're just not as dominant as you think you are.


    Raven steps into shot.



    Raven: There comes a time for even the most tyrannical of leaders; the most triumphant of icons, that thier legacy becomes their very undoing. Jazz, just as you were once revered for your inherent strength and ability, it is by such criteria that your present inadaquecy shall be judged.


    Alexis: So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


    Raven: Quote The Raven... Nevermore.



    Chris Hero enters the match looking extremely confident.

    However, before long, he is put in his place as the Japanese veteran gets the best of him in all manner of manouevers.

    The two men still combine for a great match.

    In the tenth minute, Ultimo hits an impressive Dragon DDT for the fall.

    Match Rating: B+


    Vito Thomaselli and Paul Burchill are talking backstage.



    Vito: I'm sorry, amico, but there ain't no way I can't leave it all in the ring tonight.


    Burchill: Likewise, kiddo. I like you but, tonight, my career's on the night, so, I can't exactly afford to let you look good out there.


    Vito: Let me look good? Are you kidding, amico?


    Burchill: I'm not kidding.


    Vito: I've gone over Raven; how about you?


    Burchill frowns.


    Burchill: Don't make me hurt you; I don't want to do that.


    Vito smiles.


    Vito: Just ribbing you, my friend. Tonight, we're gonna put on something special. Now, excuse me, I have something to take care of.



    The match is extremely even and it is clear that both women have a claim to being the alpha female.

    However, it is clear they are employing "crowd control" and leaving a little something in the tank.

    In the fifth minute, Alexis starts to get the upper-hand.


    Kelly Thomaselli enters the ring with a chair.



    Kelly strikes Alexis in the back with the steel and Raven's protege stumbles straight into a Fisherman's Brainbuster from Jazz.


    Match Rating: D+


    After the match, Jazz strides over to Kelly and rips the chair from her hands.

    She backs her into the corner and lands several stiff punches.

    That is until Alexis recovers and jumps her from behind.

    A brawl ensues between the two competitiors.


    Daizy Dudley comes running out.



    Taz: What the hell is she doing out here?

    Joey: I guess she's here to back up her partner from Monday.


    Sure enough, Daizy pulls Jazz off Alexis and a 2-on-1 assault ensues.


    However, Traci runs out and, sure enough, Beulha follows close behind.



    Traci goes to apprehend Daizy but is, in turn, accosted by Beulah.

    As Kelly recovers and makes her way out of the corner, all six women are involved in a chaotic fight.


    Taz: What the hell is going on? These broads have gone crazy!


    Paul Heyman interrupts the proceedings and heads down to the ring with a belt slung over his shoulder.




    Heyman: I like a catfight as much as the next guy but I'm here to inject some sense into the situation...


    Taz: What's he got over his arm, Joe?

    Joey: I'm sure we're about to find out.


    Heyman: This is something I've been waiting to debut for a long while and I can't think of a better time to do it. Ladies, this ECW's new Lioness Championship which will be reserved for the best our women's division has to offer.


    The six women all make a gesture indicating that it should be them.


    Heyman: Now, there are six of you and only one belt. So, there atre gonna be three singles matches spread over the next three TV shows leading up to Anarchy Rulz. The winners of those matches will be entered into a Triangle Match to crown the first ever ECW Lioness Champion!


    The crowd cheers the announcement.


    Heyman: Now, by all means, carry on.


    The six-way catfight resumes as Heyman watches on from ringside and the innevitable wolf whistles resonate from the crowd.

    The camera cuts backstage.


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Michaels: Bro, are you worried about The Innovators at Anarchy Rulz?


    RVD: Worried? Are you sh*tting me? We're gonna smoke those clowns!


    Michaels shrugs.

    RVD frowns at him as the corners of Michaels mouth turn up.


    RVD: You almost had me, dude... almost.


    Michaels: Just checking you know just how damn good we are.


    RVD: ...and how good is that, exactly?


    Michaels: Hey, we're everyone's favourite team.


    RVD: ...and mine.


    Michaels & RVD: The Whole F**kin' Show.


    RVD: Yeah!


    The two men touch fists as the camera cuts to a corridoor.


    CM Punk wlaks through, clearly stretching for his match, when Vito Thomaselli blindsides him.



    After laying the boots in, Vito shouts into Punk's face.


    Vito: Hey, bastaro, I'm taking it upon myself to teach you a few valuable lessons, the first being as that scum like you don't deserve a title. So, if Sasuke don't take it from you tonight, that All Action Championship will be mine... at Anarchy Rulz!


    The camera cuts to ringside for Big Sasuke Cool's entrance.

    CM Punk follows on after him, looking sore.



    The match is an even contest... until The Nest Show up.

    CM Punk picks up the win with a GTS following interference from Monsters Inc.

    Match Rating: B


    Becky Bayless is, once again, backstage with Chris Hero.



    Bayless: Welcome to backstage with Becky. I'm Becky Bayless and, unfortunately, I am with Chris Hero. Chris it looked like Ultimo Dragon kicked your ass pretty good...


    Hero: That's a very black and white ttitude, Becky.


    Bayless: Ha, more like black and blue, I reckon.


    Hero: Becky, I'll go ahead and ignore your simplistic little attempts at sarcastic humour... the lowest form of wit, by the way... but then what more should one expect from the lowest form of human being? The fact is, Little Miss The Point, that match was hardly important and a true champion knows when to not concern himself with such trivial pursuits.


    Bayless: A true champion? What gold have you ever held.


    Hero: Unlike you, Becky, who probably only managed a "Well done for taking part" sticker in her special school's sports day, I am a multiple time independent champion and let me tell you something. They may call ECW "The Big Leagues" but the competition here does not compare to ROH or CZW.


    Bayless: Hence why you're losing?


    Hero: What... are you deaf as well as stupid? That's not an attractive combination, Becky! I am merely saving my efforts for a far more glorious prospect.


    Bayless: ...and "glorious prospects" are supposed to be given to someone on the roster who doesn't actually win?


    Hero: No, Becky, glorious prospects are supposed to be given to The Saviour of ECW!


    Bayless: But if you don't...


    Hero raises his hand.


    Hero: Shush now, lowly little interviewer, I have spoken greatness. It is time for quiet contemplation.


    Her stands silent looking pleased with himself as Bayless just looks bemused.


    Bayless: Back to you, Joey.



    The two men combine for a decent match but it is not quite up to expectations.

    By the twelfth minute, "The New Franchise" has taken the advantage but it is still far from over.


    The Nest appear at the entrance-way.



    Despite Raven's efforts to stop him, CM Punk charges into the ring to attack Vito.

    However, innevitably, he is greeted by a 2-on-1 fightback from both competitors.

    The Nest is forced to back up their ally as Shane Douglas joins the frey.


    Vito's brothers come to provide back up.



    Soon, a 5-on-5 brawl is well underway.

    In the ensuing chaos, referee, Jim Molineaux, calls for a no contest.

    Match Rating: B+


    The Thomaselli's, Paul Burchill and Shane Douglas make an escape through the crowd as Raven comes to the realisation that neither man has lost.


    Taz: Neither man lost, Styles!

    Joey: They're both still employed! Even Raven couldn't have predicted that.

    Taz: I dunno, Joey. Maybe that's why he was so stressed with Punk!


    The show goes off air as a furious World Champion hits the Raven Effect on the referee.


    Show Rating: B+

  7. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwftm.jpg

    F' The Mainstream Recap




    Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






    The Blue World Order comfortably defeated The Second Generation of Dudleyz following a Stevie Kick at 7:42


    Rating: D+






    Teddy Hart defeated Ricky Marvin in a surprisingly good match in 8:53 with the Open Hart Surgery.


    Rating: D+






    Becky Bayless interviewed Chris Hero for a disappointing promo. Once again, he complained about being booked on a B show and was exceptionally insulting towards Bayless.


    Rating: C-






    The Samoan Gangstas defeated The Briscoe boys in 7:12 with a Samoan Drive-By.


    Rating: D-






    AJ Styles cut a promo, claiming he would embarras Ultimo Dragon at Anarchy Rulz.


    Rating: C-






    Nate hatred destroyed Steven Regal in 6:22 with a Decapitator Lariat.


    Rating: C






    Chris Hero gained a hard-fought victory over Jushin Lyger. The two men displayed an awful lackj of chemistry.


    Rating: D+


    Show Rating: D

  8. F' The Mainstream to appear later.


    From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    Rhino vs. Brandon Thomaselli



    The Number One Contender, Rhino, faces a new challenge in the youngest of the Thomaselli brothers this week. Brandon has experienced much success in the tag ranks and is establishing himself as a singles talent but that doesn't mean he has what it takes to stop a rampaging Man Beast!




    War of the World Orders

    The sWo vs. The bWo



    "The War of The World Orders" wages on as Chessman and Oz combine to face Big Stevie Cool and BW Snow. The Great Sasuke's absence from the line-up is due to his scheduled match.




    Ultimo Dragon vs. Chris Hero



    On Revolution, Chris Hero was defeated by the "The New Franchise". Now, ECW's self-proclaimed saviour faces the Number One Contender to the World Television Title. Will youth or experience prevail?




    Alexis Laree vs. Jazz



    This match has been drafted in view of Alexis' challenge. Who will emerge as ECW's alpha female?




    ECW International All Action Title Match


    Big Sasuke Cool vs. CM Punk©



    Apparently, Big sasuke Cool felt "shafted" by Raven's Nest last week in his match against Paul Burchill, saying that them not showing up was in breech of the agreement. Frankly, you have to question his intelligence for taking Raven at his word. However, Sasuke's attempt at retribution comes in the form of an International All Action Title match against the commissioner's protege, CM Punk.




    Paul Burchill vs. Vito Thomasellil



    In a stroke of evil genius, Raven has booked Paul Burchill to face his friend and ally, Vito Thomaselli, with his career still on the line. To make matters more difficult for the competitors, Vito will not be able to lie down for "The New Franchise" as he has been told, if he lose, he's suspended!



    ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

    Now on FX


  9. Monday, week 2, September

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: Things are really starting to heat up heading into Anarchy Rulz.

    Gertner: We're just under three weeks away, Hudson, and, unless we get a sanctioned catfight, I think I'll boycott the pay-per-view.

    Hudson: I'de be lying if I said that would disappoint me.

    Gertner: Whatever, Scotty-boy, this hostility is just because you don't posess my wit and charm.

    Hudson: Ha, is that what you call it? Well, allow me to cut this off before we have to endure any of your so-called wit.



    The two men combine for a fantastic, old-school hardcore bout.

    Sabu looks strong but The Man Beast looks stronger.


    In the tenth minute, Nate Hatred comes down to the ring.



    The Most Extreme Athlete slides into the ring and bvoots Sabu int the gut.

    Rhino charges and Gores Sabu...

    ...but, no, Sabu pulls Hatred into the oncoming impact!


    Gertner: Damn, Sabu's really had Hatred's number over the last few weeks!


    The Human Highlight Reel ducks out to ringside and grabs a chair.

    Upon re-entering, he throws the steel at Rhino.

    But the Man Beast catches it and hits a thunderous chairshot on the Arabian Extremist.

    He lifts Sabu's limp body up...

    Rhino Driver on the steel!


    Match Rating: A


    Rhino storms to the back, leaving two men unconscious in his wake.


    Hudson: That was a very impressive performance from the Man Beast!

    Gertner: He looks damn near unstoppable.


    Slowly, both Sabu and Hatred stagger to their feet.

    Upon seeing each other, they enter a violent slugfest as security pours into the ring.


    The camera cuts to the back and The Hardcore Innovators.



    Cactus: Dudleyz, it looks like The Whole F**kin' Show were charitable enough to accaept your challenge. Well, it doesn't mean sh*t 'cos, even if you win...


    Beulah laughs.


    Beulah: ...which you won't...


    Cactus: ...there is only gonna be one team walking away with gold at Guilty As Charged.


    Dreamer: You see, boys, and this goes to you too, Rob and Shawn, we are undoubtedly the premier tag team in ECW. Not only do these belts over our shoulders prove it, we backed it up at Heatwave, Cactus backed it up last week and we'll back it up again at Guilty As Charged.


    Cactus: Unfortunately for all of you, the record books will only recognise one team as unifying the belts as the Undisputed Tag Team Champions and the record books will read... The Hardcore Innovators!



    There was clearly a real lack of chemistry between Sasuke and Escoria.

    However, as this was designed to be a "cooling down" match it was far from a major issue.


    In the sixth minute, the rest of the sWo head down to ringside.



    They do not enter the ring, instead just stand outside looking innocent.

    Sasuke hits a Vertical Suplex on Hollywood Nova.

    The Sasuke World Order start a round of applause.

    Nova gets up looking pissed.

    Sasuke approaches him from behind and attempts a German Suplex.

    However, Nova pulls off a go-behind and hits Russian Legsweep.

    The sWo jeer Nova's move.

    The bWo mainstay shouts for his rivals to shut up as he picks up Sasuke for a Northern Lights Suplex...

    ...but it is reversed into a DDT.

    The sWo all pull out kazoos from their pockets and play the cheesy thre notes of failure.




    Upon standing, an extremely irate Nova marches up to the ropes to confornt the sWo.

    However, Big Sasuke Cool seizes the opportunity to roll him up in a School Boy pin.


    Match Rating: C


    Hudson: Sasuke got him with the school boy.

    Gertner: ...and that was a school boy error, Hudson. You've gotta rise above the mind games.


    AJ Styles is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Styles: Ultimo Dragon, I've gotta give you props on having the balls to challenge me at Guilty As Charged. Not only did I drive your boy, Juvi, the hell outta here, I seem to remember pinning your ass in the build up to Heatwave too. The result will be no different this time and, despite bravery and stupidity often being confused, I sure as hell know which side you fall on. I hear all this talk about you being some sort of international legend. Well, at Guilty As Charged, the legend dies!



    The match is a very even contest.

    Both men see a great deal of offence.


    However, in the thirteenth minute, Owen Hart comes down to ringside.



    As Jericho rebounds off the ropes, Hart catches his foot.

    Jericho stumbles straight into a Vito Driver.


    Match Rating: A


    After the match, as Vito celebrates, Owen Hart makes a quick exit.

    When Jericho comes to, he charges up the aisle-way after him.


    CM Punk emerges from the criwd with a steel chair.



    He sneaks up behind Vito and blasts him in the back.

    He waits for the young Italian to stand and hooks him up for the GTS.


    Paul Burchill comes charging down to the ring.



    Punk drops Vito and is immediately whipped to the ropes...

    ...Back Body Drop.

    Punk stagger to his feet and straight into a C-4!

    "The New Franchise" and Vito Thomaselli make a quick exit before The Nest appear.


    A pre-recorded video of Kurt Angle is shown.



    He is shown in a private spa, participating in various treatments for his "broken neck".

    The scene fades into a sit down promo.


    Angle: Hey, Jerry, I saw that promo you cut about me. I even saw your TV Title match... great performance, by the way. You say you'll cripple me for real and I find it insulting that you don't respect the legitimacy of my injury but what I find even more insulting was your insinuation. I won a gold medal at the 1996 Olympic games with a broken frikkin' neck. So, even if I was in fit shape to be at an ECW arena, I'd still take you to school, injury or no injury. The next time we step in the ring, Jerry, the facts will remain the same: this is the wrestling business, my pride and my passion, I am Kurt Angle and you will... TAP OUT!



    The four women combine for a surprisingly good match-up.

    Alexis is the woman to take the match by the scruff of the neck and dictate the pace.

    After a fairly predicatble contest, Alexis gets the pin on Kelly after an Alexis Effect.

    Match Rating: C


    After the match, two bralws break out, one between Kelly and Alexis, the other betwenn Daizy and Traci.


    Beulah McGillicutty comes running out.



    She immediately involves herself in the fight between Traci and Daizy as the bell rings several times, trying to indicate an end to the contest.


    A larger figure emerges from the crowd.



    Hudson: It's Jazz!

    Gertner: Jazz is back? I didn't even know where she went.

    Hudson: She's been dominating APW from what I hear.


    Jazz slides into the ring and nearly Clotheslines Beulajh out of her boots.

    Daizy charges at her... Back Body Drop.

    Traci is floored by a stiff right hand.

    A Military Press on Alexis sends her crashing to the canvas.


    Hudson: My god, look at the power!


    Kelly Thomaselli backs away into the corner pleading for Mercy.


    Paul Burchill, once again, sprints down to the ring.



    Gertner: Burchill's back! He must be knackered!


    "The New Franchise" slides in and steps between Jazz and Kelly.

    Jazz, looking pissed, decides to call it a day and heads to the back.

    Kelly leaps up and hugs Burchill.

    Burchill looks surprised and a little embarrased as he accompanies her to the back.


    Gertner: He's like the Thomaselli's personal saviour!


    Chris Hero comes to the ring to a chorus of jeers.



    Gertner: ...and speaking of saviours...


    Hero: Shut your mouths; it's time for some intelligent dialogue for once. Yes, it is I, The Saviour of ECW, the man who will lead this lacklustre promotion through these dark times.


    "ECW! ECW! ECW!"


    Hero: Yeah, fine. Shout your silly little chants; it doesn't change the facts. Now, to the point... there is an old saying in this business: "To be the man, you gotta beat the man". These words are at the front of my mind as I head into my match with Paul Burchill...


    Hudson: Maybe, but your chances of beating "The New Franchise" are slim to none.


    Hero: What this means "Franchise" is that, to be the man... you've gotta beat me!


    Hudson: Is he joking.

    Gertner: No, he's serious, Scott. He's The Saviour of ECW!


    Hero: But that's not gonna happen because I'm not just better than you; I'm better than the schmuck who coined that phrase ever was, who by the way could still kick Shane Douglas' ass any day of the week.


    The jeers become deafening as the fans react to both the disrespect towards Flair and the insider comment regarding Douglas' issues with The Nature Boy.


    Hero: What's the matter? Too close to the bone? I thought you were supposed to be "smart marks".


    The jeers continue. He is creating some spectacular heat.


    Hero: Hey, don't blame me for your own inadequacies. The fact is you fans are the main thing that is wrong with this stinking...


    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="



    Gertner: He's back... again?!


    Hero turns white as a sheet and darts out of the ring.

    He tries to escape through the crowd but the fans in the front row won't let him over the barricade.

    He, instead, hides behind the far apron of the ring.

    Burchill does not appear.

    After a while, Hero peers over the apron.

    The big screen simply reads in yellow lettering "See you in the main event, 'Saviour'!"


    Hudson: Haha, Burchill didn't even appear. He just wanted to shut him up!


    Hero re-enters the ring and grabs the mic.


    Hero: You think that's funny, huh? I should kick your ass for that! In fact, i will kick y...


    The microphone feed cuts out as Hero is still talking to the fans' delight.

    Annoyed, Hero slams the microphone down and heads to the back, cursing out the ringside fans.



    The match is extremely even and a great tag team display.

    However, both teams still look as though there is better to come.

    The hardcore Innovators sit this one out, allowing the two teams to beat the holy crap out of each other.

    Despite interference from Dick and Ultimo, Shawn Michaels gets the pin on D-Von following a Super Kick.

    Match Rating: B+


    However, The Innovators make their presence known as soon as the bell rings.



    With Singapore canes in hand they decimate everuthing that moves as the camera cuts to the back.


    Paul Burchill is backstage with Vito and Kelly.



    Vito: Well played tonight, amico.


    Burchill smiles.


    Kelly: Look, I just wanted to say thanks. You didn't just save me last week, you did the same tonight and helped my brother too.


    Burchill: It's no issue, love. You Thomaselli's are alright.


    Kelly: Still I wouldn't feel right if I didn't thank you properly.


    Kelly stands on tip-toe and kisses Burchill.

    Burchill raises his eyebrows in surprise as she pulls away.

    He looks at Vito apprehensively but kelly's brother merely smiles in complete acceptance.


    Burchill: Well, thanks accepted, I guess.


    Kelly smiles.


    Burchill: Look, I've got an arrogant twat to sort out, so I'll meet you two later on, okay.


    Vito grabs Burchill by the hand as he walks away.


    Vito: Thank you, my friend. I mean that.


    Burchill: My pleasure, man. You two stay safe, huh?


    He walks away.


    Kelly: See ya.


    The scene changes to Alexis Laree who is backstage in The Nest's locker room.



    Alexis: Jazz, you may have been the dominant female in ECW once but not anymore. You may have dominated in APW but I was doing the same in CZW where the matches are hardcore and the competition is stiff. So I'm laying down a challenge for Blood, Sweat and Beers for you to face me one-on-one to see who the real alpha female is. However, I warn you ahead of your decision that Alexis Laree does not lay down for anyone.


    Raven walks into shot.



    Raven: ...except me.


    They both laugh.


    Raven: You see, Jazz, if you're foolish enough to f**k with Alexis, you will feel the wrath of a woman hand picked to represent the most dominant stable in the industry. If I were you... well, I wouldn't be.


    Quote The Raven



    Both raven and Alexis strike the crucifix pose as the camera cuts to ringside for Hero's entrance.



    Paul Burchill flat-out dominates the rookie.

    After comfortably controlling the match, he puts Hero away with a C-4 in the twelfth minute.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, Vito Thomaselli runs into the ring with a chair. His siter is close behind.



    He walks up to the ropes and lifts the chair as a warning to anyone who might make the mistake of entering.

    Meanwhile "The New Franchise" and Shane Douglas celebrate with Kelly.


    Show Rating: B+

  10. Didn't you have a women's division for a time? Like Jazz and a few others? I forget who exactly . .


    Yup... It had AKINO and Meiko from Japan; Kong, Jazz and Melissa from the States. Never really went anywhere, though, and they're all back in development. I'm re-introducing the concept as we speak, though ;).


    Quote The Raven


  11. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    Rhino vs. Sabu



    The new Number One Contender, Rhino, faces an old nemesis in Sabu this week. "The Man Beast" and "The Human Highlight Reel" are two of the very best that ECW has to offer. With Sabu's feud with Nate Hatred and the new threat that Rhino causes to the commissioner and World Heavyweight Champion sure to be at the back of both mens' minds, this one should be very interesting!




    War of the World Orders

    The sWo vs. The bWo



    "The War of The World Orders" continues as Big Sasuke Cool and Espiritu take on Big Stevie Cool and Hollywood Nova. After the stunt that Nova pulled last week on Revolution, sasuke and his cohorts will surely be dying to get their hands on him.




    Chris Jericho vs. Vito Thomaselli



    Last week, "The Lionheart" suffered a loss to Sal Thomaselli. One week later, he faces his elder brother, Vito. With a more than likely possibility of either Owen Hart or CM Punk making an appearance, this match could go either way.




    Traci & Kelly vs. Daizy & Alexis




    Two feuds female feuds combinbe in this match. Daizy of the Dudley Family and Alexis of Raven's Nest will team up to tackle Traci of The Whole F**kin' Show and Kelly Thomaselli. Much bad blood is sure to be brewing in this one and several vested interests in the locker room could well play a part.




    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Dudley Boyz



    The Dudley Boyz, once again, get a shot at the ECW World Tag Team Titles as the Whole F**kin' Show accept the challenge laid down on Blood, Sweat and Beers. the winner of this match will face The Hardcore Innovators at Guilty As Charged in the first ever "Champions vs Champions" Tag Team Match.




    Chris Hero vs. Paul Burchill



    Once more, Paul Burchill must battle the odds to save his career. This week, his challenge comes in the form of ECW's self-proclaimed saviour, Chris Hero. Will "The New Franchise" teach Hero a lesson for his recent arrogance or will "The Saviour" leave "The Franchise" a damned man?






    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


  12. Saturday, week 1, September

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Joey, my man, things are looking sweert in ECW. "The New Franchise" is producing some of his best performances with his career on the line, Rhino is the new Number One Contender...

    Joey: ...and don't forget the situation with the Tag Team Championships.

    Taz: No doubt Joey, we should be in for sme great action heading into Guilty As Charged and, with that in mind, I say we get to it!



    Owen Hart's life is made difficult by the constant interference from James Mitchell.

    However, he still maintains control over the match.

    In the twelfth minute, he floors Hatred with a Spinebuster and looks set to apply The Sharpshooter.


    Chris Jericho comes down to the ring.



    "The Lionheart" jumps on the apron as Hart goes to meet him.

    Owen Hart shouts at Jericho, challenging him to hit him.

    However, Jericho just signals for Hart to turn around.



    Match Rating: B+


    Owen Hart heads to the back as Nate Hatred snarls and spits at the crowd.

    The lights cut out.


    Taz: Oh, here we go!

    Joey: I think we know what this means!


    When the lights return, Sabu is in the ring with a chair.



    He throws the steel at Hatred...

    ...but Hatred catches it.


    Taz: Uh-oh.


    Hatred charges and swings the chair.

    Sabu ducks underneath, turns and spin-kicks the chair into his rival's face.


    Joey: Oh, the impact of that chair shot just thundered around the arena!


    As Sabu points to the sky, The Sinister Minister drags his client out of the ring.


    A video is shown to promote the World Champion.

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven3-1.flv">




    The two men combine for an even contest specifically designed manage the crowd's mood.

    By the tenth minute, Punk gains the adavantage and hits the GTS on Storm for the three.

    There is no need for The Nest... this time.

    Match Rating: C


    However, that all changes when Vito Thomaselli emerges from the crowd.



    The young Italian slides in and tackles Punk to the floor, immediately laying in the fists.


    Taz: Damn.. I guess the bad blood between these two is far from over!

    Joey: But look out, Taz... here come the monsters.


    Monsters Inc. amble their way to the ring.



    They pull Vito off Punk and hit the Double Chokeslam.

    Punk rises, red in the face, and grabs a microphone.


    Punk: You little sh*t! You think you can come out here and disrespect The Nest like that? If I were you, I'd concentrate on watching your little sister's back tonight seeing as Alexis is gonna knock the precocious stupidity out of her!


    The monsters lift up Vito for Punk to hit the GTS!


    Punk: Hey, bitch... you just got Punk'd!


    Francine approaches Ultimo Dragon backstage.



    Francine: Ultimo?


    Ultimo: Mosh-moshi.


    Francine: I'm glad I caught you... I need a favour.


    Ultimo: Favour from me? For you?


    Francine: For me... and Juvi.


    Ultimo: Why you no say sooner? How I help?


    The camera cuts back to ringside.



    The two men combine for a fantastic match, proving that they are two of the best brawlers going.

    In the tenth minute, Cactus Jack looks to have the upper-hand.


    However, D-Von Dudley runs out. Tommy Dreamer follows close behind.



    Before D-Von can reach the ring, a brawl breaks out between the two men.

    Cactus Jack hits the Double Arm DDT on Bubba!


    However, it becomes clear that D-Von's run-in was a decoy as The Second Generation enter through the crowd.



    Daizy, Dick and Ultimo slide in and Cactus Jack falls prey to the Second Generation 3D!

    Bubba Ray is slowly revived by his nephews.


    Beulah sprints to the ring with a Singapore cane.



    Taz: Holy sh*t, this is crazy!


    She enters and cracks Daizy in the head with the wood.

    The same treatment goes to Banzai.


    Joey: My god, Beulah is clearing house.


    However, Big Dick grabs her by the throat.


    Taz: That ain't good Styles.


    Total Penetration!


    Taz: In fact, that's real bad!


    The World Tag Team Champions now enter the frey.



    Taz: We got the whole damn tag division out here!


    Michaels goes for the Superkick on Big Dick but the Big Balbutient Behemoth ducks underneath...

    ...but only to be cracked in the head by a chair shot from RVD.

    As Cactus Jack and Bubba Ray slowly rise to their feet, Traci makes a bee-line to dive on top of Daizy.



    Taz: Do you know how much it hurts when you do that?


    RVD hits the VanDaminator on cactus Jack as Michaels simultaneously hits the Sweet Chin Music on Bubba!

    The two competitors collapse, Cactus' arm falling on top of Bubba Ray's.

    The ref makes the count as Traci knocks out Daizy with a Roundhouse Kick.


    Match Rating: A


    Michaels: Consider this a formal acceptance, boys.


    Traci: At Guilty As Charged, it will be The Hardcore Innovators versus everyone's favourite tag team...


    RVD: ...and mine...


    Michaels: The Whole...


    Traci: ...F**kin'...


    RVD: ...Show!


    Joey: That's a pretty emphatic way of accepting a challenge.

    Taz: Ha, no doubt, Styles. The Whole F**kin' Show don't do things by halves.



    As the match kicks off, Alexis begins to dominate, clearly the better wrestler.

    She lays a solid beating on Kelly for a good few minutes before she ducks out to ringside to grab a chair.


    Joey: This does not look good for Kelly Thomaselli.

    Taz: Damn, Joe... Alexis is going extreme.


    The World Champion comes out to watch his new protege in action.



    However, to his dismay, as Alexis re-enters, Kelli rakes Alexis' face with her nails and steals the chair away.


    Taz: Here we go...


    Raven slides into the ring straight away and grabs Kelly by her hair.

    Alexis approaches and smiles at Raven before slapping the tatse out of Kelly's mouth.

    Raven then throws Kelly towards Alexis...

    ...for the Alexis Effect DDT!

    Match Rating: C


    Alexis lays the boots in as "The New Franchise" and his mentor sprint to the ring.



    Shane Douglas restrains Laree as Burchill boots raven in the gut for the C-4!


    Joey: Thank god there's someone left with a sense of decency.


    As the rest of The Nest charge to the ring, Burchill slings Kelly over his shoulder in a Fireman's Carry.

    Douglas and Burchill, the latter carrying Kelly Thomaselli, make a quick exit through the crowd.


    The Dudley Family is backstage.



    Daizy: My family and I are sick and tired of getting disrespected... WE'RE THE FIRST FAMILY OF DUDLEYVILLE, DAMMIT!


    D-Von: Oh, my sister, Testify... Not only that be we are the most succesful team in the whole damn history of ECW.


    Ultimo Dudley II: I'm turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese, I rearry think so...


    D-Von: What my cousin means to say is that, when you f**k with one of us, you f**k with all of us! So, when my brother from another mother got pinned tonight, I could feel a burning desire for retribution.


    Dick Jr: That means we gowna beat you boys up! A-hick-hick-hick...


    Daizy: ..and, as for you Traci, i want you in the ring next week so the Lil' Latina Lolita can show you what a real woman is made of.


    Dick Jr: Durr... sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what...


    Daizy: Boy, shut your damn mouth!


    Bubba: Let this be a lesson... Thou shalt not mess with the D...D..DD.D...D..DD.D...D..D.D...


    D-Von slaps his brother.


    Bubba: Dudleyz!




    The two men combine for a great match.

    However, AJ Styles controls the match fairly comfortably, Lynn's mind claerly preoccupied.

    In the twelfth minute, after a quick series of moves as the two men back away, AJ points to the entrance-way to signal the presence of Kurt Angle.

    Lynn turns to face him.


    Joey: What the hell? There's no one there!


    AJ rolls up Lynn from behind.


    Match Rating: B+


    Taz: Mind games, Joey. It's all mindgames and AJ just go himself an easy victory!


    Before Styles can exit, Francine and Ultimo Dragon do appear at the entrance-way.



    Francine: I bet you thought you'd seen the back of us, AJ. Well, you haven't. You might have driven Juvi away but that just makes me more determined to see you lose that title.


    Styles: Haha, sorry, Franny, I don't think you qualify for a title shot.


    Francine: ...and that's exactly where Ultimo Dragon comes in. He knows what a scumbag you are too. That's why came to help Juvi last month and that's why he's laying down a challenge for that title at Guilty As Charged.


    Styles laughs.


    Styles: I dunno if you can translate, Franny, but if you can, pass on a message for me... challenge accepted!


    Joey: Woah!

    Taz: Damn, Styles, that should be gold!


    The camera cuts backstage to where Becky Bayless stands with Chris Hero.



    Bayless: Welcome to backstage with Becky. Right now, I'm with Chris Hero and, Chris, I believe you have something on your mind.


    Hero: Damn right I do, Becky! I want to know where the hell Heyman gets off booking me on F' the Mainstream!


    Bayless: Hey, what's wrong with F' The Mainstream? I've been told I'm gonna be working there.


    Hero: It's a damn B show, Becky, and if talentless little sluts like you get drafted there, that's one thing...


    Bayless looks shocked.


    Hero: But, if The Saviour of ECW, the very man who has been sent by a higher power to save this stinking sh*thole has to waste his time on a graveyard slot for the fat, perverted unemployed to channel flick onto whilst catching their breath between pay-per-view porn broadcasts, it's a damn travesty!


    Bayless: What exactly makes you think that's the target audience?


    Hero: Come on, Becky, it's on at 12am. You'll probably be conducting your interview segments in the buff with no more than your own hands to cover your more-than-likely fake modesties.


    Bayless: Are you trying to insult me?


    Hero: Insult you? It wouldn't be enough of a challenge. You are the very proof that F' The Mainstream is aimed at the lowest common denominator.


    Bayless slaps Hero and walks off as the camera cuts back to ringside.


    Taz: Chris has a real way with the ladies, don't ya think?



    Paul Burchill dominates the Japanese legend.

    He controls the match quite comfortably.

    in the twelfth minute, the sWo do become involved but "The New Franchise" takes them out one-by-one.

    He gets the victory with a Franchiser in the thirteenth minutr.

    Match Rating: A


    As Douglas and Burchill celebrate the victory, raven runs out with a chair.



    He flattens Douglas with the steel and hits the Raven Effect on Burchill.

    The show goes off air as The World Champion raises his belt above his head with his foot on the chest of the fallen "New Franchise".


    Show Rating: B+

  13. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    Owen Hart vs. Nate Hatred



    The Black Hart faces ECW's Most Extreme Athlete. With Hatred on such a role, still undfeated in singles action in ECW, it may take a wrestler the caliber of Hart in order to even the odds.



    ECW International All Action Title Match


    Lance Storm vs. CM Punk©



    CM Punk makes the first defence of his International All Action Title in several months. Lance Storm is the man to make the challenge, although, should The Nest become involved, his chances may be bleak.




    Cactus Jack vs. Bubba Ray Dudley



    Incensed by both the assasult on Revolution and The Hardcore Innovator's insinuation that The Dudleyz were a second rate team, Bubba Ray has challenged Cactus Jack to some one-on-one competition. How these men will match-up in singles action is anyone's guess after their success in the tag team ranks.




    Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis Laree



    Kelly Thomaselli makes her ECW in-ring debut and the odds on this one are interesting. 2-1 says she will injur both herself and her opponent; 3-1 says she'll submit and retire from in-ring competition after breaking a nail. However, in all seriousness, she will be looking to gain some retribution after Alexis' violent debut on Revolution. The fact remains, though, where one member of The Nest goes, the rest are sure to follow.



    ECW World Television Title Match


    Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles©



    After seemingly driving Juventud Guerrera out of ECW, AJ Styles defends his World Television Title against Jerry Lynn. Despite Lynn's recent issues with both Chris Hero and Kurt Angle, he is said to be wholly focused on regaining some gold in ECW.




    Paul Burchill vs. Big Sasuke Cool



    This week on Blood, Sweat & Beers, Raven has booked "The New Franchise" to face the leader of the sWo, Big Sasuke Cool. This may seem like a strange choie to some but two things must be remembered. Firstly, despite his often questionable actions, Sasuke is a renowned legend the world over. Second, Raven is more than likely counting on the fact that the sWo will make their regular appearance in their leader's match. With Burchill's ECW career on the line once again, this one is set to be a fantastic match.



    ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

    Now on FX


  14. Wait...why's FTM all brief?


    And great Revolution by the way, Whole F**kin' Show vs. Hardcore Innovators, I've got to see that.


    'Cos it's a B show with little to no storylines involved. So, I canae be bothered to write it up full. Depending upon how I feel, it may not even feature at all.


    It's a means to develop some young talent; nothing more... I just don't have time to write another mini-roster's worth of storylines :D.


    Quote The Raven


  15. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ecwftm.jpg

    F' The Mainstream Recap




    Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






    The Samoan Gangstas defeated The Headhunters in 7:16 when Ekmo pinned Headhunter A following a Flying Splash.


    Rating: D+






    Hayabusa defeated Ricky Marvin in a great match in 8:23 with a breathtaking Phoneix Splash.


    Rating: C-






    Chris Hero gave a fantastic promo, complaining that it was an insult for someone of his caliber to be booked on a B show.


    Rating: B-






    The Second Generation of Dudleyz defeated The Briscoe boys in 7:42 with a 3D.


    Rating: D






    Christopher Daniels cut a promo, lamenting his lack of a push in ECW despite his obvious credentials.


    Rating: B-






    Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Doug Williams in 9:22 with a Buzzsaw Kick


    Rating: C-






    Chris Hero comfortably defeated Chavo Guerrero in 12:18 with a Hero's Welcome.


    Rating: C


    Show Rating: C

  16. Monday, week 1, September

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: At Heatwave, we thought we had witnessed history in the making: Vito Thomaselli becoming the youngest ECW World Heavyweight Champion ever.

    Gertner: But, it turns out it was all a stroke of Raven genius.

    Hudson: Genius? It' was clever, I'll grant you but any action that slimey, that revolting cannot be genius.

    Gertner: I dunno, Scotty boy, I get pretty damn slimey and revolting in the bedroom but the ladies say I'm a genius.

    Hudson: That is so very wrong... on so many levels.



    The two men combine for a brillinat match as it is obvious that they have great match.

    The momentum is split evenly between both contestansts.

    In the twelfth minute, Jericho floors Sal with an Enziguiri and runs twoards the ropes for The Lionsault.


    However, Owen Hart emerges from behind the curtain.



    Jericho stops to warn Hart against interference.

    It is not required, however.

    Sal stands, spins Jericho around and hits the Tiger Driver.


    Match Rating: B+


    Hart heads to the back looking satisfied.


    Rhino is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Rhino: Looks like I'm the new Number One Contender, Raven.


    He slams his fists into the corridoor wall.


    Rhino: ...and that means that your reign is almost over.


    Again, he punches the wall.


    Rhino: I'd have beaten your ass, hel I'd have crippled you at Cyberslam, if it wasn't for Burchill! So, you better ealise that I won't let this second chance go begging. Oh no...


    He leans in and speaks straight into the camera, shaking with rage.


    Rhino: You're gonna be the one begging Raven! YOU HEAR ME?! You're gonna be the one begging!


    Francine is backstage on her mobile phone.



    Francine: Juvi, I'm so glad I got you finally... No, wait... please... No, please don't hang...


    She sighs.


    Francine: ...up.


    Her face drops into her hands as the camera cuts back to the ring.



    The match is an even contest between both teams.

    However, it is the sWo who seem to fight this one with a slightly greater determination.


    In the ninth minute, the other sWo members emerge from under the ring.



    Chessman leads the way into the ring, steel chair in hand.

    However, he turns and blasts his team mates with the steel.

    Big Sasuke Cool smacks him around the back of the head, wondering what he's doing.

    Chessman turns and flattens Sasuke too.


    Hudson: What is this fool playing at?

    Gertner: Who knows with the sWo?

    Hudson: Perhaps it's a defection.


    Big Stevie Cool makes the cover on his floored rival.


    Match Rating: C-


    Chessman picks up a microphone.


    Chessman: Qué vas a hacer, papi, cuando, el orde azul del mundo retumba en ti?


    Big Stevie takes the mic.


    Stevie: En inglés por favor...


    Chessman wipes the paint away to reveal Hollywood Nova.


    The crowd pops.


    Nova: Watcha gonna do, Daddy-O, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?!


    Stevie: ...and, if you ain't down with that, we got three words for ya...


    The mic is thrusted at BW Snow.


    Snow: WE WANT HEAD!


    Snow's teammates stare at him.


    Snow: What? I want head. Don't you want head? I mean, everyone wants head, right?


    Stevie rips the mic away.


    Stevie: Damn it, Snow, give me that... WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    As the bWo head to the back, the real Chessman emerges from under the ring, holding his head as though he has been attacked.

    When he enters the ring he helps his team mates to their feet.

    The sWo immediatley jump Chessman, clearly thinking he has switched sides.


    Gertner: Haha, they just got played!


    Chris Jericho marches up to a camera backstage.



    Jericho: You think that was funny, Owen? Huh... you think that was funny?! Well, I was willing to call it a day... to resign your sorry, decaying ass to the history books as a chump who just wouldn't retire but, you know what? You've just made me want to kick your arse all over again. So, watch your step, Owen, 'cos you ain't the only one who can play games!



    The Sandman's request fr a rematch was not a wise option.

    Nate Hatred dominates with the help of The Sinister Minister.

    He puts the Hardcore Icon away with the Decapitator Lariat in the ninth minute.

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, Mitchell grabs a mic.


    Minister: The man who stands before you is, unquestionably, ECW's Most Extr...


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    Sabu sprints to the ring with a chair.

    He slides into the ring and throws the steel straight into the face of Hatred.

    Mitchell darts out of the ring and pulls his client out after him.


    Hudson: It's Sabu! Sabu isn't done with Nate Hatred!

    Gertner: Well, if there's anyone who could challenge for the Most Extreme Athlete tag, it's Sabu!

    Hudson: Challenge for it? He is the Most Extreme wrestler in ECW, no question.


    Sabu points to the heavens as the camera cuts to the back.


    Jerry Lynn is ready for a shoot promo.



    Lynn: Kurt, there was once a time when I not only respected you but I liked you. Now, I wonder how that was ever the case. You're a coward, Kurt... a coward and a traitor to all that you used to stand for. Not only do you come out and attack me from behind, cost me matches and generally prove yourself to be the slimeball pain in the arse that all these fans know you as, you hide behind an injury so you don't have to face me. You played on my sympathies; you actively made me believe that I had injured you and made me doubt my own capabilities to work. You're not a friend any longer; Jesus, you're not even a human being in my mind. So, here's a promise... if you ever cross my path again, Kurt, neckbrace or no neckbrace, I'm gonna cripple you for real!




    This one is the stuff that Jerry Lawler's wet dreams are made of.

    Despite displaying poor chemistry, the two women still put on a fairly decent showing.

    It is Traci who controls the match, her greater in-ring experience showing.


    However, Daizy's half-brother, half-boyfriend, Big Dick Jr, strides his way to the ring.



    Traci boots Daizy in the gut, looking for the facebuster.

    However, she is grabbed by the behemoth that stands behind her.

    Total Penetration Chokebomb!

    Daizy covers.


    Match Rating: C-


    As Daizy and Dick make out in the ring, The Whole F**kin' Show come charging out.

    They are pursued outby the Dudleyz.

    A huge brawl begins as the ref calls for the bell to the Tag Title match.




    This is another even match.

    However, it is clear that both teams are holding a little something back.

    In the twelfth minute, The Dudleyz set up RVD for the 3D.

    However, as Bubba rebounds off the ropes, Daizy cracks him in the back of the head.

    Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music on Bubba as RVD reverses D-Vons Flapjack into a Monkey Flip.

    Both champions climb the turnbuckles.

    RVD hits The Five Star Frog Splash on D-Von as Michaels simultaneously hits the Flying Elbow Drop on Bubba Ray.


    Match Rating: B


    A huge brawl ensues in which both teams and both girls are involved.

    Ultimo Dudley II heads to the ring to join the frey as well.


    Suddenly, three figures emerge from the crowd.



    Hudson: It's the Hardcore Champions... and, wait, is that?

    Gertner: Beulah! You've come back to me!

    Hudson: Oh, Jesus...


    The Hardcore Innovators lay into their rivals with their Singapore cane as Beulah takes out both Traci and Daizy with a Double Clothesline.


    Cactus: This place is called Extreme Championship Wrestling for a reason and we are a part of that reason. There isn't a team past, present or future who could beat us down much less keep us down!


    Dreamer: That is the reason that we are the ECW Hardcore Tag Team Champions and that's why we come here tonight with a message.


    Cactus: Dudleyz, we already beat you at Heatwave. So, we figure we've already proven we're better than you. What remains to be seen is who is truly the best team in ECW.


    Dreamer: So, Rob, Shawn, at Guilty As Charged, we want to meet you in a rematch from last week... champions versus champions to crown the Undisputed Tag Team Champions!


    The show cuts to an advertisement for the first episode of the returning F' The Mainstream.




    The two men put on a great showing.

    However, with his ECW career on the line, "The New Franchise" comfortably dictates the pace of the match.

    He looks set to get the victory by the tenth minute.


    However, Raven's monsters make their innevitable appearance.


    Abyss goes for a Clothesline but Burchill ducks underneath.

    He boots Goliath in the gut, jumps up and drives the monsters' heads together.

    Superkick to Abyss.

    DDT to Goliath

    However, he turns around right into a GTS from CM Punk.


    Vito Thomaselli and his sister storm the ring.



    Punk is hit with the Vito Driver and the young Italian goes to revive Burchill.

    "The New Franchise" follows up with a C-4 on Punk.


    Match Rating: A


    As Burchill, Douglas and The Thomaselli's celebrate The World Champion hits the ring.



    Raven spins Burchill around and hits the Raven Effect!

    Douglas goes to help but he too suffers the DDT.

    Vito is the one to eject the World Heavyweight Champion, booting him in the gut and throwing him over the rope.

    He then applies a Full Nelson to CM Punk as Kelly stands in front of Raven's protege.


    Hudson: It's time for Kelly to get some revenge on Punk for hospitalising her!


    Kelly lands a harsh slap to Punk's face and pulls her hand back for another.


    Another figure emerges from the crowd.



    The woman slides into the ring and hits a DDT on Kelly.

    Vito releases Punk to come to his sister's aid.

    However, The International All Action Champion seizes the opportunity and hits the GTS on Vito.

    Raven slides back in and the monsters come to as a 5-on-2 assault ensues.


    Raven: They say that behind every great man is an even greater woman and, since you were in no fit state to fulfill that role, Kelly, I had to look elsewhere.


    As the jeers ring out, the woman stands beside Raven.


    Raven: This is Alexis, the cream of the CZW crop and, with her around, you're gonna have to think twice about blindly following your brother... and as for you, Vito, the issue is between me and Burchill. Should you stick your nose into my business again, you will feel the full wrath of the most dominant group in ECW that you were foolish enough to turn your back on.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


    Quote The Raven



    The show goes off air as both Raven and Alexis strike the crucifix pose.


    Show Rating: B+

  17. I know there's been a lot of comment about the Raven-Burchill-Vito-Douglas moments, and rightly so. But the part that truly grabbed me? Juventud Guerrera. It reminded me of what WCW did NOT do. WCW made Juvi and Rey lose their heritage, their tradition, their legacy, ... in a way themselves. But you just paid homage to that. WCW did not allow that story to flow, instead, that was the end of it in both those cases. What you did was perfectly logical - if a man loses his soul, doesn't he then start to question everything? Doesn't he become solitary? Doesn't he become confined? What you did with Juventud Guerrera makes him pushable. It makes him someone who can start to scale the card. It makes it interesting. Granted, WCW had some great humour with Chris Jericho post beating Juventud, but they instead of giving Juventud a chance to get over how YOU just did when back to the monotony of the nWo. That, despite having Mike Tenay as a commentator who had done a great job in selling the legacy, the importance, the tradition, the honour, the heritage of the mask and lucha libre.


    If there is an award for a segment that means so much to someone, that means so much to me because frankly you just showed me the way that wrestling should be done. You just gave Juventud a bone. You just allowed him to become his own man. And you didn't destroy lucha libre doing it, you just polished it up moreso.


    Thank you very much, mate. I've been wanting to unmas Juvi tastefully for a long time. So, I'm very glad it had the desired effect.


    The feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated ;).


    Quote The Raven


  18. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    Chris Jericho vs. Sal Thomaselli



    "The Lionheart" looks to further improve on his recent form in his upcoming match with Sal Thomaselli. Meanwhile, with Vito proving himself greatly in the singles ranks and Brandon being tipped to do the same, Sal seeks to show that he and his brothers could be the start of a dynasty in the making.




    War of the World Orders

    The sWo vs. The bWo



    The recent feud between the sWo and bWo (or "The War of the World Orders" as it has been dubbed) has become so heated that one wonders if the two groups even remember that they're just parodies. Oh, well... they're nothing if not entertaining.




    Nate Hatred vs. The Sandman



    This week on Revolution, ECW's Most Extreme Athlete is revisited by an old nemesis: The Hardcore Icon. It seems that Father James Mitchell's words on Blood, Sweat & Beers left The Sandman even more pissed off than usual and, with this in mind, he has challenged Hatred to this long overdue rematch.





    Traci vs. Daizy Dudley




    Over the last several weeks, many an eyebrow has been raised and many an ass flashed in, at or during the the catfights between these two. So, we say "To hell with it... let 'em have a match of their own".

    Bring your binoculars if you could only afford the cheap seats!




    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Dudley Boyz



    The chaos surrounding the Tag Team Titles has reached record heights. In fact, we now even have a second tag team championship but it's not the one up fpr defence in this match. This week on Revolution, The Dudley Boyz aim to end the nearly seven month reign of everyone's favourite tag team (and RVD's), The Whole F**kin' Show.




    CM Punk vs. Paul Burchill



    Last week on Blood, Sweat & Beers, Raven dropped what was perhaps the biggest bombshell of his tenure as ECW Commissioner. Not only did he reveal that he is still the champion [in name only to most ECW fans], he also shocked us all by telling Paul Burchill that the next time he loses, he's fired! "The New Franchise" faces Raven's own protege this week in a do-or-die situation. Can he survive or, perhaps more fittingly, can CM Punk?





    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


  19. http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif


    Extreme Makeover?

    by Mike Johnson


    Rumours are circulating that, in celebration of its fifteenth year in business, Extreme Championship Wrestling is planning several changes. The full story is not yet clear and, as such, the significance of some decisions remains uncertain.


    The first major point of interest came in the form of an offer made by ECW to the owner's of South Philadelphia's New Alhambra Arena, previously known as Viking Hall AKA The ECW Arena. The promotion's plans for the venue are not known but specualtion suggests that it may concern the opwning of a new training school.


    In a second piece of news, discovered only today, ECW apparently plans to debut new designs for all its title belts in the coming months. This will be the third look that the belts have projected.


    And in a final piece of confirmation rather than news, the reshuffle of the ECW roster seems to be in full-swing as several young stars look set to seize the top spots before the year is through.

  20. Okay, just pointing out I'm starting the save game over due to issues with the data. Partially it's due to such bad chemistry figures but I'm not just chucking my toys out the pram.


    1. The chemistry stuff sucked as you know.
    2. Smackdown just got dropped and Raw's contract wasn't renewed - somewhat taking the fun out of the war :rolleyes:.
    3. Ric Flair retired removing one of WWA's only two decent workers.
    4. Vince just died.


    All in all, the worst run of luck fro an individual game in one month... ever!


    I'm updating the database as we speak/type.


    Quote The Raven


  21. Damn you Raven! Damn you to hell! I hope Burchill kicks his arse pronto, he's really starting to p*ss me off (in a character based, heel way, not X-Pac heat).


    The Juvi ting is interesting fo' sure. I bet it seemed like a gamble when you thought it up but it's paid off.


    Haha, it all seemed like a hell of a gamble. So, I'm chuffed. The "emotional" storyline could easily have been dismissed as not hardcore enough and the Raven swerve could have just been seen as "cheap" booking. I nearly bottled it at the last minute to just have Punk cost Vito the match :o.


    Basically, at this moment, I have a few characters that I'm really trying to see how far in certain directions I can take them, Raven and Francine being prime examples.


    Raven is just increbible, he's my favourite character from any dynasty, I seriouly wouldn't be bothered to see him keep the title for another couple of months. He has to be the greatest heel, not just in dynastys, but in the whole wrestling world.


    Cool. I always feel like I'm treading a razorblade between making it the sweetest possible timing for a title change and just having people losse all interest in the character.


    What's all this natural order business about. I simply can't wait to find out.


    Haha, first person to ask, eh? Well, you'll see... eventually.






    *Marks out*


    Don't know if she'll be a constant fixture yet, dude. I quite like the idea of retaining that old ECW shoot promo feel with the music playing in the background. However, I think being on a big network would require you to do something a little less artsy and more traditional. We'll see; she's been in CZW for months now anyway, so...


    Great show, I'm really pissed off about Raven (as a mark), but I'm not sure Vito was really on the level for the title yet anyway(as a smark).


    Well, Keefy alluded to it being a step to "push a storyline". In fact, it was a step to push Vito. He's beaten Raven twice now and (effectively) cleanly beaten Calaway.


    And do I see Hardcore Innovators/Whole F'N Show vs The Dudleyz in an 8 man tag for both titles coming? Because that would possibly be the most awesome match in the history of the world.


    Hmmm... let's just say the Guilty As Charge Pay-Per-View in October will come with a certain gimmick arttached ;).


    I think Funaki has had more success in the ring than Monsters Inc. have combined at this point :p


    Hey, I'm givin' 'em a paycheck, aren't I? :D Goliath may have one more main event stretch in hi before he retires but his stats aren't special anymore.


    Abyss, on the other hand, could prove useful later down the line but I do believe in guys earning their stripes in stables.


    The greatest heel in wrestling today---RAVEN!!! by gawd man!!!


    ...and you are the greatest asset to a diary writer ;).


    Quote The Raven


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