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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    Owen Hart vs. Lance Storm



    Little has been seen of Hart since his loss in the Triangle Match at Wrestlepalooza. This is his chance to re-establish himself at the top of the card. Meanwhile, Lance Storm hopes to make up for his loss at the World Cup by scoring the upset.




    Kurt Angle vs. JerryLynn



    It should be noted that this match remains only semi-confirmed. Lynn has laid down an emphatic challenge but it is unclear whether Angle will change his story regarding his "condition". What is clear is that, should these two face-off, it will be one hell of a contest!




    The Great Sasuke vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri



    The sWo were eliminated by Japan at the World Cup and their leader threw down a challenge to any member of the Japanese squad that dared accept. The man who did was Yoshihiro Tajiri and "Big Sasuke Cool" will have quite the obstacle to contend with.




    Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera



    Christopher Daniels cost Juvi Guerrera his shot at the Television Title for unknown reasons. Guerrera claims he couldn't give a sh*t about Daniels' motives; he just wants to make him pay. With Francine at ringside and an appearance from AJ Styles likely, this match will be nothing if not eventful.




    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Hardcore Innovators



    After being DDT'd by Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer last night at Summer Assylum, the Tag Champs have a chance at some retribution in this non-title encounter. This could be damn important in terms of momentum as well. The Whole F**kin' Show will be keen to look strong in view of a likely rematch with The Dudley Boyz. As for Cactus and Dreamer, a win here would put them right back in the title hunt which they so clearly desire.




    Rhino vs. Sabu



    Rhino has been nothing short of a one man wrecking crew recently and he has staked his claim at the top of the card with his involvement in last night's title match. However, that could all change as he faces ECW legend, Sabu. As we have witnessed many times, anything is possible when The Human Highlight Reel is involved... just look at his shock title win in December. A truly fantastic prospect for fans of hardcore wrestling, this match is only added to by the X factor that is "The Soul Taker". Will Calaway pay Rhino a return visit? Will the staunchly independent Sabu allow it?



    ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

    Now on FX


  2. I was going to mention that, but we knew what you were talking about, so I decided to let you get away with it :p


    Yes... I will recommend not having two main eventers of a similar in-ring style, both with the name of an animal beginning with "R", feuding over the same title. Sometimes it does get confusing :D.


    Quote The Raven


  3. what do u expect? if your going to put your "risque" promotion on a network like CBS in real life they would watch you like a hawk!


    Indeed, I've done this in the editor, though. Figured that, since I have the chance to alter such aspects of the gameworld, I might as well make things a little more realistic/challenging.


    Quote The Raven


  4. http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif


    Another setback for ECW

    by Mike Johnson


    ECW is surely used to the bumpy road towards success but, today, it just got a whole lot more difficult to travel. In a sudden but not overly-surprising move, CBS have pulled out of their contract with ECW and Blood Sweat & Beers has been dropped from the schedule. According to CBS executives:


    Over recent months, we have become increasingly aware of the risque nature of the ECW promotion. We at CBS feel that this is not the programming best suited to an evening timeslot on our network.


    In other words, without the press spiel, the executives were paying close attention to Summer Assylum last night and were distressed by some of the more "edgy" angles that featured - CM Punk's table bump immediately springs to my mind. Sadly, it seems that the folks at CBS are not willing to acknowledge ECW's ability to shape the product for the situation (i.e. saving the risque nature for MTV2 and pay-per-view).


    To make matters worse, two pay-per-view companies with which ECW was dealing have taken the news as a doomsday prophecy, pulling out of their contracts with the promotion as well. However, Heyman and co immediately showed their resolve, immediately landing BS&B a new slot on FX, with whom they had already been speaking in case of such an emergency.


    In my view, this doesn't put ECW back to square one. Far from it; the WWF still has to be mighty careful not to lose its audience to the, arguably, creatively superior competition. This just means ECW's rise to prominence will be that bit tougher but, hey, if there's one promotion that can whether a storm...

  5. Pure gold mate.


    Class as always. The poster is super funny.


    Sweet. Cheers, boys; I was biting my nals wondering if people might take offence to various sections :p.


    seriously man i wish i had the money to start up a promotion and hire you just so the world can see you at work


    So do I, mate. So do I :D. Seriously, thank you.


    Your a Stark Raving Creative Genius, I really think you should get it diagnosed, they might call it nevermore syndrome or something. :p


    I wonder if I can put that on my CV. Hmmm...


    ...but, in fairness, if anything, I've got Heyman Syndrome and even that is overstating it. Ta, though; very much appreciate.


    Just to let you know aswell, in the Raven/Taker write up, Rhino is mentioned several times before he even apears in the match ;)


    Thank you; sorted now. I was damn tired when that was posted!


    Quote The Raven


  6. *OOC: I'd like to point out, the following is all in jest and in the spirit of the original Dudleyz gimmick. I hope no one takes offence. If anyone truly does, pm me and I'll try and tone it down. Give it a go, though



    From ECW.com

    The Dudleyville Dynasty




    "Dudley" is a name that has long been synonymous with Extreme Championship Wrestling. Ever since Dudley, Snot and Big Dick debuted with the promotion, the name has struck fear (of nasty diseases, if nothing else) into the hearts of many an extremist. However, following the inclusion of Chubby Dudley and Dances With Dudleys (the result of Big Daddy's trip to a native american reservation where he - poked-a-hontas), it was when Buh-Buh Ray and D-Von teamed up that the name became indelibly etched in the annals of wrestling history.


    With the help of Big Dick, Bubba and his brother-from-another-mother, D-Von, went on to innovate the Dudley Death Drop (or 3D) and, later, the Flaming Table Match that led them to a total of eight Tag Team Title reigns. However, in 2000, Big Dick walked out of an ECW television taping after an argument with his brothers, never to be seen again. For a few months, several references were made to a Find Dick Dudley Appeal but, eventually, all hope of finding the beast was abandonned.


    However, shortly after last month's Wrestlepalooza pay-per-view, two new Dudleyz were introduced, later to be revealed as the bastard offspring of the missing monster. Then, just weeks later, at Summer Assylum, a third new appearance debuted in order to save his fellow trailer park alumni from an assault at the hands of the Hardcore Innovators. What follows is information gathered from an official "press statement" from the Dudleyz, detailing the background information on the members of the newly-exetended family.


    "Uncle" Bubba Ray Dudley



    Bubba Ray (AKA Big Uncle Bubba) is the longest-serving of the current incarnation of Dudleyz and is a former Mayor of Dudleyville. Whatever that "honourable" title may account for, though, is still not fully understood. He was originally famed for his dance routines and his stutter. However, with time, his dances became less frequent and D-Von helped him overcome his stutter. Unfortunately, the latter affliction returned after a nervous breakdown suffered during a chance meeting with the ghost of Big Daddy Dudley.


    As the longest publicly-active member, it is said that Bubba is seen as the official leader within the camp, regardless of how much of the talking he leaves up to his relatives. In fact, the less he speaks, the more grateful we generally are.



    "Uncle" D-Von Dudley



    D-Von Dudley debuted in 1996, hailing from the "Southside of Dudleyville". He began by feuding with his half-brothers, caiming that their tom-foolery was not the way of "true Dudleyz". Eventually, D-Von banished several members from the group until only the cream (albeit a somewhat rancid cream) was left. He, Bubba, Big Dick and Sign Guy Dudley formed a stable that was a force to be reckoned with in the tag team ranks for many years. D-Von was also present for the meeting with his daddy's ghost. He apparently turned "white as a sheet". If you don't go there, we won't either...


    It seems that D-Von has taken the position of a mouthpiece or, at least, an outward figurehead for the current line-up. He is, of course, the second longest active remaining Dudley.



    Daizy Dudley



    The confederate flag-adorned "Lil' Latina Lolita" is the first proof that Dudley sperm can, in fact, produce female genes... and that's not the only surprise. Who would have thought she'd turn out so fine? She was the first-discovered offspring of the elusive Big Dick Dudley and, thus, makes up part of the "Second Generation of Dudleyz".


    A possible explanation for her good looks is the rumoured story of her conception. Big Dick is rumoured to have acted as a stunt double for Antonio Banderas in the 1995 movie, Desperado, (quite how he got away with that one, we don't know). Anyway, in a sex scene with Salma Hayek he apparently approached the situation with an "over-zealous" attitude. However, we endeavour to point out that the likelihood of Salma Hayek being Daizy's mother is about as high as the chances of the latina being just twelve years old. Either way, what we do know is that Bubba and D-Von have "raised her as their own".



    Big Dick Dudley Jr.



    The "Biggest Balbutient Behemoth in Dudleyville" is the second of the second generation and also the child of Big Dick, as the name suggests. Although, most likely older than his half-sister half-girlfriend, he was only "discovered" by Bubba and D-Von recently. While he looks like the creation of a science experiment gone wrong, it was, in fact, something far worse that brough Dick Jr into this world: the unholy union of Big Dick Sr and Nicole Bass.


    After years of trying to track down her monstrous ex-boyfriend, Nicole settled upon contacting her brothers-in-unlawful-union, Bubba and D-Von. When meeting with his mother, the then tag team champions realised that the 6'6" "Baby Dick" would be the perfect secret weapon should the need for one arise.



    Ichiro-Naruki-BANZAI!-Ryu-Eiji Dudley



    Yes, his initials spell "INBRED". We can't figure what his mother was thinking either! It is no small wonder that the "Angry Asian Inbred" goes by Ultimo Dudley II for short. "Ultimo Dudley II?", you ask. Well, it is said that he trained under the original Ultimo Dudley at the Dudleyville Dojo for five years, apparently excelling in such disciplines as Ju-Jit-Su, Tae-Kwon-Do and Yu-Thru-Table.


    However, the story of his conception remains as mysterious as the proverbial Chinese box. Some say his father, the effervescent-everpresent, Big Dick Dudley, had a one night stand in Japan. Others claim he sent away for a mail-order geisha girl. We are strongly in the camp of the second explanation. Although it begs the question, if he has a permanent mailing address, where the hell is it?


    This message was brought to you by the Find Dick Dudley Appeal



  7. and once again an awesome read.


    love the dedication, but how is the wife taking all the time you've been clocking on this project? :rolleyes:


    Haha, I like to consider diplomacy my strong point :D.


    Nah, it's cool. I tend to wite this stuff in my head while looking after the little tacker.


    Thanks, bud.


    Fantastic show as always. I'd be interested so see how I did in the predictions though...


    In your picks? Eerily well... almost spot on, although some wwere more obvious than others :p.


    In the long term? You've made a few educated guesses there as well. All I'll say is, some stuff you are spot on about, others... not so much.


    Cheers for reading, mate, and for your annoying ability to see half of what's coming :rolleyes:.


    One also wonders if any Raven sceptics have started slotting ideas together yet ;).


    Quote The Raven


  8. Friday, week 4, July

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiahZtYWpwY&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiahZtYWpwY&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




    Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW's pay-per-view spectacular for July 2007. In an industry where no one is truly sane, we are proud to be inmates of the Summer Assylum! I'm Joey Styles, alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz, and current and reigning waste of space, Joel Gertner.

    Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey.

    Gertner: Aah, you're just jealous.

    Joey: No, seriously, Joel, I'm very glad to have you with us at the announce table.

    Gertner: And I'm very glad to be here.

    Joey: ...it means we don't have to listen to one of your god awful introductions.

    Taz: Haha, easy Joey, let's keep a civil atmosphere for the next three hours or, at least, as civil as it can be here in South Philly.

    Joey: Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we will be privileged enough to witness not only the World Cup Semi-Finals and Final but also matches for the World Television, Tag Team and Hevyweight Wrestling Championships.

    Taz: Yeah, but first up we get to see The Iron Saints seek out some revenge against Raven's Nest.

    Gertner: Man, I could bust a nut just thinking about it.

    Joey: ...and Paul E wonders why CBS are considering dropping us.



    The match is an evenly contested bout and a great way to kick off the show.

    It is clear that Vito seems particularly determined to get his hands on CM Punk.

    He gets his oppotunity in the twelfth minute, when he sets up Raven's protege for the Vito Driver.

    However, Punk grabs hold of the top rope and levers himself off the young Italian's shoulders.

    As Vito turns back to face his opponent, he is met with a kick to the groin.


    Joey: The Nest show exactly what they need to resort to.

    Taz: In fairness, Joey, while I don't like it, if it's legal, you might as well roll with it.

    Gertner: Besides, it's not as if Vito is the most virile of individuals. If it happened to me, however, it would be tragic.

    Joey: I can think of a few adjectives, in fact. Strangely, though, "tragic" doesn't feature.


    Punk seizes the opportunity to tag out and both monsters enter in his place.

    Monsters Inc grab Vito by his throat as Punk ducks to ringside and sets up a table next to the apron.


    Taz: This cvould spell bigtime trouble for The Saints, man.


    However, clearly having seen what is coming, Brandon and Sal enter the ring with chairs to cut off the Double Chokeslam.

    Both monsters receive stiff chair shots to the back of their craniums.

    Brandon and Sal then set up the chairs behind their opponents and pull back on their hair as Vito pushes them from the front.

    This leaves both Goliath and Abyss sat, prone, on either chair.

    Vito leans backwards, rebounds off the ropes and performs a Front Dropkick, with each foot connecting with either monster's face.

    Abyss and Goliath fall over backwards along with their chairs.

    Sal and Brandon immediately hit simultaneous Sommersault Legdrops on either opponent as Punk re-enters.

    Vito cuts off Punk, this time succesfully delivering the Vito Driver.


    Taz: Nice.

    Joey: The Iron Saints are in complete control.


    All three Saints point up to the sky and ascend a turnbuckle each.

    Sal faces Abyss, Brandon faces Goliath and Vito faces Punk.

    They dive off, simultaneously hitting Flying Splashes on their respective targets.

    They all hook the leg.


    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Vito instructs his brothers to attach the chairs to Punk's arms.


    Taz: Oh, man, this don't look pretty!


    Vito ducks out to ringside and brings in a third chair, which he wraps around Punk's neck.


    Gertner: Oh, man.


    Brandon and Sal then lift Punk onto Vito's shoulders.

    Vito follows by delivering a Powerbomb that sends Punk, with all three chairs still attached, over the ropes, through the table below to the concrete floor!


    Joey: OH MY GOD!

    Taz: Well, Vito said he'd get revenge for his sister. I guess that was it!


    The camera cuts to backstage as EMTs come rushing out to help Punk.


    Jerry Lynn is backstage.



    Lynn: Hey, Kurt, that whole "Post Traumatic Stress" thing is a crock of sh*t! You know it, I know it and you better have the balls to admit. You see, I'm challenging you to a match tommorow night on Blood, Sweat and Beers and, if you refuse, I'll just get Paul E to sign it!


    World Cup Semi-Final


    Oz and Hayabusa start as the legal men which leads to a blisteringly quick high-flying display.

    Hayabusa starts to gain the upper-hand and, indeed, before long, is able to put Oz away with his trademark Falcon Arrow.


    Joey: So, Japan take the adavantage.

    Taz: Yeah, but don't write-off the sWo just yet. They're sure to have something up their sleeves.


    Sasuke takes his disciple's place as Hayabusa tags in Kensuke Sasaki.

    What follows is a technical clinic that would serve as a great training video for any youngster.

    In the seventh minute, Sasaki whips Sasuke to the ropes.

    The Great Ninja rebounds, sliding through the legs of his opponent.

    Rather than rising to his feet, he merely reaches back and rolls up Sasaki in a small package.



    Taz: You see, we're back to level standingd.


    Hayabusa re-enters and it is now a more athletic and aerial, although equally stellar, perrformance that is offered.

    In the eleventh minute, Hayabusa floors Sasuke and heads up top.

    He hits his breathtaking Phoenix Splash.


    Sasuke rolls through.



    Taz: ...and now the sWo are on top.

    Joey: This really has been back and forth.


    Japan's final competitor, Yoshihiro Tajiri, enters.

    Again, two Japanese countrymen combine for an admirable wrestling display.

    In the sixteenth minute, Sasuke positions Tajiri on the top turnbuckle.

    He heads up top as well, positions himself on his opponent's shoulders and spins around for the Super Rana.

    Tajiri catches his arms, however, and stands up.

    Super rucifix Powerbomb!



    Gertner: The leader of the sWo is gone. How will this affect things?

    Taz: I gotta say my money's on Tajiri from here.


    However, instead of graciously exiting the ring, upon rising, Sasuker boots Tajiri in the gut and throws him from the ring.

    He then wrestles his fellow Japanese native under the ring, leaving both the referee and Chessman slightly bemused.


    Taz: So, now what?


    As if on cue, the lights turn red and a puff of smoke emerges from under the ring.


    Gertner: What the hell?


    The Great Sasuke emerges, looking somewhat stunned, his black robes ripped and and just barely still on his torso.

    Chessman raises his hands in celebration as referee, Chris Kay, realises he should probably award the match to the sWo.


    Joey: No. Surely not.


    Suddenly, Sasuke boots Chessman in the gut.

    Brainbuster Suplex!

    He rips off his mask to reveal Yoshihiro Tajiri beneath.



    Match Rating: B-


    Taz: Haha, the sWo somehow got played at their own game.

    Joey: Yeah. Way to go, Tajiri!

    Gertner: What happened?


    Rhino is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Rhino: As I said on Monday, I am here tonight to make an impact. I am the most dominant and deserving wrestler in ECW but since Paul E and the management don't seem to see it, I intend to prove it... tonight!



    Nate Hatred, of course, carries his barbed-wire wrapped iron pentagram to ringside and, as always, is accompanied by the Sinister Minister.

    As the opening bell sounds, The Sandman wastes little time in caning Hatred straight across the forehead.



    Hatred begins to wobble on his feet as the Singapore cane starts to crack.


    Hatred is out on his feet.

    The Sandman pulls a beer from his pocket, takes a swig and throws the rest of the can into the crowd.

    He then spits the mouthful of lager into Hatred's face and follows up with a final, stiff cane shot.

    Hatred crashes to the mat.


    Hatred powers out.


    Joey: Wow, Sandman means business!

    Taz: Yeah but Nate Hatred ain't going down without one hell of a fight!


    As both men get to their feet a slugfest enusues.

    Blows are traded for several seconds until Hatred hits a thumb to the eye and follows up with a Gutwrench Powerbomb.



    Joey: ...and neither is The Sandman.


    From here on, the match continues as a hardcore gorefest.

    In the eighth minute, Hatred sets up a table adjacent to the corner and lays his barbed wire symbol on top of it.

    He climbs backwards up the turnbukle, taking his opponent with hiom.

    He lifts The Sandman for a Crucifix Powerbomb, similar to Tajiri's earlier.

    However, The Sandman reverses it into a somewhat clumsy Heineken-Rana through the barbed-wire adorned table.



    Taz: Oh man, Hatred's back is a mess!

    Joey: How did he kick out of that?


    The two men rise and Hatred boots The Hardcore Icon in the gut.

    He then throws him, shoulder first, into the steel ring post.

    Sandman turns back into the ring, clutching his shoulder but Hatred keeps him in the corner.

    The satanic rookie is then thrown a chair by Jim Mitchell.

    Rather than striking Sandman with it, he positions between the top and middle rope in front of his opponent, leaving The Hardcore Icon penned into the corner.

    Jim Mitchell then hands him two fluroscent light tubes through the ropes.


    Taz: Oh no!

    Gertner: Sweet!


    After examining his newly acquired weapons with a sick smile, Hatred backs away to the opposite corner.

    He charges.


    Taz: Look out!


    He swings the light tubes inwards with either hand so that they connect with each of The Sandman's temples.

    Sandman, still trapped, slumps to a seating position, his face a mess of blood and glass.


    Joey: Oh my god!


    Hatred smiles sickly again, realising that The Sandman's face is now directly behind the chair.

    He backs away to the opposite corner again and, once again, charges.

    Basement Dropkick that drives the chair straight into The Sandman's face with a thud that echoes around the arena.


    Joey: OH MY GOD!


    Hatred then drags his opponent's lifeless body itno the middle of the ring.

    He picks him up and pushes The Sandman, who is clearly on spaghetti legs, backwards into the ropes.

    As he rebounds, Hatred hits what is perhaps the stiffest Decapitator Lariat witnessed yet.

    The Sandman doesn't roll over backwards; he doesn't perform the utlimate backflip sell.

    He just falls... flat... motionless... like a lead weight.

    The arena falls into a deadly hush, the crowd clearly never expecting this.

    Hatred covers.

    1...2... KICKOUT!


    Gertner: Woah!

    Taz: How the hell?!


    Hatred rises to his knees, stunned, as the crowd becomes animated once again.

    He picks up his opponent.

    Fire Thunder Driver!



    Joey: ...and this is why he is The Hardcore Icon!


    Hatred looks even more shocked as "F**k him up, Sandman! F**k him up!" chants begin.

    What the hell will it take to keep him down?

    Hatred picks up The Sandman one more time and picks up the chair.

    He wraps it around the neck of The Hardcore Icon and bends him down.

    Sit-Out Powerbomb!


    Joey: Jesus! His neck!

    Taz: That has to be it! I don't care who you are!


    Sure enough...


    Match Rating: B+


    The Sinister Minister enters the ring with a microphone


    Minister: We told you! We told you that Nate Hatred was the most extreme athlete in ECW history but you wouldn't believe us. The fact is, ECW may pride itself on being hardcore but compared to the depths of human depravity from which Nate was spawned, this place seems like utopia.


    A "F**k you, Mitchell" chant begins.


    Minister: Like it or not, Nate Hatred is not only undefeated but now has pinfall victories over both Rhino and The Sandman. There is not a single person in that locker room who could possibly com...


    The lights cut out.


    When they retun, Sabu is in the ring with a chair.



    He throws the chair at Hatred but the rookie and his manager high-tail it as quickly as possible as the crowd goes nuts.


    Joey: Isn't this a familiar picture? We've seen this self-proclaimed extremist run away from Sabu before.

    Taz: Yeah, it looks like, now he's done with the World Cup, Sabu is ready to prove that he is the most extreme guy in ECW and he ain't ready to give up that honour just yet!


    Sabu points to the heavens and makes his exit to a huge ovation as The Sandman is helped from the ring.


    World Cup Semi-Final


    This match is just as even as the Semi-Final before it.

    Doug Williams is the first to go, following a Frog Splash from Eddie Guerrero.


    Taz: So, the Mexicans rather predicatbly go one up.

    Joey: Predictable? You think?

    Taz: Well, I think my bets on the Mexicans.

    Joey: Y'know, I'm not so sure.

    Gertner: It's obvious who's gonna win.

    Taz: Who?

    Gertner: Whichever lucky lady I take home tonight.

    Joey: Oh, just shut up, Joel! Either that or actually call the match!

    Gertner: There's a match on?

    Joey: Did I do something wrong in a past life? Seriously...


    Steven Regal enters for England as Psicosis is tagged in.

    This face-off could clearly go either way but Regal is able to succesfully keep the elusive luchadore off his feet.

    He eventually forces him to tap to the Regal Stretch.


    Joey: ...and it's two on two.


    Regal chooses not to tag out as Mysterio enters and it proves to be a mistake.

    This time he is not capable of keeping the opponent grounded.

    The increased pace of the match slowly wears him down and he is eventually finished with the 619 followed by a Springboard Guillotine Legdrop.


    Taz: You see what I mean, it's two on one now.

    Joey: Yeah, but that one is Paul Burchill.


    Mysterio tags in Guerrero as Burchill enters.

    However, the young Englishman signals for both Mexicans to remain in the ring.

    Eddie frowns at Burchill but "The New Franchise" simply smiles back and gestures for them to bring it on.

    Both Mexicans approach.

    Burchill takes them down with a Double Clothesline.

    He waits for them both to stand and jabs them in the face consecutively.

    He then follows up with a Double Sit-Out Choke Bomb.

    He picks up Mysterio in a Military Press position and throws him, like a rag doll, to the outside.


    Taz: Man, check out the strength.


    As Eddie stands, he is greeted by a Swinging Neckbreaker.



    Both men rise.

    Eddie jumps up for the Huricanra but it is reversed into a Powerbomb.


    Mysterio slides back in and charges at Burchill.

    However, "The New Franchise" patronisingly stops him by merely placing his hand on the luchadore's forehead.

    As Guerrero stands, he positions his armsacross both opponents' chests.

    He then backflips...

    ...Double C-4!


    Match Rating: B-


    Joey: The sheer brilliance of Paul Burchill gives England a berth in the first ever Wrestling World Cup Final!

    Taz: Damn, what a performance!


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage.



    Michaels: Hey Dudleyz, you like to think you're the best tag team in the history of ECW,


    RVD: Well, maybe that was true once but, me and Shawn, we've been dominating around here since November.


    Traci: That's eight months... I'm sure counting ain't your strong suit.


    Michaels: So, Bubba and D-Von...


    Traci: ...to coin a phrase used by another team...


    RVD: Thou shalt not mess...


    Michaels: ...with the Whole...


    Traci: ...F**kin'...


    RVD: ...Show!




    Both men come out looking ready to steal the show, Guerrera looking particularly determine to not get screwed over again.

    They do not disappoint, undoubtedly putting on the performance of the night so far.

    In fact, something just seems right as they put on one of the mid-card matches of the year.

    It is contested at a blistering pace and much aerial offence is witnessed.

    In the fourteenth minute, Styles whips Guerrera to the ropes.

    The challenger rebounds as the champion ducks down for a Back Body Drop.

    However, Guerrera rolls over his arched back and rebounds again off the opposite ropes.

    Styles, this time, leap frogs him.

    Juvi rebounds once more and AJ drops to his stomach, allowing the luchadore to run over him.

    However, Guerrera scouts it and lands a Guillotine Legdrop to the back of Styles' head.


    Joey: Textbook! Fantastic awareness from Juventud Guerrera.

    Taz: No doubt, Joe.


    Juvi then runs against the ropes one more time, perhaps looking for a Cartwheel Senton or a springboard.

    However, Francine grabs his foot.

    Juvi turns to face his manager in bewilderment, holding his arms in a "What the hell?" pose.

    As Guerrera steps up to the ropes, Francine jumps onto the apron.

    She leans into him and, suddenly, Juvi staggers backwards, clearly stunned.


    Taz: What the hell happened?

    Joey: I have no idea.

    Gertner: Franny just turned on Juvi!

    Joey: No!


    The champion now on his feet, lowers Juvi's torso ready for the Styles' Clash.

    He winks at Francine, realising what has happened.

    Francine winks back as Guerrera hits a lowblow on Styles.

    The luchadore stands upright and walks over to high-five Francine.


    Taz: Styles just got played!

    Joey: I knew Francine couldn't have betrayed Guerrera.


    After giving his opponent the middle finger in disgust, Guerrera picks up Styles for the Juvi Driver.


    Christopher Daniels emerges from the crowd.



    He shoves Francine out of the way, grabs the Television Title from ringside and enters the ring.

    Just as Styles is lifted for the Juvi Driver, Guerrera recieves a shot from the gold to the back of his head.

    As the luchadore collapses, Styles now high-fives Daniels and makes the cover.


    Match Rating: A* (KISS MY FACE!)


    Styles: Damn it! Juvi just got screwed... again!

    Gertner: That's what you get for trying to trick the World Television Champion.

    Taz: What the hell does it have to do with Daniels anyway?


    Raven sits alone in a dark corner of the arena.



    Raven: A great man once said that one should never speak merely for the sake of speaking. He should only do so if he says something to say or a wisdom to share. What about me? What about Raven? My actions shall be my words, my wisdom displayed in my performance. So, Mark Calaway, beware the quiet man for often his thoughts are more barbaric than his words could possibly suggest.


    Quote The Raven



    Tables Match



    The match starts with The Whole F**kin' Show getting the upper-hand and showing their all-round excellence.

    However, the numbers game starts to take it's toll and, indeed, the Dudleyz capture the advantage.

    In the sixth minute, RVD places a table adjacent to the corner and positions Bubba on the top rope.

    He then climbs up looking for a Super Rana.

    However, Bubba Scouts it and stands up for the Super Bomb.

    Michales, luckily, sees it coming and pulls the table out the way to avoid the elimination.

    Indignant, Daizy, jumps up onto the apron, reaches over the rope and slaps Michaels.

    Traci sees this, rushes over and pulls Daizy off the apron so that her face collides with the canvas on the way down.

    Traci then jumps on top of Daizy and the stereotypical rolling, which we all hate to love, begins.



    Taz: Jesus, Joey, are you trying to break my headset?


    Big Dick approaches and pulls Traci off his sister by her hair.

    As he lifts her up for a Choke Bomb, RVD climbs the turnbuckle and performs a Sommersault Suicide Dive onto the behemoth.


    "Holy Sh*t! Holy Sh*t!"


    Joey: Oh my god!

    Taz: They don't come more crazy than Van Dam, baby.


    However, as RVD lays on the concrete recovering, The Dudleyz seize the opportunity.

    With a table set up in the middle of the ring, Michaels is picked up in a Flapjack position by D-Von.

    3D through the table!


    Joey: Damn it! Michaels has been eliminated.

    Taz: But don't forget, folks, under ECW rules, he's still allowed to compete in the match.


    RVD scrambles to his feet and enters the ring.

    While Michaels is down, the numbers advantage tells.

    Big Dick enters and sets up another table.

    RVD is now picked up in a Flapjack...

    No. He hits the forearm on D-Von and follows up with a Reverse Enziguiri that sends D-Von through the ropes to the outside.

    Big Dick approaches.

    RVD ducks under his grasp, pushes him, chest-first, against the ropes and, as he rebounds, hits a release German Suplex that sends him rolling to the outside.

    Bubba Ray then comes on the attack but, out of nowhere, Michaels springs to his feet in one movement and hits the Sweet Chin Music!


    Taz: Man, the impact!


    Michaels then bundles Bubba onto the table as RVD climbs the buckle.

    Five Star Frog Splash through the table!


    Joey: And Bubba Ray Dudley is eliminated!


    D-Von and Dick Jr re-enter.

    Despite, Bubba being out, due to their superior numbers, The Dudleyz. again, take the adavntage.

    Big Dick sets up RVD for the Total Penetration.


    The hardcore Innovators sprint to the ring with their trademark canes.



    They immediately take out both D-Von and Dick with stiff shots.

    Cactus Jack then sets up a table so that it is resting against the corner.

    D-Von is placed against it by Tommy Dreamer.

    However, before either Innovator can deliver the knockout blow, RVD clears them out of the way.

    Michaels steps his way out of the opposite corner.

    Sweet Chin Music through the table!

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, RVD and Michaels offer the hands to the Hardcore Innovators in way of thanks.

    However, they are each greeted by a boot to the gut...

    ...followed by simultaneous DDTs.


    Taz: Well, it looks like the Hardcore Innovators actions weren't out of love!


    Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer lay into all the grounded parties with both boots and cane shots.


    However, a four-eyed figure emerges from the crowd.



    He carries a garbage can into the ring.


    Gertner: Who the hell is that?


    Before a response can be given, the Asian weirdo floors both Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer with steel can shots.

    He then helps up both D-Von and Bubba Ray.

    The seemingly even-further-extended Dudley Family heads to the back, unvictorious but conscious, unlike their foes.


    World Cup Final


    The match really does not start well for England.

    Steven Regal, his fatigue from his earlier appearance evident, is eliminated after only a few minutes by a Brainbuster Suplex from Jushin Lyger.


    Joey: Let's not forget that two of England' three competitors have alreaduy made an appearance, whereas all three Japanese wrestlers are fresh.

    Taz: Yeah, but either way, this is not good news for England.

    Gertner: No sh*t, sherlock.


    Ultimo Dragon is tagged as Davey Boy Smith enters.

    However, England's position goes from bad to worse.

    Ultimo Dragon is able to establish a fast pace, aerial attack and the Bulldog soon tires.

    After being floored by a Spinning Heel Kick, he suffers a Corkscrew Moonsault.



    Joey: ...and it's only getting worse.


    Paul Burchill steps througnh the ropes and glances at the crowd.

    As the charisma oozes from him a "Let's go Franchise!" chant begins.

    He pulls his hair from his eyes and motions for Masato Tanaka to enter.

    Tanaka enters and charges, immediately looking for a Roaring elbow.

    However, Burchill catches his arm and falls to the canvas in a Crossface.


    Taz: Woah... Burchill taking a page out of Benoit's book.

    Joey: I swear his repertoire is bigger everytime we see him!


    He wrenches back on Tanaka's torso as the Japanese icon screams in pain.

    Tanaka taps!


    Gertner: What the...

    Taz: Wow, I don't think anyone was expecting that!


    "Burchill! Burchill! Burchill!" ; the chants now ring throughout the arena.

    Jushin Lyger steps through the ropes looking noticeably hesitant.

    Burchill motions for him to bring it.

    The two men lock-up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up.

    Burchill whips Lyger to the ropes and the Japanese legend rebounds.

    However, Burchill traps him around the mid-section.

    Belly To Belly Suplex!


    Taz: And, that, ladies and gentlemen, was perfect execution!

    Joey: And you can take that from the master.


    Burchill then salutes the floored Lyger and follows up with a Standing Shooting Star Press.



    Taz: ...and Burchill uses the very move that Lyger innovated to finish him off.

    Gertner: How disrespectful.

    Joey: Actually, Joel, I think it was supposed to be a sign of respect!


    Ultimo Dragon now enters and Burchill begins to approach.

    However, Ultimo motions for "The New Franchise" to stop.

    The final Japanese entrant offers his hand and the two men shake before a standing ovation.

    They then back away and pace around the ring.

    Burchill whips his opponent to the ropes and the champion rebounds.

    Burchill falls to his stomach and Ultimo runs over him.

    The legend rebounds again and Burchill sidesteps him.

    Ultimo rebounds once more.

    Burchill launches him over his head in a Back Body Drop.

    However, Ultimo Dragon flips right over onto his feet and springboards off the ropes.

    Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors.




    Taz: Man... so close... to the World Cup!

    Joey: Ladies and gentlemen, this as good wrestling action as you will see anywhere in the world. This is what ECW is all about and you can remember that!


    Both men rise.

    Burchill gets down on his knees and makes a worshipping motion at Ultimo Dragon.

    His opponent merely smiles and motions for him to get up.

    Burchill whips Dragon into the corner.

    No. It is reversed and it is Burchill who goes chest first into the buckle.

    Ultimo runs after him but Burchill grabs the top rope and lifts up his legs so that Ultimo runs into the corner.

    "The New Franchise" then runs towards his cornered opponent.

    However, Ultimo dragon, springs to the second rope and backflips over his partner.

    Upon landing, he reaches between Burchill's legs and rolls him up.




    Taz: That's twice that Ultimo Dragon's come so damn close now.


    As both men rise, Ultimo runs back up the turnbuckle.

    He Moonsaults off into a a modified Cross Body.

    No... Burchill catches him in an upside down position.

    He hooks him up for the Cradle Piledriver.

    Ultimo leans into him, though, shifting the weight and inverting the hold so that he now holds Burchill in the same manner.

    Burchill returns the favour.

    This time, Burchill does hit the Cradle Piledriver.



    Joey: ...and now it's Burchill who is just a second away.


    Both men rise.

    Ultimo rebounds off the ropes...

    ...but he is caught.



    Match Rating: B+


    Joey: He's done it! He's done it!

    Taz: England are the World Champions!


    Every single member of the sellout crowd rises to their feet to applaud the efforts of both men but, particularly, Paul Burchill.


    Burchill's teammates flood into the ring and Paul Heyman comes out to present them with the trophy.



    Joey: Can you believe this kid? He's been here for only just over eighteen months and, in that time, he is a former World Tag Team Champion, a former two-time World Television Champion, the winner of the first ever Baptism Of Fire Match and, now, he's almost single-handedly won the first ever World Cup for his country!

    Taz: It's always a matter of opinion who the best is but there is no way that anyone can deny the class of Paul Burchill!

    Gertner: Personally, I don't...

    Taz: One more word and I'll choke you out.

    Gertner: Fair enough.


    As Team England celebrate their victory and "New Franchie!" chants thunder around the arena, the arena lights fade to black.


    The following video plays on the big screen for all to see.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhtH2m2gnyQ&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhtH2m2gnyQ&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




    The match starts with both men striding to the centre of the ring for a staredown.

    The sight is almost comical as Calaway simply dwarfs Raven.

    Raven immediatley makes his tactics known, kicking Calaway in the groin.

    But Calaway catches his foot before he can do so and answers with a knee to Raven's gut.

    The champion hits the challenger with a stiff right arm

    The challenger follows suit and a trading of blows ensues.


    Joey: You don't want to go two to two with the Mark Calaway. This is exactly what he excels at!


    Taker hits the straight left arm and follows up with a haymaker that floors the champion.

    Raven is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

    "The Soul taker" whips him to the corner and pummels him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.

    The champion is thrown to the other turnbuckle like a rag doll.

    Taker charges for a clothesline charges but Raven puts his foot up.


    Joey: Oh, reversal!


    Raven now whips Taker to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rhino ducks underneath.

    Calaway bounces off the opposite ropes...

    He comes back...

    Big Boot!




    Taz: ...and that was pretty damn close right there!


    As Taker rises to tell the referee that it was a slow count, Raven, just stirring, hits a lowblow from behind.

    Raven then drags Taker to his feet and hits a clothesline that just about drives him into the corner.

    He follows up by raking the challenger's face with his fingers.

    However, in a great show of strenghth, Taker merely pushes Raven away, forcing him half way across the ring.

    He stalks the champion and hits an irish whip but, no, Raven reverses it...

    Taker bounces off the ropes and comes back with another Big Boot!

    However, Raven is able to dodge this one and Taker straddles the top rope.


    Gertner: That's got to hurt!


    Raven seizes the opportunity to duck out to ringside and grab a chair.

    He nails the prone Calaway squarely in the forehead.

    Taker falls to the canvas and Raven covers.


    Calaway powers out!


    Taz: Wow... Raven may have a lot of trouble in this one.


    The match continues in a similar fashion, Calaway showing a fair level of control with Raven just pulling enough dirty tactics to stay in with a shot.

    In the fourteenth minute, Raven lands a lowblow.

    He grabs Calaway by the head as he bends in pain.

    Raven Effect!




    Joey: It's clearly not going to be easy for the World Heavyweight Champion.


    Raven picks up Taker and boots him in the gut, again looking for his finisher.

    However, Calaway grabs him by the throat.


    Taz: Here we go!


    Monsters Inc make their way to the ring.



    Calaway drops Raven, who ducks out of the ring, in order to deal with the newly advancing front.

    The Monsters enter.

    Calaway floors Abyss with a right hand and sends Goliath staggering backwards with an uppercut.


    Taz: Check out the strength!


    Abyss rises... Big Boot.

    Goliath again approaches with a right hand of his own.

    Taker ducks underneath, recahes up and hits a Neckbreaker from behind the giant.

    Abyss rises once more, only to be grabbed by the throat...


    Abyss rolls from the ring as Taker picks up the chair and lays into Goliath witn the steel.


    Joey: "The Soul Taker" just dismantled both monsters!


    However, Raven uses the distraction to attack Calaway from behind with an elbow.

    A brawl ensues as Goliath seizes the opportunity to take some refuge.

    Blows are, again, traded between champion and challenger.


    Rhino appears at the entrance-way.



    Both competitors realise simultaneously and turn to face the Man Beast as he heads down the aisle-way.

    Rhino slides under the ropes and into the ring.


    Taz: Who's he after?

    Joey: Exactly. He said he is here to make a statement but against who, Raven or Calaway?


    Rhino then strides his way towards Raven.

    Realising his predicament, Raven staggers back into the corner, pleading for his life.

    Raven falls to his knees as Rhino stalks him and Calaway watches on.

    Rhino then raises his fist to Raven.

    But turns and Gores Calaway!


    Taz: What the hell?

    Joey: Why?


    Rhino exits the ring and heads to the back to a chorus of boos as Raven covers.


    Match Rating: A*


    Joey: Why Rhino? Why?! Raven screwed you out of the title, not Mark Calaway!

    Taz: Man, there is gonna be some serious sh*t to go down after this!

    Joey: ...and the worst bit is, after all this, Raven is still the World Heavyweight Champion!

    Taz: He's still holding onto it by a thread!


    Show Rating: A

  9. More than time, and more than that; it's time for someone to establish a lengthy reign other than Raven.


    People seem to have felt this a few times recently. As I've said before, I'm not gonna comment on when title's are gonna change hands. However, if you have read from the beginning, and you stop and think, it shouldn't be too difficult to work out how that will happen ;).


    ...and with a bit more thought, particularly concerning which year it is, you might even work out when :eek:.


    That's all I'll say because I don't want to ruin a potential mark-out moment. If you know (you know who you are) or have worked it out, keep schtum :p.


    The only reason why I've said this at all is because of something that I already plan to reveal.


    Quote The Raven


  10. ^Final Monday Night Revolution of the month above - best to read it first





    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiahZtYWpwY&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiahZtYWpwY&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


    Raven's Nest vs. The Iron Saints






    World Cup Semi-Final

    Japan vs. The sWo





    The Sandman vs. Nate Hatred






    World Cup Semi-Final

    England vs. Mexico





    World Television Championship Match

    AJ Styles© vs. Juventud Guerrera






    Tables Match For The World Tag Team Championship

    The Whole F**kin' Show© vs. The DudleyBoyz






    World Cup Final

    ??? vs. ???





    ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

    Raven© vs. Mark Calaway





    All predictions welcomed.

  11. Monday, week 4, July

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: We are just days from Summer Assylum and my tubby colleague and I can't wait to call tonight's action.

    Gertner: Hey...

    Hudson: We know the great matches we have to look forward to on Friday night and those due for this evening aren't too shabby either, unlike the commentary skills of certain individuals.

    Gertner: What? Hang on...

    Hudson: So, let's get to it.

    Gertner: But...


    World Cup Quarter-Final


    Sasuke and Ekmo start as the legal men.

    Sasuke's vast experience shows early on as he runs circles around the Samoan but, before long, Ekmo's sheer size starts to swing the advantage.

    It is not long before he has lifted Sasuke onto his shoulders and walked to the corner.

    The Samoan Drive-By follows.

    Afa climbs the buckle and Clotheslines Sasuke off his brother's shoulders.

    Anoai then follows up with the Flying Splash...

    No. Sasuke reaches up and pulls Ekmo and Afa into the firing line.

    All three Samoans collapse in a heap and Sasuke covers Ekmo.



    Hudson: Well, Sasuke's wits outdoes the Samoans and it's three on two.


    The second elimination comes when Anoai hits a Samoan Driver on Espiritu in the fifth minute.


    Gertner: ...and we're back to even numbers.


    However, Anoai pays for this being the next to go.

    In the eighth minute, he is distracted by Oz who has jumped onto the apron.

    He is then rolled up in a Small Package for the fall by Chessman.

    Finally, after Cuervo emerges from under the ring and strikes Afa in the back of his head with a 2x4, Sasuke hits a Corkscrew Moonsault for the fall.

    Match Rating: C-


    Gertner: So, the sWo are going to the semi-finals at Summer Assylum.

    Hudson: Yeah, but not without the trickery we've become accustomed to.


    Kurt Angle is backstage on his crutches and in his neckbrace.



    Angle: I am here tonight to apologise to Jerry Lynn. Jerry, I completely understand why you would want to challenge me at Summer Assylum after what happened last week but I am still not cleared to wrestle. Furthermore, my actions last week were, in fact, not my own but those of the awful condition with which I am afflicted.


    Angle sighs long and hard.


    Angle: It was never my intention to hurt you, Jerry, or to cost this great country its rightful chance at World Cup glory. You see, my doctors tell me that I am suffering from a severe case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after breaking my neck. What I experienced last week is apparently called S.I.R.T. or "Subconscious Independent Retribution Therapy", a rare symptom of Post Traumatic Stress which causes the sufferer to seek revenge on whatever it was that wronged him.


    He wears a solemn face and nods as if to emphasise his point.


    Angle: It is said that the uncontrollable urge that is experienced is enough to override any prior ailments or pains... even one so great as a broken neck. The fact is, Jerry, what I did last week was completely out of my own control. I apologise completely and hope you will accept this explanation.


    The camera cuts back to ringside.


    Hudson: Subconscious Independent Retribution Therapy brought on by Post Traumatic Stress? Is he serious?

    Gertner: Oh yeah. I suffered from it once.

    Hudson: Really?

    Gertner: Oh, no wait... that was gonorrhea.



    It's clear that Rhino has cut through the ECW roster like a hot knife through butter.

    However, his complete domination of the bWo still comes as somewhat of a surprise.

    Despite being outnumbered 4-1, he is nothing short of a human-wrecking ball, eventually scoring the fall over Da Blue Guy with a Rhino Driver.

    Match Rating: B


    Gertner: Wow. Just Wow!

    Hudson: It would, perhaps, be a disservice to the likes of Paul Burchill and Mark Calaway to declare Rhino as the man to beat in ECW. Even so, after a performance like that, it's difficult to see who could beat him.

    Gertner: ...apart from Nate Hatred, of course.

    Hudson: Jesus, Joel, we've had enough of that from Jim Mitchell for the past month!


    Rhino takes a microphone from ringside.


    Rhino: I've found myself having to say this one too many times for my likng. I am F**KING SICK of having to pay my dues in sh*tty undercard matches! I am the most dominant competitor here in ECW and I would be World Heavyweight Champion if I hadn't have been screwed out of it at Cyberslam! There is a slimy ass hole topping every single card who doesn't deserve it but, rest assured, during his title match at Summer Assylum, I'm gonna make a statement!


    Hudson: Wow... if Raven didn't have enough to worry about, he's now got an angry Man Beast breathing down his neck!


    World Cup Quarter-Final


    Both sides field fantastic teams of veterans.

    However, while the match is certainly a solid example of a technical 6-man tag match, to those expecting a barnstormer it is a slight disappointment.

    Indeed, a few men seem off their game.

    The first fall occurs when Chavo Guerrero submits to the Crippler Crossface.


    Hudson: Canada have the advatage, three to two.


    The numbers are soon evened up, though, after Mysterio hits a Super Huricanrana on Lance Storm.

    The third man to go is Chris Benoit, following a Texas Cloverleaf from Eddie Guerrero.


    Hudson: ...and now it's Mexico in the lead.


    The match concludes when Jericho is pinned.

    This occurs following Mysterio's 619 and a Frog Splash by Guerrero.

    Match Rating: C


    Hudson: So, we now know that, in the Semi-Finals at Summer Assylum, Japan will face the sWo and England will face Mexico.

    Gertner: Which is, of course, a replay of theri previous pool stage matches.

    Hudson: An inciteful comment, Joel? Are you feeling okay?


    Mark Calaway is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Taker: Raven, you've had a strangle hold on ECW for the best part of two years now and the time has finally come for someone to put an end to all of that.


    "The Soul Taker" cracks his knuckles.


    Taker: You've spent all this time talking about fate and destiny. Well, Raven, your fate awaits you this Friday at Summer Assylum. The Soul Taker is gonna wrap his hand around your lying little throat, lift you up to the heavens and slam you all the way to hell!


    He laughs.


    Taker: There's been all this talk about whether I can fit into a hardcore environment... y'know, if I'm really extreme enough. Well, this Friday, you'll find out first hand how f**king extreme I can be!



    The match is fairly even and a great build up to the match at Summer Assylum, proving the worth of ECW's rejuvinated tag team division.

    Eventually, outside influence from Big Dick starts to take it's toll.

    In the thirteenth minute, RVD and HBK try to neutralise this outside threat.

    However, unwisely, they leave Traci at the mercy of Bubba and D-von.

    D-Von grabs her by the hair and drags her into the corner as Daizy slides a table into the ring.


    Gertner: I think we know what's coming.

    Hudson: God, I hope not.


    Bubba sets up the table and ascends the turnbuckle.

    D-Von lifts Traci onto Bubba's shoulder's.

    RVD realises but it's no good, the sheer strength of Big Dick keeping well and truly restrained.

    Traci is Superbombed through the table!


    Match Rating: B


    Hudson: Damn it! Traci is out!

    Gertner: I've never known anyone to have a bigger impact on the ladies than me but I think Bubba and D-Von managed it there.

    Hudson: One day, Joel, you are gonna get your ass kicked. I'm sure of that.


    After the match, The Dudley Family head to the back looking grossly pleased with themselves as Michaels and Van Dam check on Traci.


    Cactus Jack and Tommy Dreamer are backstage in their locker room.



    Cactus: I know, Tommy. Believe me, I know. I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable with taking them out too.


    Tommy: It's the only way, Mick. We were screwed out of our shot at the titles and if we don't prove that we're serious we won't get another shot anytime soon.


    Foley seems reluctant.


    Tommy: Mick!


    Cactus: Okay, Tommy. It's gonnas be our time!


    Tommy: You bet your f**king ass it is!



    Juventud is accompanied to the ring by Francine but it is clear that last week's events have, in no way, left him distracted.

    He controls the match fairly impressively, finishing Daniels with a 450 Splash at 11:32

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Francine enters the ring to celebrate with Juvi.

    They hug and pull away still holding hands, a cheesy long gaze ensues.

    "Kiss her, Juvi!"

    "Kiss her, Juvi!"


    Hudson: Well, it's clear what the crowd wants to see.

    Gertner: Full frontal nudity?

    Hudson: I should have slapped you by now.

    Gertner: ...and I should have tapped Franny by now but, sadly, we don't live in a perfect world.


    Suddenly, AJ Styles crashes the ring.



    He takes out Juventud Guerrera from behind with the TV Title and then backs Francine into a corner.


    Hudson: Oh, come on...


    Styles: Hey, Franny, I wouldn't waste anymore of your time on him. He's a loser, plain and simple, and I'll prove it once again at Summer Assylum. See you on Friday, sweetcheeks.


    He mockingly blows a kiss at Franny before making his exit.

    Francine immediatley rushes to see if Guerrera is okay.





    All eight men look determined to gain some much sought after momentum ahead of Summer Assylum.

    Indeed, the match is an even contest with both sides seeing much offence.

    However, by the twelfth minute, all order breaks down as none of the men is able to keep their emotions in check.

    An uncontrollable fou-on-four brawl ensues and John Finnegan has no choice but to call a no contest.

    Match Rating: B+


    Hudson: My god. Just look at the chaos in the ring.

    Gertner: I can't wait 'til Friday night!


    Show Rating: B+

  12. so nevermore how das tew 2008 works out for you and your game so far?


    Glad you asked :p.


    I've brought all the data over into '08 and have been gradually updating it. During the process, I've been going in-game and having a little play around; it all looks pretty sweet, to be honest. Here are some of the following changes I think I'll make for the game month of August when I start playing in '08:


    1. I've set ECW to be on the verge of going international but, equally, they are on the verge of plummeting back down to cult - should make things interesting :D.
    2. I'm gonna take BS&B off CBS; it's unrealistic. I knew that when I negotiated it but stuff like that was of minimal importance in '07. Might as well make this more realistic. Maybe, I'll give a backstory for it being aired on a different channel or I'll negotiate in-game to get it back on air.
    3. Similarly, I've taken away two of ECW's PPV agreements and they remain only on UrbanXtra.
    4. The state of both the economy and the US wrestling scene are B+ and rising to reflect the gameworld from '07.
    5. Some guys' overness has been dropped a bit to indicate that I haven't used them much recently (examples being Christian, Benoit, Michael Shane).
    6. Relationship files have been updated so that, for instance, Mark Calaway and Vince McMahon have a "Hatred" relationship. This is on top of all the other changes that previously occurred (like the Michaels/Nash fallout).


    Quote The Raven


  13. *One day I will post one of these without a sod-up*


    From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    World Cup Quarter-Finals


    Samoa vs. The sWo

    Mexico vs. Canada





    Rhino vs. The bWo



    For months, Rhino has been on a mission to prove that he is worthy of the World Heavyweight Title. Indeed, since being cheated out of the championship at Cyberslam three months ago, his determination has only grown. This is his chance to see off his nemesis Al "bW" Snow while sending a message to Paul Heyman and the entirity of ECW in the process. The bWo may well live to fear the gore!




    The Whole F**kin' Show


    The Dudleyz





    These two teams have known for a while that they will meet at Summer Assylum in a Tag Title match and the tension between them has been building steadily. We know that the World Champions are one of the best teams going, even moreso with Traci acting as the proverbial cement that holds them together. But how will they fare against Bubba and D-Von and lil' niece Daizy? Particularly with Big Dick at ringside...




    Juventud Guerrera vs. Christopher Daniels



    Ahead of his World Telelvision Title Shot at Summer Assylum, Juvi Guerrera seeks to build some momentum against the Fallen Angel who was eliminated from the World Cup last week. However, one wonders if recent events involving Francine may play on the luchadore's mind. Any distractions when facing Chris Daniels could prove decisive.




    The Iron Saints & Mark Calaway


    Raven's Nest





    Paul E has taken it upon himself to stunt the Nest's advantage heading into Summer Assylum. The opportunity has been presented to The Iron Saints and "The Soul Taker" to make their intentions known ahead of the pay-per-view; will they sieze it?


    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm



    If anyone wishes to leave predictions, please do so below. An OOC post will be made shortly about updating this diary for TEW 08 ;). It will be transferred for the new game after Summer Assylum.


    Quote The Raven


  14. Saturday, week 3, July

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




    Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Joey, my man, tonight should be sweet. We get to see Big Dick Junior's in-ring debut as well as the Tag Champs in action... and if that ain't good enough, we've also got the first two World Cup Quarter-Finals, with our very own United States up against England!

    Joey: Absolutely, Taz, but over and above even that is tonight's main event. Ordered by World Champion and Commissioner, Raven, it could be a great chance for "The Soul Taker" and his young partner to gain some momentum heading into Summer Assylum

    Taz: Yeah but, equally, The Iron Saints causing an upset would be one hell of a coup for them!

    Joey: Very true. However we start tonight's action with the Quarter-Final between Japan and Ireland and let's not forget that, from this point on, all tournament matches are contested under elmination rules.


    World Cup Quarter-Final


    This match follows a fairly predictable course as the three Japanese legends simply outclass their opposition.

    SOS is the first to be pinned following a Falcon Arrow from Hayabusa.

    After a few more minutes of similar action, Finlay is eliminated after Ultimo Dragon Delivers a Dragon Bomb.

    Finally, Jushin Lyger puts away Red Vinny, and the tournament hopes of the Irish, with a Suspended Brainbuster Suplex.

    Match Rating: C-


    Joey: So, with no offence intended to the Irish, it is the Japanese that rather unsurprisingly advance advance to the first Semi-Final berth for Summer Assylum.

    Taz: The Irish put up a goof fight, Joe, but I think the Japanese were a pretty sure bet to make it this far all along.


    Francine is walking backstage and crosses paths with Shane Douglas.



    Douglas: Hey.


    Francine: Hey, Shane.


    There is a slight awkward silence.


    Douglas: Long time no speak.


    Francine: Yeah.


    The silence continues.


    Francine: So, uh, how's it going with Burchill?


    Douglas: Yeah, not bad. He's got his sights set on this World Cup but... y'know.


    Francine: Yeah.


    The awkwardness starts to become unbearable.


    Douglas: Oh, look... come here, you.


    Francine laughs as they hug like old friends.


    Francine: Look, sorry, I just didn't know where we stood.


    Douglas: What? Since you decked me and cost me the TV Title? Water under the bridge; it drove me onto bigger and better things.


    They both laugh.


    Francine: So, how's this whole retirment thing treating you?


    Douglas: Y'know, not too bad. I've really enjoyed taking Paul under my wing; he's one hell of a talent. It's given me a whole new perspective and a whole new lease on life.


    Francine: Cool. Wish I could say the same.


    Douglas: Why, what's up?


    Francine: Aah, nothing you want to hear bout.


    Douglas: Try me.


    Francine rolls her eyes.


    Francine: Well, you may have noticed I've been kind of managing Juvi.


    Douglas: Yeah.


    Francine: Well, I kinda like him.


    Douglas smiles.


    Douglas: Well, good for you.


    Francine sighs.


    Douglas: That is good news, isn't it?


    Francine: I dunno... it's not like I have the best track record. I mean, there was you, Raven, Dreamer and all of that ended up in tears.


    Douglas laughs.


    Francine: Well, if you're gonna laugh...


    Douglas: No, no. Listen, you want my opinon?


    Francine: Probably not.


    Douglas: I reckon you've finally grown up.


    Francine: Excuse me?


    Douglas: Well, it seems like, for the first time in your life, you've stopped caring about who wears what title and you've actually started caring about someone.


    Francine: Oh great. So, I'm a love-struck schmuck, you mean?


    Douglas: Not at all. I think the very fact that you're so concerned about how good you'd be for Juvi shows that you're putting him first. And to me, that proves that not only do you deserve him but he deserves you too.


    Francine: Thanks, Shane. I just wish I shared your confidence 'cos I don't see how it could end up anything but a train wreck. Anyway, listen, I've gotta go to do this interview thing.


    Francine makes to leave but Douglas grabs her by the hand.


    Douglas: Hey, Franny, good luck with it. I... I hope he's better for you than I ever was.


    Francine smiles as she walks away.



    This match also follows a fairly predictable course.

    Balls and Axl put up a decent fight, proving their return to ECW to be a useful addition to the tag ranks.

    However, the World Champions were never going to lose this.

    They pick up the fall after hitting a 4:20 Splash onto Al Rotten at 9:16

    Match Rating: C+


    The Sandman sits backstage with his trusty cane and a can of beer.



    Sandman: Nate Hatred, I was kicking asses when you were still in diapers. You think you're extreme? Well, think again 'cos at Summer Assylum The Hardcore Icon is going to show you what extreme really means.


    He takes a swig of beer.


    Sandman: Oh, and Jim Mitchell, I'm getting pretty damn sick of your interference. So, if you or your cane gets involved in my match, then you'll have to deal with me and my cane. You get me?


    He takes another swig and spits the lager at the camera as coverage cuts back to ringside.


    Taz: Joey, my man, I can't wait for this next match! England against the USA... it's gonna be off the hook.

    Joey: Well, it looks like you won't have to wait much longer, Taz. Here comes Kurt Angle to lead out Team USA.


    World Cup Quarter-Final


    Indeed, Angle hobbles his way to down to ringside on his crutches, despite his broken neck, to cheer on his home nation.

    The match starts as speed versus power as Jerry Lynn enters the ring to face The Bulldog.

    It is Smith who gains the upper-hand at first and starts to wear down the American vet.

    However, before long, Lynn's ring-savvy ways have seen him steal the momentum and, gradually, his speed begins to make The Bulldog look quite inferior.

    In the sixth minute, Lynn rebounds off the ropes, ducks under a clothesline, rebounds again and takes out Smith with a Spinning Headscissors.



    Smith gets to his feet, but his legs are cut from underneath him by an Arm Sweep from Lynn.

    The Dynamic One applies a Single Leg Crab.

    Within a few seconds The Bulldog taps and the USA are ahead.


    Taz: The Bulldog is gone.

    Joey: ...and it's three on two.


    Lynn tags in Daniels as Steven Regal enters and Kurt Angle applauds his troops.

    Immediately, Regal takes down Daniels with a Hip Toss and applies an armbar to delibrately slow the pace.

    However, Daniels uses his weight to roll Regal onto his shoulders.


    Both men rise and a stellar technical display follows.

    In the eleventh minute, Regal looks for a Northern Lights Suplex but Daniels lands a clubbing blow to his back.

    Angels Wings!



    Taz: Oh, man, and now England are down to one. I can taste the Semi-Final, baby.

    Joey: Yes, but that one is Paul Burchill, let's not forget.


    "The New Franchise" steps in to meet the entering Jay Briscoe.

    Briscoe charges at the Englishman but is caught with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker.

    From here, Burchill makes short work of Briscoe.






    Taz: Oh, this may be tougher than first tought.


    Daniels re-enters and is more cautious than his partner.

    Burchill, however, makes the surprise charge, taking down Daniels with a stiff Clothesline that sneds him tumbling backwards.

    Burchill lifts up the Fallen Angel.

    Sit-Out Powerbomb.

    He then locks in what locks like a Sharpshooter.

    Daniels writhes in agony but is able to reach the bottom rope.

    However, when he stands up, he walks straight into a C-4.



    Joey: So, it's down to one-on-one.

    Taz: Yeah, much closer than the last Quarter-Final, that's for sure!


    Lynn enters as Kurt Angle looks distraught at ringside.

    Again, Burchill attempts the charging clothesline but Lynn ducks underneath.

    The veteran rebounds off the ropes and takes out Burchill with a Spinning Wheel Kick.

    He makes the cover.


    Burchill powers out!

    On returning to his feet, Burchill extends a hand and Lynn accepts as the crowd applauds.

    The two men back off to opposite corners and pace around the perimiter of the ring.

    A collar-and-elbow and tie-up is issued.

    Burchill executes a lightning Snap DDT.


    Taz: Well, I guess Burchill learnt some moves from Raven, despite hating his guts now.

    Joey: Absolutely. Paul Burchill is the very definition of a student of the game.




    Burchill, again, locks up for a grapple.

    However, Lynn lands a forearm to the face that sends Burchill staggering back to the ropes.

    JL follows up with a Dropkick to his opponent's back that leaves Burchill layed across the second rope.

    Lynn raises his finger and makes a circling motion.


    Joey: It looks like Jerry Lynn is going to take a cue from Rey Mysterio Jr.


    As Lynn goes to rebound off the ropes, Kurt Angle leaps to the apron and lands a haymaker on his chin.

    Lynn staggers back into the centre of the ring.


    Taz: What the hell?! I thought he had a broken neck!

    Joey: He just decked Jerry Lynn. Why?


    As the crowd jeers, Angle hobbles back down to ringside and picks his crutches back up.

    Meanwhile, Burchill, oblivious to what has occurred, grabs Lynn and delivers the C-4.

    Standing Shooting Star Press.


    Match Rating: B


    Taz: Well, fairplay, Paul Burchill put in one hell of a gig but I want to know what the hell happened with Angle.

    Joey: Either his broken neck healed pretty damn quickly or this whole "shoot" was actually a work engineered solely by Angle!

    Taz: Yeah... and he just sold out his country!


    The "Olympic Hero" slowly makes his way to the back on his crutches as though nothing ever happened.


    Francine makes her way to the ring.



    Francine: I'm out here to interview one of ECW's fastest rising talents, the self proclaimed "Saviour of ECW", Chris Hero.


    Hero makes his way out.



    Francine: Chris, you call yourself the sa...


    Hero snatches the microphone.


    Hero: Hush up, sweet cheeks. These people paid to here me talk; not you.


    The fans boo.


    Hero: Listen, you may hate it now but consider me like medicine. It's the best thing for you whether it's easy to swallow or not. You see, I am the Saviourt of ECW and I plan to rescue this stale and, frankly, lacklustre product... one quality wrestling match at a time.


    Again, the fans boo.


    Hero: Listen, you should be thanking me. Supreme talent such as mine could be working over in the big leagues. That's right, I turned down Mr McMahon and a fat money settlement to work here. Why? Because I honestly feel sorry for you poor, hapless bastards who find yourself having to waste your hard-earned dollars on this sh*t just so you can call yourselves "hardcore". It's pathetic...


    Hero is interrupted as Juventud Guerrera appears at the entrance-way.



    Juvi: Hey, Hero, I, like many of the other guys, have been sitting in the back listening to you spout your sh*t for weeks and weeks. Well, fact is, hotshot, that when you played with fire you got burned... just ask Mark Calaway.


    The crowd pops as Hero looks pissed.


    Juvi: So, I got two things to say. First, this whole "Saviour of ECW" thing is a crock of sh*t!


    The cheers continue.


    Juvi: Second, don't you ever speak to Francine like that again.


    Guerrera sprints down to the ring and an impromptu match begins.



    Guerrera proves that the young Hero may be good but he's not as good as he thinks.

    Despite it being a competitive match, there is little doubt as to who is in control.

    Guerrera picks up the fall after a Juvi Driver at 11:43

    Match Rating: B+ (Oh, hell yes. The midcard is getting hot!)


    After the match, Juvi and Francine celebrate for the fans.

    Amidst the good vibes, Guerrera hugs Francine and unwittingly kisses her.


    Taz: Woah... go Juvi!


    Juvi pulls away, leaving Francine somewhat shocked.

    The luchadore apologise profusely and, clearly, embarresed makes his way from the ring.


    Jerry Lynn, marches towards a camera backstage, clearly irate.



    Lynn: What the f**k was that, Kurt? You're supposed to have a broken neck, an injury I was trying to support you through. You better have a pretty damn good explanation or, otherwise, I want your sorry, lying ass in a match at Summer Assylum!



    Big Dick Jr is, of course, accompanied by his little sister, Daizy.

    Corino makes a good early showing, landing many puro-esque strikes.

    However, after Daizy sneaks in and lands a lowblow, the complexion of the match completely changes.

    Big Dick shows the testicular fortitude that is fitting for his name and dominates.

    He finishes Corino off with the "Total Penetration" Choke Bomb at 8:22

    Match Rating: B


    After the match, Traci runs out and attacks Daizy Dudley.



    What follows is the customary rolling around the ringside floor.




    Dick Jr exits the ring to separate the irate ladies.


    However, The Whole F**kin' Show sprint out to offer their support and, sure enough, are followed by The Dudley Boyz.




    All hell breaks loose as a three-on-five melee begins.



    Both teams put in admirable performances, clearly not in the mood for losing their jobs.

    However, after a solid match that seems promising for the future of ECW, Mark Calaway puts away Brandon Thomaselli with a Chokeslam.

    Match Rating: B+


    After the match, Raven's Nest, unsurprisingly, storm the ring.



    A four-on-four brawl ensues.


    Joey: This is ridiculous. Calaway and the Thomaselli's just had to endure a match while Raven's Nest is fresh.

    Taz: Well, Raven knows what he's doing, Joe. You have to give him that.


    The chaos is interrupted by Paul E.



    Heyman: This sh*t has gone far enough and I figure it's about time I sort it out! Next week, on Revolution, Raven's Nest will face Mark Calaway and all three Iron Saints in an Eight-Man-Tag Match.


    The crowd pops.


    Heyman: Moreover, at Summer Assylum, In Six-Man Tag action it will be The Iron Saints against CM Punk and Monsters Inc.


    Taz: Hell yeah!

    Joey: So, thanks to Paul E, it looks like The Iron Saints will get a chance at some retribution.


    The show goes off air as Raven shouts profanities up the aisle-way at Paul E before the brawl re-ignites.


    Show Rating: B+

  15. Ring a ding ding, a bells gone off in my head. sWo- we're taking over? How better to do that than winning the World Cup? Good spot Fordy.


    I may as well announce their slogan will likely change in the coming weeks to "We're Overtaking!"


    You'll hopefully see the significance before long.



    sWo vs Canada

    Common sense tells me that having the non-Country winning the whole thing would seem a bit cheap. So for me it's Canada after Sasuki turns on sWo then unmasks to reveal he was Stu Hart all along.


    I think this proves what I've known all along:


    1. You are stark, raving nuts... even moreso than I am,
    2. I should SO hire you for the booking team :D.


    Quote The Raven


  16. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    World Cup Quarter-Finals


    Japan vs. Ireland

    USA vs. England






    The Whole F**kin' Show vs. Balls & Axl



    Ahead of their Tag Team Title Table Match against the Dudley Boyz at Summer Assylum, The Whole F**kin' Show will face Balls & Axl. This is likely to just be a warm up match but only a fool would discount the tenacity of "The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks".




    Big Dick Jr vs. Steve Corino



    Dick Dudley Jr makes his in ring debut against "The King Of Old School". Can he be as dominant in the ring as he has been in backing up his family in recent weeks? This match may well indicate how important his presence will be for his uncles at Summer Assylum.




    Vito Thomaselli & Mark Calaway


    The Iron Saints



    Raven has, again, ordered the main event and, of course, the employment stipulation from Revolution holds true. To borrow the words of Scott Hudson, it will be a miracle if the World Heavyweight Champion's enemies are even alive come Summer Assylum.



    ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!


  17. From ECW.com


    World Cup Pool Stage Results

    <table border="1">

    <tr><th colspan="6">

    Pool A






    During the last two rounds the sWo successfully masterminded the downfall of the Italians. A single bonus point takes them through to the Quarter-Finals to face Samoa. The dominant Americans finish on top.

    <table border="1">

    <tr><th colspan="6">

    Pool B






    Despite the heroics of Sabu, India were unable to qualify, England besting them by just one point. Mexico's undefeated streak sees them top the group comfortably.

    <table border="1">

    <tr><th colspan="6">

    Pool C






    Scotland sadly never made it out of the starting blocks with both Canada and Japan matching each other point-for-point. Unfortunately for the Canadians, a random draw places Japan as champions of Pool C.

    <table border="1">

    <tr><th colspan="6">

    Pool D





    <tr><td>Puerto Rico</td><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>8</td></tr></table>

    The Samoans top what was by the far the closest group thanks to their bonus point accumulated against Puerto Rico. It was this same match that meant the Puerto Ricans finished with one less fall than the Irish and, despite finishing on equal points, they are officially eliminated.


    As a result, the Quarter-Finals, to be contested on the next two ECW TV shows, take the following form:






    Scheuled for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    Japan vs. Ireland

    The USA vs. England




    Scheuled for Revolution:


    Samoa vs. The sWo

    Mexico vs. Canada




    Predictions welcomed... for those brave enough to hazard a guess at the next round of results and, perhaps, the eventual winners.

  18. Siblings making out, the rub, and now come, followed by a big smiley face.

    You're really Joel Gertner in disguise, aren't you?


    Ha-hey, everyone got the joke. I wondered if people would immediatley jump to the same conclusion :D.


    Hang on, I've had people ask me the same question about Raven. I can't be both surely :confused:. Or can I...


    Nevermore is talented, so I'm going to say "no."




    *cat hiss*


    ...but thank you :p.


    *sighs* I love a good innuendo competition. In your end-o.


    Shocking, Keefy. Genuinely, genuinely shocking.




    Quote The Raven


  19. Please don't ever use the term "the rub" directly after you've discussed siblings making out!


    Haha, I had a feeling that would come :D.


    Seriously, it does make sense to use Calaway's popularity to lift other members in the roster. You've got such a packed midcard that you shouldn't have too much of a difficulty getting them over. And with guys like Michaels, the Harts, Benoit, Guerrero etc in the midcard, yuo couldn't ask for better to get people over.


    Yes, but one of them has just entered negotiations with the 'F :rolleyes:. Watch this space, I guess.


    Quote The Raven


  20. Great show again Nev.... I can't seem to keep myself from popping at things that happen on your shows... I feel like a 13 year old mark again at times


    That's about the biggest compliment I can be paid. I really miss the days when I used to believe in wrestling (and its characters) enough to actually forget about life for an hour or so and jest get caught. If I can even come close to creating that for people, that'd be sweet.


    Thank you ;).


    Probably the best line ever on GDS. Marvellous stuff.


    What can I say? I love writing for Gertner :D.


    Not sure if I'm digging the incest angle, but the rest set up the Dudleyz quite well.


    Come come... it's his half sister; it's all-legal in Dudleyville :p. I'm not gonna play it up too much I just want them to come off as proper, seedy trailer-trash.


    Try reading "'Tis Pity She's A Whore" for English A-Level; you'll soon be desensitised.


    Apart from that, a great show. Surprised you had Vito (pretty much) go over 'Taker, and still loving control freak Raven, of course.


    Meh... things need to be considered from a long-term perspective. Taker's money now but he'll be retiring in the rather imminent future. So, while I want to keep him strong, I don't want to resort to jobbing him out relentlessly in his final month. He can already give "the rub" here and there.


    Thanks, boys.


    Quote The Raven


  21. Monday, week 3, July

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: It's the last stage of pool matches tonight, ladies and gentlemen, and, as such, we will discover who is heading to the quarter-finals and who is going home.

    Gertner: Plus, we get to see the two matches booked by the evil genius that is Raven as The Iron's Saints face one another and Mark Calaway and Vito go head to head in a First Blood Match!

    Hudson: Indeed, you have to hand it to Raven. He may be a snake but that was certainly a masterstroke, ensuring that all threats to his reign will not be at full strength come Summer Assylum.




    Once again, the Scottish youngsters put up a brave fight buit they were always doomed in this group.

    The first fall comes when Hayabusa hits his Falcon Arrow on Eric Canyon.

    The second when Jushin Lyger connects with a Shooting Star Press to Drew Galloway.

    Match Rating: D+


    Gertner: So, this means that Japan and Canada finish level on points.

    Hudson: Which, in turn, means that a draw will be made to decide those two teams' seeding in the quarter-finals.


    Paul Burchill approaches Vito Thomaselli backstage.



    Burchill: Vito, man, I wanted to apologise for not helping you out last week. I'd already left the arena. I would have been there in an instant if...


    Vito: Fine; whatever.


    "The New Franchise" is taken aback by the respone.


    Burchill: I also wanted to ask... err... how is your sister holding up. As you know we became pretty close a few months...


    Vito: She's still in rehab but don't worry; I'm gonna kill Raven and Punk for what they did to her!


    Burchill: Well, is there any chance...


    Vito: Listen, I'd love to stay and chat but I actually have a match tonight; one of the biggest of my career. So, if you wouldn't mind... there's the door.


    Burchill makes his exit, clearly somewhat offended.




    Sabu is not used to failing and he seems determined for his country to claim their quarter-final spot.

    He is passed a chair by Headhunter A straight from the opening bell and he unleashes hell.

    The Mexican rookie, Ricky Marvin, is somewhat hesitant against the hardcore legend and he pays for it, slowly being picked apart with the steel.

    After several stiff shots and the "Air Sabu", Marvin falls prey to the Triple Jump Moonsault.




    Fall 1



    Chavo Guerrero Jr enters but Sabu continues his onslaught.

    The Human Highlight Reel hits blow after blow and throws Chavo out to ringside.

    Before the Mexican can gather his wits he is caught by a Sommersault Plancha.


    "Holy Sh*t!"


    Sabu rolls Chavo back in and climbs up the turnbuckle with the chair.

    He sommersaults off.

    Atomic Arabian Facebuster!

    ...No; Chavo moves and Sabu's knees feel the force of the steel and canvas.

    Chavo makes a quick roll-up.


    He puts his feet on the middle rope.




    Fall 2



    Sabu makes his way to the ring, visibly irate, as Headhunter A enters for India.

    Eddie Guerrero also enters the match.

    Sadly, India's chances slowly dwindle as the veteran Guerrero picks apart the Headhunter, who tries to tag out but is denied.

    He evtually falls prey to the Frog Splash and the pin.



    Fall 3



    Match Rating: C


    Hudson: You have to feel for Sabu. With not exactly the strongest squad, he came so close to taking India to the quarter-finals.

    Gertner: But close ain't good enough, Hudson. India are out and it's England who will face the USA in the quarter-finals.


    After the match, Sabu goes nuts.

    Just as he did back in the day, he pulls a table from ringdside and Moonsaults through it and continues throw all manner of weapons around ringside in disgust.

    When the Headhunters go to console their captain, they are both knocked out by chair shots.

    Eventually, Sabu is restrained by security and dragged, kicking and writhing in fury, to the back.


    Juventud Guerrera and Francine are backstage.



    Juvi: ...and every time he finds a way to weasel his way out.


    Francine: I know, hon, but you've got him again at Summer Assylum and you can prove that he's just got lucky.


    Juvi: But what if he finds a shortcut again?


    Francine: What?


    Juvi: Listen, I don't think you fully understand. I've been in ECW for close to thirteen years on and off and, in that time, I have never held a title here. Not once.


    Francine: So what?


    Juvi: So... this is my chnace to prove myself; to prove that I'm worth something to everyone in this company who doesn't believe in me.


    Francine takes Juvi by the hand.


    Francine: Hey... I believe in you!


    A smile creeps onto Guerrera's face as Francine pulls her hand away.


    Francine: I've got to... err... I've got to go.


    Italy--------------------------------------------------------------Team USA


    This match also follows a fairly unsurprising course.

    The first fall comes when Chris Daniels hits the last Rites on Tony Mamaluke.



    Fall 1



    However, in the seventh minute, the Italians start to mount a comeback as Little Guido's experience pays dividends against Mark Briscoe.

    He sets the American up for the Sicilian drop.


    Cuervo runs in with a can of spraypaint.



    The disciple of Sasuke sprays the red paint into the face of Guido who is blinded.

    Slightly bemused, Mark Briscoe does not pass up the opportunity to hit the Cut-Throat Driver.




    Fall 2



    Match Rating: C


    Gertner: ...and the Italians are outta here.

    Hudson: Again, thanks to the tactics of the sWo.

    Gertner: Either way, adios!

    Hudson: Joel, that's Spanish.

    Gertner: Whatever, amigo.

    Hudson: Oh god... I miss CZW.


    Nate Hatred and The Sinister Minister come to the ring.



    Minister: Let all of you bare witness to the most extreme athlete in the history of ECW!


    The fans jeer as a "You're not hardcore!" chant begins.


    Minister: You can choose to deny the truth if you so wish but, at least, allow me to present you with the facts. This is the man who is undefeated since debuting in ECW. This is the man who holds a victory over the seemingly unstoppable Man Beast, Rhino. This is the man who has scored two seperate pinfalls over the supposed "Hardcore Icon", The Sandman!


    Hudson: Yeah, all because of outside interference.


    Minister: How many other rookies can boast such credentials? Not a single one. So, come Summer Assylum, The Sandman will discover just how depraved Nate Hatred is. The inmates will not run the Assylum; Nate Hatred will and, once again, he will prove what is undeniable: that he is the most ex...


    The Sandman sprints to the ring with a Singapore cane.



    Mitchell and Hatred make themselves scarce.


    Hudson: ...and note how "the most extreme athlete in ECW history" doesn't even stay and fight.

    Gertner: Come on, Hudson, The Sandman is armed. That wouldn't be a fair fight, would it?

    Hudson: Hatred's supposed to be extreme isn't he?




    Surprisingly, the Samoans seem to come out more determined.

    Ekmo dominates Dave Finlay and before long has hit a Corner Avalanche followed by a Samoan Drop.




    Fall 1



    Hudson: And it looks like the Irish may well be out of it!


    Indeed, as Sheamus O'Shaunnessy enters he too is picked apart.

    Before long, Ekmo lifts him up on his shoulders and tags in his partner.


    Gertner: A Samoan Drive-By is sure to follow.


    But O'Shaunnessy jumps off Ekmo's shoulders and pushes him into Anoai's flying clothesline.

    The two Samoans collapse in a heap.

    As Ekmo rises, SOS hits a Roundhouse kick.




    Fall 2



    Hudson: And Irish hopes still hang by a thread.


    Red Vinny tags in as Afa enters and the Irishman takes the fight to his much larger opponent.

    However, soon he is overpowered.

    After a few clubbing blows, Afa sets him up for a Powebomb.

    But Vinny reverses it into a Hurricanrana.

    Afa staggers back to his feet in the Irish corner.

    SOS reaches over the rope and plants a haymaker on the jaw of the Samoan who turns straight into an Enziguiri from Red Vinny.




    Fall 3



    Match Rating: D+


    Hudson: Ireland are through! They made it!

    Gertner: Yeah, but only on falls accumulated.

    Hudson: Oh, shut up Joel. For once in your life, excercise some judgement and keep your mouth shut!

    Gertner: I... I could kick your ass, Hudson. Know that.

    Hudson: Good for you, fatboy. Shame you can't call a match to save your life, though, isn't it?


    Mark Calaway approaches Vito Thomaselli backstage.



    Taker: Hey, kid, so you know, I'm not gonna go easy on you tonight but, regardless of the outcome, you have my respect!


    Vito: ...and you have mine!


    The two men touch fists before "The Soul Taker" exits.



    Both men start out hesitant, unwilling to make the first move.

    However, after some pacing around Brandon mouths "Sorry bro" and darts forward, connecting with a Clothesline.

    From here on, there is little holding back as both brothers clearly seize the opportunity to prove their credentials.

    After a surprisingly technical and impressive match, involving much mat-work and chain sequences, Brandon finishes his brother with a T-Bone Suplex.

    Match Rating: B


    After the pinfall, Brandon helps his brother up and offers his hand,

    Salvatore refuses the handshake, instead hugging his brother and raising his hand in congratulations.

    The crowd applauds the efforts of the two youngsters.


    Backstage, Daizy Dudley is reaching into a drinks' refrigerator as Traci approaches.



    Traci reaches over Daizy's shoulder and grabs adrink from the top shelf.


    Daizy: Do you mind?


    Traci: Oh, sorry, excuse me.


    Daizy: sarcastically No, please, dahlin', after you.


    Traci: Look I didn't mean any disrespect I was just...


    Daizy: Are you sayin' you're better than me?


    Traci: What?! No!


    Daizy: You are, aintcha? Just because I was raised in a trailer you think you have the right to talk down to me.


    Traci: I just wanted a drink. I'm sorry if I...


    Daizy: You will be.


    Daizy launches herself at Traci and both women end up rolling around on the floor in a classic "catfight" tussle.

    After a few moments, Traci gets the upper-hand, hits a huge slap on Daizy and gets back to her feet.


    Traci: Jeez... damn hicks!


    Suddenly, a huge dark shadow looms over Traci.


    She turns to see Big Dick Dudley Jr.



    Dick Jr: Err... excuse me, miss. Are you being mean to my little sister?


    Traci: What? No... she jumped me. I only...


    Daizy scrambles to her feet.


    Daizy: Dick, baby... kill her?


    Dick Jr: Err.. you sure, sis? Err... she's just a... err... just a lil'... err... lady.


    Daizy: She's no lady; she's a slut!


    Traci, rightly offended, raises her hand to Daizy.

    However, Big Dick Jr catches her hand, turns her around and lifts her up by the throat.

    In a sickening display, he hits a Choke Driver on Traci on the concrete floor.


    Daizy: Well done, baby.


    The camera cuts back to ringside as Daizy sticks her tongue down her half-brother's throat.


    Hudson: I don't know which is more disgusting, Big Dick attacking a defenseless woman or that unnatural display afterwards.

    Gertner: You're just jealous 'cos he's better with the ladies than you are!

    Hudson: For crying out loud, Joel, it's his sister!

    Gertner: ...but you would, wouldn't you?


    First Blood Match


    The match starts with a handshake.

    Then both men launch into a collar-and-elbow tie-up.

    Taker pushes Vito and the young Italian rolls across the ring to the corner.

    Vito gets back to his feet as Calaway smiles and shrugs.

    Again, a tie-up ensues.

    Again Vito is tossed away like a rag doll.

    Taker shakes his head, indicating Vito cannot win a power game.

    Again, a tie-up is initiated.

    No... Vito slips through the Deadman's legs, jumps up onto his back and locks in a sleeper hold.

    Taker flails around, clearly in great discomfort.

    He backs into a turnbuckle to crush Vito but the youngster does not release his grip.

    Calaway then falls flat backwards, trapping Vito between his ample frame and the canvas.

    However, still the Italian holds on until the Deadman starts to fade.


    Hudson: Wow, Vito's looking good, here.


    The hold is finally released when Calaway seems glazed over.

    Vito ducks out to ringside and grabs a chair.

    As Calaway staggers to his feet, he is caught with a a chair shot that can be heard across the Atlantic.


    Gertner: The Deadman is down!


    Vito climbs ontop of the giant form and lands blow after blow to Calaway's forward in an attempt to open him up.

    However, Taker grabs vito by the throat with both hands.

    He then sits up and makes his way back to standing, with Vito's neck still in his grasp.

    He lifts the youngster up... Choke Bomb!

    Now, Calaway grabs the chair.

    Vito stands and is levelled with an equally sick chair shot.


    Gertner: Jesus!


    The match continues as a brutal contest for the next several minutes.

    In the tenth minute, Vito thumbs Taker in the eye and, in a geat show of strength, lifts him onto his shoulders for the Vito Driver!

    He then makes his way to the corner and removes the top turnbuckle pad.

    He makes his way back to the grounded Calaway and lifts him to standing.

    He whips the Deadman to the exposed corner.

    But, no, it's reversed.

    Taker charges after Vito, who catches the top rope, lifts his back legs and elevates over Taker who runs, chest-first into the buckle.

    As the Deadman catches his breath, clearly winded, Vito picks up the chair and cracks Calaway in the back of his skull.

    The Deadman's face shoots forward and his forehead stikes the buckle.

    As he turns and grabs Vito by the throat, blood drips from his face.


    Hudson: My god... Vito's done it! Vito's won.


    Raven appears at the entrance-way before the bell can be rung.



    Raven: You know, I've changed my mind. I say this is now an ordinary pinfall or submission contest.


    Huson: Oh, come on!


    Taker looks down at Vito and mouths "Well done, kid!"

    He then lifts up the youngster by his throat.


    A bloodied and bruised Soul Taker then looks up the aisle-way at the World Heavyweight Champion and shakes his head in disgust.

    Calaway covers Vito, clearly disheartened.


    Match Rating: A


    As the bell rings, Raven makes his way to the back and Mark Calaway lifts Vito off the canvas.

    As the fans applaud his sportsmanship, he picks up the young Italian in a Fireman's Carry and carries him to the back.


    However, before he can make it that far, he is jumped by the rest of Raven's Nest.



    Raven re-appears at the entrance-way.


    Raven: Great match, boys, and, to reward you for your efforts, you two get to face the Iron Saints in a tag match on Blood, Sweat and Beers!


    Gertner: He's done it again.

    Hudson: I'm getting sick of this. If any of Raven's enemies are even alive by the pay-per-view it will be a miracle!


    Show Rating: B+

  22. Great stuff, though. Always admired this diary but never really kept up with it because it just seemed too big. The modified first post has convinced me to really start reading it.


    Cool, I'm glad. I hope you enjoy what you read.


    It's "unsuccessful," not "insuccessful." In Shane Douglas' bio you accidentally spell deathmatch as "deatmatch."


    ...and that's what you get for posting at such a ridiculously early time :rolleyes:. Cheers, bud.


    Wow 50K! Congrats buddy that's no easy feat.


    Haha, ta. Much appreciated.




    Amazing looking at some of the names you've had at the top who are now pretty much in the midcard, like Goliath, HBK, Jericho. Look forward to seeing more updates on it.


    Somehow missed this first time. Yeah, it's a fairly storied history. I wanted to do a prequel diary and recap everything I'd done previously in shorter, note form but, firstly, it'd take ages and, second, I don't think I still have all my notes.


    Note the world title picture from November 2002 to May 2003. I was set to suspend Raven so he had to drop the belt but Sandman, Austin, Michaels and Jericho were all injured; Taz had just retired and Goliath just signed for WWF (he came back, obviously). That was a dicey few months... I was desperately trying to get Angle and Benoit over in record time :D.


    Quote The Raven


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