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Posts posted by Nevermore

  1. Monday, week 2, August

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: The card tonight is stacked with great matches and is capped off by one of the best TV Title matches we are likely to see this year!

    Gertner: I don't get it, Scotty Boy. You're always going on about how good the card is but, if that were true, why take up so much damn time with your little intros.

    Hudson: ...coming from the guy with stacks of announcing.

    Gertner: Listen here, rookie, I've been calling ECW Revolution for longer than you.

    Hudson: ...and I bet you wonder why Blood, Sweat and Beers is considered the premier show.



    The match follows a similar structure to Vito's last outing.

    After initially struggling to combat Abyss' size, he eventually gains the upper hand by flooring the monster with a well-time Drop Toe Hold.

    He wins with a Shining Wizard at 10:43

    Match Rating: B-


    As the young Italian-American celebrates, Raven and Goliath storm the ring.



    Vito is quickly beaten down and, as Abyss rises, a 3-on-1 assault ensues.


    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="



    Hudson: It's The New Franchise!

    Gertner: Burchill and Shane Douglas are here in Illinois!


    As Burchill enters the ring, Abyss charges but is tossed clean over the top rope.

    Goliath attempts the Big Boot but Burchill ducks underneath...

    ...and lands a Haymaker that sends the giant to the outside!


    Hudson: It's been a while since Raven has stared Burchill in the face and it looks like he's gonna get what's coming to him.


    Raven points at Burchill screaming all manner of profanities.

    Burchill motions for the champion to bring it as the crowd goes nuts.

    But Raven slinks out of the ring and disappears into the crowd.


    Hudson: What a damn coward!

    Gertner: That's not cowardly, Scotty Boy. It's just Raven's high IQ on display.

    Hudson: Would you stop calling me that already?


    The Whole F**kin' Show are backstage in their locker room.



    RVD: I mean, the nerve of the guy...


    Michaels: I do genuinely think he was talking about his mannequin, y'know?


    Traci: Either way...


    RVD: Yeah, man, offering my girl head, man. I mean...


    Francine enters sheepishly.



    Francine: Err... I need a word with you, hun.


    Michaels: No problem, babe. Shoot...


    Traci: Not you, braintrust!


    RVD laughs.


    Michaels: Okay, okay... take it easy.


    Traci: Come in, Franny, what's up?


    Francine sits down next to Traci.


    Francine: It happened again.


    Traci: What happened?


    Francine: Y'know...


    RVD: You're pregnant?!


    Traci glares at RVD.


    RVD: What?


    Francine: I had another... moment... with Juvi.


    RVD: Oh yeah, how are things going there?


    Michaels: Franny and Juvi...


    RVD: ...sittin' in a tree...


    Michaels: F - U - C...


    Traci glares at Michaels.

    Michaels clears his throat.


    Michaels: Sorry.


    Traci: So, what happened?


    Francine: Well, y'know how... I kinda... like him.


    RVD: I knew it, man!


    Michaels: Hot couple.


    RVD: No doubt... The Queen of extreme.


    Michaels: Yeah, and the mask...


    RVD: ...kinky.


    Traci glares at RVD again.


    RVD: Sorry, should we... er...


    Traci: Yeah unless you want to lose some teeth.


    RVD signals to Michaels for them to leave.


    Michaels: Dude, you are so whipped!


    RVD: ...coming from Mister Nitro Girl.


    The tag champs leave, bantering.


    Traci: Sorry about that. So, what happened?


    Francine: Trace, I can't stop thinking about him.


    Traci: ...and you've told him how you feel?


    Francine: I don't even know how I feel. I've told you, I can't exactly trust myself around guys. I told him that I trusted him, though.


    Traci: Awesome!


    Francine: Not at all; it was really awkward!


    Traci: How come?


    Francine: I just don't want to hurt him, Trace.


    Traci: You're still on about this? Franny, you ain't gonna hurt him if you love him.


    Francine seems embarrased.


    Traci: What?


    Fancine: Nothing.



    The match is a pretty even contest.

    After a surprising lack of interference, Oz scores the pin on Da Blue Guy following a Tornado DDT.

    Match Rating: D+


    A 2-on-2 brawl begins straight after the bell.

    The sWo members eventually drive their rivals from the ring.


    BW Snow sprints down to the ring.



    He takes out both Oz and Chessman with a Double Clothesline and takes a microphone.


    Snow: What do we want?!




    He suddenly realises his mistake.


    Snow: Err... I mean... WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    Cuervo slides into the ring.



    The face-painted luchadore takes out Snow from behind.




    Hollywood re-enters, floors Cuervo and hits the Big Legdrop.


    Nova: Watcha gonna do, Daddy-o, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?


    Espiritu sprints down the aisle way.



    The latest sWo member takes out Nova with a DDT.




    Gertner: Huh?

    Hudson: I'll give you one guess as to what it means.

    Gertner: Err... Well, well, well...

    Hudson: It means "We're Overtaking", fatboy!


    Escoria emerges from the crowd.



    Hudson: Now what?


    Escoria floors his own stablemate.


    Escoria: WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    Gertner: Ha, I think we just saw the first defection!


    Espiritu gets up and clips his associate around the ear.

    Escoria shrugs.


    Espiritu: Tú idiota! Somos el sWo... no el bWo. "WE'RE OVERTAKING!" no el "WE'RE TAKING OVER!" ¿Cuál es incorrecto con ti?


    Escoria: Lo siento.


    Hudson: No, no... I think he was just confused!


    As the two luchadores continue to argue, Big Stevie Cool runs out.



    He soon hits the Stevie Kick on both sWo members.


    Stevie: I say it's about time we restored some order around here. So, I got three words for ya... WE'RE TA...


    Before he can finish, Big Sasuke Cool descends from the rafters with a baseball bat.



    Hudson: Oh, god... will it ever end?

    Gertner: Well, I think both sides are out of members...


    After he takes out Stevie with the bat, he places his hands around his mouth and howls at the crowd.

    Soon, all members of both groups are back in the ring slugging it out.

    Security has to break them up.



    This match is never in doubt, partciularly in view of Mitchell's interference.

    Hatred dominates, winning with a Decapitator Lariat at 8:17

    Match Rating: B-


    After the match, The Sinister Minister takes a microphone.


    Minister: Sabu, you laid down a challenge to Rhino for tonight due to what happened last week. I find that very interesting seeing as it was actually one Nate Hatred that nearly clotheslined you out of your boots. So, Nate and I have decided it's time to remind you who the real threat is, to prove to you that you ain't the icon of hardcore that you used to be. You see, ECW's most extreme athlete is challenging you to a match at Heatwave and he's so damn sure he's gonna win that he's even gonna let you pick the stipulation! Choose, wisely though, Sabu, because your life most likely depends upon it!




    Los Guerreros present the toughest challenge to the Dudleyville Hardcore Champions yet.

    However, as was expected, The Second Generation of Dudleyz plays a large part in ensuring the result.

    Bubba and D-Von retain following a 3D on Chavo in the eleventh minute.

    Match Rating: C


    Chris Jericho is backstage for a shoot promo.



    Jericho: Owen, I hope you don't think that tag match last week proved anything! It wasn't me who tapped to the Sharpshooter; it was Chris Hero and, at Heatwave, I'm not gonna have some useless rookie holding me back. The fact...


    Chris Hero steps into shot.



    Hero: Useless rookie, huh?


    Jericho: Dude, it wasn't peronal. I just...


    Hero: Why don't we see who's really useless. Meet me in a match on revolution, jackass!


    Hero walks off.


    Jericho: Look... I din't mean to... this is between me and Owen.


    The camera zooms out to see Owen Hart who has been watching the whole thin.



    Hart laughs mockingly as the camera cuts back to ringside.



    The match is, unforunately, not as great as one might have hoped.

    However, after what is still a decent hardcore base match-up, Sabu hits the Triple Jump Moonsault.



    Gertner: Rhino ain't going down without a fight!


    "The Soul Taker" strides down to the ring.



    Upon entering, he charges at Rhino with a Big Boot...

    ...but the Man Beast ducks and Sabu is levelled by the size fourteen boot.

    Gore on Calaway!

    Rhino then delivers the Rhino Driver to Sabu.


    Match rating: B


    After the match, Rhino capitalises on his opportunity to dismantle "The Soul Taker" landing sevearl mounted punches before finally maiing his way to the back.




    The match truly lives up to its hype (thank god).

    Both men give their all in a fantastic aerial display.


    In the thirteenth minute, Christopher Daniels emerges from the crowd.



    The Fallen Angel enters the ring and hits the Last Rites on Ultimo Dragon.

    Styles covers for the fall.

    Match Rating: A


    After the match, a 2-on-1 assault begins.


    However, Juventud Guerrera sprints to the ring.



    Hudson: Here comes the cavalry!


    The odds are soon evened.

    That is, until Daniels pulls a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and levels both Guerrera and Ultimo dragon.

    AJ Styles picks up a microphone.


    Styles: Juvi as unwise at it is for you to challenge me again for my Television Title, I do admire your guts. So, consider this my accepting your challenge.


    The crow erupts.


    Styles: But I've already beaten you three times, man, and I'm hardly gonna put my title up for grabs again without something in return. So, the final say lies with you. I'll defend my title if you defend... your mask!


    Hudson: My god, a title versus mask match?

    Gertner: Awesome, we'll get to see Juvi's face.

    Hudson: Well, Styles would have to win first and, either way, I don't think it's as simple as that. Juvi's mask is his entire legacy.

    Gertner: ...as is the TV Title for AJ Styles.

    Hudson: One thing's for sure, if it goes ahead, that will be one hell of a grudge match!


    Show Rating: B

  2. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    Vito Thomaselli vs. Abyss



    Obviously booked by ECW Commissioner, Raven, this match is clearly designed to push Vito to his limits ahead of Heatwave. Raven's ideal situation would be for Vito to lose and, in so doing most likely lose his shot at the title. However, win, lose or draw, at this rate, Vito is sure to be less than 100% come the pay-per-view!




    The bWo vs. The sWo



    It has been spread around the locker room that Oz wants revenge for the bWo's antics last week. The result is this tag team match where two World Orders collide.




    Nate Hatred vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri



    ECW's self-proclaimed "Most Extreme Athlete" goes up against the Japanese Buzzsaw this week on Revolution. With The Sinister Minister sure to be at ringside, does Tajiri really stand a chance at ending Hatred's recent reign of terror?




    Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match


    Los Guerreros vs. The Dudley Boyz




    Eddie and Chavo Jr are the third team to challenge The Dudley Boyz for their Dudleyville Hardcore Championships. Los Guerreros are one hell of a team and, under usual circumstances they might well be the favourites. However, with the Big Balbutient Behemoth, the Angry Asian Inbred and the Lil' Latina Lolita at ringside, the big Dudley deck is certainly stacked.




    Rhino vs. Sabu



    Since Blood, Sweat and Beers, Sabu has apparently claimed that he would have gained retribution on Mark Calaway himself if it were not for Rhino's sudden interference. Therefore, we will once again witness some of the best hardcore pioneers in the world in action!



    World Television Championship Match


    Ultimo Dragon vs. AJ Styles



    Juvi Guerrera's challenge for the TV Title that was laid down last week has still not received a response. As such, the title is eligible for defence in this match against the Champion's newest threat.


    Some fans have expressed surprised that this match has been billed as the main event with Rhino versus Sabu also on the card. However, when two of the top junior workers in the world square off there is no other place on the card it realistically belongs. Get ready for what could be the best aerial display this year!



    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


  3. I hope Balls and Axl win...I hate those damn Dudleys!


    Glad they're having the desired effect :D.


    Damn inbreds...


    Ouch, C+ for Taker vs Sabu...


    Yeah and that was supposed to be my blockbuster main event :rolleyes:.


    loved the whole Traci thing even if it was perhaps the strangest thing I've ever read on here!


    Wondered how that would go down. Do you ever get an idea in your head which you really like but are pretty unsure as to whether it'll work on paper?


    The whole Juvi - Francine thing is interesting fo' sure. If he eventually gets the girl it would be a huge mark out moment, but if, like I suspect, she or he turns on the other it would make for a great feud somewhere down the line. Great stuff.


    Haha, if only you knew the storyline, what you said would be quite funny :p.


    Quote The Raven


  4. Saturday, week 1, August

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




    Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers! I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. I gotta say, man, it looks like some great action we've got lined up.

    Joey: There is no doubt about that, Taz. Vito Thomaselli has his chance to impress Paul E and, perhaps, earn a World Title shot, The Dudley Boyz will defend their newly debuted titles and Juventud Guerrera gets a chance for some sweet revenge against AJ Styles and Chris Daniels.

    Taz: ...and that ain't even mentioning Sabu versus "The Soul Taker"! let's get to it, man.



    Goliath starts off by contolling the match, his size clearly a deciding factor.

    However, Vito is able to land a Dropkick to his opponent's knees that fells the giant and allows him to make a comeback.

    In the ninth minute, he attempts to lift Goliath for the Vito Driver.

    However, the weight is too much.

    He abandons the plan, instead, a forearm to the face which leaves the Giant on his knees.

    Shining Wizard!


    Match Rating: B+


    Taz: Well, if I was Paul E, I'd sure as hell find that impressive... beating a man twice your size!


    The Whole F**kin' Show are standing around backstage.



    RVD: So, ya reckon that's the end of the Dudley troubles?


    Michaels: Not sure I'd go that far but, for the minute, they've got their hands full with Cactus and Dreamer.


    RVD: ...and damn sweet it is too man. I mean, either way, there's only one real Tag Team Championship and we all know who holds it.


    Michaels: Everyone's favourite team...


    RVD: ...and mine...


    Michaels: The Whole...


    RVD: ...F**kin'...


    Both men pause, clearly waiting for someone to finish the phrase.


    Michaels: Where the hell's Trace when you need her?


    RVD: Oh, yeah, I forgot... getting changed I think... seeing as we don't have a match.


    The camera cuts to the bWo who have convened outside the ladies locker room.



    Big Stevie cool is busy removing the "Ladies Locker Room" sign from the door with a screwdriver.

    He goes to hand the screwdriver to BW Snow who is already holding head.


    Snow: Stevie, man, I can't take your tool and have head, can I?


    The other bWo members snicker.


    Snow: What?


    Stevie hands the screwdriver to Da Blue Guy as Hollywood Nova hands him a sign saying "Sasuke World Order".


    Meanie: You sure this is gonna work, chico?


    Stevie: Trust me!


    Stevie screws the new sign onto the door in place of the old one.

    The whole group then ducks behind a heap of backstage equipment.


    Oz makes his way into the corridoor.



    Upon seeing his groups sign on the door he makes his way in.

    A girl's scream can be heard as the bWo, just in shot, try to contain their laughter.


    Traci comes bursting out of the locker room, wearing nothing but her knickers.



    The poor girl runs through the corridoor covering her breasts with her hands.

    Oz runs along behind with his tongue out.


    Stevie: Oh my god, it gets better!


    The camera follows Oz who continues to chase Traci around the corner of the corridoor to the section where Michaels and RVD are still chatting.


    Michaels: What the hell?


    As Traci runs towards the tag champs, RVD removes his t-shirt to cover up his girlfriend.

    Meanwhile, Oz, still in hot pursuit, is hit by Michaels' Super Kick.


    RVD: You okay, Trace?


    Traci: I think so... he just burst in while I was changing!


    Michaels: Bunch of freaks in this place, man!


    The bWo make their way round the corner whistling and wearing guilty expressions.


    Stevie: Don't mind us, guys.


    Nova ushers The Whole F**Kin' Show out of the way as Stevie spray paints a bWo logo over Oz's face.


    Traci: What the f**k is going on around here?


    BW Snow offers his mannequin to Traci.


    Snow: You look stressed, Traci. Would head help?


    As RVD raises his fist to the bWo's newest member, Snow and his associates decide to make a quick exit.


    As the camear cuts back to ringside, Taz is in hysterics.


    Joey: Well, I think the bWo and the sWo might bring a whole new approach to a stable war!




    With the help of their niece and nephews, the Dudley Boyz effectively.

    They win following a 3D on Axl Rotten at 11:16

    Match Rating: C+


    Juventud Guerrera, Ultimo Dragon and Francine are backstage.



    Juvi: Thank you for your help on Monday, man. I can't tell you...


    Ultimo Dragon raises his hand and speaks in his best English.


    Ultimo Dragon: Is no problem. I did what's right.


    Juvi: ...and I thank you for that. We'll kick their asses tonight, huh?


    Ultimo nods and the two men touch fists before he makes his exit.


    Francine: Do you reckon he's on the level?


    Juvi: Ha, you gotta learn to trust people, Franny.


    Francine: Well, I trust you.


    Juvi smiles and leans inwards towards her.


    Francine: I err... mean... I trust that you'll teach those ass holes a lesson tonight.


    Juvi: Franny, I...


    Francine pulls away.


    Francine: Sorry, I think that's my phone.


    Francine takes her silent phone out of her pocket and leaves the room slightly flustered.

    Juvi sighs.


    Juvi: ...I love you.



    The match is a very even contest.

    However, in the twelfth minute, Hart forces Hero to tap to the Sharpshooter.

    Match Rating: B-


    The remnants of Raven's Nest are backstage.



    Raven: What the f**k were you playing at out there?


    Goliath: It's not as if I got any help!


    Raven: You shouldn't have needed any... he's half your size!


    Goliath: Don't worry boss, you can take him.


    Raven: You were supposed to take him, you useless sack of sh*t! I can't face him at Heatwave, understood? He has too much of a point to prove!



    Brandon controls the match quite effectively.

    However, it's abundantly clear that these two do not fit each other's styles.

    The young Italian picks up the victory following a T-Bone Suplex in the seventh minute.

    Match Rating: D-


    As Brandon celebrates, he is attacked by Afa from behind.


    Sal Thomaselli sprints to the ring.



    Brandon's brother soon subdues the Samoan.


    However, The Samoan Gangstas also run out to help their own.



    Before long a 3-on-2 brawl has ensued which has to be seperated by officials.



    This match serves as a great display of all four men's skills and is a stellar aerial contest.

    Guerrera gets the pin on Daniels following a Juvi Driver in the fourteenth minute.

    Match Rating: B+


    As Daniels and Styles make their way to the back, Francine passes a microphone to Juvi Guerrera.


    Guerrera: AJ, I say it's about time you and me settled this, hombre y hombre! So, I'm challenging you one last time for the TV Title at Heatwave and, seeing as we both got back up now, it should be a clean fight for once. So, mark it in your diary, essa... August 28... the night you lose your title!



    Considering this is the main event of ECW's flagship show, it's a train wreck.

    The two men clearly have zero chemistry and struggle to string a decent set of moves together.

    In the tirteenth minute, both men are down. Sabu is the first to start to rise.


    Nate Hatred emerges from the crowd.



    Before Sabu can capitalise on his position, he is caught by the Decapitator Lariat!


    Taz: Man, that's the stiffest damn clothesline in the business!

    Joey: ...and Sabu's out!


    As Hatred leaves as quickly as he arrived, Calaway comes to.

    Sabu is lifted to his feet.



    Match Rating: C+ (Ugh... :mad:)


    As "The Soul Taker" raises his hand in victory, Rhino sprints to the ring.



    Calaway turns, seeing the oncoming threat a little too late...



    Joey: My god, Calaway nearly got Gored out of the ring!

    Taz: Yeah, and after all the sh*t that Rhino's been dishing out, I think The Man Beast is gonna have to be damn careful at Heatwave!

    Joey: Can you imagine the carnage when these two go one-on-one?

    Taz: Joey, man... I can't wait!


    Show Rating: B-

  5. Hey!

    as some of you might know I'm the "official" pic cutter for ECW" Worldwide. And today I have cut something special for all of those who have downloaded the DATA and plays as WWF (sorry nevermore, but I can't book ecw as good as you so WWf it is)

    So here goes--- The new Spinner Intercontinental championship


    and the championship holder



    use if you like--- Game---OVER!


    I... I... feel so used.




    Quote The Raven


  6. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


    Vito Thomaselli vs. Goliath



    Raven's monster, Goliath, is a nemesis that Vito and his brothers have faced many times before. However, this time, the stakes are raised as Vito's performance could affect Paul E's decision on the Number One Contendership to the World Title. Certainly, a win here would push the young Italian closer to his goal of facing Raven at Heatwave but a win is far from certain against Goliath.




    Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match


    Balls & Axl vs. The Dudley Boyz



    After their victory last week over The Samoan Gangstas, Balls & Axl have become the second contenders to The Dudleyville Hardcore Championship. With their relatives ringside, Bubba and D-Von will be looking to make a statement ahead of their title defence against The Hardcore Innovators at Heatwave.




    Owen Hart & Jerry Lynn vs. Chris Jericho & Chris Hero



    This match follows a simple concept: Hart wants Jericho and Lynn wants Hero... Therefore Owen and Jerry will face Chris and... Chris. Jerry Lynn is sure not to have forgotten the humiliating assault he suffered at the hands of Hero, just as Hart is unlikely to have forgiven Jericho's lack of respect. Will the veterans cement their place as the men to be beaten or will youth and energy prevail?




    Afa vs. Brandon Thomaselli



    Both of these men have proven themselves in the tag team ranks, one as a World Cup standout, the other as a former Tag Team Champion. Now, both Afa and Brandon seek to make an impact on the singles ranks.




    AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Juventud Guerrera & Ultimo Dragon



    A fierce rivalry has been building between Styles and Guerrera for the last few months. Christopher Daniels made his presence known to Juventud at Summer Assylum, costing him the TV Title and aligning himself with the champion. During a 2-on-1 beating on Revolution, it was Ultimo Dragon who came to the aid of the luchadore for unknown reasons and, now, it's time to see which alliance is stronger.




    Mark Calaway vs. Sabu



    Despite being partners on Monday night, these two men soon found themselves coming to blows after "The Soul Taker" picked up a pinfall that Sabu believed to be rightfully his. No matter how petty the reason for the fallout may appear, there is nothing petty about either of these two performers or their legendary careers. Will Sabu make Calaway just another casualty in a video package of "The Human Highlight Reel" or will "The Soul Taker" claim another victim?



    ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

    Now on FX


  7. Most of my favourites (Pixies references, Jessica Bunny etc.) have gone but a few things I've noticed in the past.


    One of Bruce The Giant's moves was Brucey Bonus and any reference to Bruce Forsythe in the context of wrestling cracks me right up :D.


    JD (Jeff Daneil) Morgan could also be a reference to Jeff Dean Morgan???


    The other two I just wanted to check.


    First, Tommy Cornell's brother is Eddie and I wondered if this was, in any way, a reference to Eddie/Tommy Gilbert.


    Second, I distinctly remember some not particularly interesting worker being present in TEW 2004 called Danny Cavanagh (he seems to have disappeared since). As it happens, Danny Cavanagh is the guitarist and songwriter for Anathema, one of my favourite bands. However, this could easily be wishful thinking and just a coincidence.


    Quote The Raven


  8. *Amended show*


    Monday, week 1, August

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




    Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

    Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

    Hudson: ECW's first broadcast for the month of August promises to be a great show as we are set to see The Dudleyz make the first defence of their new Tag Team Titles as well as Juventud Guerrera and Rey Mysterio Jr revisit their universally acclaimed best-of-seven-series!

    Gertner: ...and lets not forget the main event, Scotty boy. That one could degenerate more quickly than one of my trips to the local girls' school.

    Hudson: Joel, have you ever considered restraining yourself from making such comments?

    Gertner: Of course I have; I just thought better of it in the end.




    The match is a fairly even contest. Taht is until the interference from The Second Generation starts to tell.

    The Dudleyz begin to dominate.

    However, by the ninth minute the bWo have mounted a comeback and Big Stevie Cool hits the Stevie kick on D-Von.


    Chessman and Oz emerge from under the ring.



    The two sWo members grab the Dudley Boyz' titles from ringside, slide into the ring and take out Stevie and Nova with the gold.

    Bubba and D-Von capitalise by hitting the 3D on Nova as the intruders make a quick escape.


    Match Rating: C+


    Hudson: Well, the Dudleyville Hardcore Championship hardly gets off to a prestigious start as The Dudleyz needed outside interference to retain.

    Gertner: They didn't needed, Hudson, but the bWo certainly had it coming!


    As The Dudley Family celebrate in the ring, The Hardcore Innovators run out with their Singapore canes.



    They immeditale floor the Dudleyville Champions with several cane shots.

    The Second generation enter the ring.

    Cane shot to Big Dick.

    ...and one to BANZAI.

    ...and Daizy.

    Cactus Jack sets up Dick for a DDT under his left arm as Dreamer sets up Ultimo Dudley for one under his right arm.

    They then both take Daizy under their free arms.

    DDT to all three Second Generation Dudleyz!


    Hudson: There's an invasion in Dudleyville!

    Gertner: ...and the first family just got annihilated.


    The Innovators pick up a pair of microphones.


    Cactus: The Dudleyville Hardcore Championships? You think you're hardcore? You don't know the f**king meaning of the word!


    Dreamer: You inbreds better listen up good 'cos me and Cactus are laying down a challenge for those titles at Heatwave!


    Cactus: ...and when we kick your asses all over again, we'll rechristen those titles the ECW Hardcore Tag Team Championships because there is only one extreme team in ECW and it's the Hardcore Innovators!



    The match merely acts as a means of exposure for both teams and, as such, both duos see ample offence.

    Despite the presence of their brother, Afa, at ringside The Samoan Gangstas are defeated when Anoai suffers the Nutcracker Suite.

    Match Rating: C-


    Kurt Angle and Chris Hero are backstage.



    Angle: Great work last week, kid.


    Hero: Don't mention it. It's a pleasure to be working with someone like you.


    Angle: Well, either way, that was perfect... you laid him out damn good.


    Hero: ...and that distraught face you were pulling. Priceless, man.


    Angle laughs as the camera cuts back to ringside.



    The match is an even contest and a good technical display.

    However, it is clear that both men are holding a little something back.

    In the twelfth minute, Jericho forces Benoit to tap to the Walls Of Jericho.

    Match Rating: B-


    As Jericho celebrates his win, Owen Hart makes his way to the ring with a microphone.



    Hart: That was one hell of a performance, Jericho, seriously! I mean, for a guy who's only been in tag matches for months, you don't even look too rusty.


    Jericho looks pissed.


    Hart: ...and, considering you haven't held a title in, what, a year? That was, meh... not too bad.


    The Lionheart goes to grab the mic.


    Hart: Woah, woah... you act like you're offended. Don't be, take it as a genuine appraisal. You see, I was a big fan of yours...


    Owen pauses.


    Hart: ...until you turned into a disrespectful little punk!


    The two men go nose to nose.

    Jericho rips the mic away.


    Jericho: It ain't disrespectful... I'm just better than you!


    Owen: Bullsh*t!


    Jericho: Face it, old man...


    Owen: No, you face this... if you're so f**king sure of yourself, how about you and me ago one-on-one at Heatwave?


    Jericho: You're on, old-timer!


    The crowd erupts.


    Hudson: Wow, that will be one hell of a match!

    Gertner: The card's already looking pretty damn good and we're not even a week from Summer Assylum!


    Traci and Francine are chatting in an otherwise empty locker room.



    Traci: She just really gets under my skin y'know... and even worse than that trashy little bitch is her uncles. I mean, I know they've just debuted their new little, inferior titles but I kinda get the feeling that don't mean they've finished their beef with Shawn and Robbie, y'know?


    Francine nods.


    Traci: Anyway, what's with you? Ya look even more bummed than me?


    Francine sighs.


    Francine: Aah, nothing.


    Traci: Come on, Franny, spill.


    Francine: Well, it's Juvi.


    Traci: Haha, yeah, you two seem to be getting pretty cosy.


    Francine shakes her head.


    Francine: That's just it. He really seems to like me.


    Traci: Well, great.


    Francine: It's just that...


    Traci: Yeah?


    Francine: Well, I've kinda knocked him back a couple a times.


    Traci: What, he actually asked you out?


    Francine: No, we've just had a couple of... moments... y'know?


    Traci: ...and you knocked him back?!


    Francine: I don't exactly have the greatest track record.


    Traci: So?


    Francine: So... I really... I mean, really... like him, y'know?


    Traci: You mean you love him?


    Francine stays silent.


    Traci: Franny?


    Francine: I don't know... I've never... I mean, of course I've... but I've never actually...


    Traci: You mean you've never actually loved someone before?


    Francine: ...and I just don't want to hurt him, y'know? He's got enough to deal with without me making things worse.


    Traci laughs.


    Traci: But, Franny, you could make things a lot better for him!


    Francine: Me? Are you kidding? I've only ever been with men for their money.


    Traci: Girl, you have got problems... Just talk to him. Be honest, see what he thinks.


    Francine frowns.


    Francine: Oh, yeah, sure. That'll work.


    She pauses.


    Francine: I think it's better to just avoid the heartache.


    Traci: If that's what you think's best but, for what it's worth, I reckon you're making a big mistake.



    This match is nothing short of a destruction.

    Teddy Hart has little opportunity show any skill whatsoever.

    Paul Burchill picks up the win following a Moonsault at 7:19

    Match Rating: C+


    Vito Thomaselli approaches Paul Heyman backstage.



    Vito: Hey, Paul E.


    Heyman: Vito, man, what I can I do for you?


    Vito: My family has been disrespected by Raven and CM Punk, Paul E, disrespected and, in some cases, physically injured. I took out Punk at Summer Assylum and, now, I want Raven.


    Heyman: You got him on Saturday night, then.


    Vito: No, Paul E, I don't think you get it. I want him at Heatwave... for the title.


    Paul E smiles.

    Vito doesn't.


    Heyman: Your serious?


    Vito: Of course I'm serious. I beat the f**ker one on one a few weeks ago.


    Heyman: ...thanks to interference from Taker.


    Vito: ...who I would have beaten clean in a First Blood Match had Raven not changed the stipulation!


    Heyman thinks.


    Heyman: You have a point.


    Vito: I may be small, Paul E, but I could kick the ass of anyone on this roster and I think you know it. You're supposed to give us guys a chance at the top spot. Well, here's your opportunity to do just that. I know you don't want Raven as champion and no one has more motivation to destroy him than I do. Just give me the chance and I'll make you proud, Paul.


    Heyman: I'll tell you what, I'll give it some serious thought.


    Vito: You do that.



    The two luchadores start the match a handshake that is greeted by a standing ovation.

    The match is a reminder of just how good their best-of-seven-series was and, indeed, is a great display of aerial wrestling.

    Juvi Guerrera picks up the win with a 450 Splash at 13:42

    Match Rating: B


    Rey leaves the ring as Guerrera celebrates with Francine.

    The luchadore and his manager hug.

    The same chants as last week ring out.


    "Kiss her, Juvi!"

    *Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


    Juvi takes Francines chin in his handbut she shies away.

    As she makes to leave, looking embarrased, he takes a mic from ringside.


    Juvi: Francine, wait. There's something I've been meaning to say.


    Francine turns to face him.


    Juvi: Franny, I l...


    Francine eases the mic away from his mouth.


    Francine: Juvi, it doesn't matter. I can't trust mys...


    Suddenly, Francine is knocked out from behind by AJ Styles.



    Before Juvi can come to her aid, though, he is beaten down in a 2-on1 assault.


    Daniels: Whatever you were gonna say, Juvi. I've gotta say something more important. I am sick of being held back around here!


    The jeers ring out around the arena.


    Daniels: You see, people have been wondering why I've aligned myself with AJ Styles. The reason is pretty f**king simple. I wanted to get noticed because the management has failed to give me anything to work with despite my International All Action Title reign and my obvious proficiency as an all-round wrestler. So, what better way to get noticed than to team up with ECW's brightest young star and, in the process, kick an overrated, filthy little Mexican, who's too damn ugly to show his face, the hell out of the way?


    As the jeers continue, Styles and Daniels lay the boots into Guerrera.


    Ultimo Dragon sprints to the ring.



    He slides in and immediately floors Styles with a Clothesline.

    Daniels is met by a Spinning Heel Kick.


    Gertner: What the hell is Ultimo Dragon doing here?

    Hudson: He probably judt doesn't want to see a competitor as great as Juvi Guerrera get blindsided.


    Daniels and Styles make a hasty retreat as Ultimo Dragon helps up Francine and Guerrera.



    The match is an even contest from the very start and is a wild brawl all the way to the end.

    In the fourteenth minute, Sabu hits the Triple Jump Moonsault on Nate Hatred.

    However, he notices Rhino lurking and brawls with the Man Beast to the outside rather than make the cover.

    Taker picks up Hatred and delivers the Chokeslam.


    Match Rating: B


    After the match, Sabu re-enters the ring and pulls Calaway to face him.

    He pushes the giant, clearly feeling that it was his right to make the pin on his rival.

    Taker merely smiles and turns away.

    Sabu picks up a nearby chair, again, turns "The Soul Taker" around, and rifles the steel into his head.


    Hudson: My god, he just levelled Calaway!


    Calaway collapses in a heap as Sabu points to the skies.

    However, before Sabu can oleave the ring, "The Soul Taker" sits up like an animated corpse from a horror movie.

    Sabu lands several punches on the giant on his way up but they have little effect.



    Gertner: Well, that partnership didn't last very long.


    Suddenly, Hatred and Rhino storm the ring, and take out Calaway from behind.

    The show goes off air as the two ambushers lay the boots into their respective rivals.


    Show Rating: B+

  9. Now, see, Game, this is why I love your pictures, man. It's not so much that your cuts are particularly better or worse than anyone elses; it's that your conceptual ideas are always nothing short of brilliant.


    That is a fantastic promo pic, mate. Thanks and damn good work ;).


    Quote The Raven


  10. From ECW.com


    Confirmed for Revolution:


    Dudleyville Hardcore Championship Match


    The bWo vs. The Dudley Boyz




    The bWo receive the...ahem... "honour" of being the first team to challenge for The Dudleyville Hardcore Tag Team Titles. Bubba Ray and D-Von are sure to be determined to prove that their newly debuted belts are as respectable as the real thing and "The Second Generation" are sure to join their uncles at ringside.




    Balls & Axl vs. The Samoan Gangstas



    The Samoan Gangstas enter into their first match outside of the World Cup, with their brother, Afa, at ringside, against the well-established team of the hardcore chair-swinging freaks. A combined 700lbs of Samoan manpower meets the two toughest bastards to ever crack a cranium; not for the faint of heart!




    Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit



    With Christian recently leaving ECW and heading to the WWA, it's up to Chris Jericho to prove he's still got what it takes as a singles competitor. As for Chris Benoit, he's been without a title for a long time and he sees this as his chance to, once again, stamp his mark of authority on ECW.




    Paul Burchill vs. Teddy Hart



    Unfortunately for Teddy Hart, his singles debut comes against "The New Franchise". If you don't agree that Paul Burchill is one of the best workers on the planet, you simply cannot deny that he has the potential to become so. Hart will certainly have a mountain to climb in order to win this one.




    Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.



    Juvi Guerrera will, undoubtedly, want another shot at AJ Styles' TV Title which so many people feel he truly deserves. However, after suffering three losses, he, surely needs a win here, to prove to Paul E that a rematch will be marketable. The problem is that a win is far from guaranteed when facing the sheer brilliance that is Rey Mysterio Jr. You may well remember the Best-Of-Seven-Series between these two last year and, if that is anything to go by, this should be a phenomenal match!




    Sabu & Mark Calaway vs. Nate Hatred & Rhino



    Paul E made this match after the confusion that surrounded Blood Sweat and Beers' main event last week. In the words of Joey Styles and Taz "Nate Hatred just cost Sabu the match! While Calaway tried to cost Rhino the match but actually decked Sabu ...and now Hatred and Rhino look ready to square-off!".


    Following? No, nor us. Still what is clear is that neither of these teams are exactly "on the same page". With the animosity that has grown between all four men it seems likely, if not inevitable, that this will merely descend into a four-way brawl. But, frankly, we don't see a problem in that at all!


    Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


  11. Will the Rock be an active talent for the promotion?


    He will be as will be Flair (though, Im sure Naitch will retire pretty soon). Rock's their top heel and Flair their top face along with Sting. So, by no means are they a slouch.


    Plus there's always ROH to pillage should they wish to :p. Bar AJ Styles, I've tried to avoid that, though.


    Quote The Raven


  12. Did you add WWA yourself or did the AI do it?


    Did it myself, mate.


    Everyone decent talent or popularity wise (save for very few exceptions) are either with WWF or ECW. As such, I set 'em up manually with a half-estalbished roster ahead of playing the data to give 'em a fighting chance.


    Quote The Raven


  13. http://www.pwinsider.com/images/logo.gif


    An Unlikely Alliance

    by Mike Johnson




    Today, Dwayne "Rock" Johnson announced his full-time return to wrestling as the business partner of Ric Flair. The latter, who has just walked away from his expired WWF contract, has figureheaded a move that may change the face of American wrestling. Together with his new partner, he has founded the WWA!


    The WWA (an acronym linked to both the titles "West-colubia Wrestling Alliance" and "World Wrestling Alliance") apparently aims to inherit the mantle of the now-defunct NWA. Indeed, the two owners agreed to start the promotion as a mainstream alternative to the WWF without the need for ECW's arguably "gratuitous" style. West Columbia, South Carolina has been chosen as the headquarters as a location in between the residencies of both founders, free of the obvious connetations that would manifest if it were based in Georgia.


    With Dusty Rhodes as headbooker and a roster rumoured to include such names as Christian Cage, Dustin Rhodes and even Sting, the WWA plans to tread a fine line between ECW and WWF. Where those two promotions focus almost solely on in-ring talent and popularity respectively, The Alliance plans to incorporate both models. The vision was laid out fairly clearly:


    "I very much enjoyed my years with the WWF but I now believe that wrestling fans across the world deserve an alternative to Sports Entertainment without having to grow accustomed to a hardcore, cult-like style."


    - Ric Flair, new joint-owner of the WWA


    However, not all parties were so entusiastic. Vince McMahon is said to be furious with Flair's decision and "disappointed" with The Rock, who he had apparently assumed would eventually sign a full-time contract with the WWF once again.


    "I wish Ric and Dwayne all the best in their future endeavours but they must realise that they are now my business competitors and I don't treat such acquintances with a great deal of understanding."


    - Vince McMahon, Chairman of the WWF


    ECW management seemed surprisingly accepting of the move, though, clearly not taking such an adversarial stance as McMahon. This occurs even in spite of Jay Reso, AKA Christian Cage, choosing to sign a written contract with the WWA.


    "The truth is that we'd be lying if we said we'd had any specatcular creative plans for Christian as of late. We understand his decision and wish him all the best...


    ...as for their [the WWA's] plans, we're not too bothered. We prefer to focus on our own product as that's the only real way to improve. Besides, we know what it's like to be plundered and pissed on by bigger companies so we won't be dishing out any lowblows ourselves if we can avoid it."


    - Paul Heyman, ECW Chief Talent Official


    Regardless of the vastly differing attitudes, one thing is certain: with a third national promotion in the USA, the dynamics of the industry will certainly be changed!

  14. Nevermore - great show


    Game-face - Love the banner. you always do such great work, it so compliments the writing, and Gives that old school Ec-dub feel.


    Cheers bud... and I echo that sentiment to Game whole-heartedly.


    Data for '08 is nearly ready. Woot :D! I've put in one major diefference to the gameworld in order to see one of the game's new feautures in action. This will be explained in a news-type post shortly.


    Quote The Raven


  15. Saturday, week 4, July

    <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




    Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the first episode of ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers to be broadcast love on FX! I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

    Taz: Thanks, Joey. I say we give FX something to know that they've invested in the right company tonight.

    Joey: I couldn't agree more and, in vies of the matches that are on tonight's crad, I don't think we should have any trouble doing that.

    Taz: Particularly with the after effects of Summer Assylum still to come. I mean, man, can you imagine how pissed Calaway is gonna be with Rhino?

    Joey: ...and that's not all, Juventud Guerrera wants some retribution of his own on Christopher Daniels, while the Whole F**kin' Showare still hanging on to their Tag Titles despite two fantastic duos snapping at their heels.

    Taz: Oh, man, let's get to it!



    The match is an impressive technical display and a great way to kick off the show.

    Owen Hart forces Storm to tap to the Sharpshooter at 10:17

    Match Rating: B-


    Chris Jericho appears at the entrance way.



    Jericho: Good show, Owen. Good show.


    Owen glares up the aisle-way.


    Jericho: What? You act like I'm not genuine. I mean, seriously, for a guy who's closing in on retirement, arthritis and old person's homes, that was an above average performance.


    Hart, unamused, motions that Jericho should watch his words.


    Jericho: But, despite your efforts being a true inspiration for asll those facing a midlife crisis, I'm afraid to say that you're in the wrong place. You may be about ready to go out to pasture, Owen, but ECW is too intense a place for a last hurrah. What is it, nearly nine months you've been here now and you haven't even come close to a title?


    The "OWEN! OWEN! OWEN!" chants ring out as Hart looks increasingly pissed.


    Jericho: Don't take this as an insult, man. I was big fan of yours, a massive fan, in fact, before I realised that wearing skimpy pink lycra and cutting your hair into a mullet that would disgrace even Billy-Ray Cyrus just isn't that cool. So, here's a free tip from a former fan to a former athlete, go back to the Federation, where having a few extra pounds around the centre is a good thing and don't waste your time embarrasing yourself or, more imporatntly, the great nation of Canada by sticking around here any longer.


    Owen takes a mic from a ring hand.


    Owen: Hey, do you know who the f**k I am? You don't disrespect someone of my stature if...


    Jericho: ...and what stature is that? Hunchbacked, overweight, bowing at the knees?


    Owen: Ten years ago, you'd have had your ass kicked for even insinuating that...


    Jericho: (adopts an elderly accent) Back in my day, sonny, we had respect for our elders. (drops the accent) Well, guess what, Owen? It ain't your f**king day anymore. Oh, and by the way, ten years ago, I was a World Champion an achievement I have more far chance of revisiting than a semi-crippled old hack like you!


    Jericho motions to the crowd, who respond with notable animosity, before heading to the back.


    Taz: Wow, I don't know whether to admire Jericho's confidence or criticise his stupidity!

    Joey: Well, one way or another you can certainly criticise his sheer lack of respect.


    Jerry Lynn comes to the ring awaiting the arrival of Kurt Angle.



    Angle does not appear.


    Joey: Well, we always said this match wasn't a definite and it looks like Angle has pulled a no-show.


    Angle's music hits and the Olympic Hero appears at the entrance-way.



    Taz: I think you spoke to soon, Joe.


    Angle: Jerry, my friend, I'm sorry to put you in a position but I'm afraid my situation has not changed. My broken neck still prevents me from competing and I doubt that will be changing anytime soon.


    Lynn: That's a crock of sh*t, Kurt, and you know it! You jumped me from behind during the World Cup Quarter-Final!


    Angle: As I said, Jerry, that episode was diagnoased as Subconscious Independent Retribution The...


    Lynn: Horesh*t, Kurt! Horse-f**king-sh*t! There's no such damn symptom and there is no way you are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress, you lying son of a bitch. Y'know, the bit that pisses me off the most is that you'd put all of this on during an on-screen angle, so that these fans and even I had all the sympathy in the world for you... and how do you repay it Kurt... with this stab in the f**king back! Now, either you come down here so I can kick you ass or I'm coming up there!


    Chris Hero makes an appearance.



    Hero: Hey, dickbreath, are you deaf?


    Taz: What the hell does this kid want?

    Joey: Well, we know Chris Hero has a habit of involving himself in business that doesn't concern him. Remember his confrontation with "The Soul Taker" a few weeks ago?


    Hero: It's well known that I am the Saviour of ECW and one of the responsibilities that comes with such a title is standing up for those who cannot defend themselves. So, Mr Angle, it would be an honour for me to take your place in this match.


    Angle nods in acceptance.


    Joey: Is he joking?

    Taz: I don't think so, Joey. I think we've got a match on our hands.



    The match is a fairly even contest but Jerry Lynn's experience shows as he controls the pace.

    He pins Hero following a Cradle Piledriver at 11:43

    Match Rating: B-


    Joey: ...and I don't think anyone here is surprised that Jerry Lynn is perfectly capable of shutting Chris Hero's mouth.

    Taz: Well, hold up their Joe, I don't think Hero's done by a long shot.


    Indeed, Chris Hero jumps Lynn from behind after the bell and lays in the boots.

    Kurt Angle looks distraught as his long-time friend is beaten senseless in the ring. However, he does not intervene.


    Joey: Jerry Lynn's getting the crap kicked out of him and Angle's doing nothing.

    Taz: Come on, Joey. He has a broken neck.

    Joey: No way, Taz. Kurt Angle having a broken neck seems about as likely as hearing some decent play-by-play from Jim Ross. This was his chance to prove he hadn't sold out Jerry Lynn and, in my eyes, at least, he's failed to do that pretty emphatically!


    Backstage, Mark Calaway strides up to Paul Heyman.



    Heyman: Taker, what can I do for...


    "The Soul Taker" lifts up the Chief Talent Official by his throat.


    Taker: Cut the f**king pleasantries, Paul E. I came here trying to make friends and that's done f**k all for me. So, here's the thing, I want something and you have the power to give me what I want.


    Heyman coughs and splutters, turning red in the face.


    Taker: ...and I have the power to throw you right through this wall. Understood?


    Heyman does his best to reply.


    Heyman: I know... you want Raven but I can't just...


    Taker slams Paul against the corridoor wall.


    Taker: Hell no! I want Rhino and I want that son of a bitch at Heatwave!


    Heyman merely nods, clearly close to passing out.

    Calaway drops him and walks off as the boss slumps to the floor.



    The match is a decent, aerial based spectacle.

    Juvi Guerrera maintains the upper-hand throughout and, surprisingly, AJ Styles does not appear.

    The Luchadore wins following a 450 Splash at 12:19

    Match Rating: C+


    Raven is in a dark corner of the arena, backstage



    Raven: Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions. Watch your actions for they become your habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. What about me? What about Raven? My thoughts are never less than greatness and, thus, in greatness shall my destiny forever remain. Even when the popular prophecy cried out that I would lose my title, I remained victorious as I always will and, while it is a fearful thing to love what death can touch, I fear death no more than he fears me.


    So it is written; so it shall come to pass


    Quote The Raven




    The match is an extremely even contest and a great example of the depth of the ECW roster.

    In the tenth minute, Tajiri sets up The Great Sasuke for a Brainbuster Suplex.


    However, Oz emerges from under the ring with a lead pipe.



    The face-painted weirdo clocks Tajiri in the back of the head, allowing his master to hit the Michinoku Driver.


    Match Rating: C+


    The rest of the Sasuke World Order make their way to the ring.



    Espiritus offers Sasuke a flag that bears the ECW logo.

    Cuervo and Escoria then pull out cans of spraypaint and, in red and black, paint the logo of the sWo.




    Joey: I have to say; I find it difficult to remember what ECW was like without a maniacal masked-man hellbent on World domination.

    Taz: Err... Joey... are you seeing what I'm seeing?

    Joey: Hang on...

    Taz: Exactly... two Chessmans.

    Joey: Chessmen.

    Taz: Whatever.


    As if on cue, one of the Chessmen Super Kicks The Great Sasuke.

    The rest of the group look stunned and Cuervo flaps his arms about in what must be some weird Mexican way of communicating.


    The Chessman tears away his shirt and wipes the facepaint from his face.



    Joey: It's Big Stevie Cool!


    Stevie Stevie Kicks Chessman.

    Oz tries to apprehend the infiltrator and gets Stevie kicked.

    So does Cuervo...

    ...and Espiritu.

    Escoria is the final member of the sWo to charge at Stevie.

    However, the leader of the bWo motions ofr him to stop.

    Escoria does so.


    Taz: Err... what the?


    Stevie seizes the opportunity to pull his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on.

    Escoria charges again.

    Again, Stevie motions for him to stop.

    The luchadore obliges as Richards takes his shades back off, breathes on them and wipes them on his shirt.

    He then puts them back on and motions for Escoria to contiunue.



    Joey: Big Stevei Cool just cleaned house!


    Stevie then picks up the microphone from a lifeless Great Sasuke.


    Stevie: No, bitch. WE'RE TAKING OVER!


    The other members of the bWo emerge from the crowd.



    The group then sets about spraying "bWo", in blue, on the backs of every sWo member.

    Hollywood Nova can't pass up the opportunity for his cue before they leave.


    Nova: Whatcha gonna do, Daddy-O, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?!


    Meanie: Yeah... Chico.


    Meanie lets out his trademark giggle and the group head to the back.



    Both teams come out looking to impress and what follows is an impressive tag team display.

    It follows a standard, psychology heavy basis.


    That is until The Dudleyz appear.



    Cactus Jack is caught with a trash can lid to the head from Ultimo Dudley II.

    Tommy Dreamer, meanwhile, suffers the 3-D at the hands of Bubba and D-Von.

    And, finally, Cactus Jack is hit by Dick Jr's Total Penetration.

    RVD covers.


    Match Rating: B


    After the match, the typical floor-rolling begins between Traci and Melina as HBK and RVD go nose-to-nose with the former Tag Champs.

    However, the numbers game is immediately effective as they are jumped from behind by "The Second Generation".

    After she takes out Traci, Melina takes a bag from ringside and joins her family.


    D-Von pulls out what is inside the bag.



    Daizy: My relatives are getting pretty damn sick of the situation with the ECW Tag Division!


    She hands the mic to her uncle D-Von.


    D-Von: Oh, my sister, TESTIFY! You see, back in the day, when my brother, Bubba, and I came to ECW their was a real class in the tag division rather than having a pair of flippity-floppity retards as champions who can't even spell psychology.


    D-Von pauses.


    D-Von: Actually, how do you spell that?


    The rest of the family just shrug.


    D-Von: Regardless, my point remains the same and that is why we have brought these with us tonight. Some of you may recognise these. They are the old World Tag Team Championships back from when Bubba and I were dominating anything that stood in our path. So, since Paul Heyman won't give us a fair crack at the Whole F**kin' Show's titles, we thought we'd rechristen these as the Dudleyville Hardcore Titles!


    Bubba takes the mic.


    Bubba: These championships will represent what ECW wrestling used to be about: grit, determination and tougness and as long as the D...D..D.D.D...DD.D.DD...D...D...


    D-Von rips the mic from his brother and hands it to Ultimo Dudley II.

    The young Japanese inbred promptly breaks out in a dance.


    Ultimo Dudley: I'm turing Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I rearry think so. I'm tur...


    D-Von glares at his nephew who promptly stops.


    Ultimo Dudley: What? I no speak Ingrish!


    Daizy takes the mic away from him and hands it to her half-brother, half-boyfriend, Big Dick Jr.


    Dick Jr: Thou shalt not mess with the D...D.DD..D...D.DD..D...DD.D...D...


    Bubba rips the mic off Dick.


    Bubba: D...D..DD.D...D..D...D.D...DD.D...D...


    D-Von now snatches the mic back.


    D-Von: DUDLEYZ!


    Joey: The Dudleyville Hardcore Titles?

    Taz: Well, I guess there's room for another title with all the talent we got, Joe.

    Joey: Yeah, but does anyone really want to be the champion of Dudleyville?



    Rhino does not dominate to quite the extent he has in recent matches but it's still pretty clear who is in charge of the match.

    By the thirteenth minute, the result seems in little doubt.


    However, "The Soul Taker" strides down to the ring with his biker chain wrapped around his fist.



    He slides into the ring and looks for the Big Boot on Rhino.

    However, The Man Beast ducks underneath and Sabu is hit instead.

    As Taker turns round he is hit by the Gore!

    Rhino then covers Sabu.




    Nate Hatred emerges from the crowd.



    As the match looks set to kick off again, Rhino hits Sabu with a haymaker that sends him spinning around...

    ...as Nate Hatred slides into the ring...


    Rhino covers.


    Match Rating: A


    Joey: Nate Hatred just cost Sabu the match!

    Taz: While Calaway tried to cost Rhino the match but actually decked Sabu.

    Joey: ...and now Hatred and Rhino look ready to square-off!


    The show goes off air as the two behemoths stare each other down.


    Show Rating: A

  16. yea, sorry, I meant 04, then 05 and then 07 :)


    Trell's hit the money I'm afraid, boys. 10 points to him :p.


    Game started way back on '04. I then updated to '05 and started the dynasty. Then, I updated it to '07 and sorted out the stats - hence why all the ridiculous amounts A*s ceased :D.


    Yes, I do plan to continue this on '08. I've just booked my last show on '07 which should be up as soon as I have the time to write it out.


    Quote The Raven


  17. so nevermore are there politicans in your rooster? i mean people who dont want to job and so on? would like to know who that would be....


    Yeah man. Some, I've carried their personalities over from the previous data and others I have "estinated" what their personality would be based upon their experinces. So, a few for instances:


    1. 'Cos this started in '94, Shawn Michaels isn't the born again Christian he is in real life. He's still a backstage nightmare.
    2. I've set Burchill to be a bit of a Prima Donna. I figure having such a good run so young would kinda make your head swell.
    3. Juvi Guerrera isn't a politician but is the very definition of "Flaky".
    4. Jerry Lynn is still the awesome nice guy he always is/was/will be.


    Quote The Raven


  18. Have finally gotten the time to sit down and catch up on things in this great diary. Man let me say that you are sick. In a good way.


    Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Enjoying it as always.


    Thank you very much boys.


    I'm so glad I finally sorted out the tag division. It's made stuff so much more fun/easy to write.


    Quote The Raven


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